全球环境业务 / 资源循环经济 / Eco Business / Circular Economy / 地球環境ビジネス / 循環経済
Monday, November 5, 2018
Eco-friendly hotels are on the increase 2
I hear that more and more tourists and young people in Japan choose environmentally friendly accommodations. The Eco-hotel, which is based on a different ecological service than the traditional service, is established as a new hotel service. In the past, it was an opportunity to acquire ISO14001 certification for each hotel and to improve the environment of business activities.
I followed the current situation of the Eco Hotel. It is said that the environment and the health of the service Japan the various services of environmental consideration are considerably late compared with Europe and America. There are only seven hotel hotels that have been certified as "Eco Mark". However, unrelated accommodations are canned with public eco-mark certification. The accommodation is born in various places to catch the eco-trend and put the axis on sustainable management. In the hotel opened in the center of the city, a lot of greening area on the site, bed of use of the old materials, use of recycled bicycles, to reduce the food loss (devised to use an organic carrot without peeling the skin), etc. various. At the hotel in Kawasaki City, a disposable toothbrush such as a waste plastic is made into solid fuel, and it is said that it makes electricity with hydrogen taken out there, and covered about 30% of the power consumption of the hotel. Some of the guests said, "I want to support such management, or say the effort to devise the environment consideration in the place where there are a lot of guest lure in the price competition in the TV.
It is not to be missed that the voice of "green person" who says, "I want to contribute to society to the extent that I can do" increases. -the environment of the US-Trump Republican regime to create a new business to the axis of the environment, the retreat of environmental policy is continuing. In a CBS News interview on December 14, playing cards "climate change is not known whether human activity is the cause. "I don't want to take away the work of millions of people in the coal industry," he said, emphasizing a renewed selfish opinion. The LDP Abe administration is also similar terms to keep pace with playing cards. The main theme of environmental issues "realization of a sustainable society" is to use the wording as a word that fuels conventional GDP (gross national product). However, it is no longer the beginning of the eco-trend and the development of new jobs for smart consumers and industry like the eco-hotel's efforts. Environmental business is a new business development on the axis of the environment.