Saturday, December 1, 2018

Beyond GDP- new economic indicators are required

While the GDP (gross national product) is prevalent as a measure of economic growth in which new economic indicators are required, a new economic scale reflecting the "natural capital" incorporating the natural environment of the region has been attracting attention. "Environmental economy" is required to create a new indicator in view of the realization of a prosperous and sustainable society for future generations and people in developing countries. Some major telecommunications companies have begun trying to "visualize" the capital value of the natural environment, such as forests, farmland, and fishery resources.

Calculation of natural value natural capital is the capital that water, air, soil, flora and fauna form. The concept of capital, which is an important production element lined with land and labor in economics, has been widely amplify to natural objects. Based on public data such as government statistics, a new function service that evaluates the characteristics of each municipality from the environmental, social, and economic indices in addition to the capital value of the nature, inhabitants, and artificial structures of about 1740 municipalities around the country. Evasiva in the public. "Evasiva" has provided the ability to calculate the year's worth of forest and farmland to the inhabitants.

For example, the effect of the surface collapse and the avalanche prevention by the forest, the absorption effect of carbon dioxide (CO2), the farm products brought from the farmland, the influence of climate change, etc. are made possible quantitative evaluation by the index of 10 streets. In the new function as a new economic indicator, from the market outlook, such as shipping volume and transaction price of the forest area and timber to give an example, the total of the resource value that the forest owned by each municipality is calculated in the future as a regional capital is made visible. The municipality measures the amount of change in the forest capital, and can set up a measure to secure sustainable forest resources. Although many of the resources are imported for the Japan of small resources, the use of forest resources in the world's third largest forest area without relying on imports is an important issue. It is possible to quantify "natural capital" that the farmland and the fishery resource, etc. give to indifferent in addition to the forest at any rate in the future. It is possible to calculate the loss of quantity, deterioration of quality, and invisible wisdom and culture that are not physically monetary.

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