Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Recent Trends in Environmental Technology" - April 2003

Recent Trends in Environmental Technology" - April 2003

1. Sharp's Environmentally Conscious Air Conditioners
Sharp has developed an air conditioner equipped with "sterilizing ion technology" that removes viruses and mold bacteria. This technology improves indoor air quality and uses disassembly-friendly components to reduce work time. In particular, screws made of a shape memory alloy can be removed simply by heating, making disassembly work more efficient. This makes this technology a viable option for unmanned disassembly in the future.

2. air conditioner with oxygen-enriched membrane
The air conditioner developed by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. is equipped with an oxygen-enriching membrane that draws in highly concentrated oxygen from the outside air. This technology uses a membrane that allows only oxygen molecules to pass through, increasing the oxygen concentration in the indoor air and providing clean air. It is also effective in removing dust and bacteria, contributing to an improved indoor environment.

3. use of biodegradable plastics
Sony has developed a Walkman made from plant-derived biodegradable plastic. After disposal, this plastic is decomposed by microorganisms and eventually converted into CO2 and water. This is expected to help solve the waste problem and reduce the environmental impact of electronic devices.

4. development of recycling infrastructure
In order to create a recycling-oriented society, the development of recycling infrastructure is underway: the "Landfill Reclamation Project" was launched in FY2003, and facilities are being developed to reduce the volume and recycle the waste landfilled at municipal final waste disposal sites. This is expected to alleviate the tightness of final disposal sites.

5. waste plastic power generation
Power generation using waste plastics as fuel is expected to expand due to the difficulty of recycling waste plastics and the shortage of final disposal sites. The Ministry of the Environment supports industrial waste power generation, and plans to subsidize five power generation facilities in Japan by 2021. This is expected to lead to the use of waste plastic as a new energy source.

6. wind/solar hybrid power generation
A hybrid power generation system using wind and solar power installed in Kita-ku, Osaka, illuminates a billboard that runs on 100% natural energy. This technology combines a wind turbine generator and solar panels to light neon advertisements using stored electricity. This device will continue to be used on new billboards in the future.

7. enforcement of the Green Purchasing Law
The Green Purchasing Law requires state agencies to purchase environmentally friendly products, and in 2003, 24 additional products, including fuel cell vehicles, were added to the law, making the entire market more green. The law has increased demand for products with lower environmental impact and encouraged companies to develop products with greater emphasis on eco-efficiency.

8. environmentally friendly refrigerator technology
Toshiba's commercialized "non-fluorocarbon optical plasma fresh storage" uses environmentally friendly materials for insulation and refrigerant. Furthermore, the refrigerator is designed to save energy and reduce environment-related substances by introducing a control device that manages the temperature inside the refrigerator and reduces gas concentration. This refrigerator is expected to significantly reduce energy consumption at home.

9. environmental technology for music equipment
Sony has reduced the environmental impact of its products by using plant-derived biodegradable plastic in its music equipment. This technology is attracting attention as a new material that can gently decompose in the natural environment after disposal, replacing conventional plastics. Furthermore, to ensure durability, Sony worked with Mitsubishi Plastics and other companies to develop this technology.

10. public works projects introducing environmental technologies
New types of projects that incorporate environmental technologies are attracting attention in Japan's public works sector. Projects such as Eco-roads and Eco-ports are promoting environmental considerations and balancing environmental conservation and economic development in social infrastructure development. Through these efforts, the construction of a sustainable society is being promoted.

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