Kawasaki Mitsui Wharf: A port area in Kawasaki City that forms part of an industrial zone and is home to recycling plants and industrial facilities.
Waste cooking oil: Cooking oil after use. Although it has a high environmental impact, it is recycled and used to make soap and biodiesel fuel.
Plant: A factory or facility. In this case, it refers to facilities that recycle waste cooking oil into soap.
Industrial waste: Waste generated from industrial activities. Proper treatment is necessary, and intermediate treatment companies exist.
Workers' Collective: A business entity jointly operated by workers. Here, "Savon Grass" falls under this category.
Atopy: Atopic dermatitis. A skin disease caused by allergic reactions, which can be caused by environmental or chemical substances.
Seikatsu Club Co-op: One of Japan's nationwide co-ops (consumers' cooperatives). It is jointly run by consumers and provides health and environmentally friendly products.
Campaign to ban synthetic soap: A campaign to encourage the use of soap made from natural ingredients in place of synthetic detergents due to concerns about their impact on the environment and health.
Waste Cooking Oil Collection: An initiative to collect used cooking oil and reuse it. It aims to protect the environment and make effective use of resources.
Share Owners' Association: An organization that operates a business through joint investment. Kinari no Kai" is an example.
Recycling plant: A plant that processes waste into a reusable form. Here, waste cooking oil is recycled into soap.
Eco-goods store: A store that sells environmentally friendly products. They are used as a sales channel for soap.
Welfare workshop for the handicapped: A facility that provides a place for handicapped people to work and supports their employment. Subsidized.
Recycling: Processing waste into a reusable form to make new products. Aiming at effective use of resources.
Ton-ton: To have income and expenditure exactly in balance. In this case, it means that income and expenditure are in balance.
Domestic wastewater: sewage from households. If not properly treated, it can cause environmental pollution.
Self-supporting decentralized energy: An energy supply system that is decentralized by region. It does not depend on large-scale centralized systems.
Energy efficiency: Ratio of results to energy consumed. The higher the efficiency, the less waste.
Biodiesel fuel: A renewable energy source made from vegetable oils and animal fats. It is used as fuel for diesel engines.
Sustainability: Development that is sustainable in the long term in all aspects: social, economic, and environmental. Recycling and energy conservation are important factors.
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