全球环境业务 / 资源循环经济 / Eco Business / Circular Economy / 地球環境ビジネス / 循環経済
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
The annual emissions of food waste in Japan 2000.09.15 - 2018.10.30
The annual emissions of food waste in this country are 19 million tons. million tons from food processing companies, from restaurants, convenience stores, supermarkets, hotels and more. The remaining 10 million tons are garbage of leftover and cooking scraps from the kitchen of the home. The bubble economy has burst, but the satiation of the table does not know the end.
In April 2001, the Food Recycling Act, which was aimed at operators, could be applied to the business operators to reduce or recycle leftovers and raw garbage. The majority of the food is incinerated, which requires composting and feeding. This goal will be achieved in any case. However, it never Jangzhare in such a thing. The Mondai is 19 million tons of total emissions. The total self-sufficiency of this country is 15 million tons. It is far more than a waste of food.