
Mururoa Atoll Crack Issue - 1980

Mururoa Atoll, located in the Pacific Ocean, has been known as a French nuclear test site where numerous nuclear tests were conducted from the 1950s to the 1990s. In 1980, a French military survey confirmed that multiple cracks had formed in the atoll. These cracks, caused by the impact of nuclear tests, were found to be as long as 8,500 meters in some cases.

Initially, the cracks were filled with cement, but geologists pointed out the risk of radioactive material leaking into the sea. The depth and spread of the cracks have weakened the structure of the atoll, increasing the risk of further radioactive material leaking into the ocean. This issue has highlighted the severe environmental damage caused by nuclear tests, drawing attention from the international community.

The French government has not provided sufficient explanations about the impact of the nuclear tests, leading to ongoing protests from local residents and environmental groups. The Mururoa Atoll crack issue serves as a long-term example of environmental destruction caused by nuclear testing and sounds a warning for global environmental protection.

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