
154 Green Technology Summary 2007 May

154 Green Technology Summary 2007 May

1. Utilization Expansion of Domestic Timber - May 2007
The utilization of domestic timber has expanded, and the production volume of softwood plywood has reached a record high. Factors include stricter logging regulations in Malaysia and Indonesia, along with a weak yen, making domestic timber more economically viable. Additionally, the improvement in the technology for using thinned wood has contributed to forest management, significantly increasing the market share of domestic plywood.

2. PET Bottle Recycling Technology - May 2007
Teijin Fiber has partnered with Sumitomo Corporation and Tomra Japan to develop a new recycling business utilizing PET bottle collection technology. This partnership ensures a stable supply route for recycled bottles, with expectations for reduced environmental impact. As the recycling system improves, it may also influence future legal amendments.

3. Sea Surface Temperature Rise and Impact on Fisheries - May 2007
The Japan Meteorological Agency reported that the sea surface temperature around Japan has risen by 0.7 to 1.6 degrees over the past 100 years. This rise is particularly notable during winter, affecting fisheries and food production. In Wakayama Prefecture, mackerel catches have decreased while chub mackerel catches have increased. In Aomori Prefecture, kelp growth areas have shrunk, impacting fisheries.

4. CO2 Reduction through the Use of Renewable Energy - May 2007
Mixi has started an initiative to power all servers using renewable energy, reducing CO2 emissions by approximately 800 tons annually. The company plans to further promote environmental activities by considering eco-projects that involve user participation.

5. Shift to Sustainable Public Works - May 2007
There is a shift from traditional public works to projects focused on environmental conservation and natural restoration. Wetland conservation and dam removal are among the eco-rebuild public works that are creating regional industries, with high economic benefits. Preventing global warming and realizing a recycling-oriented society are becoming the main pillars of new public works.

6. Development of Biomass Projects - May 2007
Biomass projects that convert food waste and other organic materials into feed or energy are spreading across regions. These projects are expected to create new industries and promote efficient biomass utilization. Additionally, wind and solar energy projects are being implemented on a regional basis.

7. CO2 Absorption Certification System for Forests - May 2007
Wakayama Prefecture has introduced a certification system for CO2 absorption through afforestation. The system targets companies and organizations participating in the "Forest of Companies" project, certifying CO2 absorption over 100 years, encouraging further environmental conservation efforts in the region.

8. Promotion of Natural Restoration Projects and Ecological Infrastructure - May 2007
In Japan, natural restoration projects are being promoted to restore the environment that was damaged during the economic growth period. These projects, including wetland restoration and riparian forest repair, are gaining attention as new public works that combine environmental conservation with economic benefits.

9. Climate Change Impact on Lake Biwa - May 2007
Lake Biwa experienced an unprecedented phenomenon where the surface and deep waters did not mix due to a mild winter. This has resulted in a delay in the recovery of oxygen levels in the spring, raising concerns about the impact on the ecosystem. Ongoing research is required to assess future conditions.

10. Progress in Automobile Recycling - May 2007
After the enforcement of the Automobile Recycling Law, the number of vehicles recycled through the official route increased by 17% year-on-year. Although the amount of deposit fees decreased, the reduction of environmental impact and the efficiency of recycling have improved.

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