
Biogas plant with methane fermentation: May 2003 106

Biogas plant with methane fermentation: May 2003

#### Biogas technology from LIPP GmbH, Germany

For more than 25 years, LIPP GmbH has been researching and developing biogas plants by methane fermentation on its own farms. A biogas plant is a technology that generates biogas by methane fermentation of organic waste such as livestock excrement and uses the gas as an energy source. In Germany, the environmental burden of the livestock industry has been an issue since the 1970s, and various regulations have been established to deal with ammonia evaporation and groundwater contamination. Against this background, LIPP's biogas technology plays an important role in reducing environmental impact.

**Tank Manufacturing Technology**.
LIPP's proprietary spiral tank system, in which rolled sheets of metal are rolled up at the tank construction site, allows for the construction of durable tanks in a short period of time without the need for welding. This technology uses VERINOX, a composite material consisting of stainless steel sheets bonded to zinc steel sheets, to achieve high corrosion resistance while keeping costs down. In addition, high confidentiality is ensured by using a crimping method for the joints of the tanks, which is the same method used for the lids of canned food. This technology is licensed and widely used in 80 countries around the world.

**Biogas Plant Configuration**.
LIPP's biogas plant uses a "combi-reactor," which is a combination of a reactor (fermenter) and gas holder. This enables effective use of land and cost reduction, and the gas holder section is made of gas-resistant materials to ensure safety. The reactor is kept at 35°C to 40°C for about 30 days for anaerobic fermentation, and the biogas generated is stored in the gas holder. The digested liquid is then separated into solid and liquid in a solid-liquid separator and temporarily stored in a composting facility or liquid tank.

**Alliance with a Japanese Company**.
In July 2001, LIPP signed a technology transfer agreement with Silpio (Ogaki, Gifu Prefecture, Japan). Silpio is an industrial waste treatment company and is working with LIPP to commercialize LIPP's biogas technology in Japan. Silpio is committed to using LIPP's technology to promote biogas plants in Japan and to accumulate operational know-how.

**Reduction of environmental impact and sustainable agriculture**.
LIPP's biogas technology enables effective utilization of livestock waste and reduction of environmental impact in response to these regulations. The biogas plant reduces ammonia evaporation and the production of greenhouse gases. It also supports sustainable agriculture by reusing digested liquid as compost.

LIPP's biogas plants are highly regarded for their technical capabilities and safety, and are expected to be introduced in other parts of the world in the future.

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