Sunday, January 6, 2019

The return of Black Forest - PM2.5

Serious air pollution, water pollution in the people's health damage, the rapid increase of fatalities in the world, China is going through the road of unparalleled pollution power. Currently, the PM2.5 concentration in Beijing is more than 12 times the domestic regulation value Japan at 400 msv.

Recently, PM2.5 has been reported mainly, but it is well known that China's air pollution includes sulfur, nitrogen oxides, dust, Cadnim, lead, etc. It joins with moisture in the air besides "Beijing asthma", and it becomes "acid rain" if it becomes rain though it is the one by the use of the coal and oil etc. with poor quality. In China, they call it the aerial demon. If this acid rain is Shiri to the Japan, the Forest Withers, the lake is acidified as the lemon is squeezed, and the concrete of the building is acidic and deteriorated and battered. Beijing has shown concern about "aerial demons", but it is neglect and neglected without any surgery. If you continue to leave this state, the Japan is sure to suffer a big blow. It is not likely to cover the whole Japan with the dome (roof).
Korea, the neighboring countries such as Taiwan will injured a lot of damage more than the Japan.

In the early nineteenth century, after the industrial revolution in United Kingdom, acid rain destroyed the Germany ' Black Forest ', and the whole of northern Europe was acidified to destroy the natural ecosystem.

Being asked now is not a coping therapy of using "mask" which prevents the polluted air from entering the body. There is a need for root treatment to prevent the spread of air pollutants in various pollutants. The conclusion of the Japan-China air pollution (acid rain) Treaty is considered as a means. It is a concrete approach based on the joint Implementation guidelines in the Convention.

In addition to excellent desulfurization and denitration technology, the Japan possesses technologies such as measures to prevent automobile emissions. How do we share technology between the two countries and fate the joint development of equipment and equipment? It is not a drawing of the territory, territorial waters or airspace. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of the Ministry of the Environment are facing challenge.

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