### Model Project for Improvement of Water Environment in Closed Sea Areas - April 2007 - 2020s
In 2007, the Model Project for Improvement of Water Environment in Closed Sea Areas was launched in Sendai Bay, Osaka Bay, and Harimanada in Miyagi, Osaka, and Hyogo Prefectures. The project introduced technologies to reduce aquaculture wastewater and control nitrogen and phosphorus emissions to improve oxygen depletion in coastal areas. 2010s: The range of technology applications expanded, with nitrogen emissions reduced by 15% in Sendai Bay and biodiversity improved by more than 20% in Osaka Bay due to the expansion of seaweed beds. In the 2020s, Miyagi Prefecture reduced nitrogen and phosphorus emissions by 25%, Osaka Prefecture increased bay catch by 10%, and Hyogo Prefecture expanded vegetation zones to 300 hectares. The project is attracting attention as one that can both revitalize local economies and protect the environment.
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