Thursday, October 17, 2024



Africa and South Asia Water Crisis - 2020s

In the 2020s, Africa and South Asia face severe water crises. In sub-Saharan Africa, approximately 418000000 people lack access to safe drinking water, and rapid urban population growth is straining water supply systems. In Lagos, Nigeria, as of 2023, more than 1000000000 liters of water are needed annually, but outdated infrastructure has led to frequent water shortages. In Gauteng, South Africa, droughts have reduced water supply by 20%, creating serious socio-economic impacts.

In South Asia, excessive groundwater extraction has caused 25% of Bangladesh's groundwater to be contaminated with arsenic, leading to over 10000 people suffering from poisoning and chronic diseases each year. In Ethiopia and Kenya, droughts have decreased agricultural production by more than 30%, with water prices soaring by 400%, making life increasingly difficult for impoverished communities. This crisis has forced many to relocate, with about 14000000 people across Africa displaced by climate disasters and droughts in 2021.

To address these issues, Veolia of France and BASF of Germany are introducing wastewater recycling technologies to promote sustainable water management. Additionally, the World Bank is investing 5 billion USD by 2030 to improve infrastructure and mitigate the water crisis. Glaciers on Mount Kilimanjaro and in the Rwenzori Mountains are shrinking by 0.5% annually, threatening regional rainfall patterns and agricultural output.



アフリカと南アジアの水資源危機 - 2020年代





アフリカと南アジアにおける水資源の現状 - 2020年代






### 上海とマニラ湾における廃水処理の現状 - 2020年代











Illegal Waste Export Case in Subic Bay, Philippines, and Japan's Situation - January 2020

Illegal Waste Export Case in Subic Bay, Philippines, and Japan's Situation - January 2020

In 2020, an incident came to light where approximately 5000 tons of plastic waste were illegally exported from Japan to Subic Bay, Philippines. "Toa Environmental Co., Ltd." was involved in this illegal export, sending mixed plastic waste that did not meet recycling standards to the Philippines. The waste was not properly processed locally, leading to significant environmental pollution. The Philippine government strongly condemned the illegal export and demanded the return of the waste. Consequently, Japan had to repatriate the waste.

Of the waste that arrived in Subic Bay, around 3500 tons were left in piles, and 1200 residents reported health problems. Harmful substances like dioxins were released, worsening air pollution. Additionally, the levels of lead and cadmium in the groundwater exceeded legal limits, causing respiratory diseases and other health issues among local residents.

In Japan, the Ministry of the Environment fined "Toa Environmental Co., Ltd." approximately 500 million yen and filed criminal charges against the involved employees. The company had submitted false export reports, ignoring Philippine regulations. This incident highlighted serious flaws in Japan's waste export management and sparked social criticism domestically.

In response to this incident, Japan's oversight of waste exports was strengthened, with strict sorting and third-party inspections required for the export of mixed plastic waste. Moreover, in 2021, the Basel Convention was revised, tightening regulations on plastic waste exports. Countries like the Philippines and Malaysia imposed import restrictions, severely limiting waste imports from Japan.

A 2020 survey revealed that approximately 30% of waste exported from Japan remains untraceable, highlighting ongoing issues with managing international waste trade. Going forward, Japan must enhance its domestic recycling capacity and improve monitoring systems to prevent illegal exports by companies.

History and Measures of Groundwater Pollution in Tokyo, Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture, Koshigaya City, Saitama Prefecture, and Osaka Prefecture - October 2020

History and Measures of Groundwater Pollution in Tokyo, Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture, Koshigaya City, Saitama Prefecture, and Osaka Prefecture - October 2020

### 1990s
**Discovery of Groundwater Pollution and Introduction of Legal Measures**
In the 1990s, groundwater pollution became a problem across Japan, particularly in areas such as the Tama region of Tokyo, Osaka Prefecture, and Koshigaya City in Saitama Prefecture. Tetrachloroethylene and trichloroethylene permeated the groundwater, with Koshigaya City recording trichloroethylene levels 10 times the standard at 0.3mg/L. As a result, residents were advised to refrain from using groundwater. In 1997, the government enacted the "Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act" to strictly regulate liquid waste disposal. Dry cleaning businesses and metal processing plants were identified as the main sources of pollution.

### 2000s
**Expansion of Pollution and Strengthened Monitoring**
In the 2000s, groundwater pollution expanded nationwide. In Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture, "Toyo Chemical Industries" recorded trichloroethylene levels 10 times the standard, at 0.35mg/L, leading to restrictions on the use of drinking water. In Osaka Prefecture, tetrachloroethylene levels reached 15 times the standard, resulting in similar restrictions. In 2002, the "Act on the Promotion of Proper Chemical Substance Management" was enacted, imposing stricter regulations on industrial wastewater treatment.

### 2010s
**Advances in Purification Technology and New Pollution Discoveries**
The 2010s saw significant advances in purification technology. In the Tama region of Tokyo and Kawasaki City, activated carbon filtration and bioremediation technologies were introduced to purify groundwater. "Kawasaki Technology" invested 50 billion yen in a purification project, reducing trichloroethylene levels below the standard to 0.02mg/L.

### 2020s
**Strengthened Monitoring and New Challenges**
By the 2020s, monitoring systems were reinforced in industrial areas of Tokyo, Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture, and Koshigaya City, Saitama Prefecture, enabling real-time tracking of groundwater pollution. However, Toyo Chemical Industries in Ichikawa City continued to record trichloroethylene levels 15 times the standard, and delayed corporate responses remained a concern in some regions.

Frog Decline Experiment in Ome City, Tokyo - January 2000

Frog Decline Experiment in Ome City, Tokyo - January 2000

An experiment conducted in Ome City, Tokyo, investigated the impact of ultraviolet (UV) rays on the hatching rate of frogs. The experiment was carried out in fallow rice paddies, where frog eggs were divided into two groups: one covered with a UV-blocking filter and the other without the filter. The group covered with the filter hatched approximately 190 eggs, while the uncovered group hatched only 149 eggs. The filter blocked about 90% of UV rays, effectively reducing the harmful effects on the hatching process.

Additionally, frog populations in Ome City have decreased by about 25% over the past 10 years, with increased UV radiation being identified as one of the contributing factors. During the experiment, the UV intensity measured an average UV Index of 7 during summer daylight hours, indicating significant damage to the frog eggs. The rise in UV levels is attributed to ozone layer depletion and climate change.

### Similar Experiments Overseas
Similar experiments have been conducted in Colorado, USA, and Queensland, Australia. In Colorado, a study on northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) found that the hatching rate decreased by about 30% when exposed to UV rays. In Queensland, it was reported that frog species with low UV tolerance are significantly declining in certain areas, prompting the development of UV protection technologies.

The impact of UV radiation on frog populations is a global issue, with international research ongoing. Frogs are considered an important indicator of ecosystem health, and the effects of UV radiation extend to food chains and water pollution risks.

北九州市のエコタウンプ���ジェクト - 2000年1月

北九州市のエコタウンプロジェクト - 2000年1月


フィリピン・スービック湾���おける廃棄物不法輸出事件 - 2020年

フィリピン・スービック湾における廃棄物不法輸出事件 - 2020年


Current State and Issues of Illegal Waste Export - January 2000

Current State and Issues of Illegal Waste Export - January 2000

Illegal export of waste from Japan has become a serious issue since the late 1990s, particularly with the illegal export of plastic waste and used electronic equipment (e-waste). From 1998 to 1999, approximately 12000 tons of plastic waste were illegally exported from Japan to Southeast Asian countries, leading to a rapid expansion of environmental issues. Most of this waste was exported in an unrecyclable state and was either burned or landfilled without proper treatment.

Malaysia and the Philippines became the primary destinations for these exports. In 1999, approximately 1500 hectares of land in Malaysia were contaminated with plastic waste illegally imported from Japan, causing health problems for around 3000 residents. In the Philippines, about 2500 tons of plastic waste were illegally imported from Japan in 1999, left untreated, and dumped, severely impacting the environment and public health.

As for illegal export of electronic equipment, large amounts of devices containing PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and lead were exported. In Vietnam and Indonesia, about 60% of the e-waste imported from Japan was improperly treated, leading to severe soil and water contamination and increasing health risks for local populations.

In response, Japan's Ministry of the Environment strengthened enforcement measures against illegal exports in 2000. In 1999, "Recycle Japan Co., Ltd." was caught illegally exporting about 8000 tons of plastic waste to Malaysia and was fined over 100 million yen. In 2020, approximately 5000 tons of plastic waste were found to have been illegally exported to the Philippines, and the companies involved were fined and had their business operations suspended.

Internationally, the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes has also been strengthened, and Japan has been working to prevent illegal waste exports under this framework. However, as of 2020, about 30% of the illegally exported waste remains untraceable, highlighting the need for further strengthening of domestic waste management systems and stricter export monitoring.

廃棄物不法輸出の現状と問��� - 2000年1月

廃棄物不法輸出の現状と問題 - 2000年1月






フィリピン・スービック��における廃棄物不法輸出事件と���本の現状 - 2020年1月

フィリピン・スービック湾における廃棄物不法輸出事件と日本の現状 - 2020年1月






東京都・千葉県市川市・��玉県越谷市・大阪府における地���水汚染の歴史と対策 - 2020年10月

東京都・千葉県市川市・埼玉県越谷市・大阪府における地下水汚染の歴史と対策 - 2020年10月

### 1990年代

### 2000年代

### 2010年代

### 2020年代

北九州市のエコタウンプ���ジェクト - 2000年1月

北九州市のエコタウンプロジェクト - 2000年1月




東京都青梅市におけるヒ��ガエル減少実験 - 2000年1月

東京都青梅市におけるヒキガエル減少実験 - 2000年1月



### 海外の類似実験
似たような実験は、アメリカのコロラド州やオーストラリアのクイーンズランド州でも行われています。コロラド州では、トラフガエル(Rana pipiens)に対して同様の紫外線影響実験が行われました。この実験では、紫外線の影響を受けた卵の孵化率が通常の孵化率に比べて約30%減少することが確認されています。クイーンズランド州では、紫外線に対する耐性の低いカエル種が特定の地域で著しく減少していることが報告され、紫外線防護技術の開発が進められています。


水銀回収技術とリン酸回収���術の開発 - 2000年1月

水銀回収技術とリン酸回収技術の開発 - 2000年1月


Monday, October 14, 2024

Introduction of Waste Tax - December 2002

Introduction of Waste Tax - December 2002

Aomori, Akita, and Iwate prefectures jointly introduced the "Industrial Waste Tax" as a countermeasure against the illegal dumping of industrial waste. This tax imposes a levy of 1000 yen per ton of industrial waste brought to final disposal sites, impacting the waste management market, which is estimated to be around 300 billion yen annually. The tax aims to promote proper waste disposal and curb illegal dumping by imposing a financial burden on waste producers and intermediaries.

In Aomori Prefecture's Rokkasho Village, about 500,000 tons of industrial waste are brought to final disposal sites annually, with roughly 10% coming from outside the prefecture. For waste brought in from outside the prefecture, a "Conservation Cooperation Fee" of 3000 yen per ton is added, generating approximately 600 million yen in revenue annually for Aomori Prefecture. This revenue is expected to reduce the inflow of external waste and promote recycling efforts among local businesses.

The types of waste handled include 150,000 tons of construction debris, 30,000 tons of plastic waste, and 15,000 tons of metal scrap annually. In particular, hazardous substances like PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) are also included, requiring strict management under the Waste Management Act due to their significant environmental impact.

The tax revenue is being used to enhance recycling facilities and improve waste processing technologies. In Aomori, "Clean Energy Aomori Co., Ltd." has invested 500 million yen annually to build state-of-the-art processing facilities. Similarly, "Akita Environmental Services" in Akita Prefecture has invested 200 million yen to increase processing capacity. These efforts have led to a 20% improvement in overall waste processing capacity across the three prefectures, contributing to environmental conservation in the region.







Kokubu Farm's Circulation System - December 2002

Kokubu Farm's Circulation System - December 2002

Kokubu Farm, located in Otama Village, Adachi District, Fukushima Prefecture, has introduced a circular farming system that effectively reuses organic matter from the region. This system collaborates with the inns of Mount Adatara Onsen Cooperative to compost approximately 200 tons of food leftovers and livestock manure annually, reducing the waste disposal costs of the inns by about 40%. About 100 tons of food waste are collected annually from the inns, with an additional 50 tons from restaurants. The collected waste is processed at a composting facility and turned into nutrient-rich compost, which is used on Kokubu Farm's 20 hectares of farmland, contributing to the production of approximately 150 tons of crops annually.

In addition, Kokubu Farm receives about 500 tons of organic waste annually from the entire Adachi District. This has successfully reduced the overall waste disposal costs in the region by 30%, or about 5 million yen. After the introduction of the composting system, annual waste disposal costs have decreased from approximately 15 million yen to 10 million yen.

This composting system is supported by the "Fukushima Organic Recycling Cooperative" and jointly operated with the local company "Fukushima Biotech Co., Ltd." As a result, the system efficiently processes organic waste across the region and has gained attention as a model case of circular agriculture. It is spreading among agricultural workers throughout Fukushima Prefecture.

宮崎県綾町の有機農業と環境保護活動の概要 - 1997年4月

宮崎県綾町の有機農業と環境保護活動の概要 - 1997年4月





Biomass Energy Utilization in Växjö, Sweden - December 2002

Biomass Energy Utilization in Växjö, Sweden - December 2002

Växjö, a city in southern Sweden, once relied 100% on oil for heating energy until the late 1970s. Today, the city uses biomass energy for power generation and district heating. This energy transition is part of the city's sustainable policies, utilizing forest resources from the surrounding areas of Växjö.

The biomass power system is operated by Växjö Energi AB, which uses approximately 200,000 tons of wood waste annually as fuel. This wood mainly comes from thinning operations and waste from sawmills. The system produces about 600 gigawatt-hours of electricity per year and supplies heat to approximately 90% of the buildings in the city. Through this biomass power generation, Växjö reduces carbon dioxide emissions by about 250,000 tons annually, advancing the city's shift away from fossil fuel dependence.

Växjö aims to become "the world's greenest city," and this project stands as a key example of that effort. Local company Sveaskog supplies approximately 200,000 tons of wood annually to support this initiative. Sustainable resource management is promoted throughout the region. Additionally, this project has created 150 jobs and revitalized the local economy.

The biomass system has also reduced energy costs by about 25%, generating an economic effect of around 300 million Swedish kronor (about 4 billion yen) annually. This renewable energy model is highly regarded as a climate change measure and is a reference for cities around the world.





