Saturday, November 24, 2018

The 21st century is the era of hydrogen civilization 1 - the fuel cell

The 21st century is said to be "the age of Hydrogen civilization" in the 21st century, and its efforts are accelerating toward that era. The core of the technology is the fuel cell (FC: FUELCELL). There are three flows depending on the application. One is stationary type for home and business use. The second is for automotive vehicles and is already attracting attention as a fuel cell vehicle. The third is for mobile devices such as laptops and mobile phones. I tried to chase the fuel cell technology innovation is rapid progress. The principle of the fuel cell and the fuel cell, if you put simply "electrolysis of water" was reversed. That is, it is okay if oxygen and hydrogen are combined in the air. In "Electrolysis of water", hydrogen and oxygen are generated through the current in the water that melts the electrolyte, in the fuel cell, it causes the chemical reaction by sending the hydrogen to the electrode which sandwiched the electrolyte and oxygen to the other electrode, and generates water and electricity. The fuel cell is a device which creates "hydrogen" that is attracting attention as an inexhaustible, clean energy (main discharge is water) unlike conventional fossil fuels where the depletion property is high and the environmental load is inevitable. This is an important energy resource if you look at more than 90% of the energy resources Japan you rely on overseas. The fuel cell has a solid polymer type and a solid oxide type.