Wholesale Electricity Business: The business of supplying electricity to electric power companies.
Deregulation of electricity retailing: Liberalization of electricity sales, allowing companies to sell electricity directly to consumers.
Regional monopoly system: A system in which the only operator in a particular region provides service.
Transmission line usage fee: A fee for using the power grid of an electric power company.
Cogeneration: A system that effectively uses waste heat at the same time as generating electricity.
Private power generation: A company or facility generates its own power.
Energy conservation: Efforts to reduce energy use.
Bills endorsed: The act of putting one's name and guarantee on another person's bill.
Deregulation: Relaxation of government regulations.
Electricity sales business: The business of selling electricity generated by a company to others.
Independent power supplier: A company that supplies electricity independently from existing major power companies.
Diesel engine: An internal combustion engine that uses diesel oil as fuel.
Internal Combustion Engine: An engine that burns fuel internally.
Amortization expense: An expense that accounts for the decrease in the value of an asset.
Running costs: Expenses required to operate a business.
High-voltage power receiving facilities: Facilities for receiving high-voltage power.
Distribution: Distribution of electricity to consumers.
Thermal energy supply: System to supply heat.
Thermal recycling: Reuse of thermal energy obtained from burning waste.
Distributed generation: A system in which electricity is supplied by multiple small-scale power generation facilities.
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