Monday, February 4, 2019

Ocean Purification Business Expanding②

<A variety of organisms from Japan cross the sea and have been in various parts of the world. >

● In various parts of the world damaged by ballast water, not to be overlooked the damage by ballast (weight) water to load the ship in order to stabilize the running. Seawater loaded into the ballast tank at the departure of the Japan is discharged at Port of call. In addition to having a bad influence on the local ecosystem and the water industry as described above as an alien species, the organism of the Japan production which had been mixed has brought it to the occurrence of the health damage of the local person. Cases of damage caused by foreign organisms that are considered to be caused by ballast water. Australian farmed scallops and oyster damage caused by starfish brought from Japan, etc. Due to the proliferation of zebra shells from Eastern Europe, the closure of the inlet of the power plant on the Great Lakes Coast United States. There have been cases where one million people have been infected in South America due to the cholera bacterium that has been transferred to the Mexico Bay, and 10,000 deaths have died.

● Market size of ballast water measures: trillion yen although the damage has not been manifested at this time, there is a high possibility that new damage will occur when the growth environment of governing organisms changes in the future of climate change, the activation of economic activity of the GDP supremacy, and water pollution by industrialization and urbanization, etc. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted the "Ballast Water Regulation Treaty" in February 2004. The treaty requires that new shipbuilding be equipped with equipment that properly handles ballast water since 2009. "This processing unit is expected to be in demand for more than two trillion yen in the world" (Eco-business Network Research) Other, the damage measures caused by the biological movement, it is no doubt that an immense market will be created. This is business opportunities in the marine Japan of the environmental technology nation.

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