
"Innovation in High Moisture Continuous Carbonization Equipment" - May 15, 1998

The "High Moisture Continuous Carbonization Equipment" is a technology developed specifically to efficiently carbonize plant residues with a high moisture content. This equipment is characterized by its ability to carbonize high moisture content materials (such as okara or coffee grounds) with a moisture content of 76% to 80% without the need for drying.

Conventional carbonization equipment required separate drying and carbonization processes, which were costly and time-consuming. However, this High Moisture Continuous Carbonization Equipment adopts a process that integrates drying and carbonization, reducing equipment costs by about half and enabling efficient carbonization.

Specific applications include food manufacturers and industrial waste processors. These industries generate large amounts of plant residues, which pose a processing challenge. By introducing this equipment, residues can be carbonized, and the resulting carbonized material can be effectively used as fuel or soil conditioner.

Moreover, this equipment offers significant cost reductions compared to traditional methods and reduces environmental impact, making it expected to be widely adopted in the future. The quality of the carbonized material is also high, allowing for various uses, making this technology an important part of sustainable resource utilization.

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