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Wednesday, November 7, 2018
The return of Minamata disease - Marine pollution of plastic waste becomes serious 1
The return of Minamata disease - Marine pollution of plastic waste becomes serious
The waste of plastic has expanded into marine pollution and emerged as a new global environmental problem. The European Union has launched a ban on the use of disposable plastic products by 2030. The main seven countries (G7) Summit also read the discussion.
Every year, about eight million ton of plastic waste produced in each country are eroding the sea, and the adverse effects on organisms and ecosystems are aggravated by microscopic particles decomposed by wave power and ultraviolet rays (mili less than 5 micro-plastics).
●Adverse effects on serious seafood the marine pollution of waste plastic is not a thing that started now. In the 1970s, there were many cases where sea birds were not able to fly with fishing threads, or the turtle accidentally swallowed plastic pieces and died. The "Pacific Garbage belt" which was able to accumulate plastic garbage by the ocean currents in the latter half of the 1990s was considered a problem. It is said that the area is four times the role of Japan land. At the G7 summit held in Canada in June this year, the "Marine Plastic Charter" was adopted that included numerical targets to reduce plastic waste in the ocean.
By the way Japan government has been seeing the signing of this Charter with the United States government. In the survey results of the World Economic Forum, the plastic garbage that flows out to the ocean is about 8 million ton a year. It is said that it is 150 million ton drifting in the sea. If this condition is neglected, it is warned that the total amount of seafood is exceeded by 50. In addition, 90% of the garbage found at deeper depths than 6000 meters were disposable plastic bags and plastic bottles. The serious thing is that these plastic garbage micro-plastics absorb harmful chemicals. The harmful substances are accumulated and condensed in the body by eating plankton and seafood. It seems that it is desperate to have a bad influence on the living thing including man in the food chain. This is the world's return of Minamata disease.