
Japan's Lead-Free Technology Leadership - June 2004

Estimated Title: Japan's Lead-Free Technology Leadership - June 2004
Japanese electrical and electronic equipment manufacturers hold a significant lead in lead-free technology on the international stage. Lead-free solder has been actively developed since the 1990s to reduce environmental impact. The most common lead-free solder is an alloy of "tin-silver-copper," and several manufacturers, including Senju Metal Industry (Tokyo) and Nihon Superior (Osaka), have commercialized these products.

However, "tin-silver-copper" lead-free solder has a melting point about 30°C higher than lead solder, making it difficult to use in applications requiring high heat resistance. It is also more expensive due to the silver content. To address these issues, Nihon Genma (Osaka) collaborated with electrical and electronic equipment manufacturers to develop "tin-zinc" lead-free solder with a melting point close to lead solder at 199°C. Nihon Superior also developed a cost-effective "tin-copper" lead-free solder.

Lead has been used in various products, including cable insulation stabilizers, electronic device casings, paints, inks, and hard disks. However, advancements in lead-free technology are driving the removal of lead from these products. Japanese companies are leveraging their technical expertise in this field to further strengthen their competitiveness in the global market.

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