Monday, March 10, 2025

The famous sword "Dabanehira" and its master craftsman, Bahei - a masterpiece from the late Heian period

The famous sword "Dabanehira" and its master craftsman, Bahei - a masterpiece from the late Heian period

The swordsmith Baoping, active in Bizen Province (present-day Okayama Prefecture) at the end of the Heian Period, is known for his outstanding skills. Among his works, the most famous is the tachi sword called "Ookanehira" (大包平).

As the name suggests, "Ookanehira" is one of the largest of Bahei's works, measuring approximately 892 cm in length and 35 cm in warp, and has an imposing appearance. The sword is characterized by its Shinogi-zukuri, hermune, and boar-necked spearhead, and has a wide body with a high koshibari (bow at the waist), giving it an impressive, sturdy appearance. It has a wide body, a high waist bow, and an impressive stomping appearance. Usually, only two characters of "Bahei" are engraved on a work of Bahei, but the fact that six characters are engraved on this sword suggests that it is a very special piece.

This famous sword was handed down to the Ikeda family, lords of the Okayama domain, during the Edo period, and is said to have been especially loved by Ikeda Terumasa. It was then passed down from generation to generation in the Ikeda family until 1967, when the Japanese government purchased it for 65 million yen and it is now in the collection of the Tokyo National Museum.

Due to its superior technique and beauty, the "Taikanehira" has been called "the masterpiece of Japanese swords," and along with Dojikiri-Yasutsuna, it is also known as the "East-West Yokozuna of Japanese swords. Its majestic appearance and historical background make it a special object of interest to many sword enthusiasts and researchers.

In recent years, the online game "Touken Ranbu" (Sword Dance) has introduced an anthropomorphic character of "Daikanehira," which has become widely known among the younger generation. This character refers to himself as the "Yokozuna of swords," and is set up as a rival to Doshikiri-Yasutsuna, one of the Five Swords under Heaven.

Related Information
- National Museum Collection Information: "Ohbanehira" is in the collection of the Tokyo National Museum, and more information can be found on the National Museum's official website.
- Ohbakuhira" in Touken Ranbu: For more information on the characterization of "Ohbakuhira" in "Touken Ranbu", please refer to the official website of the game and related information.

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