
Issue 84 - Environmental Technology Summary - July 2001

1. Utilizing Unused Energy with Heat Pumps
One example of unused energy is the heat pump, which utilizes geothermal energy. Geothermal energy maintains a stable temperature throughout the year, making it highly energy-efficient and suitable for heating, cooling, and hot water applications. Geothermal heat pumps are expected to contribute to CO2 reduction and reduce environmental impact. This technology is also expected to grow as a new sector in the energy market.

2. Recycling of Gypsum Board
The recycling of gypsum boards is being promoted. In Japan, approximately 4.7 million tons of gypsum boards are produced annually, and efforts are being made to reuse waste materials and demolition materials. Proper handling at construction sites, including waste separation, is crucial. Additionally, improving the quality of recycled gypsum and developing new applications are ongoing challenges.

3. Cleaning Diesel Exhaust
Efforts are underway to clean diesel exhaust gases. In particular, there is a strong focus on eradicating illegal diesel oil, with ongoing technological development to reduce harmful emissions from diesel engines. This is expected to significantly reduce the emission of pollutants that cause air pollution.

4. Compliance with Environmental Regulations
There is a discussion on how to address environmental regulations. Companies are expected to comply with laws such as the Offensive Odor Control Law to reduce environmental impact and contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.

5. Formation of a Circular Economy
Efforts are being made towards the formation of a circular economy. The focus is on the effective use of resources and the promotion of recycling, with policies aimed at reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills. Technological development to increase the recycling rate of industrial waste is particularly needed.

6. Introduction of Industrial Waste Tax
Mie Prefecture has introduced Japan's first industrial waste tax. This tax is levied on waste that is ultimately disposed of, with the aim of promoting recycling and preventing illegal dumping. This is expected to encourage waste reduction and the promotion of recycling.

7. Solar Power Installation Targets
Targets for the installation of solar power systems have been set, with the introduction of new technologies in the energy sector being actively pursued. The promotion of low-emission vehicles and energy-efficient homes is progressing, with policies in place to reduce environmental impact.

8. Environmentally Friendly Corporate Behavior
The Ministry of the Environment has reported on the progress of environmentally friendly corporate behavior. Companies are increasingly disclosing environmental information and implementing environmental management systems, with environmental initiatives becoming more widespread.

9. Recycling of Textile Products
The recycling of textile products is being promoted, but the diverse materials used in these products limit the applications for recycled items. Therefore, the industry is being encouraged to develop products that are easier to recycle.

10. Expansion of Nuclear Power Plants as a Global Warming Measure
The expansion of nuclear power plants has been proposed as a measure to combat global warming. Particularly, the expansion of nuclear power is seen as necessary to meet CO2 reduction targets, although local opposition continues to be a challenge.

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