
#3 “Introduction to Cases of Chinese Industrial Espionage”

#3 "Introduction to Cases of Chinese Industrial Espionage"

We often hear about Chinese industrial espionage, but not much is said about what cases actually occurred in cyberspace.
We have not heard much about the actual cases in cyberspace. This time, we would like to introduce some specific examples.

The actual case is that device drivers, or control software, were stolen by China in 2011.
There is an actual case where a device driver, or control software, was stolen by China in 2011. Around this time, there were articles in Bloomberg and other media in the U.S. that said, "
Stop China from stealing American stuff!" were frequently seen. In fact, a tremendous amount of wealth is actually flowing to China.
This case is one of them.

To name a specific company, American Superconductor Corporation (AMSC) in the U.S.
was affected. At the time, a Chinese company called "Liaoning Sinovel" allegedly stole AMSC's device drivers
AMSC's device drivers. Sinovel used that software to receive over $700 million in orders in March 2011.
As a result, AMSC's stock price rose. As a result, AMSC's stock price fell 40% in one day and another 84% in September.

This incident is an example of the devastating impact of industrial espionage in cyberspace. I don't think it was well reported in Japan.
This is a very graphic case that I don't think was reported in Japan.

The specific theft was targeted at AMSC's engineer, a Serbian named Karabasevic.
was targeted. The Chinese side thoroughly investigated the social networking sites. Specifically, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, and ascertained the following information

Difficult divorce issues
Demotion at work
Living patterns
Favorite coffee shops and restaurants
Home and work addresses
Commuting time
Preference for Asian women
Based on this information, the Chinese side approached us about recruiting and set up a dedicated office in Beijing,
The source code was requested.

Karabasevich fell for this honey trap and sold the source code for $1.7 million. However, the asymmetry is astonishing.
However, the asymmetry was so astonishing that AMSC lost $1 billion in value. This case is an example of how social networking sites can be used for industrial espionage.
This case is an example of how social networking sites are used for industrial espionage, and it was probably done on a national scale.

In fact, industrial espionage conducted in cyberspace caused an 80% drop in a company's stock price and a billion dollars in damage.
billion dollars in damage. This case shows how China steals technology from other countries and turns it to its own advantage.
China has been stealing technology from other countries through cyber attacks and industrial espionage. Through cyberattacks and industrial espionage, China steals technology and intellectual property from other countries' companies.
technology and intellectual property from other countries' companies through cyberattacks and industrial espionage, which it then uses to develop its own industries.

Such examples may continue in the future. Companies must strengthen their security measures to protect their technology and intellectual property,
security measures must be strengthened. It is also important to take measures against industrial espionage and cyber attacks through international cooperation.
It is also important to take measures against industrial espionage and cyber-attacks through international cooperation. This incident is a wake-up call that companies and countries must work together to strengthen cybersecurity.
This incident is a wake-up call that companies and countries must work together to strengthen cybersecurity.

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