
Biomass Resources and Methane Fermentation Technology 1999.04.57

 Biomass is the concept of using organic organisms as energy resources. Plants, in particular, convert atmospheric CO2 into organic matter such as carbohydrates and cellulose through photosynthesis and store solar energy as chemical energy. There are about 2 trillion tons of biomass on the earth, and about 200 billion tons are reproduced every year. Using biomass as an energy source contributes greatly to environmental conservation because it reduces the consumption of fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions.

Methane fermentation technology is a method of producing methane gas from biomass. This technology utilizes a process in which organic waste is decomposed by microorganisms to produce methane gas. The methane gas produced can be used as energy by combustion, and can also be used for power generation and heat supply. Furthermore, the residue, a byproduct of methane fermentation, can be reused as fertilizer, contributing to the realization of a recycling-oriented society.

Composting and Feeding Initiatives

Composting and feed conversion are gaining attention as effective ways to use food waste. By processing food waste into compost and feed, it is possible to reduce the amount of waste and effectively use resources. For example, Sansei in Uto City, Kumamoto Prefecture, produces organic compound fertilizers using fish ara as the main raw material. The company uses a high-speed fermentation processor to produce fertilizer blended with bone meal, rapeseed, rice bran, and other ingredients. The fertilizers produced in this way are of high quality and are supplied to farmers and large farms. In addition, through partnerships with local farmers, we have secured a stable supply of fertilizers to sell to them.

Development of Biodegradable Plastics

Technology to produce lactic acid, a raw material for biodegradable plastics, from food waste is also making progress. At Kyushu Institute of Technology, lactic acid is produced by fermenting leftover school lunch and household waste with lactic acid bacteria, which is then chemically synthesized to produce biodegradable plastic. This technology makes it possible to develop environmentally friendly alternatives to conventional plastic products. Biodegradable plastics decompose in nature after use, thus contributing to waste reduction and environmental protection.

Use of Biomass Energy

The use of biomass energy is also expanding. By using methane gas obtained from food waste and food waste as an energy source, it is possible to both reduce waste and achieve energy self-sufficiency. Especially in urban areas, where large amounts of food waste are generated, efforts to utilize this waste as biomass energy are important. Biomass energy is attracting attention as a part of renewable energy and is expected to be an alternative energy source to fossil fuels.

Case Studies

Specific examples of biomass use include the following initiatives Increasingly, companies and research institutes are using food waste to produce compost and animal feed. For example, Sansei in Uto City, Kumamoto Prefecture, produces organic compound fertilizer using fish ara as the main raw material taken from fish markets. The company uses a high-speed fermentation processor to produce fertilizer blended with bone meal, rapeseed, rice bran, and other ingredients. The fertilizers produced in this way are of high quality and are supplied to farmers and large farms. In addition, through partnerships with local farmers, we have secured a stable supply of fertilizers to sell to them.

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