Saturday, August 27, 2022


現在の山梨県の国母工業団地。 1998年12月の時点で、厚生省から発表された産業廃棄物の最終処分場 残余、容量は2億984万立方メートル。 残余年数にすると全国平均で3年、 首都輩に限れば1.1年であった。 それに加えて、山梨県内にはもともと産業廃棄物の最終処分場がないという背景から、廃棄物に関する危機感は強かったようだ。 2022年の段階で、国母工業団地は、北側はパナソニック、住友電工、南側は横河電機の事業所などがある。 

1998年当時は、ゼロエミッションという言葉が流行っていたが、今は、検索してもほぼ出てこない。 現在、省エネの方へシフトしているようだ。 





Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Pascal's Wager - Are Humans Causing Climate Change?

This summer, the effects of the heat wave are said to be severe in Europe. There is an impression that bootstrap changes (global warming) have intensified in this century. But is human activity the cause of climate change? Some say that it is. Some people say that humans are not the cause of climate change because of the problem of securing incentives for environmental issues. There is a story called "Pascal's Wager. This is a concept said to have been proposed by the mathematician Pascal and has to do with whether or not one believes in God. The simple answer is: "Yes. Simply put, it goes like this. If you believe in God and there is no God, you have little to lose. But if there is a God, you have a great deal to gain by acting in a way that God is present. This applies to environmental issues as well. Even if we believe and act on the belief that humans are the cause of climate change, and even if humans are not actually the cause of climate change, we have little to lose. In fact, if humans are the cause of climate change, we have very much to gain (and avoid catastrophic losses) through future generations. Since humans cannot fully predict the future of the planet, they must accept the asymmetry of their own knowledge. The implications of "Pascal's Wager" for global environmental issues may be significant.

パスカルの賭け - 人類は気候変動の原因なのか?

この夏、ヨーロッパでは熱波の影響がひどいと言う。 今世紀に入って、起動変動(地球温暖化)は激しくなっている印象がある。 しかし、人間の活動は気候変動の原因なのか?という意見もある。 環境問題のインセンティブ確保の問題と重なって、気候変動の原因は人間ではない、という声も根強い。 「パスカルの賭け」という話がある。 数学者のパスカルが提唱したと言われる概念で、神を信じるかどうか?に関係する。 端的に言うと、こうだ。 神様を信じていて、実際に神様がいなくとも失うものは少ない。 しかし、もし、神様がいるなら、神様がいると課程して行動することで得るものはとても大きい。 これは環境問題にも当てはまる。 「人間が気候変動の原因である」と信じて活動して、実際に人間が気候変動の原因ではなくとも、失うものは少ない。 実際、人間が気候変動の原因であれば、将来世代を通じて、得るものは非常に大きい(破滅的な損失を避けることができる)。 人間は地球の未来を完全に予測できない以上、自らの知識の非対称性を受け入れる必要がある。 「パスカルの賭け」が地球環境問題に示唆することは大きいのではないだろうか?

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Will Russia's War End Previous Environmental Policies?

On February 24, 2022, the Japanese government implemented economic sanctions against Russia. This has affected Sakhalin 1 and Sakhalin 2. In fact, in 1999, the Japanese government formulated the "Japan-Russia Comprehensive Environment and Energy Plan and Cooperation Project. This was a 10 billion yen aid package for Russia, which included the development of infrastructure such as water supply systems and roads, as well as joint research on greenhouse gas reduction projects and the promotion of the introduction of alternative energy sources to oil. With the recent war, the possibility of such cooperation with Russia has diminished. It was only 23 years ago, but it is a world apart..


2022年2月24日に、日本政府はロシアへの経済制裁を実施した。 これに伴い、サハリン1とサハリン2にも影響がでている。 実は、日本政府は、1999年に、「日露環境・エネルギー総合計画・協力プロジェクト」を策定している。 これは100億円規模のロシア支援策で、上水道や道路などのインフラ整備に加え、温室効果ガスの削減事業の共同研究や、石油代替エネルギーの導入促進などがあった。 今回の戦争により、このようなロシアとの協働の可能性は小さくなったといえる。 わずか、23年前の話だが、隔世の感がある。

Monday, April 25, 2022

2018/11/05: In Europe, efforts to eliminate petroleum-based plastics are in full swing.

Green Plastics as Eco-materials in Europe .   

    Consumer goods manufacturers in Europe are taking a major step toward the use of plant-derived plastics and recycled plastics. In Japan, the use of non-petroleum-based plastics for drinking straws and containers, which are consumed and disposed of in large quantities in some food service industries, has been excessively reported, and the beginning of the trend seems to have finally begun. For example, a major Danish toy manufacturer has introduced its first plant-derived plastic (polyester) product made from sugarcane. For a limited time only, the company is currently selling Lego blocks Plants from Plants in the shape of grass and trees, but it plans to expand this to all its products in the future. Adidas, a sneaker manufacturer, is not using new plant-derived materials for the time being, but is planning to make do with recycled polyester materials. The company has already sold one million pairs of sneakers made from recycled polyester in 2005, and plans to switch to the full range by 2012. The company has already sold 1 million pairs of sneakers made of recycled polyester in 2005, and plans to switch entirely to recycled materials by 2012. The company is putting into practice its policy of "prioritizing the reduction of environmental impact even though the cost is 10-20% higher" in the products it sells. The company is now aiming to make all plastics reusable or recoverable by the year 30.

Friday, March 11, 2022

CFC reduction measures in the cleaning process 1991 In Japan

 Japan was 132,000 tons in 1986 and 8 In 1996, 164,000 tons of CFCs were consumed. This was equivalent to about 10% of the world's total consumption. And about half of it was used for cleaning electronic components and other items.

 The reason why Japan is said to be at a disadvantage compared to Europe and the United States in reducing CFC use is that the development of alternatives to CFCs for cleaning has lagged behind the development of other alternatives. About 40% of CFCs used in Europe are for aerosol applications, and it was relatively easy to switch to LPG (liquefied natural gas) and CFC substitutes. In the U.S. as well, about 40% is used for refrigerants such as air conditioners, and the amount could be reduced considerably through measures to prevent gas leaks.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

洗浄工程でのフロン削減対策 1991



Monday, March 7, 2022

Freon Decomposition Technology 1991

 There are two ways to decompose CFCs: one is to return them to their raw materials, such as hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride, and the other is to synthesize other compounds using CFCs as raw materials. The conversion to raw materials can be done in one of the following two ways

(1) Thermal decomposition and incineration method

(2) Plasma decomposition method

(3) Supercritical water splitting method

(4) Catalytic decomposition method

(5) Chemical reduction and decomposition method

(1) is a method of decomposing CFCs by heating through combustion, and the Environment Agency and others had begun research on its practical application (as of 1991).

(2) is a method developed by the Pollution and Resources Research Institute of the Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, in which CFCs react with water in high-frequency plasma at ultra-high temperatures of 10,000 degrees Celsius to form hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride, which are then neutralized with alkali for recovery.

The right method, developed by the Chemical Technology Research Institute of the Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, involves the reaction of chlorofluorocarbons with water at 400 degrees Celsius and 300 atmospheres of pressure. The decomposition rate of hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride is 95%.

Zeolite, alumina, mixed oxide titanium, and iron oxide activated carbon are listed as individual catalysts for the catalytic decomposition method in (4).

In method (5), chlorine atoms contained in CFCs are reduced to salts such as sodium chloride by sodium naphthalenide reagents.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

フロンの分解技術 1991













Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The effects of increased ultraviolet radiation 1991

  The effects of increased ultraviolet radiation on underwater life are said to be unimaginable. Dr. Denib Karentz of the University of California, USA, placed UV-sensitive E. coli bacteria in the ocean around Antarctica for observation and reported that as the ozone hole became larger and the amount of UV light transmitted increased, the E. coli bacteria died one after another. And this, he says, suggests that plankton and other organisms in the ocean are more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

  Experimental data has shown that a 20% increase in ultraviolet radiation causes a 20% decrease in grain yield. It is also projected that $2 billion in damage to materials such as plastics and paints will occur each year.

紫外線の影響 1991



Sunday, February 27, 2022

フロンガスの回収・再利用技術の開発① 1991


Friday, February 25, 2022

观察平流层的臭氧层是很昂贵的,所以... 1991

 为了检查由氯氟烃引起的臭氧层消耗,迫切需要在国际范围内建立一个气象观测数据库。 然而,平流层的臭氧观测是昂贵的。

 目前,火箭主要用于在50至60公里的高度观察臭氧层,但每次发射费用约为50万日元。 每次发射的费用约为50万日元。 由英国航空航天公司与牛津大学合作开发的ISAMS卫星将在平流层的地球静止轨道上使用一个超精确的电磁光谱仪测量臭氧消耗的规模和程度。 仅仅是项目的初始成本就达430万英镑。

 在这种情况下,天气预报和气象公司 "気球製作所"正在努力开发一种廉价和稳定的气球,以便在35至50公里的高度监测臭氧。 发射气球的费用约为每次30,000日元。 由于气球提供的高空天气数据,也可用于长期天气和气候预测。

Observing stratospheric ozone layer is expensive, so... 1991

 In order to check the depletion of the ozone layer caused by chlorofluorocarbons, there is an urgent need to develop a meteorological observation database on an international scale. However, stratospheric ozone observations are expensive.

 Currently, rockets are mainly used to observe the ozone layer at an altitude of 50 to 60 kilometers, but this costs about 500,000 yen per launch. This costs about 500,000 yen per launch. The ISAMS satellite, developed by British Aerospace in collaboration with the University of Oxford, aims to measure the size and extent of ozone layer depletion in geostationary orbit in the stratosphere using a very precise electromagnetic spectrometer. The initial cost of the project alone is 4.3 million pounds.

 In this context, the weather forecasting and observation company, THE WEATHER BALLOON MFG. CO., LTD, is (was) working on the development of an inexpensive and stable balloon to monitor ozone at altitudes of 35 to 50 kilometers. The cost of launching these balloons is about 30,000 yen per launch. The balloons can also be used for long-term forecasting of weather and climate, as they provide high-altitude meteorological data.

成層圏オゾン層の観測にはお金がかかるので... 1991年




Monday, February 21, 2022

代替フロンからフロン代替品へ 1991年




Saturday, February 19, 2022

Is the ozone really decreasing? around 1991

 Dr. Hugh Erlesser, an atmospheric chemist at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the U.S., dismissed as a myth without scientific basis the argument that CFCs deplete the ozone layer, increase the amount of ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth's surface, and increase the incidence of skin cancer.

 According to him, there is currently no solid evidence that ozone in the stratosphere is decreasing. All of the recent papers on ozone depletion show an increase in ozone in the decade after 1969. Even if the mechanism by which CFCs deplete the ozone layer cannot be denied, the ozone hole occurs in a limited area of the atmosphere for a limited period of time, and cannot be blamed on CFCs alone. He also argues that the ozone layer is not so fragile that it can be destroyed artificially.

 As for the increase or decrease of ultraviolet radiation, he said that it cannot be linked to the increase or decrease of the ozone layer alone, and that there is no need to be overly afraid of the effects of ultraviolet radiation. The amount of ultraviolet radiation reaching the ground differs by a factor of about 50 between the equator and the poles, and even if the stratospheric ozone were to decrease by 5%, that would mean that we would have to move at most 10 From a medical point of view, this would be beneficial in that it would increase the efficiency of vitamin D production. He also denounces the fact that no one is paying attention to the problem that removing the smog over Los Angeles will also increase the amount of ultraviolet radiation by 30%.

臭氧没有减少吗? 约1991年

 美国劳伦斯-利弗莫尔国家实验室的大气化学家Hugh Erlesser博士将氟氯化碳消耗臭氧层、增加到达地球表面的紫外线辐射量和增加皮肤癌发病率的说法斥为没有科学依据的神话。

 据他说,目前没有确凿证据表明平流层的臭氧正在减少。 最近所有关于臭氧消耗的论文都显示,自1969年以来的十年间,臭氧已经增加。 而且,即使CFCs消耗臭氧层的机制是不可否认的,臭氧洞也不能仅仅归咎于CFCs,因为它发生在大气层的有限区域,时间有限。 它还认为,臭氧层并没有脆弱到可以被人为破坏的程度。

 至于紫外线辐射的增加或减少,他说这不能仅仅与臭氧层的增加或减少相联系,没有必要过分害怕其影响。 到达地面的紫外线辐射量在赤道和两极之间相差约50倍,即使平流层的臭氧减少5%,这也意味着我们最多需要移动10 从医学角度来看,这甚至可能是有益的,因为这将提高维生素D的生产效率。 他还谴责没有人注意到这样一个问题:消除洛杉矶上空的烟雾也会使紫外线辐射量增加30%。

オゾンは減少していない? 1991年




Friday, February 18, 2022



1. 可以取代受管制的氟氯化碳的替代产品(通常称为氟氯化碳替代物或第二代氟氯化碳)

2. 开发能够减少氟氯化碳使用量的技术、设备和装置,包括氟氯化碳替代品。

3. 开发回收和再利用废旧氟氯化碳的技术和设备。

4. 开发技术和设备来分解使用过的氟氯化碳。

5. 减少或废除碳氟化合物的使用

6. 不购买和不销售使用CFCs的产品。


至于②,日立公司、日立工厂技术公司、夏普公司、Ushio Electric公司、Sukrin公司


④ 国际贸易和工业部,邮电部

根据1989年4月国际贸易和工业部(MITI)化学品理事会的臭氧层对策小组委员会进行的一项调查,发现在使用CFC的300家大公司中,有80%以上在20世纪末使用CFC。 根据1989年4月国际贸易和工业部(MITI)化学品理事会的臭氧层对策小组委员会进行的一项调查,在使用CFCs的300家大公司中,超过80%的公司已经做出内部决定,在20世纪末之前消除CFCs。

Efforts to eliminate CFCs around 1991 in Japan

Around 1991, The following six methods were considered and implemented as measures for defluoridation.

1. Substitute products that can replace the regulated CFCs (commonly known as CFC substitutes or second generation CFCs)

2. Development of technology, equipment, and devices that can reduce the amount of CFCs used, including CFC alternatives.

3. Development of technology and equipment to recover and reuse used CFCs.

4. Development of technology and equipment to disassemble used fluorocarbons

5. Reduction or total abolition of use of fluorocarbons

6. Non-purchase and non-sales of products using fluorocarbons.

(1) Asahi Glass, Showa Denko, Daikin Industries, Central Glass, Mitsui Dupont Fluorochemicals

(2) For (2), Hitachi, Hitachi Plant Technologies, Sharp, Ushio Electric, Sukrin

(3) Toyobo, Kureha Chemical Industry, Showa Denko, Asahi Glass, Central Glass, Daikin Industries, Kurimoto Iron Works

4) Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications

According to a survey conducted in April 1989 by the ozone layer countermeasures subcommittee of the Chemicals Council of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, more than 80% of the 300 major companies that use CFCs were found to be using them at the end of the 20th century. According to a survey conducted in April 1989 by the ozone layer countermeasures subcommittee of the Chemicals Council of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), more than 80% of the 300 major companies using CFCs were working to eliminate CFCs by the end of the 20th century.

脱フロン化への取り組み 1991年













Wednesday, February 16, 2022

The Twists and Turns of CFC Regulation around 1991

   There were twists and turns in the regulation of chlorofluorocarbons, but it was brought to the forefront of politics, industry, and technology in 1987 when the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was codified with the signatures of 32 countries.

 The Protocol included guidelines to reduce emissions to 50% or less by 1998, but it was later discovered that ozone depletion was progressing faster than expected and that the ozone hole was getting larger.

 Nevertheless, the total amount of CFCs released into the atmosphere over the past 70 years, even if limited to CFCs 11 and 12, is still about 18 million tons. It is estimated that more than 40% of this amount has not yet reached the stratosphere. (As of 1991)

 This is also the reason why regulations on ozone-depleting substances are expected to become more stringent in the future.


フロンの規制についての紆余曲折 1991年





Monday, February 14, 2022

南极洲上空出现巨大的臭氧洞 1987

 在1974年6月发表在英国科学杂志《自然》上的一篇论文中,莫利纳博士和加利福尼亚大学的罗兰德教授警告说,大气中释放的 在1974年6月发表在英国科学杂志《自然》上的一篇论文中,莫利纳博士和罗兰德教授警告说,向大气层释放氟氯化碳最终会破坏平流层的臭氧层。

从观测中计算出的大气中的CFCs数量与已经消耗并释放到大气中的CFCs数量没有太大区别。 一旦释放到大气中,氟氯化碳在到达平流层并被太阳紫外线辐射破坏之前有几十甚至几百年的寿命。 而且,如果氟氯化碳继续以目前的速度释放到大气中,从紫外线降解的氟氯化碳中释放的氯原子将足以耗尽平流层的臭氧层。 这就是该文件的主要内容。

尽管莫利纳和罗兰德的警告是基于逻辑推理,但后来通过卫星和其他方式对南极洲上空巨大的臭氧洞以及氟氯化碳中的氯原子的催化作用的观察,证明了臭氧洞是由催化反应引起的。 而对氟氯化碳的监管成为一个国际问题。

Fluorocarbon and Ozone 2

 In a paper published in June 1974 in the British scientific journal Nature, Dr. Molina and Professor Rowland of the University of California warned that the atmospheric release of In a paper published in the British scientific journal Nature in June 1974, Dr. Molina and Professor Rowland warned that CFCs released into the atmosphere would eventually destroy the stratospheric ozone layer.

The amount of CFCs in the atmosphere, calculated based on observations, is not much different from the amount of CFCs that have been consumed and released into the atmosphere. Once released into the atmosphere, CFCs have a lifetime of tens to hundreds of years before they reach the stratosphere and are destroyed by solar ultraviolet radiation. The chlorine atoms released from the UV-degraded CFCs will be enough to deplete the stratospheric ozone layer if the CFCs continue to be released into the atmosphere at the current rate. That was the gist of the paper.

The warnings of Molina and Rowland were based on logical deductions, but later, when satellite observations confirmed the existence of a huge ozone hole over Antarctica, and proved that the hole was caused by the catalytic action of chlorine atoms in CFCs, the protection of the ozone layer and the regulation of CFCs became an international issue. As a result, the protection of the ozone layer and the regulation of CFCs became an international issue.

Stratospheric sink for chlorofluoromethanes: chlorine atom-catalysed destruction of ozone

Mario J. Molina & F. S. Rowland 

Nature volume 249, pages810–812 (1974)





Saturday, February 12, 2022

Fluorocarbon and Ozone

* Fluorocarbon

Fluorinated hydrocarbons are collectively referred to as "fluon" in Japan. Fluorocarbon is a compound invented by Thomas Migley in the United States in 1928, and it has many excellent properties, if we leave aside its negative impact on the global environment.

Thus, the annual consumption of CFCs has increased from about 3,000 tons in the 1930s when industrial production of CFCs started. In the 1930s, when industrial production of CFCs began, the annual consumption of CFCs was about 3,000 tons, but by 1986, it had reached more than 1.1 million tons.

* Ozone

Ozone exists in the stratosphere 10 to 50 kilometers above the ground at a concentration of more than 15 PPM. This is because oxygen molecules (O2) in the atmosphere are broken down into oxygen atoms (O) by strong ultraviolet rays from the sun, and these oxygen atoms react with oxygen molecules to produce ozone (03), which consists of three oxygen atoms.

The ozone layer in the stratosphere acts like a space suit that completely covers the earth. A loosening of the ozone layer can directly lead to a crisis of life on Earth.








Thursday, February 10, 2022








地球環境ビジネス'91―企業と環境主義 エコビジネスネットワーク 

Wednesday, February 9, 2022



85年3月 ウィーン オゾン層保護のためのウィーン条約

87年9月 ウィーン ウィーン条約議定書

89年9月 東京 地球環境保全に関する東京会議

92年6月 ブラジル 環境と開発に関する国際会議

92年6月 ブラジル 気候変動に関する政府間パネル


Tuesday, February 8, 2022



■ 1991年当時、日本は公害先進国であった。


















