全球环境业务 / 资源循环经济 / Eco Business / Circular Economy / 地球環境ビジネス / 循環経済
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
1. **効率的なリサイクル**: 微生物を用いた分解プロセスにより、生ごみを効率的に飼料や肥料に変換します。
2. **環境負荷の低減**: 廃棄物を減量化することで、埋め立て処分の量を削減し、環境への負荷を軽減します。
3. **高品質な製品**: 飼料や肥料として再利用される製品は、高品質であり農業や畜産業に貢献しています。
#### 背景
#### 技術概要
1. **低温処理技術の開発**:
2. **現場でのアスベスト含有量確認システムの開発**:
3. **法規制との整合性**:
#### 期待される効果
- **コスト削減**:
- **安全性の向上**:
- **普及促進**:
#### まとめ
Friday, July 26, 2024
Supercritical Water Technology June 2003 107
### Supercritical Water Technology
#### Overview
Supercritical water technology is one of the advanced technologies attracting attention in the environmental field. Supercritical water is water in a state exceeding the critical temperature and pressure, and has specific properties different from those of ordinary water. The critical temperature is 374°C and the critical pressure is 22.1 MPa. Under these conditions, water becomes supercritical, having both gas and liquid properties.
#### Properties
Supercritical water has an extremely high solubility and can dissolve organic matter, fats, oils, and other substances that are insoluble in ordinary water. In addition, its dielectric constant and ionic product are adjustable, and it can act as an acid catalyst or alkali catalyst, depending on the reaction conditions. Therefore, it has very good properties as a field for chemical reactions.
#### Applications
1. **Waste treatment**.
Supercritical water is used to decompose persistent toxic substances (e.g., dioxins and CFCs). It is capable of completely decomposing these substances under high temperature and high pressure, and is attracting attention as a safe and highly efficient treatment method with little risk of secondary contamination.
2.**Chemical recycling of plastics**.
Supercritical water also plays an important role in the recycling of plastics. Conventional methods require catalysts and additives, and their recovery has been an issue. This is expected to promote recycling and reduce environmental impact. 3.
3.**Treatment of biomass**.
Biomass derived from beer production is also processed using supercritical water. Biomass can be hydrolyzed in a high-temperature, high-pressure supercritical water environment to efficiently extract valuable substances.
#### Specific Examples
**Organo Corporation** has been working on the practical application of a supercritical water oxidation system, and has started operating a supercritical water oxidation system in Muroran City, Hokkaido, in collaboration with Nippon Steel Works, Ltd. This equipment has the ability to efficiently decompose hazardous substances with a low environmental impact and is expected to be applied more extensively in the future.
This technology will revolutionize the conventional methods of chemical reactions and waste treatment, and will be an important tool for the realization of a sustainable society.
Biogas plant with methane fermentation: May 2003 106
#### Biogas technology from LIPP GmbH, Germany
For more than 25 years, LIPP GmbH has been researching and developing biogas plants by methane fermentation on its own farms. A biogas plant is a technology that generates biogas by methane fermentation of organic waste such as livestock excrement and uses the gas as an energy source. In Germany, the environmental burden of the livestock industry has been an issue since the 1970s, and various regulations have been established to deal with ammonia evaporation and groundwater contamination. Against this background, LIPP's biogas technology plays an important role in reducing environmental impact.
**Tank Manufacturing Technology**.
LIPP's proprietary spiral tank system, in which rolled sheets of metal are rolled up at the tank construction site, allows for the construction of durable tanks in a short period of time without the need for welding. This technology uses VERINOX, a composite material consisting of stainless steel sheets bonded to zinc steel sheets, to achieve high corrosion resistance while keeping costs down. In addition, high confidentiality is ensured by using a crimping method for the joints of the tanks, which is the same method used for the lids of canned food. This technology is licensed and widely used in 80 countries around the world.
**Biogas Plant Configuration**.
LIPP's biogas plant uses a "combi-reactor," which is a combination of a reactor (fermenter) and gas holder. This enables effective use of land and cost reduction, and the gas holder section is made of gas-resistant materials to ensure safety. The reactor is kept at 35°C to 40°C for about 30 days for anaerobic fermentation, and the biogas generated is stored in the gas holder. The digested liquid is then separated into solid and liquid in a solid-liquid separator and temporarily stored in a composting facility or liquid tank.
**Alliance with a Japanese Company**.
In July 2001, LIPP signed a technology transfer agreement with Silpio (Ogaki, Gifu Prefecture, Japan). Silpio is an industrial waste treatment company and is working with LIPP to commercialize LIPP's biogas technology in Japan. Silpio is committed to using LIPP's technology to promote biogas plants in Japan and to accumulate operational know-how.
**Reduction of environmental impact and sustainable agriculture**.
LIPP's biogas technology enables effective utilization of livestock waste and reduction of environmental impact in response to these regulations. The biogas plant reduces ammonia evaporation and the production of greenhouse gases. It also supports sustainable agriculture by reusing digested liquid as compost.
LIPP's biogas plants are highly regarded for their technical capabilities and safety, and are expected to be introduced in other parts of the world in the future.
超臨界水技術 2003年6月107
#### 概要
#### 特性
#### 応用例
1. **廃棄物処理**
2. **プラスチックのケミカルリサイクル**
3. **バイオマスの処理**
#### 具体的事例
#### ドイツ LIPP GmbH社のバイオガス技術
LIPP GmbHは25年以上にわたり、自社の牧場でメタン発酵によるバイオガスプラントの研究・開発を進めてきました。バイオガスプラントは、家畜排泄物などの有機廃棄物をメタン発酵させることでバイオガスを生成し、そのガスをエネルギー源として利用する技術です。ドイツでは1970年代から畜産分野での環境負荷が問題視され、アンモニアの蒸散や地下水汚染などに対応するために様々な規制が設けられてきました。このような背景から、LIPP社のバイオガス技術は環境負荷を低減する重要な役割を果たしています。
Thursday, July 25, 2024
#94-1 Trichloroethylene Removal Technology at Hiroshima University 2002 May
Hiroshima University has developed a new method for highly efficient removal of trichloroethylene from groundwater. Unlike conventional methods, this technique uses acetic acid to elute trichloroethylene from activated carbon, which is then decomposed by ozone bubbles several tens of micrometers in diameter. This is expected to reduce treatment costs and prevent dioxin formation. This technology has been adopted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) as part of the Consortium for Immediate Regional Revitalization R&D Project, and a pilot plant is scheduled to be completed by the end of June 2002, with a demonstration plant to be built by the spring of 2003.
Environmental Technology/Green Technology May 2002(94)
Plastic Waste Treatment Technology
According to a survey by the Japan Patent Office on trends in patent applications for plastic waste treatment technologies 13230 patents were filed between 1971 and 1999 with Japan accounting for 8330 of these far ahead of other countries. In particular Japan saw an increase in the number of pretreatment technologies through the 1990s followed by solid fuel technologies and solidification/granulation technologies from 1995 to 1996. The number of oil and gasification technologies also increased continuously from 1993 to 1996 and recently the number of pretreatment technologies and blast furnace reduction and coke oven chemical feedstock technologies has been on the rise again.
IT in Waste Treatment Technology
In Japan more patents have been filed for the IT of waste treatment technologies than in any other country especially for technologies aimed at preventing illegal dumping and improving the efficiency of collection operations. Specifically these include technologies for tracking containers and collection vehicles matching supply and demand for recyclables and electronic manifests. Technologies have also been developed to provide information on product structure and materials to treatment and recycling companies.
Contaminated Soil Treatment Technology
In the area of treatment technology for contaminated soil the number of patent applications in Japan the U.S. and Europe are about the same at 1425 1398 and 1530 respectively but there are significant differences in the timing of the applications. In the U.S. and Europe the number of patent applications peaked in the early 1990s and has been on a declining trend since then while in Japan the number of patent applications has increased rapidly since the 1990s particularly markedly in 1999 with approximately 300 applications. In Japan many patents related to heavy metals volatile organic compounds and persistent toxic substances have been filed.
Biodegradable Plastics
Biodegradable plastics are gaining attention as an environmentally friendly material. In Japan biodegradable plastics are being developed as part of eco-materials and their market is expanding. In particular this material with its property of naturally decomposing in soil is expected to be a solution to the waste problem.
Fuel Cell Technology
Fuel cell technology is also attracting attention. In Japan household fuel cell cogeneration systems have been developed that use natural gas as fuel. This technology is expected to be widely used in the future due to its high energy efficiency and low environmental impact.
Activated Carbon Regeneration Process
The Japan Inorganic Chemicals Association has prepared a pamphlet on the activated carbon regeneration process providing information on the process and mechanism of regeneration operations as well as guidelines for safe use. This ensures that used activated carbon is dried cleaned and regenerated efficiently.
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
環境技術 2003年3月(104)
1 メタンハイドレートの実用化
2 廃ガラスびんを原料とした多孔質軽量資材の開発
3 燃料電池車の開発と普及
4 土壌汚染リスク調査の市場拡大
環境技術 2002年6月(95)
光触媒技術は、二酸化チタンを利用した環境浄化技術として注目されています。この技術は、光を当てることで触媒反応を起こし、有害物質を分解する能力を持っています。近年、多くの企業と大学、研究機関が協力して光触媒製品の研究開発に取り組んでいます 。
二酸化チタン光触媒は、紫外線に当たると活性酸素を生成し、その酸化力を利用して有機物や細菌、ウイルスなどを分解することができます。この特性を利用して、建材、塗料、空気清浄機、ウォータークリーンシステムなど、さまざまな製品が開発されています 。
光触媒技術は、その環境浄化効果から市場の急拡大が期待されています。特に、抗菌・消臭効果を持つ製品としての需要が高まっており、建設業界や家電業界でも活用が進んでいます。また、各国の環境規制が厳格化する中で、環境負荷の低減を図るために光触媒技術の重要性が増しています 。
最近では、低温焼成技術を用いた大面積透明二酸化チタン光触媒薄膜の開発が進んでいます。この技術により、光触媒の製造コストが削減され、より広範な応用が可能となります。また、光触媒の性能評価基準の統一も進められており、製品品質の向上と普及促進が期待されています 。
光触媒製品技術協議会や光触媒製品フォーラムが設立され、関連製品や材料の品質規格や技術評価規格、性能表示についての検討が進められています。これらの組織は、光触媒技術の普及と市場拡大を支える重要な役割を果たしています 。
Monday, July 22, 2024
環境技術 2002年5月(94)
#3 “Introduction to Cases of Chinese Industrial Espionage”
We often hear about Chinese industrial espionage, but not much is said about what cases actually occurred in cyberspace.
We have not heard much about the actual cases in cyberspace. This time, we would like to introduce some specific examples.
The actual case is that device drivers, or control software, were stolen by China in 2011.
There is an actual case where a device driver, or control software, was stolen by China in 2011. Around this time, there were articles in Bloomberg and other media in the U.S. that said, "
Stop China from stealing American stuff!" were frequently seen. In fact, a tremendous amount of wealth is actually flowing to China.
This case is one of them.
To name a specific company, American Superconductor Corporation (AMSC) in the U.S.
was affected. At the time, a Chinese company called "Liaoning Sinovel" allegedly stole AMSC's device drivers
AMSC's device drivers. Sinovel used that software to receive over $700 million in orders in March 2011.
As a result, AMSC's stock price rose. As a result, AMSC's stock price fell 40% in one day and another 84% in September.
This incident is an example of the devastating impact of industrial espionage in cyberspace. I don't think it was well reported in Japan.
This is a very graphic case that I don't think was reported in Japan.
The specific theft was targeted at AMSC's engineer, a Serbian named Karabasevic.
was targeted. The Chinese side thoroughly investigated the social networking sites. Specifically, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, and ascertained the following information
Difficult divorce issues
Demotion at work
Living patterns
Favorite coffee shops and restaurants
Home and work addresses
Commuting time
Preference for Asian women
Based on this information, the Chinese side approached us about recruiting and set up a dedicated office in Beijing,
The source code was requested.
Karabasevich fell for this honey trap and sold the source code for $1.7 million. However, the asymmetry is astonishing.
However, the asymmetry was so astonishing that AMSC lost $1 billion in value. This case is an example of how social networking sites can be used for industrial espionage.
This case is an example of how social networking sites are used for industrial espionage, and it was probably done on a national scale.
In fact, industrial espionage conducted in cyberspace caused an 80% drop in a company's stock price and a billion dollars in damage.
billion dollars in damage. This case shows how China steals technology from other countries and turns it to its own advantage.
China has been stealing technology from other countries through cyber attacks and industrial espionage. Through cyberattacks and industrial espionage, China steals technology and intellectual property from other countries' companies.
technology and intellectual property from other countries' companies through cyberattacks and industrial espionage, which it then uses to develop its own industries.
Such examples may continue in the future. Companies must strengthen their security measures to protect their technology and intellectual property,
security measures must be strengthened. It is also important to take measures against industrial espionage and cyber attacks through international cooperation.
It is also important to take measures against industrial espionage and cyber-attacks through international cooperation. This incident is a wake-up call that companies and countries must work together to strengthen cybersecurity.
This incident is a wake-up call that companies and countries must work together to strengthen cybersecurity.
#3 「中国の産業スパイ事例紹介」
#2 1994年ロシアのハッカーがアメリカのシティバンクを攻撃した話
#2 1994 Russian hackers attacked Citibank in the U.S.
I would like to talk about the "internationalization of cybercrime." There was a Westphalian system. This was the existence of national sovereign states in Europe, with borders, and because of the Westphalian system, borders, armies, and defenses were maintained. There is also the issue of immigration in the United States, but this is about borders in physical space. The Treaty of Westphalia is new and there are no borders when it comes to cybercrime.
As for the beginning of cybercrime, the Times Square Bank in New York was hacked in 1994. Vladimir Levin of Russia hacked and withdrew $10.7 million. The withdrawn deposits were transferred to Finland, the United States, the Netherlands, Germany, and Israel. This is difficult for the U.S. police to handle alone and requires an international police force like Interpol, but it is a costly and demanding problem.
Vladimir Levin had never physically entered the US, there were no fingerprints or DNA, and his IP address was the only clue. This was also related to the US election campaign, in which Russian hackers broke into Kleinton's server. Russia interfered with the U.S. election, but since they did not enter the country, it is difficult to deal with.
International criminal organizations are also a problem. For example, the North Korean "Hidden Cobra" group uses servers distributed in eastern countries. The attackers are becoming more internationalized, but the defenders are often dealing with the Westphalian system. In a French attack on a Brazilian bank, Brazil can request France, but has no authority to investigate within France. The threat has become internationalized, but the response is still tied to the nation-state framework.
We do not know what will happen in the future, but one example is the case of Russian hackers who stole $10 million from Citibank in the US and transferred the money to several countries. It is unclear whether the Westphalian regime still exists today, but it is about the asymmetry of internationalization between attackers and defenders.
Sunday, July 21, 2024
#94 日本化鉱株式会社 2002-05
#7 ハッキングの収益率
Saturday, July 20, 2024
富山市エコタウン事業 2002.08(97)
Friday, July 19, 2024
#1 Facebook in 2016 and Kawasaki Heavy Industries in 1981 have something else in common
This is also the problem with democracy and asymmetries of power. I think it means that if the algorithm is not accountable, it is more likely to be used for crime.
Then there is the story of the "Facebook experiment": in mid-2014, Facebook sampled 700,000 users and completely separated new updates into sad and happy news. When we separated the users into those who only saw sad news and those who only saw happy news, the subsequent posts showed that those who saw sad news posted sad posts and those who saw happy news posted happy posts.
As noted on page 450, emotional states can be transferred to others and control emotions because they make people feel the same emotions without being aware of it. Since democracies make political decisions based on how people feel, not how they think, if this experiment is widely published, it will affect democratic decisions because human emotions can be controlled.
This can also be said of election interference by Russia. In the end, democracy is not about how we think, but how we feel, so the abuse of social networking and algorithms will destroy democracy.
The story of Kawasaki Heavy Industries in Japan in 1981."
In the story of Kawasaki Heavy Industries in Japan in 1981, it seems that the AI misidentified the situation. I don't know if they called it artificial intelligence at the time, but it misidentified an employee as an obstacle, and the employee died. As automation and mechanization progresses, there is a total reliance on algorithms, and when misrecognition occurs, the entire system becomes fragile and more damaging.
Recently, there has been talk of hostile data, which, if used for criminal purposes, can lead to issues such as democracy and Russian election interference. In the future, IoT, industrial networks, and factory networks could also be exploited by ransomware if the control software is maliciously rewritten.
#1 2016年のFacebookと1981年の川崎重工の以外な共通点
Thursday, July 18, 2024
日本化鉱株式会社 94 2002-05
プラスチック廃棄物処理技術 94-2002-05
炭化炉 2002.02(96)
- 原料の有機物を燃料に変える乾留ガスから炭化に必要な熱が得られ、燃料を節約できる。
- 構造がシンプルで機械部品が少なく、故障が少ない。
- 炉の密封技術が高度であるが、ダイオキシン除去システムやストーカーが不要で、設置スペースや設備コストに優れている。
- 原料が回転炉によって均一に炭化される。
Japanese carbonizing furnace 2002-02(96)
In recent years, waste incineration regulations have become increasingly strict, including revisions to laws such as the Law Concerning Special Measures against Dioxin and the Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing Law. Simultaneously, various recycling laws have been enacted to realize a resource-recycling society. The cost of waste disposal has skyrocketed due to the tightening of final disposal sites, leading to a strong demand for shifting from incineration and landfill to recycling.
In line with this trend, there is an emerging need for alternative recycling methods for organic wastes (construction waste wood, food waste, sewage sludge, livestock manure, etc.), which were previously disposed of in landfills after intermediate treatments like dehydration, drying, and incineration. One such method, carbonization, is gaining attention.
Current Status and Direction of Carbonization Furnace Development
Charcoal production is a typical example of carbonization. Traditional charcoal-making techniques (e.g., Tsuki Kiln and Proc Furnace) and industrial mass production methods such as flat furnaces, screw furnaces, rotary kilns, and fluidized bed furnaces have been used. However, while conventional technologies can handle materials like thinned wood and sawmill waste with low dioxin countermeasures, using carbonization equipment as an alternative to waste incineration presents unavoidable dioxin problems.
For recycling purposes, carbonization equipment must produce high-quality carbonized material at low cost without generating dioxin. This requires the furnace to be sealed and oxygen-free (or low oxygen) to suppress dioxin formation while allowing high-temperature steaming. The materials must be stirred to ensure homogeneous carbonization.
The rotary kiln is the most widely used carbonization equipment that meets these requirements. In the rotary kiln method, materials are placed in a rotating cylindrical furnace and carbonized by internal or external heat. One drawback of rotary kilns is that the residual material (carbide) must be post-combusted in a stoker until it is completely reduced to ash. However, this is also an advantage as the carbonization process converts organic content into combustible dry distillation gas, providing the necessary heat for carbonization and saving fuel.
Advantages and Marketability of Carbonization
The advantages of the carbonization process include:
- Fuel Efficiency: The organic content in the raw material is converted into combustible gas, which provides the heat necessary for carbonization, thus saving fuel.
- Simple Structure: The furnace has a simple structure with no mechanical parts, minimizing breakdowns.
- Cost-Effective: Although advanced sealing technology is required, the lack of a dioxin removal system and stoker makes it superior in terms of installation space and equipment cost.
- Even Carbonization: The raw materials are evenly carbonized due to the rotation of the kiln.
The basic technology in this field has already been established, leading many companies, from major machinery manufacturers to small and medium-sized enterprises and ventures, to enter the carbonization equipment market. Equipment ranging from 10 kilograms per day to several tens of tons per day has been developed. This section looks at examples of carbonization processes for various organic wastes and their marketability.
Expanding Charcoal Market
The expanding range of uses for charcoal is one major reason why carbonization is attracting attention. Charcoal's excellent functionality as a material—such as its ability to absorb odorous substances and pollutants, improve soil quality, and adsorb volatile organic compounds—has driven new demand. This has led to increased production and the use of charcoal for non-fuel purposes like soil conditioners, humidity regulators, and activated carbon.
Carbonization of Construction Waste Wood
Construction waste wood represents a significant business opportunity in the carbonization market. The full enforcement of the Construction Materials Recycling Law in May 2002 will provide a tailwind for this sector. The carbonization process for construction waste wood can transform it into valuable products, making it a promising area for recycling innovation.
Carbonization offers a new direction for recycling organic wastes. The development and market expansion of carbonization technology are expected to reduce waste disposal costs and promote recycling. The high commercial value of carbonized products, especially from construction waste wood, food waste, sewage sludge, and livestock manure, supports the establishment of a viable recycling business. Future advancements in carbonization technology and its applications will further enhance waste management and resource recycling.
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
201 Possibility of converting unused biomass into alcohol fuel 93-2002-04
Potential for Conversion of Unused Biomass into Alcohol Fuel
According to a report by the government's New Energy Industry Council, the actual introduction of biomass energy in FY1999 was 5,666,000 kiloliters, and is expected to reach 2,879,000 kiloliters in FY2010. This will significantly exceed the new energy introduction target for FY2010. biomass has been clearly positioned as a new energy source since FY2002 and is eligible for subsidies. As a result, power generation and heat utilization through methane fermentation using food waste, sludge, human waste, and feces and urine have begun in some areas.
However, there has been no effective way to use forestry biomass, such as construction waste wood, thinned wood, sawdust, and saw mill ends, and agricultural biomass, such as rice husks, rice straw, and bagasse, and these have been disposed of as waste. Japan has lagged behind Europe and other countries in the utilization of such unused biomass, but in fiscal 2001, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) allocated funds for research and development for the first time in their budgets related to global environmental conservation.
Among alcoholic fuels, ethanol has attracted particular attention. Ethanol is an energy source that utilizes biomass resources and is produced by fermenting sugars with yeast. Ethanol's properties are similar to those of gasoline, and existing gasoline engine technology can be used directly. Ethanol is highly valued for its low pollution and global warming prevention effects, as it can significantly reduce particulate matter (PM), NOx, and CO2 emissions.
Gasoline mixed with 10% ethanol (gasohol) is now widely used in Brazil, the U.S., and Canada, and its use is also being considered in EU countries, India, and Thailand. In Japan, there was a time when gasoline was mixed with about 20% ethanol and sold, but its use as a fuel has declined due to falling oil prices and the development of natural gas vehicles and hybrid vehicles.
The main reason why alcohol fuel has not become more widely used in Japan is its low price competitiveness with existing gasoline and diesel fuel. The price of ethanol depends largely on the cost of raw materials, which in the U.S. is twice the price of gasoline. In Japan, where food self-sufficiency is low, it is difficult to secure feedstock supply sources, and it is necessary to utilize domestically produced unused resources to increase price competitiveness.
The following projects are involved in the technology of using unused biomass as alcohol fuel.
1 Tsukishima Machinery and Marubeni Group
Developed a system that can saccharify and ferment both cellulose and hemicellulose using KO11, a special bacterium developed by Professor Ingram of the University of Florida; pilot plant with a capacity of 1 ton/hour produces 400 liters of ethanol; pilot plant is currently under construction.
2 JGC Corporation/Nissho Iwai Group
Constructed a demonstration plant with a reactor capacity of 600 liters at the Demizu Plant in Kagoshima Prefecture. Using concentrated sulfuric acid with a concentration of 70%, cellulose and hemicellulose are saccharified. The goal is to extract 280 kg of ethanol per ton from waste wood.
3 Japan Foodstuff Co.
Constructed a pilot plant to produce ethanol from waste paper and wood in Koto-ku, Tokyo. In addition to the conventional fermentation technology using enzymes and yeast, an ozone oxidation method will be introduced to significantly improve saccharification efficiency.
If these technological developments progress, it is expected that the use of alcohol fuels in Japan will become more widespread and more price-competitive.
Thus, the conversion of unused biomass into alcohol fuel has great potential for environmental conservation and effective utilization of energy resources.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
201 未利用バイオマスのアルコール燃料化の可能性 93-2002-04
Thursday, July 11, 2024
Non-wood paper in Japan 2001 10 87
Diffusion Status and Challenges of Non-wood Paper
In recent years, wood pulp has been the main raw material used for paper, but non-wood paper has been attracting attention from the perspectives of forest resource conservation and environmental friendliness. Non-wood paper refers to paper made from kenaf, bagasse (sugarcane residue), reeds, and bamboo. Kenaf, in particular, can be grown in soil where other crops cannot grow, grows to 3 to 5 meters in 4 to 6 months, and is expected to yield 3 to 5 times as much as wood. It is also attracting attention from the perspective of curbing global warming because of its low environmental impact and high CO2 absorption capacity (about five times that of trees).
In Japan, the use of kenaf pulp began in 1991 when Aussie imported it from Phoenix in Thailand, followed by imports of bagasse and bamboo pulp. The Association for the Promotion of Non-wood Paper was established in 1993, and standards for the certification of non-wood paper were formulated. Under these standards, a certification mark is issued for paper, paper products, and processed products that contain at least 10% non-wood pulp by weight. As a result, non-wood paper is now used in a wide range of applications, including pamphlets, calendars, business cards, letterheads, envelopes, OA paper, and postcards.
In 1998, Tori launched wallpaper made of kenaf, which coincided with the widespread recognition of the sick building syndrome caused by volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from building materials, leading to widespread adoption in newly built detached houses and condominiums. Compared to polyvinyl chloride wallpaper, which currently accounts for more than 90% of wallpaper, non-wood paper wallpaper is attracting attention as an environmentally friendly option.
In addition, the challenges for non-wood pulp include ensuring a stable supply and reducing transportation costs. Since kenaf is harvested only once a year, it requires storage space before it can be supplied as a raw material, and transportation costs are also high. The solution to this problem is to cultivate kenaf in hot and rainy areas where it can be harvested twice a year, and to construct pulp plants near the cultivation sites. The Association for the Promotion of Non-wood Paper, commissioned by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, is researching optimal pulping methods for non-wood fiber and has established a technology to produce kenaf pulp at a price similar to wood pulp.
Non-wood paper plays an important role in terms of forest resource conservation and environmental responsiveness. Its use is expanding in Japan as well, and it is expected to become even more widespread in the future. On the other hand, there are issues of stable supply and cost, and technological development and infrastructure improvement are underway to resolve these issues.
非木材紙 2001 10 87
近年、紙の原料には木材パルプが主に使用されているが、森林資源の保護や環境対応の観点から非木材紙が注目されるようになってきた。非木材紙とは、ケナフやバガス(サトウキビの搾りカス)、アシ、タケなどを原料とする紙のことを指す。特にケナフは他の農作物が育たない土壌でも栽培可能で、4~6ヶ月で3~5メートルに成長し、木材の3~5倍の収穫量が見込める。そのため、環境への負荷が少なく、CO2吸収量も樹木の約5倍と高いため、地球温暖化抑制の観点からも注目されている 。
また、非木材パルプの課題としては、安定供給性の確保と輸送コストの低減が挙げられる。ケナフの収穫が年1回に限られるため、原料として供給するまでの保管場所が必要となり、輸送コストもかさむ。これに対して、年2回の収穫が見込める高温多雨地域での栽培や、栽培地近くにパルププラントを建設することで解決が図られている。非木材紙普及協会は経済産業省からの委託事業として、非木材繊維の最適なパルプ化法を研究し、木材パルプに近い価格でケナフパルプを製造する技術を確立している 。
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
The Future of the Soil Remediation Act of 2001 2001 03 80
Cases of soil environmental contamination due to redevelopment of former factory and research institute sites are becoming apparent.
Cases of soil contamination due to redevelopment of former factory and research institute sites are becoming more and more apparent. According to the results of a survey conducted by the Environment Agency, of the 659 cases of soil pollution (accumulated since FY1991) identified by prefectures by the end of FY1998, 292 cases were found not to be in compliance with soil environmental standards, of which 111 cases were identified in FY1998 alone.
However, the only legal systems currently in place in Japan for soil environmental preservation are the Law Concerning Prevention of Soil Contamination on Agricultural Land, the Law Concerning Special Measures against Dioxins (measures related to contaminated soil), and the Water Pollution Control Law (regulations on groundwater infiltration and orders for cleanup measures). The Law Concerning Prevention of Soil Contamination in Agricultural Land covers cadmium, copper, and arsenic, and the Law Concerning Special Measures against Dioxins covers cadmium, copper, and arsenic in agricultural land. The Law Concerning Special Measures against Dioxins obliges prefectures and other entities to implement measures to treat dioxins on all land and to bear the costs for those who cause pollution. The Water Pollution Prevention Law allows prefectural governors to order the implementation of treatment measures for cadmium and 23 other substances on all land to those who cause pollution.
However, each of these laws is weak as a system in terms of target areas, target substances, and cleanup obligations. In particular, some local governments have established ordinances for urban areas, but with the exception of dioxins, there is no obligation to clean up.
The "Study Group on the System of Soil Environmental Conservation Measures" (in charge: Soil Environment Division, Water Environment Department, Environmental Management Bureau, Ministry of the Environment) has been studying the soil contamination countermeasure system for urban areas since the end of 2000, including how the cost should be borne. The four main issues to be discussed are: 1) how to identify contaminated sites and investigate soil contamination, 2) how to assess the environmental risk of soil contamination, 3) how to deal with treatment measures, and 4) how to manage information.
For item 1., since most of the contaminated soil in urban areas is privately owned land, a system necessary for identifying and investigating soil contamination will be studied; for item 2., in addition to the current environmental standards, new guideline values (e.g., criteria for initiating countermeasures and purification standards) will be set based on environmental (health) risks; and for item 3., based on the study of item 2., a system for identifying and investigating contaminated land will be developed. 3. will examine how to organize countermeasure technologies and systems according to contaminants and the actual state of contamination, based on the studies described in 2. In section 4, a registration system for information on contaminated sites, such as the National Priorities List (NPL) for rice, will be an important issue.
For now, the goal is to submit a "Law on Urban Soil Contamination Countermeasures" (tentative name) to the Diet in 2002. However, the schedule for the study and the prospects for its enactment into law are currently blank, as there are many difficult issues to consider. The content of the law is expected to be based on the PPP principle (Polluter Pays Principle), modeled after the U.S. Superfund Law and other laws, and will be tailored to domestic conditions. However, the specifics such as the scope of polluters (retroactivity), whether public funds will be used, and the retroactivity of pollution prior to the enforcement of the law will depend on further discussions.
If the law imposes a cleanup obligation, it is expected that public funds for treatment measures will be established at the time the law comes into effect from a practical standpoint. It is also expected that related laws such as the "Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing Law" (proper management of final disposal sites after landfill disposal) and the "Law Concerning Special Measures against Mining Pollution from Metal Mining and Other Industries" will also be considered for revision.
At present, the study group is in the process of discussing environmental standards and how risks are perceived, and holding hearings with relevant parties. Requests made to the government at the hearings include support for countermeasure costs, including preferential tax treatment, support and guidance for the development of investigation and remediation technologies, and a mechanism for an incentive-based information disclosure system.
Soil contamination investigations are expected to become common regardless of the legal system through real estate transactions, securitization, and the issuance of site assessment standards, but the establishment of a legal system, including a support system, is key to the actual cleanup process. Whether the purification business, which is said to have a potential market of 13 trillion yen, will flourish at once will depend largely on how the system is organized.
An interim report from the study group is expected to be compiled by summer.
2001年の土壌浄化法の行方 2001 03 80
そこでいよいよ、「土壌環境保全対策の制度の在り方に関する検討会」(担当:環境省環境管理局水環境部土壌環境課)が2000年末から、費用負担のあり方も含め市街地の土壌汚染対策制度について検討を開始している。主な検討課題は、1. 汚染地の把握と土壌汚染の調査のあり方、2. 土壌汚染の環境リスクの捉え方、3. 処理対策のあり方、4. 情報管理のあり方、の4項目。
については、市街地における土壌汚染の大半が民有地であることから、その把握や調査の実施に必要な仕組みについて検討を進める。2. は現行の環境基準とは別に、環境(健康)リスクを踏まえた新たな指針値(対策発動基準、浄化基準など)の設定などが検討される予定。3. は2. の検討に基づき、汚染物質や汚染実態に応じた対策技術の整理、あるいは対策制度のあり方を検討する。費用負担のあり方などが焦点となりそうだ。4. では、米の全国優先順位一覧(NPL)のような汚染地情報の登録制度が重要課題となる。
とりあえず、2002年の「市街地土壌汚染対策法」(仮称)国会提出を目標としている。とはいえ検討スケジュールや法制化の見通しに関しては、検討事項に難しいものが多いため今のところ白紙状態。法の内容については、米・スーパー ファンド法などをモデルに、PPP原則 (Polluter Pays Principle:汚染者支払原則)を前提として国内事情に適したものになると予想されるが、汚染者の範囲(遡及性)や公的資金を投入するのか、法施行以前の汚染に対する遡及性など具体的な内容はこれからの検討次第。
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
有害物質に関する一律排水基準 2001 02 79
Uniform effluent standards for hazardous substances 2001 02 79
Uniform effluent standards for hazardous substances
Sewage treatment methods in public sewage systems and watershed sewage systems" are mainly microorganism-based purification methods that mainly remove organic matter, and many other hazardous chemicals and other substances cannot be treated. For this reason, the Sewerage Law stipulates that industrial wastewater discharged from factories and business establishments that cannot be treated at a final treatment plant must be discharged into the sewage system after being made almost equivalent to the water quality standards of the effluent from the final treatment plant.
Since its enactment in 1970, the Water Pollution Control Law, which sets "uniform standards" for substances that have a significant adverse impact on the environment, has been strengthened year by year through the addition of new regulated substances and the accompanying expansion of the scope of specified facilities. Companies are also increasingly responding to the recent tightness of industrial water supplies, groundwater withdrawal restrictions to prevent land subsidence, and restrictions on the amount of water discharged in accordance with total volume control regulations. What used to be a matter of simply treating wastewater to standard effluent levels is now being replaced by the use of advanced treatment, such as desalinization, to recover and reuse wastewater. As a result, the reuse of wastewater and valuable resources in wastewater has led to cost reductions, and efforts are being made as part of an environmental management system based on ISO 14001.
Regulations on industrial wastewater will no doubt continue to be tightened in the future. Some substances that have not been subject to regulation so far are suspected of being environmental hormones, and as the cause-and-effect relationship of their effects on living organisms is clarified, we will be forced to deal with them in the future.
Uniform Effluent Standards
Small-scale businesses with an average daily wastewater discharge of less than one cubic meter have been exempted from the effluent regulations for non-designated hazardous substances under the Water Pollution Control Law. Such small-scale operations account for 90% of all business establishments in Japan, and untreated wastewater discharged into rivers and other bodies of water has become a major problem. In October 2000, the Special Committee on Wastewater Regulations of the Water Quality Subcommittee of the Central Council established effluent standards for fluorine, boron, nitric acid, nitrite nitrogen, and other toxic substances. The Ministry of the Environment intends to revise the related Cabinet Order and put it into effect in the spring of 2001.
The Fifth Total Emission Regulation
In order to improve the water quality of a wide-area closed water body, it is important to effectively reduce the total amount of pollution load flowing into the water body. For this reason, the 1978 revision of the Water Pollution Control Law established a system of total quantity control of water quality. Since 1979, the total volume control has been implemented four times with COD (chemical oxygen demand) as the designated item and target years of FY83, FY88, FY93, and FY98 as the total volume control. According to the Ministry of the Environment's FY99 public water quality measurement results, the achievement rate of environmental standards for health items targeting cadmium, cyanide, and other toxic substances was 99.5%, indicating that wastewater treatment in the industrial sector has made considerable progress.
In October 2000, the Water Quality Subcommittee of the Central Environment Council issued a report that established a range of effluent concentration standards for each of 232 industries, including the sewerage and fertilizer manufacturing industries, to serve as a guideline for the regulatory values to be determined independently by the prefectures concerned in these three ocean areas. The report was compiled for each of the 232 industries, including the sewage and fertilizer manufacturing industries.
The report calls for the addition of nitrogen and phosphorus to the total volume control by 2004, the target year for the fifth round of water quality total volume control, as well as the strengthening of control standards for COD in the pulp, petrochemical, and fermentation industries. In response to the report, the Ministry of the Environment plans to issue a public notice on the scope of the standards, and it is expected that prefectures will actually begin regulating in FY2001.
Monday, July 8, 2024
Food Waste Recycling and Disposal Act 2001 02 79
The 147th Diet session passed the Law for Promotion of Recycling of Food Waste (Food Recycling Law), and preparations are currently underway for its enforcement in April 2001.
Food-related businesses, which are required to reduce the amount of waste they process by 20%, are taking measures such as removing and sorting foreign substances, reviewing food procurement and cooking methods, and installing food waste disposers or outsourcing to recycling companies. The 20% reduction can be achieved not only by recycling, but also by dehydration and shredding. Therefore, it is certain that not a small number of businesses will choose this practical method due to cost considerations, but it is clear that business opportunities have been created for food waste recycling.
As for general waste from business operations, which has an extremely low recycling rate among food wastes, there has not been much progress in technological development and there are almost no recycling facilities. In preparation for the enforcement of the law, there is an urgent need to develop recycling facilities and businesses for business-related general waste generated by supermarkets, convenience stores, and the food service industry.
Under these circumstances, the establishment of food waste recycling systems has already begun in various places, and in conjunction with this, the launch of recycling businesses, technological development, and market introduction are also gaining momentum. At present, the recycling methods envisioned include composting, feed conversion, and biogas conversion. Currently, however, related businesses, whether equipment or reclamation projects, tend to concentrate on composting. In order to recycle the approximately 20 million tons of food waste generated annually, composting alone will naturally lead to an oversupply, and demand will vary throughout the year, depending on the timing of fertilizer application. In terms of business, competition is expected to intensify.
Therefore, there are high expectations for the future development of the business and for the recycling of resources in the feed industry. The effective use of food waste is, of course, also promising, as it is consistent with the government's goal of increasing self-sufficiency, a goal that has been promoted by the government for some time but which has not progressed very far.
Use in Swine Feed
Until recently, it was commonplace to use leftover food scraps as animal feed. This is especially true in pig farming, or what is called "leftover pig farming. Livestock farmers and others collected processed agricultural products, expired foods, and other urban garbage as raw materials for concentrated feed, which they mixed themselves and fed to their pigs. However, around the 1960s, feed manufacturers and agricultural cooperatives began selling formula feed made from corn and soybean meal imported from overseas. In addition, the development of large-scale pig farming operations in conjunction with the increase in consumption of livestock products and the retreat of pig farming operations from urban areas further reduced the use of urban kitchen waste in pig farming operations. Another major factor was the switch to formula feed to save labor due to the aging of workers and other factors.
According to a survey of livestock production conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the amount of leftover feed per fattening pig decreased from 205.9 kg/year in 1965 to 82.6 kg/year in 1980 and 6.2 kg/year in 1997. Currently, there are approximately 12,500 pig farmers in Japan with approximately 9.9 million head of pigs, but only about 1,000 pig farmers feed their pigs with leftover food, and the number of pigs they feed is about 200,000 head of pigs.
On the other hand, however, food manufacturing by-products such as fish intestine bones, rape seed meal, shochu shochu lees, and squeezed fruit juice lees, which are easily processed in large quantities and of stable freshness and quality, are being processed and used as ingredients for compound feed, and as of 1996, 1.04 million tons had been converted into feed.
As of 1996, 1.04 million tons had been converted to feed. In reality, imported feedstuffs are currently cheaper and of more stable quality. However, it is difficult to imagine that the current feed prices, which are said to be the lowest in the market, will continue at this level. The world has long reached the limit of its ability to increase food production through improvements in agricultural technology, and per capita grain production has been declining by more than 1% every year since its peak in 1984. China has also become a grain-importing country as its meat consumption has increased due to improved living standards. In addition, the effects of abnormal weather conditions worldwide have made agricultural production increasingly unstable.
In addition, Japan's grain self-sufficiency rate is 28%, which is extremely low compared to most countries with populations over 100 million, where the rate exceeds 80%. Despite this, the amount of food waste is one of the highest in the world. Under these circumstances, when the food industry, including production and distribution, takes the opportunity of the Food Recycling Law to seek recycling, the direction of feed conversion will come into focus, not only for industrial waste, but also for general waste from business operations.
Half of all waste can be used.
How much of the food waste can be used as feedstock? According to a trial conducted by the Hokkaido Livestock Experiment Station, "Feed intake, carcass weight, and carcass yield were comparable to those of formula feeds even when 15-30% of the feed was substituted for the formula feed. However, increasing the substitution rate tended to decrease fat brightness, increase the percentage of unsaturated fatty acids, and decrease the melting point. The test results showed that "20% substitution of formula feed is possible in the pre- and mid-fattening period, but in the late fattening period, the substitution rate should be limited to 10% so that the crude fat content of the feed is less than 5%, which is considered a guideline to prevent soft fat pigs from occurring. In other words, based on the high fat content in the feed as a guide, it appears that a 10-20% substitution ratio is possible, although it will vary depending on the stage of growth.
Currently, the annual production of compound feed for swine in Japan is about 6.2 million tons. The main raw materials are corn (2.9 million tons), milo (about 1.1 million tons), and soybean meal (870,000 tons). On the other hand, business-related waste covered by the Food Recycling Law amounts to 6 million tons of general business waste and 3.4 million tons of industrial waste. If all of this were dried and processed, roughly one-fifth, if not impossible, 620,000 tons could be utilized with a 10% blend, and 1.4 million tons with a 20% blend. This figure should be enough to cover the 20% reduction target of the Food Recycling Law.
Dry or Liquid?
There are two major methods of converting food waste into feed. One is the dry method, in which food waste is dried by dry heat or hot water dehydration, and the other is the liquid method, in which food waste is processed in a wet process.
One is the dry feeding method, in which food is dried. The other is the liquid feeding method.
The dry feeding method requires drying, but is relatively easy to transport and store. On the other hand, the liquid feeding method is used in Europe, where a large amount of whey is produced by the dairy industry. There is no cost for drying, but in Japan, where summer temperatures are high, it is necessary to be careful about sanitary control of the vip and feed adjustment layer. Not limited to feed made from food waste, many pig farms in Japan are currently adopting dry feeding systems, and the dry feeding system seems to be more flexible when transportation costs and other factors are taken into account.
For example, Sanzo Organic Recycling built a food waste recycling plant in the Sapporo City Recycling Complex, and since January 1997, under the guidance of the Sapporo City (Mayor: Mr. Nobuo Katsura) Cleaning Department, has been recycling food waste from schools, hotels, restaurants, food processing plants, and other businesses in the city, supplied by the Sapporo City Environmental Service Corporation. The plant is a "oil-temperature, reduced-pressure, and high-temperature" recycling plant.
The plant uses the "oil-temperature decompression dehydration method," which uses the same principle as deep-frying tempura to dehydrate and dry food waste in a sealed, decompressed container. 35 tons of commercial food waste is processed in 10 hours per day, and 7 tons of feed and fertilizer materials are produced per day. After conducting various suitability tests for use as livestock feed, the plant submitted an application to the Distribution and Feed Division of the Livestock Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries in February 1999, and was approved for provisional values as a feed compounding material. Currently, the company is developing sales of feed compounding materials to feed consumers through compound feed manufacturers, and is also strengthening sales of plants.
Okadora (Yokohama City), an environmental equipment manufacturer, has developed equipment that boils and dries food waste and converts it into animal feed. The company claims that the system can reduce both construction and operating costs by less than half compared to conventional systems by making the drying process more efficient. Construction costs range from 10 to 20 million yen per ton of daily processing volume. The running cost for processing one ton of raw garbage is estimated at 4,000 to 5,000 yen.
In addition, the company plans to develop a distribution network for food waste feed in cooperation with trading companies and feed companies. The food waste is dried in a proprietary boiling dryer, reduced to one-fifth to one-tenth its original weight, and after foreign matter is removed, the food waste is sterilized at high temperatures and the fats and oils are removed in a degreaser before being converted into animal feed. The feed conversion equipment is marketed to supermarkets, restaurants, and other businesses that generate large volumes of food waste. On the other hand, the company intends to sell only the boiling dryer to small-lot customers, including the establishment of a recycling system that takes back the dried products and converts them into feed in bulk.
Building a system through a cooperative
However, as with composting, there are of course many obstacles to overcome when considering feed conversion as a business. In particular, when looking at commercial food waste, there are the issues of sorting out foreign matter and salt, which affect the quality of the feed; ensuring collection volume and lot control; and quality control to comply with the Feed Safety Law. In addition, although the taste of pigs is good, they may receive a low rating. It is difficult for food-related businesses and pig producers, many of which are small to medium in size, to establish their own independent systems.
Therefore, there is a movement to establish a feed conversion system by forming a cooperative. The National Food Recycling Cooperative Association (Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture) has been working on this concept for the past five years, and it is expected to be realized in FY2001.
The food recycling business conducted by the cooperative is shown in Table 1. In the "flow of things," recyclable food resources are discharged by the discharging company and converted into animal feed at a food recycling plant. The feed then passes through a pig farmer and a food processing company, and finally returns to the emitter in the form of meat. In terms of the "flow of money," the waste-producing companies pay the processing consignment fee, which is then used to convert the waste into animal feed at the food recycling plant. The resulting feed is then supplied to the pig farmer, and the pork produced is returned to the emitting company in the same manner as contract farming. In that case, they are still required to pay for the purchase of meat, but they are provided with pork that is better quality, cheaper, and safer than conventional ones.
In other words, the concept is to create a company with all the parties involved, and to create a recycling system that balances supply and demand and eliminates waste in distribution, sales, and other expenses within the company established by all the parties. As a result of a demonstration test conducted in 1999 with assistance from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), we have achieved a certain level of prospect in evaluating the functionality and reliability of the overall system and the quality of recycling. The first bilot model of a practical plant by a PFI corporation is scheduled to be installed in Nagoya in FY2001.
食品廃棄物のリサイクル処理法 2001 02 79
Sunday, July 7, 2024
New environmental legislation in 2001 78 2001 01
1970s with the Basic Act on Pollution Control Measures and the Natural
Environment Conservation Act, both of which were aimed at preserving
the natural environment. In the 1990s, however, global environmental
issues came under close scrutiny, and with the Earth Summit held in
1992, the existing legal system could not adequately address the
current state of the global environment and Japan's international
The basic philosophy of this "Basic Environment Law" is to promote a
shift from conventional values to new values. In other words, the
values that conform to the economic efficiency of mass production,
mass consumption, and mass disposal during the high-growth era of the
1970s and 1980s are clearly different from the values that are
required now and in the future. The new values are "sustainable
development" based on eco-efficiency, in other words, "the creation of
an economic and social system that can develop sustainably.
Trends in Environmental Laws and Regulations
As values regarding environmental issues change dramatically, laws and
regulations are also undergoing a transformation within a new
framework. Specifically, the environment, coexistence, participation,
and international cooperation are moving forward under the values of
"sustainable development. From the standpoint of corporate
environmental management, this means promoting the construction of an
economic and social system that aims for a resource-recycling society
that can coexist in harmony with the natural environment, based on a
"fair division of roles.
In the field of environmental law, there are various moves to achieve
this, but broadly speaking, they are: 1. effective utilization of
resources (mineral resources) and proper treatment and reuse of waste,
2. energy measures, 3. management of hazardous chemical substances,
and 4. conservation of the natural environment.
Effective use of resources (mineral resources) and proper treatment
and reuse of waste
There are two initiatives. First, the depletion of resources (mineral
resources) is an urgent issue. In terms of oil, extraction from
existing facilities will reach zero in 42 years. Therefore, the
conventional economic system of mass production and consumption is
unsustainable. Efforts to conserve resources are based on the premise
that resources are finite, and to make effective use of them without
waste. The other is the proper disposal and reuse of waste.
Up to now, waste and recycling measures have been expanded through
amendments to the Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing Law, enactment
of various recycling laws, and voluntary efforts by companies. In the
future, however, a basic "framework law" is needed to establish a
consistent framework for establishing policy priorities and promoting
preferential recycling of waste, to enable comprehensive
implementation of related measures based on individual laws (Container
Recycling Law, Home Appliance Recycling Law, etc.) in accordance with
the Basic Law, and to provide direction for efforts by the national
government, local governments, businesses, and citizens. A basic
"framework law" has become necessary.
In September 1999, the Ministerial Conference on Dioxin
Countermeasures decided on numerical targets for waste reduction, with
2005 as the interim target and 2010 as the final target. The goal is
to reduce the final disposal volume of both general and industrial
waste by about half. In order to achieve these targets, the government
will first instruct industries to voluntarily regulate the manufacture
and sale of disposable products and excessive packaging, and promote
the use of recycled products, and has also established a policy of
charging the public a new metered fee for general waste.
In addition, the recently revised and enacted Waste Disposal and
Public Cleansing Law, which requires companies to confirm the final
disposal of industrial waste, and other individual recycling laws have
also increased the responsibility and role of companies.
The Basic Law for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society and the
Law for Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources
In June 2000, the ordinary Diet session passed the "Basic Framework
Act on Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society" (the Basic Act on
Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society) and five related laws:
the revised Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act, the Law for
Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources (the former Recycling
Promotion Act), the Construction Materials Recycling Law, the Food
Recycling Law, and the Green Purchasing Law. The concrete framework
for the establishment of a recycling-oriented society in terms of
waste (recyclable resources) has finally been established, and a
full-scale shift in the social structure is about to begin.
The most distinctive feature of this movement is the promotion of
reduce and reuse, which is strongly emphasized in the "Basic Law for
Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society" and the "Law for
Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources. Until now, efforts
toward a recycling-oriented society have tended to focus on recycling
methods such as material recycling and thermal recycling. However, it
is increasingly recognized that recycling is only one of the options
for building a recycling-oriented society, and that it is not a good
idea to solve everything by recycling from the standpoint of efficient
use of resources and energy, as well as economic efficiency. The Basic
Law for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society places the highest
policy priority on reducing, followed by reuse and material recycling,
and finally thermal recycling.
The Law for Promotion of Utilization of Recyclable Resources
(Recycling Law), which requires manufacturers to use recycled
resources as raw materials, use easily recyclable materials, and label
materials, has been fundamentally revised as the Law for Promotion of
Effective Utilization of Resources, adding Reduce and Reuse as new
pillars. Starting in January 2001, 14 types of products, including
automobiles and personal computers, will be required to implement
Reduce measures, such as reducing product weight, improving
durability, enhancing repair systems, and designing for upgrades, and
Reuse measures, such as designing and manufacturing products that can
be easily reused and reusing recovered parts.
This will have no small impact on product manufacturing ideas and
technologies in industry, as well as on business methodologies,
including recovery. In the development of recycling-oriented
technologies, including those at the private sector level, the focus
has been on the recycling and proper disposal of materials, with
little emphasis on value-added technologies, such as functional
renewal and reuse. In the future, the promotion of reduce and reuse
will require the development of technologies that are different from
recycling, such as materials that can be reused with less
deterioration due to scratches and wear, product design technologies
that enable functional renewal, technologies to manage the usage
history of each part, maintenance technologies that enable long-term
use, and information systems that enable sharing of product
information related to life prediction, inspection, and circulation.
The development of technologies that are different from those for
recycling is required.
Energy Measures
Japan's current energy sources consist of 35% nuclear power and 10%
hydroelectric power, with the remainder coming from fossil fuels such
as oil and coal. In view of the depletion of supply sources and the
environmental burden of conventional energy sources, it is necessary
to expand the development of new energy sources and their efficient
use during energy supply. The "Act on Special Measures Concerning the
Promotion of New Energy Use, etc." (New Energy Act) is in effect to
promote the development of new energy technologies and businesses. The
Law establishes and publicizes a basic policy to comprehensively
promote the use of new energy, clarifies the obligation of energy
users, suppliers, and manufacturers/importers to make efforts, and
provides financial support (debt compensation, subsidies,
interest-free loans, etc.) for businesses selected by the Minister of
International Trade and Industry to formulate a new energy use plan. )
for businesses selected by the Minister of International Trade and
Industry to formulate new energy use plans. The following new energy
sources are envisioned: (1) solar power (2) wind power (3) solar heat
utilization (4) thermal energy utilization (5) natural gas
cogeneration (6) fuel cells (7) recycled waste fuel (8) waste heat
utilization (9) waste power generation (10) electric vehicles (11)
natural gas vehicles (12) methanol Automobiles are envisioned.
Furthermore, a "Renewable Energy Promotion Bill" is currently under
consideration. On the other hand, there is the "Amendment to the Law
Concerning the Rational Use of Energy" (Revised Energy Conservation
Law), which was enacted in April 1999 to promote highly efficient
energy use. This law came into effect in April 1999, as the Kyoto
Conference on Climate Change Prevention (COP3) triggered a full-scale
movement in Japan toward reducing CO emissions reduction target (6%
reduction in 2010 compared to 1990 levels) imposed on Japan at COP3,
the law aims to improve energy efficiency in factories and major
products such as electrical equipment and automobiles.
Control of Hazardous Chemical Substances."
Chemical substances are contained in an extremely wide range of
products, from raw materials for the chemical industry to pesticides,
fertilizers, detergents, textiles, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics, and
have rapidly spread into our daily lives due to their convenience.
Currently, there are 70,000 to 80,000 chemical substances circulating
in the world, with production amounting to 400 million tons annually,
and another 1,000 to 2,000 new chemical substances are synthesized
each year. However, as research on the effects of chemicals on the
human body and the natural world continues to advance, a major theme
is how to prevent the release of hazardous chemicals into the
environment. Laws are being developed to minimize the impact of
chemical substances on the environment by strictly managing them and
regulating their emissions.
New laws include the "Act on Confirmation, etc. of Release Amounts of
Specific Chemical Substances in the Environment and Promotion of
Improvements to the Management Thereof" (PRTR Law, to be implemented
in stages from April 2000) and the "Act on Special Measures against
Dioxins" (to be implemented in 2001), while existing laws are also
being strengthened. The Ministry of the Environment plans to
substantially revise the Air Pollution Control Law by 2001. In
addition, the Ministry of the Environment has decided to introduce
total volume controls for Tokyo Bay, the Seto Inland Sea, and Ise Bay,
and plans to add nitrogen and phosphorus to the fifth round of total
volume control of water quality in fiscal 2001. The addition of
nitrogen and phosphorus is scheduled to be added to the fifth set of
total water quality regulations from FY 2001.
Conservation of the Natural Environment.
This is an effort to maintain and preserve the existing natural
environment and pass it on to future generations, while at the same
time restoring and restoring the natural environment that has already
been destroyed by human hands and restoring the ecosystem. The
Environmental Assessment Law was enacted in June 1999. The
Environmental Assessment Law is strictly designed for
nature-destroying development projects. Until now, assessments (based
on ordinances, etc., rather than laws) were "environmental
assessments" that justified development projects. However, from now
on, regardless of the size of the project, if the impact on the
natural environment is significant, an assessment that understands
even the biological ecosystem is required from the planning stage.
Recently, many nature-destroying public works projects have been
cancelled. We will be forced to change our way of thinking about the
preservation of the natural environment.
2001年の新しい環境法規制の動向 2001 01 78