
14-Environmental Technology Summary-September 1995

1. Ebara's Environmental Audit and Waste Treatment Technology
Ebara focuses on environmental audits and waste treatment technology, particularly by creating a "Waste Proper Treatment Self-Evaluation Manual" to strengthen the framework of environmental audits. The company is also advancing the development of an environmental management system compliant with ISO14000, aiming to reduce environmental impacts across the company.

2. Liquefaction Technology for Waste Plastics
The Plastic Processing Promotion Association is developing technology to liquefy waste plastics into fuel from 1995 to 1996. This technology can handle waste containing difficult-to-process plastics, aiming to improve energy efficiency and reduce costs. A demonstration plant is scheduled to operate in Niigata.

3. Heisei Riken's Water Treatment Technology
Heisei Riken provides advanced technology in the manufacture of water treatment chemicals and the design of environmental countermeasure plants. Additionally, the company is expanding its environmental assessment and consulting services, working to create a new market based on its technological foundation.

4. NEDO's Support for Environmental Technology Development
NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization) is providing subsidies to regional heat supply projects through its "Environmentally Harmonious Energy Community Support Project." This initiative aims to improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental impacts in local communities.

5. Japan Industry's Waste Treatment System
Japan Industry is aiming to modernize waste treatment by constructing an integrated treatment system that covers everything from collection to intermediate treatment, recycling, and final disposal. The company promotes the modernization of the waste treatment industry by providing technology and expertise while collaborating with government and citizens.

6. Practical Use of Biodegradable Plastics
Biodegradable plastics, which decompose in soil or water after disposal, have been attracting attention recently. As technological advancements progress, cost reductions and mass production are becoming feasible, potentially leading to the formation of a significant market. The Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) has begun supporting practical applications.

7. ASEAN's Independent Environmental Standards
ASEAN is considering the establishment of its own environmental standards to harmonize international and regional standards. This initiative aims to strengthen environmental efforts while considering the economic development of member countries.

8. Promotion of Electric Vehicles
The Ministry of International Trade and Industry and the Environment Agency have established subsidy programs for businesses and individuals to promote the adoption of electric vehicles. This initiative supports the introduction of low-pollution vehicles, aiming to reduce environmental impacts.

9. Promotion of Charcoal Use
As part of forest management, a model project to promote the carbonization of thinned wood is underway. Charcoal is used as a soil conditioner and is also attracting attention in the construction industry. This initiative is expected to contribute to the effective use of forest resources.

10. Development of Environmental Equipment Technology
Technological development of environmental equipment such as waste treatment systems is progressing, with public investment expanding in response to increased demand from government procurement. Companies are actively developing environmental equipment, contributing to the resolution of environmental issues through technological innovation.

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