
Ecobusiness network report 2002 December: Slow food

Entering the 21st century, which is said to be the century of the environment, a change of conception is required for the way of life of the economy and society, of course, of our daily lives. Recently, the idea of "slow" from the conventional "fast" is spreading about the life of clothes, food, and living in general or people's lives. Slow life and Slow food proposals are being served by consumers. In particular, while food safety and security are being questioned, slow food is attracting attention, and it is also a topic of the launch of a food store with slow food as a concept and a music CD with a Slow food recipe. Fast food, which started as a nonprofit activity from the village of Italy Bra (Bra) in 1998, which is the opposite of fast food represented by McDonald's, sticking to safe, good quality food and food culture, and rethink the modern life of efficiency wholly. The ① is to promote the education of consumers ' tastes, including ③ children, defending small-scale producers offering ② of good quality food, preserving traditional ingredients and cooking, quality foods and wines that may be extinguished. It's a fast-food idea dominated by efficiency-oriented first-chain objections, but uniformity the original meaning of "food" rather than mere reconsideration of the first business and the large-scale food industry, people in the local food culture, eating habits, eating There is an active meaning of rediscovering and re-evaluating the way of talking and cooking.

Currently, there are more than eight million members in 45 countries. In the Slow Food movement, we can see the sustainable production and consumption in harmony with the natural environment through a new and appropriate distribution channel through a visible relationship between producers and consumers. Food is not just "bait" that fills the belly and ensures nourishment. The low price is the deciding factor of fast food, which is far from the safety and security of the natural environment.