在创建环境企业时, 我认为使用与技术和业务发展有关的公共支持系统是一种方法。 许多从事环境业务发展的经营者和工程师每天都很忙, 不知道政府、地方政府等公共机构实施的补贴、补贴、债务担保、低息贷款等各种制度都出人意料。 使用这种公共支助系统对技术和业务发展有各种优点。 使用的优点如下。
(1) 赠款和补贴 (没有偿还义务) 可以在补贴项目的一半或三分之二之内得到最高和三分之二的收到。
(2) 在减轻发展基金负担后, 发展迅速进行, 而不必担心发展风险。
3) 以政府为基础、以基础为基础的各种债务担保贷款制度易于使用。
4) 您可以使用与所通过的项目 (如补贴) 相关的系统, 如利益商业化支持、低息贷款等。
(5) 由于私营金融机构、商业伙伴和大众媒体对同一招聘进行了高度评价, 因此有可能在开发阶段获得双重业绩。
6) 有一个系统, 可以获得一个重大的减税奖励, 如公司税和营业税。
此外, 申请这个项目也很重要, 因为它将考察市场需求和新法规等社会重要性、这个项目的技术成果以及其他公司产品的差异化和经济效果。 即使不采用 (概率是政府制度的十分之一, 据说地方自治制度是三分之一), 也有可能对案件进行客观评估。 我们希望您能了解我们的公共支持系统。 在以政府制度为程序的情况下, 有关机构涉及公司的技术和业务发展→其基础、研究机构→负责人。 如果您是地方政府, 请联系相关办公室。
全球环境业务 / 资源循环经济 / Eco Business / Circular Economy / 地球環境ビジネス / 循環経済
Sunday, March 31, 2019
日本国内でも環境犯罪23.0%増 1999.08.15
水不足による食料危機間近 1999.08.15
Solar power is for heat use 1
The Sun should be considered as the use of solar heat as well as light.
● Solar thermal Water heaters renewable Energy (natural energy) is a representative of solar power that utilizes solar light. The system which buys the whole amount of power obtained from there becomes a tail wind, and the solar power generation rapidly spread and expanded in recent years. Solar power will continue to run as a top runner in renewable energy. The energy use using the heat of the sun is attracting attention to the method of electric conversion of this solar light again. The solar heat is collected by the collector, etc., and it tries to use it as a heat source of hot water and heating.
● For example, when used in hot water, energy conversion efficiency (heat collection efficiency) is 40% or more, and has a much higher power than the conversion efficiency of 10% solar light. If the use facility is hot water in the possibility of increasing the solar water heater, it is the one that the hot water of 60 ℃ or more can be obtained in summer. A standard solar water heater (6 ㎡ of heat collector area and 300L) can reduce the energy consumed by the general household in hot water for one year by about 95% (approximately 455L in terms of kerosene). The office which uses electricity and kerosene, etc. To change water to hot water if it thinks is not a little. The golf course, the sports facilities, the geriatric care facilities, etc. are used for the hot water in the bath, the shower, and the hot water etc., and are overwhelmingly more than energy consumption such as other lights and air conditioners. In other words, the solar water heater is energy-saving, and energy costs are reduced.
● Solar thermal Water heaters renewable Energy (natural energy) is a representative of solar power that utilizes solar light. The system which buys the whole amount of power obtained from there becomes a tail wind, and the solar power generation rapidly spread and expanded in recent years. Solar power will continue to run as a top runner in renewable energy. The energy use using the heat of the sun is attracting attention to the method of electric conversion of this solar light again. The solar heat is collected by the collector, etc., and it tries to use it as a heat source of hot water and heating.
● For example, when used in hot water, energy conversion efficiency (heat collection efficiency) is 40% or more, and has a much higher power than the conversion efficiency of 10% solar light. If the use facility is hot water in the possibility of increasing the solar water heater, it is the one that the hot water of 60 ℃ or more can be obtained in summer. A standard solar water heater (6 ㎡ of heat collector area and 300L) can reduce the energy consumed by the general household in hot water for one year by about 95% (approximately 455L in terms of kerosene). The office which uses electricity and kerosene, etc. To change water to hot water if it thinks is not a little. The golf course, the sports facilities, the geriatric care facilities, etc. are used for the hot water in the bath, the shower, and the hot water etc., and are overwhelmingly more than energy consumption such as other lights and air conditioners. In other words, the solar water heater is energy-saving, and energy costs are reduced.
環境犯罪市場、年間数百億円規模 1999.08.15
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Grant to NGP Plantation 1998.10.15
The Japan Environmental Foundation (Minato-ku, Tokyo) grants up to 500,000 yen from the tree-free fund to NGOS who are restoring forests such as afforestation and greening, and will recruit target organizations until the end of October. The fund has a reserve of 1% of the paper's sales, which do not use any virgin valves developed by the citizens of the recycling movement. Grant is the fifth time this year. In 1997, he selected 10 organizations such as the "Tanzania Borlevis Club," which supports the afforestation activities in Tanzania.
该区域产生的废物被退回该区域 ② 1998.08.15
另一方面, 在宫崎县, 在宫城县佐子的一条森林 森越戸水路中, 建立了东北土木工程系和全国第二大牡蛎环境生态工程实验室, 在那里, 使用牡蛎壳的净水渠道受到各种排水的污染。
BOD (生化需氧量) 是 5分钟, COD (化学需氧量) 也收集数据, 以证明其疗效, 如三分之一, 它是作为水净化装置传播。
这种牡蛎壳净化系统的机理很容易沉入放入塑料网的水道中, 使牡蛎壳不流动。
层状中形成的牡蛎间隙适用于微生物的居住, 在该层培育的细菌等将微生物分解, 而微生物是造成食品残渣、油、洗涤剂等污染的原因。 此外, 据说外壳中含有的碱能有效地将有机物分解为氮气过程中产生的氨改变。
在迫町的情况下, 安装费为 30, 000 日元, 每米在排水道的宽度 2.4 mae 敲矿石。 既然已经积累了专门知识, 就需要一半。 建设部也引起了人们对这种独特的净化方法的关注, 比如参观旅游。
BOD (生化需氧量) 是 5分钟, COD (化学需氧量) 也收集数据, 以证明其疗效, 如三分之一, 它是作为水净化装置传播。
这种牡蛎壳净化系统的机理很容易沉入放入塑料网的水道中, 使牡蛎壳不流动。
层状中形成的牡蛎间隙适用于微生物的居住, 在该层培育的细菌等将微生物分解, 而微生物是造成食品残渣、油、洗涤剂等污染的原因。 此外, 据说外壳中含有的碱能有效地将有机物分解为氮气过程中产生的氨改变。
在迫町的情况下, 安装费为 30, 000 日元, 每米在排水道的宽度 2.4 mae 敲矿石。 既然已经积累了专门知识, 就需要一半。 建设部也引起了人们对这种独特的净化方法的关注, 比如参观旅游。
Suspicion of immunodegradation in Organotin 1998.10.15
Professors of the Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University announced the results of the research that organotin compounds such as tributyltin (TBT) used in ship paints may degrade the immune function of marine mammals such as dolphins and seals. It strongly suppresses proliferation by adding TBT such as over 100PPP to lymphocytes involved in immune function ingested from seven heads, such as bottlenose dolphins. The view that it is affecting the mass death of the virus infection of the mammal of the sea successive from the 1970s.
A case of small and medium-sized construction company 2000.12.20
It was in a severe, small and medium-sized construction industry that "the companion's how many firms was in the hardships of the bankruptcy", and it was in a very energetic president. Three years ago, the source of energy was the determination of "changing the idea and the change of business category." "To create a new business that takes advantage of the management resources including the network that took over from the father, and put the environment in one of the business philosophies." The environment as a philosophy is "landing on the Sosiovidines as a corporate ideal of the 21st century" and "consideration for the next generation not seen yet". The "ISO9001" and "ISO14001" certification were selected as a tool for the conversion of ideas. ISO9001 was acquired over the course of one year and two months. We are still working on acquiring iso140001. In the process of acquiring these certifications, the president says the workforce has changed rapidly.
"The social motivation of my work" or "The joy of concentrating on one thing together and studying and creating." The cost was more than I had expected, but it was more than I could get. Attitudes related to the high-ratio public works have also changed. At the site, employees voluntarily started to beautify the environment. For example, the extension of the sidewalk will be used for separating garbage and tobacco ashtrays for passers-by. You can arrange the flowers of the season, and guide the purpose of the construction into a big signboard with illustrations. "The consciousness of the people who work in the field has changed. The atmosphere of the site changed greatly, too.
Such a small change is now beginning to change the company vividly, "the president looks happy. On the other hand, a concrete mass recycling business was started to supply roadbed materials used for public works. It stopped digging from the mountain, and it switched to the concrete mass. "First, consider the environment. As a tail, the concrete masses are cheaper than 300 to 400 yen per tonne. Recycled materials have come to sell. " He is also energetic in the renovation business as a new business in the construction field. "The days of scrap and build are no longer the end. The idea from rebuilding. " All the employees are twisting their heads in business development for the environment. "I think I can definitely go," said the president. In some parts of society, the signs of such transformation are surely visible.
"The social motivation of my work" or "The joy of concentrating on one thing together and studying and creating." The cost was more than I had expected, but it was more than I could get. Attitudes related to the high-ratio public works have also changed. At the site, employees voluntarily started to beautify the environment. For example, the extension of the sidewalk will be used for separating garbage and tobacco ashtrays for passers-by. You can arrange the flowers of the season, and guide the purpose of the construction into a big signboard with illustrations. "The consciousness of the people who work in the field has changed. The atmosphere of the site changed greatly, too.
Such a small change is now beginning to change the company vividly, "the president looks happy. On the other hand, a concrete mass recycling business was started to supply roadbed materials used for public works. It stopped digging from the mountain, and it switched to the concrete mass. "First, consider the environment. As a tail, the concrete masses are cheaper than 300 to 400 yen per tonne. Recycled materials have come to sell. " He is also energetic in the renovation business as a new business in the construction field. "The days of scrap and build are no longer the end. The idea from rebuilding. " All the employees are twisting their heads in business development for the environment. "I think I can definitely go," said the president. In some parts of society, the signs of such transformation are surely visible.
水坝建筑计划在老鹰猫头鹰的栖所 1998.10.15
在日本, 国家环境保护联合会调查了北海道北部两个地点小型农业灌溉大坝的开发情况, 那里只有约10种北海道没有得到承认。 目前, 联合会已决定要求对这两个部计划的停药和鹰猫头鹰进行紧急调查, 但由于农业形势和当地需求的变化, 尚未决定全面施工。
Friday, March 29, 2019
空气污染没有改善 1998.10.15
根据环境机构公布的一项调查, 全国道路沿线382个汽车废气测量站的二氧化氮浓度超过了环境标准 (0.06 ppm)。 在1412地点中, 68个地点的居民区和服务区的一般测量站超标。 在浮动颗粒物165个位置的汽车废气测量站246处, 一般测量站在 1508年584个地方不符合标准。
The six laws concerning circulation in Japan 2002.10
Since the establishment of the environmental Basic Law, which is said to be the constitution of the Environment in 1993, the laws of the environment-related laws and regulations have been steadily advancing, and the following circulating six laws are legislated in the conventional diet. The Basic Law for promoting the formation of a recycling-oriented society (enacted in June 2006) the revised Waste Disposal Act (Ministry of Health and Welfare in April 2001) promotion of effective use of resources (environmental agency, METI, Ministry of Health and Welfare) construction Materials Recycling Law (Ministry of Construction in November 2000) Promoting the recycling of food resources (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in April 2001) Green Purchasing Act (Enforcement of the environmental Agency in April 2001) the ordinance of the municipality is newly institutionalized, and it is revised. All of these trends are related to the business opportunities of environmental business, or the development of environmental management systems. Therefore, it is important for each business operator to understand the necessary regulations and to constantly check their movements.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Sewage sludge treatment deficit 23.6 billion yen 1998.10.15
The Japan Sewage service agency manages four wide area treatment facilities for low-cost sewage sludge, but it is clear that the administration office has fallen to about 23.6 billion yen by 96 years. In the case of treatment facilities in the Osaka South Region, occupancy rate is 62% in FY 1996. The processing cost of approximately 57000 yen per ton per tonne in 1995 is about 30 million yen. Construction materials produced by sludge treatment about 10000 70 million legislative m was also about 150 legislative meters that could be sold.
Training of environmental Protection engineers 1998.10.15
The Tokyo Private school council approved the establishment of the Department of Natural Environment Conservation in the Toyo Engineering College (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo). The Department of Environmental Conservation specialized courses is the first in the whole country to be born in a vocational school. The Department has a capacity of 40 people and two years. The curriculum includes general education such as environment-related English conversation, environmental protection theory and environmental assessment theory, and practical practice for environmental research. The intention of the training of environmental protection engineers to be a pillar of the accompany.
该区域产生的废物被退回该区域 (1) 1998.08.15
当地废物被归还该区域, 该区域的区域问题得到解决。
苹果的地区是青森县, 占国内产量的30%。 在同一县, 如果汁, 这发生在加工生产的苹果, 如果汁, 加工是一个问题。
在目前情况下, 许多用作饲料和化肥的废物被视为工业废物。
因此, 1998年1月, 公司开办了一家企业, 出售苹果渣土有机肥料和抱怨 (青林县弘前市)。
苹果的浮渣, 包括钾和果胶等矿物质, 以及低聚糖等营养物质, 也被用来从以前的情况下给青森农舍施肥。
然而, 由于苹果渣多汁, 容易腐烂, 难以治疗。 在公司中, 米麸皮被添加到微生物中, 经过发酵, 并将咖啡豆的渣土作为气味擦除。 米麸质在磷、钾和咖啡豆中含有氮, 即使使用肥料成分也很有效。
在弘前市建设的工厂于9月竣工, 为7000万日元。
三年后, 它计划每年生产 7, 000 吨有机肥料。 5升约900日元的袋子, 它将被运往东京都会区, 但该公司有一个业务联盟与 黄金崎農場农场, 在当地经营一个大型农场, 并已获得了一个主要的用途。
苹果的地区是青森县, 占国内产量的30%。 在同一县, 如果汁, 这发生在加工生产的苹果, 如果汁, 加工是一个问题。
在目前情况下, 许多用作饲料和化肥的废物被视为工业废物。
因此, 1998年1月, 公司开办了一家企业, 出售苹果渣土有机肥料和抱怨 (青林县弘前市)。
苹果的浮渣, 包括钾和果胶等矿物质, 以及低聚糖等营养物质, 也被用来从以前的情况下给青森农舍施肥。
然而, 由于苹果渣多汁, 容易腐烂, 难以治疗。 在公司中, 米麸皮被添加到微生物中, 经过发酵, 并将咖啡豆的渣土作为气味擦除。 米麸质在磷、钾和咖啡豆中含有氮, 即使使用肥料成分也很有效。
在弘前市建设的工厂于9月竣工, 为7000万日元。
三年后, 它计划每年生产 7, 000 吨有机肥料。 5升约900日元的袋子, 它将被运往东京都会区, 但该公司有一个业务联盟与 黄金崎農場农场, 在当地经营一个大型农场, 并已获得了一个主要的用途。
Comprehensive measures to reduce CO2 emissions of automobiles 1998.10.15
The Ministry of Construction will promote comprehensive measures to reduce CO2 emissions from automobiles. Road maintenance of congestion points, advanced road Transportation system (etc) such as non-stop automatic charge system (ITS), and introduction of low-emission vehicles to official vehicles. In ITS R&D and development, the budget for the 99 fiscal year was 2.6 times 65.3 billion yen. ETC. Plans to start services around the toll stations of major highways in the Tokyo metropolitan area in 2000 and introduce them to approximately 730 locations nationwide by fiscal 2002.
The amount of food waste in Japan 2018.11
The amount of food waste coming from home is excessive! The self-sufficiency rate in this country is about 40% on a calorie basis, which is not an accurate figure. It is probably the lowest in developed countries. Wouldn't years have been discarded as a food waste of 19 million ton, and 60% of the 11 million ton have been discharged from the home. The problem is that 200 to 4 million ton of the packaging have been discarded as unopened and uncooked. The fact is that most of them use electricity in the refrigerator and are abandoned without seeing the light of light as food. Many of the food that is thrown away is a cheap food which is done well in the supermarket which is the food imported from foreign countries with low price. Cheap It is the food that jumps and buys it saying. This is a small domestic product, imported goods that do not think it is only cheap and generally delicious. It saves it to the person in the refrigerator because it does not want to eat immediately. Most are out of date, and remain unopened to waste. The world's experts said, "Japan have money but no food." It is postponed to the next generation here.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
We need a new agency with a thousand researchers 1998.10.15
The National Institute of Environmental Research announced a proposal to "not be able to respond to the environmental problems of the century if we do not have a research institution of 1,000 researchers." Currently, with the rapid increase in research themes, researchers at the institute remain flat with 180 people, and in 10 years they should be United States-level 3000. In the research budget, we estimate that we need to allocate 100 billion items to new institutions for about 10 billion yen in the current year.
我度过了一段美好的时光, 但现在我很糟糕 1998.10.15
这项调查从1980年代开始由日本哺乳动物协会继续进行, 调查显示, 进口宠物等的外国哺乳动物正在对日本的生态系统和作物造成严重损害。 例如, 有数万来自南亚的猫鹅在枢纽灭绝时被释放到奄美大島。 这些珍稀物种在一些地区有所减少, 包括阿米诺和鸟的鸟。
一方、 全国第2位のカキの産地、宮崎県でも東北土木工学科・環境生態工学研究室が96年初めに、カキ殻を使った浄水路を雑排水で汚れた宮城県迫町の森越戸水路に設置。
BOD(生物化学的酸素要求量) が 5分の1に、 COD (化学的酸素要求量)
迫町の場合、 幅2.4メー ト丿レの排水路で、1メートル当たりの設置費は3万円。ノウハウが蓄積された現在はその半分で済む。建設省も視察に訪れるなど、このユニークな浄化方法に注目が集まっている。
BOD(生物化学的酸素要求量) が 5分の1に、 COD (化学的酸素要求量)
迫町の場合、 幅2.4メー ト丿レの排水路で、1メートル当たりの設置費は3万円。ノウハウが蓄積された現在はその半分で済む。建設省も視察に訪れるなど、このユニークな浄化方法に注目が集まっている。
The 21st century is the era of hydrogen civilization 4 - mobile devices and methanol cartridge
4. Increased use of mobile devices.
The 21st century is said to be "the age of Hydrogen civilization" in the 21st century, and its efforts are accelerating toward that era. The core of the technology is the fuel cell (FC: FUELCELL). A fuel cell is a device that converts chemical potential energy (energy stored in molecular bonds) into electrical energy.
Fuel cells that can be used for longer periods of time than conventional batteries used in mobile phones, personal computers, and other mobile devices have been developed by electrical products and telecommunication equipment manufacturers. I hear that demand is surged to come here with the expanding mobile device market. However, the method of reacting the air with methanol is common, and it is now a bottleneck that it is difficult to bring in the methanol cartridge of the hydrogen collection to the airplane etc. by terrorism measures. In Japan, a resource small country that relies on foreign countries for the majority of the hydrogen harvesting energy resources from non-fossil fuels, we can secure resource security if we can collect hydrogen from "water resources" and "biomass" which can be domestically and procured domestically. In Japan, it seems that the "Hydrogen society" spread is in accordance with the national interest above all. This country is at a turning point in its energy policy.
The 21st century is said to be "the age of Hydrogen civilization" in the 21st century, and its efforts are accelerating toward that era. The core of the technology is the fuel cell (FC: FUELCELL). A fuel cell is a device that converts chemical potential energy (energy stored in molecular bonds) into electrical energy.
Fuel cells that can be used for longer periods of time than conventional batteries used in mobile phones, personal computers, and other mobile devices have been developed by electrical products and telecommunication equipment manufacturers. I hear that demand is surged to come here with the expanding mobile device market. However, the method of reacting the air with methanol is common, and it is now a bottleneck that it is difficult to bring in the methanol cartridge of the hydrogen collection to the airplane etc. by terrorism measures. In Japan, a resource small country that relies on foreign countries for the majority of the hydrogen harvesting energy resources from non-fossil fuels, we can secure resource security if we can collect hydrogen from "water resources" and "biomass" which can be domestically and procured domestically. In Japan, it seems that the "Hydrogen society" spread is in accordance with the national interest above all. This country is at a turning point in its energy policy.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
商社向けの環境会計手法を検討 1999.08.15
通勤通行证的使用 1998.10.15
JR West 从使用的 250, 000 张门票中制作了5000套卡。 通勤通行证的材料是一个完美的形状和大小与聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯。 一种新开发的溶液, 由植物剥去表面油漆和磁性膜, 使其变成纯白色, 并重新印刷图案。 它是非常流行的免费分发在铁路活动。 目前, 该员工的名片正在过渡到通勤车卡回收名片。
如何通过投注票 1998.10.15
在日本中央赛车协会, 我们开发了一种技术来处理去圆珠笔的门票。 该票是精细粉碎, 并由塑料树脂和一对一的固体混合物, 圆珠笔可以是一个从四张投注票。 1 0日和 1 1日, 该原型立即被换成东京赛马场清洁活动的门票。 1997年发行的投注券总数约为8.9亿张, 总重量约为800吨。
The Renovation and renewal business of housing 1998.11.15
The "Renovation and renewal" business of housing, is expected to grow to a market that exceeds 20 trillion yen in fiscal 2015. The average service life of a Japan residence is very short with about 25 years. Compared with the 75 years of the United States, 44 years of the United Kingdom, it is well below considering the difference of the building method such as the wooden house and the brick. In the past, construction and renovation of new buildings has helped Japan domestic building demand. The construction industry has grown steadily in proportion to economic growth, and it can be said that the result of having continued the Bill de and scrap in that. According to the undisclosed of the Ministry of Construction and the Institute for Construction Economics, the maintenance and repair work for the entire construction industry in 1995 was 12.5 trillion yen. This is a total of 15.2% of all construction, and it has remained stable for the past six years. However, in Europe and the United States, it has exceeded 30% of United Kingdom, and has already grown to a scale comparable to the new market.
Monday, March 25, 2019
Ministry of Construction to renovate building energy saving 1998.10.15
The Ministry of Construction will implement energy-saving equipment and renovation of energy-saving facilities at seven government buildings such as Tsuruga Daini Regional government Office (Fukui Prefecture) from fiscal 1999. It is implemented as a model business for the dissemination of energy-saving buildings, and the obtained data is also provided to construction and materials manufacturers. Request 3.5 billion for a new project in the 99 budget. The introduction technology is proof control, multi-layer glass, solar power generation, thermal storage air conditioning.
在废物回收方面, 预计将利用新的企业对废物进行调解和调解。 它是一种将从每个营业场所排出的废物作为有价值的材料提供给每个必要的商业场所作为资源的服务。 此外, 还要求它确保必要的废物以及收集这些材料的情况。 当我们考虑到一个有限的资源问题时, 将这些废物作为资源联系起来的企业正在为每个行业建立。 海上的互联网网站可以看到以前的废物交易的例子。 认为浪费不再是 "第二资源" 或 "流通资源" 是常识。 在以往的饮食中, 颁布了五场循环法, 从回收社会的基本立法入手。 预计它将成为有效利用废物的经济激励措施。
随着利用各种经营活动中排放的废料作为资源的理念的推进, 科学的回收利用方法, 以及供需的精确匹配, 作为一个新的业务的扩张, 并不是一个传统的废物处理行业。 这种商业模式的出现, 开始在发展区域循环社会和振兴各地地方工业方面发挥作用。
跨公司的废物回收集群可以降低个别公司的废物处置成本, 也可以通过利用废物降低生产成本或利润。 由于维珍资源未来的价格上涨是预测的, 废物回收不仅是资源和环境的考虑因素, 也是管理战略的一个重要问题。 因此, 废物协调员获得了一个重要的位置。 在能源领域有一个 ESCO 业务, 但最好有一个广义的资源服务公司业务, 包括废物协调员。
随着利用各种经营活动中排放的废料作为资源的理念的推进, 科学的回收利用方法, 以及供需的精确匹配, 作为一个新的业务的扩张, 并不是一个传统的废物处理行业。 这种商业模式的出现, 开始在发展区域循环社会和振兴各地地方工业方面发挥作用。
跨公司的废物回收集群可以降低个别公司的废物处置成本, 也可以通过利用废物降低生产成本或利润。 由于维珍资源未来的价格上涨是预测的, 废物回收不仅是资源和环境的考虑因素, 也是管理战略的一个重要问题。 因此, 废物协调员获得了一个重要的位置。 在能源领域有一个 ESCO 业务, 但最好有一个广义的资源服务公司业务, 包括废物协调员。
About Woody biomass power generation 2017 ②
Last year in 2017, I looked into the "1st International Biomass Power Generation exhibition" at Tokyo Big Sight.
If it becomes possible to introduce a large-scale equipment that only the priority of the thermal use than power generation is not recoverable cost high, and the equipment operation, to operate the business, the collection of the current woody biomass resources, and considering various circumstances such as efficient energy use, The sustainable power generation business is a difficult and unreasonable story even if the subsidy is used. So, what should I do? The answer is one. First of all, the proper use of woody biomass based on the current situation is not the first form of power generation, and it seems that the priority of thermal use is high solid business profitability.
In United Kingdom, we removed woody biomass from FIT and started buying a fixed price instead of heat. The construction of a good cascade use system by the region for the time being, use the woody biomass readily available in the region as a heat source first, and consider the electric supply as the next step in the Japan. In some regions, it is advisable to introduce a cogeneration system (cogeneration systems) suitable for tall. In any case, the success of the use of woody biomass is essential to ensure the quality, the entrance to the stable of quantity, and the outlet of the heat (electricity) that is obtained from it. The entrance and the exit are secured, and it is orthodox to start planning the introduction of a proper equipment. I want to be careful because it is equipment for the production business of heat (electricity). By the way, it is no doubt that the utilization of woody biomass resources will be further increased from the viewpoint of reduction of greenhouse gases (CO2) adopted by the COP21 in France Paris and carbon neutrality. Based on fossil fuels, woody biomass power generation reduces CO2 emissions by 0.5 tons. On the other hand, it is said that it will reduce about 1 ton if heat production. From this, the policy and the system of the priority of the use of heat are developed than power generation?
If it becomes possible to introduce a large-scale equipment that only the priority of the thermal use than power generation is not recoverable cost high, and the equipment operation, to operate the business, the collection of the current woody biomass resources, and considering various circumstances such as efficient energy use, The sustainable power generation business is a difficult and unreasonable story even if the subsidy is used. So, what should I do? The answer is one. First of all, the proper use of woody biomass based on the current situation is not the first form of power generation, and it seems that the priority of thermal use is high solid business profitability.
In United Kingdom, we removed woody biomass from FIT and started buying a fixed price instead of heat. The construction of a good cascade use system by the region for the time being, use the woody biomass readily available in the region as a heat source first, and consider the electric supply as the next step in the Japan. In some regions, it is advisable to introduce a cogeneration system (cogeneration systems) suitable for tall. In any case, the success of the use of woody biomass is essential to ensure the quality, the entrance to the stable of quantity, and the outlet of the heat (electricity) that is obtained from it. The entrance and the exit are secured, and it is orthodox to start planning the introduction of a proper equipment. I want to be careful because it is equipment for the production business of heat (electricity). By the way, it is no doubt that the utilization of woody biomass resources will be further increased from the viewpoint of reduction of greenhouse gases (CO2) adopted by the COP21 in France Paris and carbon neutrality. Based on fossil fuels, woody biomass power generation reduces CO2 emissions by 0.5 tons. On the other hand, it is said that it will reduce about 1 ton if heat production. From this, the policy and the system of the priority of the use of heat are developed than power generation?
【要点在这里】英国环境顾问 1999.06.15
三年前, 当日本企业对环境 ISO 的兴趣不断增长时, 我们的海外网络客户英国环境顾问就说了这种话。 "当我们想到工厂和办公室环境的改善时, 我们防止空气污染的努力是非常先进的日本, 没有我们出来的行为。 就日本而言, 在严格的污染控制措施中, 与其他国家相比, 获得了优越的预防技术力量。 他说: "亚洲的空气污染预防业务从一开始就不局限于日本。 总之, "空中优势" 从一开始就在日本占有一席之地。 可以说, 这很奇怪。
随后, 他将与水处理有关的咨询意见植入日本市政府和工厂。 然而, 日本的结果现在似乎是一个结果。 其原因是 , 非竞争易是有阻碍的。 另一方面, 我听说它在亚洲取得了相当大的成果。 有一天, 我了解到, 在经合组织 (经济发展合作署) 的研究材料中, 解决发展中国家污染和环境问题的机会将是该国国内生产总值的指导方针。 当 GDP2000 美元实现后, 就顶部、底部、排水和废物的顺序进行了努力, 供水、排水、污水处理、废物和大气的顺序将为15000美元。 明白了。
目前, 他一直在日本积极提出 "环境会计", 同时咨询工厂的土地评估。 通过对土壤污染程度的调查分析, 优化包括厂址在内的厂址土地属性评价中的环境标准。 这让人看到了该公司愿意成为一家与外国有关联的环保企业。
顺便说一句, 环境 ISO、ESCO 商业和生态酒店等环境咨询已经相继登陆日本。 这也是日本企业环境考虑中的一个弱点。 这种趋势今后将继续下去。 与日本环保商业领域的技术相比, 人文市场约为1.5万亿日元的16倍。 要想成为一个 "环境国家", 就必须有这样一个与外国有联系的想法。
随后, 他将与水处理有关的咨询意见植入日本市政府和工厂。 然而, 日本的结果现在似乎是一个结果。 其原因是 , 非竞争易是有阻碍的。 另一方面, 我听说它在亚洲取得了相当大的成果。 有一天, 我了解到, 在经合组织 (经济发展合作署) 的研究材料中, 解决发展中国家污染和环境问题的机会将是该国国内生产总值的指导方针。 当 GDP2000 美元实现后, 就顶部、底部、排水和废物的顺序进行了努力, 供水、排水、污水处理、废物和大气的顺序将为15000美元。 明白了。
目前, 他一直在日本积极提出 "环境会计", 同时咨询工厂的土地评估。 通过对土壤污染程度的调查分析, 优化包括厂址在内的厂址土地属性评价中的环境标准。 这让人看到了该公司愿意成为一家与外国有关联的环保企业。
顺便说一句, 环境 ISO、ESCO 商业和生态酒店等环境咨询已经相继登陆日本。 这也是日本企业环境考虑中的一个弱点。 这种趋势今后将继续下去。 与日本环保商业领域的技术相比, 人文市场约为1.5万亿日元的16倍。 要想成为一个 "环境国家", 就必须有这样一个与外国有联系的想法。
環境都市目指し名古屋が基本計画案 1999.08.15
Sunday, March 24, 2019
地域で発生した廃棄物はその地域へ還元① 1998.08.15
地域から出た廃棄物を地域に返す、 地域で問題になっていることは地域で解決する。
国内生産の5割を占めるリンゴの産地、青森県。 同県では
そこで、 98年1月にリンゴかすを有機肥料にし販売するする事業を開姶したのがダイノウ(青林県弘前市)。
リンゴかすはカリウムなどのミネラル分やペクチン、 オリゴ糖などの養分を含み、以前から青森の農家で肥料して使うところもあった。
さらに臭い消しとしてコーヒー豆のかすを使う。 米ぬかにはリンやカリウム、 コーヒー豆のかすには窒素が含まれ、 肥料成分しても効果がある。
国内生産の5割を占めるリンゴの産地、青森県。 同県では
そこで、 98年1月にリンゴかすを有機肥料にし販売するする事業を開姶したのがダイノウ(青林県弘前市)。
リンゴかすはカリウムなどのミネラル分やペクチン、 オリゴ糖などの養分を含み、以前から青森の農家で肥料して使うところもあった。
さらに臭い消しとしてコーヒー豆のかすを使う。 米ぬかにはリンやカリウム、 コーヒー豆のかすには窒素が含まれ、 肥料成分しても効果がある。
About Woody biomass power generation 2017 ①
Last year in 2017, I looked into the "1st International Biomass Power Generation exhibition" at Tokyo Big Sight.
As the renewable energy fixed price purchase system (FIT) and power liberalization became the lure of water, the venue was exhibited many power generation related facilities, and the number of visitors was many, especially in the event that the power generation business using woody biomass in various parts of Japan was started.
● Difficulty of woody biomass power generation. The success stories of woody biomass power generation in Japan as a profitable business are as close to zero as ever. Looking at this exhibition, the biomass power generation business of the Japan, in fact, was a subsidy project in the past and the present, and it seemed that it was still far ahead to become independent as the power supply which was able to take profit on a roll on a commercial base. In the case of woody biomass power generation, the purchase price of Japan FIT is 32 yen per 1Kw in unused timber. I hear that this is a case in which a chip of 12000 yen per ton is made a fuel in the 5Mw facility by the steam turbine. However, the business operation is difficult though it set the purchase price of 42 yen last year in a smaller power generation facility than this. Therefore, the electric power of the equipment cannot help becoming a large equipment. A large-scale facility can reduce the cost of power generation, which increases profitability. Many large-scale power generation facilities are exhibited in the venue on this day, and the introduction has been proposed and planned.However, the reality is severe.
● The priority of the use of heat than power generation. When it comes to introducing large-scale equipment, it is impossible to recover costs, and to operate facilities and business, considering the current circumstances of the collection of woody biomass resources, efficient use of energy, etc., The sustainable power generation business is a difficult and unreasonable story even if the subsidy is used. So, what should I do? The answer is one. First of all, the proper use of woody biomass based on the current situation is not the first form of power generation, and it seems that the priority of thermal use is high solid business profitability. In United Kingdom, we removed woody biomass from FIT and started buying a fixed price instead of heat.
As the renewable energy fixed price purchase system (FIT) and power liberalization became the lure of water, the venue was exhibited many power generation related facilities, and the number of visitors was many, especially in the event that the power generation business using woody biomass in various parts of Japan was started.
● Difficulty of woody biomass power generation. The success stories of woody biomass power generation in Japan as a profitable business are as close to zero as ever. Looking at this exhibition, the biomass power generation business of the Japan, in fact, was a subsidy project in the past and the present, and it seemed that it was still far ahead to become independent as the power supply which was able to take profit on a roll on a commercial base. In the case of woody biomass power generation, the purchase price of Japan FIT is 32 yen per 1Kw in unused timber. I hear that this is a case in which a chip of 12000 yen per ton is made a fuel in the 5Mw facility by the steam turbine. However, the business operation is difficult though it set the purchase price of 42 yen last year in a smaller power generation facility than this. Therefore, the electric power of the equipment cannot help becoming a large equipment. A large-scale facility can reduce the cost of power generation, which increases profitability. Many large-scale power generation facilities are exhibited in the venue on this day, and the introduction has been proposed and planned.However, the reality is severe.
● The priority of the use of heat than power generation. When it comes to introducing large-scale equipment, it is impossible to recover costs, and to operate facilities and business, considering the current circumstances of the collection of woody biomass resources, efficient use of energy, etc., The sustainable power generation business is a difficult and unreasonable story even if the subsidy is used. So, what should I do? The answer is one. First of all, the proper use of woody biomass based on the current situation is not the first form of power generation, and it seems that the priority of thermal use is high solid business profitability. In United Kingdom, we removed woody biomass from FIT and started buying a fixed price instead of heat.
中国の環境保護投資43%増 1998.09.15
Eco-tour 1998.07.15
Compared to the recession, the travel agency seems to have fared still more. The total sales of 65 domestic companies were 6. 5 trillion yen and listen. However, "environmental preservation" is becoming a useful factor in the planning and management of attracting customers even in the travel agency. Recently, the Eco-tour as a fashion style of a new travel which harmonizes tourism and the environment is established, and popularity is increasing. The Eco-tour began in the 1960s Nordic. At the end of the 1980s, the new coinage of "eco-tourism" is in vogue in the United States and Canada. Tourism has grown significantly as an industry that brings economic benefits, but the traditional ways of travel are not only for travelers, but also for the receiving side. Therefore, the environmental destruction by the tourism development of the profit priority increased. The purpose of eco-tours is to foster an environmental mind that observes, understands, and leaves a legacy to the future through travel, on the assumption that the environmental impact of the traditional environment is minimized. This includes the unique culture of the region and enhances the interest in nature conservation after travelers acquire knowledge and recognition. As a result, the natural environment as a tourist resource is protected. In recent years, various eco-tours have been planned in the Japan. In 1994, at the hands of the Japan Nature Conservation Association Japan Committee on Eco-Tour guidelines (① of nature and culture, small journeys ② nature conservation, respect for local culture, A guide with ③ environmental ethics ④ The facility ⑤ protected areas and the return of benefits to the inhabitants, which avoided adverse effects on nature, were clearly shown how the Eco tour should be. One of the most popular styles of eco-Tours is working tours and steady tours. It is a tour incorporating nature conservation and volunteer activities into the schedule. There are more and more participants each year. The Eco tour is likely to break though it leaves the problem of the visitor, the experience of the profit side, and the staff training of the guide post.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
残留有機塩素化合物1万7000トン 1998.09.15
アルミ缶回収率過去最高 1998.09.15
環境保全支援資金を取扱 1998.09.15
これが移動式ごみ箱の元祖 Mobile Garbage Bin 1998.09.15
ASIA PACIFIC社が開発し特許を得た「Mobile Gargabe
ASIA PACIFIC社が開発し特許を得た「Mobile Gargabe
Solar power is for heat use 2
The heat collector to collect the solar heat that can be used for cooling in the summertime, water to be accumulated in water, it can be roughly divided into air type to store in the air, water type is possible to retrofit to the existing facility, whereas the air type of building integrated is the advantage that can be used directly heating the air warmed.
In addition, heat storage tank and water storage tank for leveling the heat demand balance caused by the gap in the time zone of heat utilization and heat collection, heat exchanger, and performs a hot water and heating in combination such as a boiler, further heat can be chemically converted to air conditioning in the summertime. As a promising industry for nuclear power plants, the use of solar heat is affected by the rise in crude oil prices due to the second oil crisis in 1979. Although demand increased at that time, the subsided of oil prices continued to peak around 1980. The due of the great East Japan earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear power plant, the effective means of combating global warming, and attracting attention again as a promising industry.
In addition, heat storage tank and water storage tank for leveling the heat demand balance caused by the gap in the time zone of heat utilization and heat collection, heat exchanger, and performs a hot water and heating in combination such as a boiler, further heat can be chemically converted to air conditioning in the summertime. As a promising industry for nuclear power plants, the use of solar heat is affected by the rise in crude oil prices due to the second oil crisis in 1979. Although demand increased at that time, the subsided of oil prices continued to peak around 1980. The due of the great East Japan earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear power plant, the effective means of combating global warming, and attracting attention again as a promising industry.
建設発生土、情報交換網構築へ 1998.09.15
Friday, March 22, 2019
塩ビ玩具の安全性強調 1998.09.15
埋め立て量が大幅減 1998.09.15
RDF power generation is unexpectedly expensive 1998.10.15
Fukuoka Prefecture summarized the entrepreneur Plan of planning to locate large RDF power plants in Omuta city in the third sector system. According to this, the power generation facility of 10,000 3400kw, charging at 8 Yen 43 sen per 1kw/h. On the other hand, the amount of waste processed into RDF is calculated from 6900 yen per tonne even if the subsidy is 50%, and 13800 yen is available on the site, such as melt processing and activated carbon adsorption equipment. If the reverse fee is not applied at a reasonable amount, the result is severe.
Reuse market in a growing trend
<Reuse of used products and business expansion >
We eco-Business network has been doing market analysis by predicting that reuse and business to reuse used products (used goods) from 10 years ago is the growth area of the environmental business. In the Japan of the resource small country, it is also important to recycle the used product effectively from the viewpoint of resource securing, but it is not turning to recycling immediately, and it is a good idea to re-use (reuse) to reproduce this in many cases. The survival of the product is not a new resource, and it is necessary not to put energy into. Not only that, but there are a number of repair businesses, such as new used markets and repair and repairs, to be created. Although many small and medium-sized establishments, it leads to a wide range of job creation. At first, a small and medium-sized company has been listed in the past 10 years. The Eco-Business network is reading that the market will be twice as much as it is now by 2020. While the store form is large-scale, it polarization to the specialty store which squeezed the material to handle. The customer will also be clear about the consumer and the business place. Originally, it is said that the reuse market will grow in line with the economic downturn. Although it is undeniable that the current reuse market is the same trend, these days, market characteristics have not been seen before. Regardless of the recession, especially in the interest of the demand layer, in addition to the diversification of the idea, the use of products (such as bad feeling because I do not know who used) the prejudice to dilute, if functionality and design property is good, the need is becoming stronger. On the other hand, the supply is also trying to improve the number of items, distribution volume and quality to meet the needs, as well as the dissemination of product information and the expansion of sales methods and systems. NET auctions have already formed a market that is lightly exceeding 1, 5 trillion yen. "When you buy a new product, it is a point to choose a commodity to sell in the reuse shop". We will not let the reuse business out of the growth industry.
We eco-Business network has been doing market analysis by predicting that reuse and business to reuse used products (used goods) from 10 years ago is the growth area of the environmental business. In the Japan of the resource small country, it is also important to recycle the used product effectively from the viewpoint of resource securing, but it is not turning to recycling immediately, and it is a good idea to re-use (reuse) to reproduce this in many cases. The survival of the product is not a new resource, and it is necessary not to put energy into. Not only that, but there are a number of repair businesses, such as new used markets and repair and repairs, to be created. Although many small and medium-sized establishments, it leads to a wide range of job creation. At first, a small and medium-sized company has been listed in the past 10 years. The Eco-Business network is reading that the market will be twice as much as it is now by 2020. While the store form is large-scale, it polarization to the specialty store which squeezed the material to handle. The customer will also be clear about the consumer and the business place. Originally, it is said that the reuse market will grow in line with the economic downturn. Although it is undeniable that the current reuse market is the same trend, these days, market characteristics have not been seen before. Regardless of the recession, especially in the interest of the demand layer, in addition to the diversification of the idea, the use of products (such as bad feeling because I do not know who used) the prejudice to dilute, if functionality and design property is good, the need is becoming stronger. On the other hand, the supply is also trying to improve the number of items, distribution volume and quality to meet the needs, as well as the dissemination of product information and the expansion of sales methods and systems. NET auctions have already formed a market that is lightly exceeding 1, 5 trillion yen. "When you buy a new product, it is a point to choose a commodity to sell in the reuse shop". We will not let the reuse business out of the growth industry.
Asthma incidence over the time of the former Yokkaichi 1998.10.15
Katsumi Yoshida, professor Emeritus Mie Univ., was examining about 5400 elementary school children in the city of China and Honxi, where iron and steel is not sparing, and it is clear that the rate of asthma symptoms is about 9% in the sixth grade of the central part of the city and about 11% of women. When investigating the 1000 elementary school students in Yokkaichi to 82 people in the Japan, the sulfur dioxide concentration in the 1995 fiscal Year of Hon Xi is 0. At 051PPM, it is twice as serious as the pollution in Yokkaichi.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Minpaku - Growing share business in Japan 1
With the expansion of the service industry due to changes in the industrial structure, the share business is expanding. Share is a point of share, but in addition to the ban "Minpaku" in this June, already established as a new industry, such as cars and bicycles, offices. I tried to follow the actual business of the share. What is the share business? The definition of a shared business is not strictly defined. In general, "services that can be used by others to use the Internet, such as idle assets held by individuals" or. Recently, not only individuals, but also companies have been widely entered. Car sharing has already been commercialized by the parking lot management company and the car rental company mainly in the city part. The hotel is expected to expand its new business as an alternative facility for hotels in anticipation of the growing tourist. In this area, the "Air Bee and Bee" Company has grown to a huge "hotel chain" with more than 4.5 million registered properties in United States. -The future of share business is prominent in the exchange of things such as cars and rooms, from now time and know-how, wisdom and said intangible things can also be expected to be targeted. The business of sharing the professional ability such as acting on behalf of the housework general and the language lesson, and the design and the program construction is likely to become widespread. Share business is a low barriers to entry, if you have a PC or smartphone mechanism to tie the supply and demand is possible business idea. It's better to have a more mobile business place than a big company. It is also possible to contribute to the revitalization of the local economy in the local economy by utilizing human resources buried the region.
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
PRTR、企業の4割肯定的 1998.09.15
京都でハイブリッドタクシー 1998.09.15
農業廃棄物を利用し低公害炭 1998.09.15
Geothermal power equals 10 nuclear reactors
<Nuclear power is not at your feet. Geothermal energy >
● In addition to renewable energy such as solar and wind, it is the geothermal power that attracts attention in recent years as a local consumption energy. In volcanic countries and Japan, geothermal power generation capacity is a big energy resource that is twice the current wind and three times the solar light. Moreover, the CO2 emitted by power generation is a clean energy which contributes to measures against global warming at about one-twentieth of thermal power generation and the same low level as hydroelectric power generation. The hot water resources required for Japan geothermal power generation is 33 million liters in the world, with a power generation capacity of 10 nuclear reactors.
● Geothermal power generation is the one to turn the turbine directly with steam taken out from deep underground.In the thermal power plant, it can be said that the Earth plays the role of the boiler in geothermal power generation while steam is generated by the heat by the combustion of coal, oil, and LNG. As for geothermal power generation, the period leading to the investigation and the development and the operation of excavation etc. up to now has a drawback that the running cost becomes high after all, and the development trader was limited. Therefore, the country has been urging deregulation measures to support the initial investment from the 1990s and to commercialize it in a national park with a lot of geothermal spots. The expansion of these support systems, according to the Ministry of Economics, has set the goal that the amount of geothermal power generation can be developed up to 1.2 million kw in 20 years and 1.9 million kw in 30 years.By the way, the total output of global geothermal power generation is predicted to swell to 200 million kw in 50 years.The center of the market is Southeast Asia and Africa.
The "Paris agreement" measures global warming since 2020, and the business opportunities for geothermal power generation are increasing. By the way, the amount of geothermal power used in Japan is ninth in the world. 70% of the world's geothermal power turbines are made Japan of high technology. To sell the nuclear power plant that is suspicious and dangerous to the world Japan the government buys the world's Lost Laughs (* _ *)
● In addition to renewable energy such as solar and wind, it is the geothermal power that attracts attention in recent years as a local consumption energy. In volcanic countries and Japan, geothermal power generation capacity is a big energy resource that is twice the current wind and three times the solar light. Moreover, the CO2 emitted by power generation is a clean energy which contributes to measures against global warming at about one-twentieth of thermal power generation and the same low level as hydroelectric power generation. The hot water resources required for Japan geothermal power generation is 33 million liters in the world, with a power generation capacity of 10 nuclear reactors.
● Geothermal power generation is the one to turn the turbine directly with steam taken out from deep underground.In the thermal power plant, it can be said that the Earth plays the role of the boiler in geothermal power generation while steam is generated by the heat by the combustion of coal, oil, and LNG. As for geothermal power generation, the period leading to the investigation and the development and the operation of excavation etc. up to now has a drawback that the running cost becomes high after all, and the development trader was limited. Therefore, the country has been urging deregulation measures to support the initial investment from the 1990s and to commercialize it in a national park with a lot of geothermal spots. The expansion of these support systems, according to the Ministry of Economics, has set the goal that the amount of geothermal power generation can be developed up to 1.2 million kw in 20 years and 1.9 million kw in 30 years.By the way, the total output of global geothermal power generation is predicted to swell to 200 million kw in 50 years.The center of the market is Southeast Asia and Africa.
The "Paris agreement" measures global warming since 2020, and the business opportunities for geothermal power generation are increasing. By the way, the amount of geothermal power used in Japan is ninth in the world. 70% of the world's geothermal power turbines are made Japan of high technology. To sell the nuclear power plant that is suspicious and dangerous to the world Japan the government buys the world's Lost Laughs (* _ *)
Japan proposed to reduce CO2 emissions 1998.10.15
The Government proposes a mechanism by which developed countries and developing countries will jointly work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in COP4, which will be held in Buenos Aires in November. This "clean development mechanism" enables developed countries to incorporate a portion of the reductions into their own reductions, if developed countries are able to support funding and technology and reduce CO2 emissions. At the same time, developing countries will be able to sell parts of the reductions to other countries as emission quotas.
Reduction of sperm production by diesel exhaust gas 1998.10.15
The research of Tokyo University of Science revealed that there is a toxic damage to the reproductive function of the living thing in the exhaust gas of the diesel car. Experiments with mice, about twice the atmospheric concentration of diesel exhaust gas around the road with heavy traffic, the particle concentration per the Air 1 Legislative meter 0. The sperm production capacity decreased by 21% by 3mg, and 53% in about 20 times and halved. From this data, the research team has a minimum concentration of 0.02 mg that does not affect sperm production capacity.
Sloppy PCB Management 1998.10.15
The waste of electrical products using PCBS that are required to be kept was found to have been lost in the five-year period of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government for the 12 locations. We lost 18 transformers and capacitors. It is said that it may have been disposed of without knowing the PCB. The waste of PCB used by the current city is about 65000 electrical equipment, and the old type of carbonless paper amounts to about 40 tons.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
塑料废物的海洋污染变得严重 1 世界上水病的回归
塑料的浪费已扩展为海塑料的浪费已扩展为海洋污染, 并成为一个新的全球环境问题。 欧洲联盟已开始禁止在2030年之前使用一次性塑料产品。 主要的七个国家 (G7) 首脑会议也宣读了讨论情况。 每年, 每个国家产生的塑料废物约有800万吨正在侵蚀海洋, 波浪电和紫外线分解的微小颗粒使其对生物和生态系统的不利影响更加严重, 这些微小颗粒在微塑料中的重量不到5毫米。
废塑料的海洋污染不是现在开始的事情。 上世纪 7 0 年代, 有很多情况下, 海鸟不能用钓鱼线飞行, 或者海龟不小心吞下塑料碎片死亡。 在1990年代后半期, 能够通过洋流积累塑料垃圾的 "太平洋垃圾带" 被认为是一个问题。 据说, 该地区的作用是日本土地的四倍。 今年6月在加拿大举行的7国集团首脑会议通过了《海洋塑料宪章》, 其中包括减少海洋中塑料废物的数字目标。 顺便说一句, 日本政府已经看到了与美国政府签署这项宪章。
全球经济论坛的调查结果显示, 约有 8 0万吨塑料垃圾流入海洋。 据说, 海上漂浮着超过 1. 5亿吨的塑料碎片。 如果忽视了这一条件, 它警告说, 到 2050年, 海产品的总量将超过。 他们说, 在 6 0 0 0 米深的地方发现的垃圾中, 9 0% 是一次性塑料袋和塑料瓶。 严重的是, 这些塑料垃圾微塑料吸收有害化学物质。 有害物质通过吃浮游生物和海鲜在体内积累和凝结。 看来, 它渴望对包括食物链中的人在内的生物产生不好的影响。 这是世界上水病的回归。
废塑料的海洋污染不是现在开始的事情。 上世纪 7 0 年代, 有很多情况下, 海鸟不能用钓鱼线飞行, 或者海龟不小心吞下塑料碎片死亡。 在1990年代后半期, 能够通过洋流积累塑料垃圾的 "太平洋垃圾带" 被认为是一个问题。 据说, 该地区的作用是日本土地的四倍。 今年6月在加拿大举行的7国集团首脑会议通过了《海洋塑料宪章》, 其中包括减少海洋中塑料废物的数字目标。 顺便说一句, 日本政府已经看到了与美国政府签署这项宪章。
全球经济论坛的调查结果显示, 约有 8 0万吨塑料垃圾流入海洋。 据说, 海上漂浮着超过 1. 5亿吨的塑料碎片。 如果忽视了这一条件, 它警告说, 到 2050年, 海产品的总量将超过。 他们说, 在 6 0 0 0 米深的地方发现的垃圾中, 9 0% 是一次性塑料袋和塑料瓶。 严重的是, 这些塑料垃圾微塑料吸收有害化学物质。 有害物质通过吃浮游生物和海鲜在体内积累和凝结。 看来, 它渴望对包括食物链中的人在内的生物产生不好的影响。 这是世界上水病的回归。
ISO14001 Certification proceeds worldwide 1998.10.15
An informal summary of the number of ISO 14001 certification obtained in the world as of July 2 was summarized in the Germany government environment personnel. According to the country, the Japan surpassed 1018 and only 1000, United Kingdom about 650, followed by Germany about 630. The total of the world is 5417 in 55 countries and regions, including round-the-round such as English and German. In Western Europe except Switzerland, the number of EMAS registered at the same time is 1870, while ISO14001 certification is 2517.
Monday, March 18, 2019
Ozone hole further expansion 1998.10.15
When the meteorological agency analyzed NASA's satellite documents, the largest area of the ozone hole over the Antarctic until September 28 was 2724 million square kilometers, surpassing the maximum of 96 million square kilometers in 1996. The destroyed ozone layer was also 89,080,000 tons, surpassing 85,040,000 tons in 1994. In the observation at Syowa station, it was found that ozone of 17 to 20km above the base was almost completely destroyed.
【要点在这里】这个国家的食品废物年排放量为1900万吨 2000.09.15
这个国家每年的食品垃圾排放量为 1, 900万吨。 3 0万吨食品加工者从餐饮业、便利店、超市和酒店出院。 剩下的一千万吨是垃圾, 比如从家里厨房出来的剩菜和烹饪残片。 尽管泡沫经济能够发挥作用, 但桌子的满足并不知道结局。 《食物循环再造法》将于2001年4月实施为经营者制定的 "减少剩菜和垃圾"。 它需要堆肥和饲料约20% 的食物, 大多数人被焚烧。 这一目标最终将得到实现。 然而, 即使是这样的事情, 他们也永远不会自己。 蒙迪的排放总量为 1, 900万吨。 该国的自给自足总量为 1 500万吨。 它不仅仅是丢弃食物。 如果有人从国外大量采购粮食, 不加考虑地丢弃, 另一方面, 就有 1 000多万人在没有食物的情况下挨饿。 1 9 0 0万吨的食物是一个可能的量, 可以滋润在奥运会上沸腾的澳大利亚人的餐桌。 为了实现可持续的未来, 应优先考虑全球范围的环境问题。 不反映对方的环境不会过去。
Service sizing as new business model②
<Reduced environmental impact and greater customer benefits>
The business model that contributes to reducing the environmental impact of "green servicing sizing" is also in the servicing sizing. As a feature of the service sizing mechanism, because the ownership of the product is on the side of the services provider, it contributes to the proper processing of used products and the promotion of resource recycling (recycle) that the used product comes back to the donor. The "Akari Safety Service" developed by Matsushita Electric (now Panasonic) in 2002 is an example of the green services sizing. Matsushita Electric has been a top manufacturer in the production of fluorescent lamps and has been selling fluorescent lamps to users. When a large-scale office or factory that uses a large amount of fluorescent light is connected to the contract of "Akari Safety Service", the maintenance from the lending of the fluorescent lamp at a flat rate at a fixed price during the contract period, recovery of the used fluorescent lamp, the collection instruction to the consignment processing contractor It provides a total service to the issuance of manifests, storage, management and proper processing of processes. The biggest feature is not to sell fluorescent lamps, but to provide the function of "Akari" while leaving the manufacturer's ownership of the fluorescent light to the end. Although it is conceived in the midst of a low price competition, it is a form of function offer service, but the manufacturer has the merit that the collection and the proper processing of the used fluorescent lamp can be done, and the cost reduction and the waste treatment can be performed smoothly for the customer while Toriyuberu the relationship of WinWin to each other.
The business model that contributes to reducing the environmental impact of "green servicing sizing" is also in the servicing sizing. As a feature of the service sizing mechanism, because the ownership of the product is on the side of the services provider, it contributes to the proper processing of used products and the promotion of resource recycling (recycle) that the used product comes back to the donor. The "Akari Safety Service" developed by Matsushita Electric (now Panasonic) in 2002 is an example of the green services sizing. Matsushita Electric has been a top manufacturer in the production of fluorescent lamps and has been selling fluorescent lamps to users. When a large-scale office or factory that uses a large amount of fluorescent light is connected to the contract of "Akari Safety Service", the maintenance from the lending of the fluorescent lamp at a flat rate at a fixed price during the contract period, recovery of the used fluorescent lamp, the collection instruction to the consignment processing contractor It provides a total service to the issuance of manifests, storage, management and proper processing of processes. The biggest feature is not to sell fluorescent lamps, but to provide the function of "Akari" while leaving the manufacturer's ownership of the fluorescent light to the end. Although it is conceived in the midst of a low price competition, it is a form of function offer service, but the manufacturer has the merit that the collection and the proper processing of the used fluorescent lamp can be done, and the cost reduction and the waste treatment can be performed smoothly for the customer while Toriyuberu the relationship of WinWin to each other.
The 21st century is the era of hydrogen civilization 1 - the fuel cell
The 21st century is said to be "the age of Hydrogen civilization" in the 21st century, and its efforts are accelerating toward that era. The core of the technology is the fuel cell (FC: FUELCELL). There are three flows depending on the application. One is stationary type for home and business use. The second is for automotive vehicles and is already attracting attention as a fuel cell vehicle. The third is for mobile devices such as laptops and mobile phones. I tried to chase the fuel cell technology innovation is rapid progress. The principle of the fuel cell and the fuel cell, if you put simply "electrolysis of water" was reversed. That is, it is okay if oxygen and hydrogen are combined in the air. In "Electrolysis of water", hydrogen and oxygen are generated through the current in the water that melts the electrolyte, in the fuel cell, it causes the chemical reaction by sending the hydrogen to the electrode which sandwiched the electrolyte and oxygen to the other electrode, and generates water and electricity. The fuel cell is a device which creates "hydrogen" that is attracting attention as an inexhaustible, clean energy (main discharge is water) unlike conventional fossil fuels where the depletion property is high and the environmental load is inevitable. This is an important energy resource if you look at more than 90% of the energy resources Japan you rely on overseas. The fuel cell has a solid polymer type and a solid oxide type.
【要点在这里】熊本县荒瀬大坝 2003.01.15
从导致环境恶化的公共工程, 我们进入了向自然重建 (再生) 型公共工程的过渡。 去年 1 2月, 熊本县省长宣布, 县荒瀬大坝的水权 (5 0年) 将于 2 0 0 3 年 3月 3 1日到期, 水权续期至 1 0月 3 1日后, 立即进入拆迁工作。 在第一个大坝拆除政策的背景下, 有库马河环境恶化、大坝堤坝和发电机维修费用造成的财政压力、县域总电力需求的不到 1% 等原因。 其中, 排除了山本县村庄村民 "自然环境恶化对渔业养殖业造成的毁灭性打击" 的严重影响。 现在, 拆除阿拉斯大坝是不可避免的, 对全国 2 7 0 0 群现有大坝运行和新大坝建设的影响也是不可避免的。 在大坝王国, 75000 大坝被认为是进步和繁荣的象征, 自20世纪90年代以来, 已经存在了50多年的大坝一直在增加, 大坝拆除的运动加快, 已经有500多座大坝从美国拆除。 大坝水质、环境恶化、防洪和经济效应等问题。 此外, 在美国的一些州, 如果因大坝而发生事故, 则颁布州法律, 追究大坝所有者的责任, 并将其用于拆除大坝。 美国大坝拆除后, 一年内确认了很多鱼校, 回归自然的进展。 然后, 一个新的产业诞生了。 除了在海外拆除水坝外, 恢复填海和湿地等自然环境已成为公共工程的一项主要业务。 再生性质有助于在该地区建立渔业和净水等关键产业, 同时进行高质量的清洁。 事实证明, 环境重建式公共工程不仅对 "自然再生" 有效, 而且对经济和区域活动也有效。 在清除大坝、河流多归化、复垦土地等公共工程流动中, 寻求大商机的可能性是明智的。
Sunday, March 17, 2019
酒小売業者がリサイクルシステム構築へ 1998.09.15
Environmental labels as the interface for the green purchaser 2001.12.15
An increasing number of environmental labels are attached to products that use environmental information about product environmental performance for product marketing and advertising. There are two reasons behind this. One is to use the environmental label for the employer and the consumer who is the purchaser, we disclose information such as what is environmentally conscious about the product, what kind of environmental impact it has, and how it contributes to environmental conservation. To promote the use of products.
Another reason is that it can contribute to the development of green consumers, which can understand the needs of consumers from the environment, which enables producers to assert their environment and accurately grasp the environmental performance of products through environmental label initiatives. What type of environmental label is there? There are three types according to the classification of ISO environmental labels. Type 1 is an independent third party, based on an application from a business operator or consumer, to certify and mark the criteria for each product area, and to show the marks, specifically the eco mark. Type 2 is intended to be used for advertising, in addition to marking environmental considerations in the product, according to the unique standards of the establishments. Type 3 is a quantitative display of environmental load data using LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method. Type 1 Eco Mark certification is currently 4647 items.
In 1989, there were only nine items at the beginning of the person. The establishment of green purchasing law, green Purchasing Network (2601 Group affiliation) and the rise of green consumer are the incentives for the gradual expansion of the environmentally conscious product market, but now It is said that three percent of businesses and consumers who take consumer action with regard to environmental considerations are the whole. But if this is more than seven percent, the market will break. Although there are challenges in providing reliability, transparency, and broader environmental information, the role will become more important as the interface of the purchaser of the environmental label product.
Another reason is that it can contribute to the development of green consumers, which can understand the needs of consumers from the environment, which enables producers to assert their environment and accurately grasp the environmental performance of products through environmental label initiatives. What type of environmental label is there? There are three types according to the classification of ISO environmental labels. Type 1 is an independent third party, based on an application from a business operator or consumer, to certify and mark the criteria for each product area, and to show the marks, specifically the eco mark. Type 2 is intended to be used for advertising, in addition to marking environmental considerations in the product, according to the unique standards of the establishments. Type 3 is a quantitative display of environmental load data using LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method. Type 1 Eco Mark certification is currently 4647 items.
In 1989, there were only nine items at the beginning of the person. The establishment of green purchasing law, green Purchasing Network (2601 Group affiliation) and the rise of green consumer are the incentives for the gradual expansion of the environmentally conscious product market, but now It is said that three percent of businesses and consumers who take consumer action with regard to environmental considerations are the whole. But if this is more than seven percent, the market will break. Although there are challenges in providing reliability, transparency, and broader environmental information, the role will become more important as the interface of the purchaser of the environmental label product.
建設産廃の資源化率平均自主目標値 1998.09.15
Saturday, March 16, 2019
Service sizing as new business model①
<The business model of service sizing from the possession of the spread product to the function use>
Traditionally, the business model of obtaining the price by providing the function of the product which was sold as a product is becoming widespread, and settling.
In one form of the so-called "service sizing" services industry, it is primarily a business to provide services related to conventional businesses that have sold goods (products) mainly as a source of revenue. Specifically, when we purchase products such as home appliances and automobiles, the purpose of the purchase is not to "own" the product itself, but to use the "function" of the product. If the air conditioner is comfortable room temperature that the air conditioner brings, it buys the product because it wants to use the function of the car.
The product is a means to provide services, and the point depends on what kind of product to choose, what services to offer, and how to satisfy the customer. As an example, the copier manufacturer, especially for corporations, does not sell the copier itself, but also provides a copy function of the copier. A copy machine is installed in the Office of the Corporation, and Periodic maintenance inspection (maintenance) to be able to demonstrate and maintain the copying function, the function renewal by the new model offer, and the provision of the paper and the toner necessary for the copy. It is a mechanism to receive the service charge in consideration. The service form of the servicing sizing leases and rentals, and the like sharing. Recently, sharing has been attracting attention as a new business model. Among them, the sharing business of the office and the car etc. has expanded to the center of the city.
Traditionally, the business model of obtaining the price by providing the function of the product which was sold as a product is becoming widespread, and settling.
In one form of the so-called "service sizing" services industry, it is primarily a business to provide services related to conventional businesses that have sold goods (products) mainly as a source of revenue. Specifically, when we purchase products such as home appliances and automobiles, the purpose of the purchase is not to "own" the product itself, but to use the "function" of the product. If the air conditioner is comfortable room temperature that the air conditioner brings, it buys the product because it wants to use the function of the car.
The product is a means to provide services, and the point depends on what kind of product to choose, what services to offer, and how to satisfy the customer. As an example, the copier manufacturer, especially for corporations, does not sell the copier itself, but also provides a copy function of the copier. A copy machine is installed in the Office of the Corporation, and Periodic maintenance inspection (maintenance) to be able to demonstrate and maintain the copying function, the function renewal by the new model offer, and the provision of the paper and the toner necessary for the copy. It is a mechanism to receive the service charge in consideration. The service form of the servicing sizing leases and rentals, and the like sharing. Recently, sharing has been attracting attention as a new business model. Among them, the sharing business of the office and the car etc. has expanded to the center of the city.
Survey of dioxin concentrations in agricultural products 1998.10.15
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry plans to conduct a survey of dioxin concentrations in rice and vegetable crops and harvest sites in soil for three years from fiscal 1999. For starters, we set up a survey point for each prefecture in the national prefectures, and conducted three types of cereals, fruit trees and vegetables. The soil concentration is investigated while the crop is collected and the concentration is analyzed in the harvest period. The measurement and analysis are entrusted to an external specialized organization. Depending on the findings, the scope of the survey will expand further.
A case of small and medium-sized construction company 2000.12.20
It was in a severe, small and medium-sized construction industry that "the companion's how many firms was in the hardships of the bankruptcy", and it was in a very energetic president. Three years ago, the source of energy was the determination of "changing the idea and the change of business category." "To create a new business that takes advantage of the management resources including the network that took over from the father, and put the environment in one of the business philosophies." The environment as a philosophy is "landing on the Sosiovidines as a corporate ideal of the 21st century" and "consideration for the next generation not seen yet". The "ISO9001" and "ISO14001" certification were selected as a tool for the conversion of ideas. ISO9001 was acquired over the course of one year and two months. We are still working on acquiring iso140001. In the process of acquiring these certifications, the president says the workforce has changed rapidly.
"The social motivation of my work" or "The joy of concentrating on one thing together and studying and creating." The cost was more than I had expected, but it was more than I could get. Attitudes related to the high-ratio public works have also changed. At the site, employees voluntarily started to beautify the environment. For example, the extension of the sidewalk will be used for separating garbage and tobacco ashtrays for passers-by. You can arrange the flowers of the season, and guide the purpose of the construction into a big signboard with illustrations. "The consciousness of the people who work in the field has changed. The atmosphere of the site changed greatly, too.
Such a small change is now beginning to change the company vividly, "the president looks happy. On the other hand, a concrete mass recycling business was started to supply roadbed materials used for public works. It stopped digging from the mountain, and it switched to the concrete mass. "First, consider the environment. As a tail, the concrete masses are cheaper than 300 to 400 yen per tonne. Recycled materials have come to sell. " He is also energetic in the renovation business as a new business in the construction field. "The days of scrap and build are no longer the end. The idea from rebuilding. " All the employees are twisting their heads in business development for the environment. "I think I can definitely go," said the president. In some parts of society, the signs of such transformation are surely visible.
"The social motivation of my work" or "The joy of concentrating on one thing together and studying and creating." The cost was more than I had expected, but it was more than I could get. Attitudes related to the high-ratio public works have also changed. At the site, employees voluntarily started to beautify the environment. For example, the extension of the sidewalk will be used for separating garbage and tobacco ashtrays for passers-by. You can arrange the flowers of the season, and guide the purpose of the construction into a big signboard with illustrations. "The consciousness of the people who work in the field has changed. The atmosphere of the site changed greatly, too.
Such a small change is now beginning to change the company vividly, "the president looks happy. On the other hand, a concrete mass recycling business was started to supply roadbed materials used for public works. It stopped digging from the mountain, and it switched to the concrete mass. "First, consider the environment. As a tail, the concrete masses are cheaper than 300 to 400 yen per tonne. Recycled materials have come to sell. " He is also energetic in the renovation business as a new business in the construction field. "The days of scrap and build are no longer the end. The idea from rebuilding. " All the employees are twisting their heads in business development for the environment. "I think I can definitely go," said the president. In some parts of society, the signs of such transformation are surely visible.
阻燃剂, 可使用, 如果它符合规定的 1998.10.15
生态马克促进委员会还制定了一项关于在生态标记产品中使用阻燃剂的新政策, 但最初还没有出台。
①由《消防法》和日本消防协会指定的防灾产品, 经日本防灾协会认证
②不含多溴联苯、多溴联苯醚和短链氯化石蜡阻燃剂的产品, 可在满足两点的产品中使用阻燃剂。
①由《消防法》和日本消防协会指定的防灾产品, 经日本防灾协会认证
②不含多溴联苯、多溴联苯醚和短链氯化石蜡阻燃剂的产品, 可在满足两点的产品中使用阻燃剂。
Friday, March 15, 2019
同时测量水源 1998.10.15
为了确保自来水的安全, 卫生福利部计划同时在全国 2 0条主要河流的 1 0 0 口测量环境污染物。 除了行政指导所界定的28类监测项目, 如农药、金属和有机溶剂外, 还测量了据说约为70种环境激素和二恶英的情况。 测量结果是一个数据库, 建立了 "有害物质监测信息网络", 目的是向公民提供信息。
处理环境污染问题的食品银行 1998.10.15
在人们对环境激素等人体的影响越来越感兴趣的情况下, 卫生和福利部将着手建立一个 "食品库", 在出现令人关切的情况下, 长期储存食品样本。 它被用来调查从过去的食物中进入人体的环境污染物的摄入量。 全国分为七个街区, 每个地区每年冻结各种菜单30公斤。
A city mine (urban mine) is a treasure trove of rare metals... 2
"The way of recycling rather than foreign resource acquisition"
Smart the road of recycling than the acquisition of resources overseas-the gold contained in the phone and game consoles, etc. is 0.3%. On the other hand, it is said that the amount of harvesting from the natural ore 1 ton is 3-5%. The ratio is about 0.0003%. Other metals with high depletion are also gradually decreasing. The reason is that the ore with a lot of content is decreasing because it takes too much. Based on the current situation, eyes are on the effective use of urban mines where the amount of sampling is reliable. Moreover, it leads to the prevention of the pollution and the health damage of a local resident by the harmful substance to the environment by a large-scale mining, and the hazardous material at the time of harvesting.
But hear the voices of Shing from the industry and some of the scholars. "Natural ore cannot be won in terms of cost". As a matter of fact, technology to lower the recycling costs of gold and silver and other rare metal recoveries is advancing rapidly. In the environment business, "recycling is a manufacturing industry with waste materials" and from the point of view, there are few successful cases where metal recovery from urban mines is a business. As a guide of Yokohama Metal, Tanaka Precious metals has expanded its base in earnest.
Urban mining is reusing, recycling and rebuilding raw materials from (the electrical and electronic waste of) the city.
Smart the road of recycling than the acquisition of resources overseas-the gold contained in the phone and game consoles, etc. is 0.3%. On the other hand, it is said that the amount of harvesting from the natural ore 1 ton is 3-5%. The ratio is about 0.0003%. Other metals with high depletion are also gradually decreasing. The reason is that the ore with a lot of content is decreasing because it takes too much. Based on the current situation, eyes are on the effective use of urban mines where the amount of sampling is reliable. Moreover, it leads to the prevention of the pollution and the health damage of a local resident by the harmful substance to the environment by a large-scale mining, and the hazardous material at the time of harvesting.
But hear the voices of Shing from the industry and some of the scholars. "Natural ore cannot be won in terms of cost". As a matter of fact, technology to lower the recycling costs of gold and silver and other rare metal recoveries is advancing rapidly. In the environment business, "recycling is a manufacturing industry with waste materials" and from the point of view, there are few successful cases where metal recovery from urban mines is a business. As a guide of Yokohama Metal, Tanaka Precious metals has expanded its base in earnest.
Urban mining is reusing, recycling and rebuilding raw materials from (the electrical and electronic waste of) the city.
【要点在这里】环境管理体系 (EMS) 标准, 支持 ISO14001 认证现场的业务
环境管理体系 (ems) 标准和支持业务到现场获得 iso14001 认证是扩张的迹象。 目前, 在日本获得 iso14001 认证的站点超过5500处, 每月约有200个站点获得认证。 虽然得到了很多开花, 在得到了许多网站后, 你不知道该做什么或做什么, 你是在麻烦, 而不能看到认证的好处。 还有一个声音说 "我想退回认证"。 负责这样一个认证网站的咨询数量逐渐增加。 在获取环管系统方面, 为获得 iso14001 认证和登记参加考试而建立的制度似乎是由于没有考虑到以前和具体的业务。 在资产咨询方面, 如果你去 "文件店", "手工商店" 也很多, 我只做一个非常务实和机械的机制, 而不建议一个方法来改善对环境的影响后, 认证, 许多病例并没有像往常一样在工地上逃避污染措施。 咨询方还专注于制作认证获取手册。 因此, pdca 不会移动没有我创建和引入的 ems 的内容非常痛苦。 环保政策也是一样的, 我看不到网站是什么, 地点名称在哪里被降低。 前几天, 认证现场负责人就现场出来的木废料的妥善处理进行了咨询。 据他说, 这些废物过去曾在焚化炉内焚烧, 但我们必须按照我们从现在开始在目标中设定的回收率进行改进。 但是, 它不理解该方法。 如果有焚烧和热回收的方法, 就有可能进入中密度纤维板, 可以碳化。 回收利用的选择更多, 如果考虑到环境效率, 我们不知道该怎么办。 为了今后继续推行环管系统, 指出了员工教育的延迟。
Thursday, March 14, 2019
【要点在这里】生物质能源 2001.05.20
用一种新的能源作为废物处理? 生物质能作为一种。 生物质能是有机生物作为能源的理念, 除了植物资源, 如人类废物尿、植物和动物的垃圾等外, 还包括在内。 生物质能的利用, 目前被认为是基于焚烧热利用, 气化热解, 甲烷发酵, 酒精发酵。 在使用技术方面, 有机废弃物直接焚烧和甲烷发酵的利用已得到实际应用, 但在食品厂, 根据食品废弃物回收法, 采用甲烷发酵技术的情况越来越多。 在2001财政年度, 为开发和传播该国与环境有关的预算中的生物物质能源组织了约27亿日元。 另一方面, 卫生、劳动和福利部对人类垃圾和生垃圾进行了处理, 推出了 "污泥再生处理中心概念", 对甲烷气体和堆肥进行回收利用, 并从1998财政年度起只对新的人类废物处理设施的回收类型发放补贴。 因此, 市政府正在寻找一种机制, 可以从垃圾处理和人类废物处理的双方回收利用。 此外, 正在审议立法的《可再生能源促进法》也被吹捧为促进太阳能、风能和生物质能的传播。 每年 1 900万吨食品垃圾, 从建筑工地丢弃的废料每年 1 700万吨。 只有目前被视为废物处理的生物质资源才会增加到这一数额。 此外, 目前日本的森林面积约为 2 500万公顷。 多年来增长的森林资源约为1亿立方米瑞典。 根据铁道部等资产, 日本已被留在山区约 6 0 0万立方米的薄木和分支材料。 我们认为这些是能源资源, 如果我们计划进行毁林和重新造林, 我们就可以使能源多样化, 保护森林。 这也导致了林业的促进, 林业正在稳步下降。
Car sharing business in urban areas--more - from private ownership to sharing utility 2
The origin of the reduction of environmental impact, but now the convenience and match car sharing of the user, in addition to the advantage of saving such as parking lot for the user, car inspection, various insurance money and taxes, just hold the member card to the vehicle car can be borrowed. It is borrowed in 15 minutes shorter than the rental car, and it is a feature that can be returned without refueling. If you are an individual, it's easy to use a little shopping. Recently, the use of the legal entity used for sales of unexpected deliveries is increasing. "Times CarPlus" is a system that receives a basic fee of 1030 yen per month from members and 206 yen per 15 minutes use. The current number of members is more than 720,000 people, up 31% YoY. The social background of this car sharing was to reduce the number of car holdings, relieve congestion in urban areas, curb parking, and reduce the environmental impact of illegal scrapping.
The Switzerland originated but is now showing a global spread. Not only the "share economy" business car sharing which expands to each field, but the company which is to commercialize the "share economy" which shares the function use from mono-owned by an individual and a member as a business is increasing in each field. In addition to electrical products and furniture, as well as environmental equipment and equipment, it has recently diversified with "Minpaku" for tourists who use vacant condominiums.
The Switzerland originated but is now showing a global spread. Not only the "share economy" business car sharing which expands to each field, but the company which is to commercialize the "share economy" which shares the function use from mono-owned by an individual and a member as a business is increasing in each field. In addition to electrical products and furniture, as well as environmental equipment and equipment, it has recently diversified with "Minpaku" for tourists who use vacant condominiums.
To simultaneous measurement of water source 1998.10.15
In order to ensure the safety of tap water, the Ministry of Health and Welfare plans to simultaneously measure environmental pollutants at 100 inlet of 20 major rivers nationwide. In addition to the 28 types of monitoring items, such as pesticides, metals, and organic solvents, which are defined by administrative guidance, environmental hormones and dioxins, which are said to be about 70 types, are also measured. The measurement result is a database, and the "Hazardous Substance Monitoring Information Network" is made and the aim is to provide information to citizens.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Awareness of major environmental measures 1998.10.15
In the long-term plan "Tokyo Life City", Aoshima prefectural Governor "building a recycling-oriented society that renews the style of mass production, mass consumption, and mass disposal". According to a survey of about 2,000 adults conducted by the city, "I know the content" of 7% and "I have seen and heard it" was 24%, but "I do not know" resulted in 68%.
Air pollution is not improved 1998.10.15
According to a survey published by the Environmental agency, the environmental standards of the nitrogen dioxide concentration of 382 stations in the automobile exhaust gas measurement station along the nationwide road are 0. 131 locations exceeded 06ppm. The general measurement station in the residential area and the Office district is over the standard in 68 places out of 1412 locations. In the floating particulate matter, 165 places of the automobile exhaust gas measuring station 246, the general measurement station was not satisfied with the criteria in 584 places of 1508.
The recycling network of waste as the corporate collaboration 1998.10.15
The new business to mediate and mediation waste is promising for the recycling of waste materials. It is a service industry which provides the waste discharged from each company as a valuable thing to each enterprise necessary as a resource. They are also asked to secure the necessary waste and collect them even out of work. The brokerage and mediation business of such waste is approved by each industry.In America, large-scale waste is bought and sold on the Internet, and waste is no longer considered as a "second resource and raw material", and the mediation and mediation market for it is expanding.
In Japan, for example, if you could squeeze Kasuya of juice, collect apple skins, and reuse raw materials for candy and cakes. In addition, the wood scrap and the old material are the fiber board to the furniture maker if it relates to housing. In addition, many advanced examples can be seen in the field of waste water and scrap metal. The point is that the idea of using waste as a resource is the construction of a network of resources for recycling and supply. These cases are seen in a relatively small number of small business businesses, but they are being held in large-scale cases these days.
The recycling network of waste is also formed in the corporate collaboration of clusters (cluster = bunches, clumps, herds). A cluster is an attempt to increase its potential by collaborating with several companies on an industrial activity that has been completed within a company. In other words, waste is used as a raw material among several companies. Companies can reduce the cost of waste disposal and reduce production costs by effectively taking advantage of waste. It can be said that recycling of waste is not only a consideration to the environment but also a useful method in the management strategy because the price rise of the resource is forecast in the future. As a matter of doing so, the intermediary and mediation of wastes occupy an important position.
In Japan, for example, if you could squeeze Kasuya of juice, collect apple skins, and reuse raw materials for candy and cakes. In addition, the wood scrap and the old material are the fiber board to the furniture maker if it relates to housing. In addition, many advanced examples can be seen in the field of waste water and scrap metal. The point is that the idea of using waste as a resource is the construction of a network of resources for recycling and supply. These cases are seen in a relatively small number of small business businesses, but they are being held in large-scale cases these days.
The recycling network of waste is also formed in the corporate collaboration of clusters (cluster = bunches, clumps, herds). A cluster is an attempt to increase its potential by collaborating with several companies on an industrial activity that has been completed within a company. In other words, waste is used as a raw material among several companies. Companies can reduce the cost of waste disposal and reduce production costs by effectively taking advantage of waste. It can be said that recycling of waste is not only a consideration to the environment but also a useful method in the management strategy because the price rise of the resource is forecast in the future. As a matter of doing so, the intermediary and mediation of wastes occupy an important position.
Dam construction plan in the habitat of the eagle Owl 1998.10.15
In Japan, the National Environmental Protection Federation investigated the development of a small-scale agricultural irrigation dam in two locations in northern Hokkaido, where only about ten species of Hokkaido were not recognized. At present, the Federation has decided to call for an emergency survey of the planned discontinuation and the Eagle Owl in both ministries, although a full-scale construction is undecided in response to changes in the agricultural situation and local demands.
国連が経済、社会、環境の諸課題を統合的に解決することの重要性が示され、2030年を目標年として、「貧困をなくそう」や「飢餓をゼロに」等世界に呼びかけている「Sustainable Development Goals(持続可能な開発目標)」と言われるSDGs(エス・ディー・ジーズ)だが、2015年9月の国連サミットで採択されたものだ。国連加盟193か国が2016年~2030年の15年間で達成するために掲げた目標だ。この取り組みに共感した各事業所(地方自治体、公的機関、民間企業等)が急速に広がっている。
GDP(国民総生産)偏重の経済成長を遂げる一方で、国内の地域間や教育、所得、文化的背景等による格差が拡大している国も見られる中、女性、子供、障がい者、高齢者など立場の弱い人々が取り残されないよう、地球上の「誰一人取り残さない(no one will be left behind)」社会の実現を目指し、経済・社会・環境をめぐる広範な課題に統合的に取り組むことが求められている。
国連が経済、社会、環境の諸課題を統合的に解決することの重要性が示され、2030年を目標年として、「貧困をなくそう」や「飢餓をゼロに」等世界に呼びかけている「Sustainable Development Goals(持続可能な開発目標)」と言われるSDGs(エス・ディー・ジーズ)だが、2015年9月の国連サミットで採択されたものだ。国連加盟193か国が2016年~2030年の15年間で達成するために掲げた目標だ。この取り組みに共感した各事業所(地方自治体、公的機関、民間企業等)が急速に広がっている。
GDP(国民総生産)偏重の経済成長を遂げる一方で、国内の地域間や教育、所得、文化的背景等による格差が拡大している国も見られる中、女性、子供、障がい者、高齢者など立場の弱い人々が取り残されないよう、地球上の「誰一人取り残さない(no one will be left behind)」社会の実現を目指し、経済・社会・環境をめぐる広範な課題に統合的に取り組むことが求められている。
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
I've had a great time, but now I'm bad 1998.10.15
The survey, which was continued since the 1980s by the Japan Mammal Society, reveals the fact that foreign mammals imported for pets, etc., are causing serious damage to Japan ecosystems and crops. For example, there were tens of thousands and tens of thousands of mongoose from South Asia that were released to Amami Oshima in the hub extermination. These rare species have been reduced in some districts, including the Amino Crow heron and the Birds of a bird.
赤い資源と緑の資源① 1998.09,15
我々の住む地球の歴史をさかのぼると 「赤い資源」 と 「緑の資源」 は最初から分かれて存在していたわけではないことがわかる。 地球上に人間やその他の動物が住めるようになったのは、 簡単にいうと、 大気中にあった、 人聞やその他の生物にとって有害なものが地殻の中に閉じ込められ、 長い時間をかけて生成されたものの集まりが「赤い資源」 なのである。
再生利用できない 「赤い資源」 の発見は産業化を加速してきたが、石炭や石油は人聞の力にとってかわり、 昔は例えば10人の人聞がやっていたことを今ではー人の人聞でできてしまうようになった。 その上、 今までは存在しなかったプラチックやフロンのような新しい物質を作り出すこと もできる よ うにさえなったのである。 人々はどんどん都市部ヘと移住し、大量生産を行なう工場で働くようになり、 私たちの社会は 「赤い資源」 にますます依存し、 その結果、 現在のような 「環境問題」に直面しているわけである。
「赤い資源」として地中に閉じ込められた代表的なものとしてCO2や重金属などの物質がある。 例えばカドミウムや水銀などの重金属は、 人間にとって有害な物質である。
CO2が大気中から減っていき、 重金属のような有毒物質が地中に閉じ込められていく過程は、 「赤い資源」 ができる過程であり、 それはまた、 地表で人間やその他の生物が住める環境をつくっていく過程だったのである。 このように地球が長い年月をかけて眠らせた 「赤い資源」を、 人間は産業革命以降、 工業化を進める中で、 どんどん掘り起こしはじめた。 そして「赤い資源」の消賛が拡大することで、 現在、 地球温暖化などさまざまな環境問題が起こっている。 具体的にどんな影響が出ているのかについては、 次回説明するとして、 このように地球の歴史の中で 「赤い資源」 がつくられてきた過程を見れば、 「赤い資源」 の使用が人聞やその他の生物によい影響を 与えるものではないということはおわかりいただけるだろう。
我々の住む地球の歴史をさかのぼると 「赤い資源」 と 「緑の資源」 は最初から分かれて存在していたわけではないことがわかる。 地球上に人間やその他の動物が住めるようになったのは、 簡単にいうと、 大気中にあった、 人聞やその他の生物にとって有害なものが地殻の中に閉じ込められ、 長い時間をかけて生成されたものの集まりが「赤い資源」 なのである。
再生利用できない 「赤い資源」 の発見は産業化を加速してきたが、石炭や石油は人聞の力にとってかわり、 昔は例えば10人の人聞がやっていたことを今ではー人の人聞でできてしまうようになった。 その上、 今までは存在しなかったプラチックやフロンのような新しい物質を作り出すこと もできる よ うにさえなったのである。 人々はどんどん都市部ヘと移住し、大量生産を行なう工場で働くようになり、 私たちの社会は 「赤い資源」 にますます依存し、 その結果、 現在のような 「環境問題」に直面しているわけである。
「赤い資源」として地中に閉じ込められた代表的なものとしてCO2や重金属などの物質がある。 例えばカドミウムや水銀などの重金属は、 人間にとって有害な物質である。
CO2が大気中から減っていき、 重金属のような有毒物質が地中に閉じ込められていく過程は、 「赤い資源」 ができる過程であり、 それはまた、 地表で人間やその他の生物が住める環境をつくっていく過程だったのである。 このように地球が長い年月をかけて眠らせた 「赤い資源」を、 人間は産業革命以降、 工業化を進める中で、 どんどん掘り起こしはじめた。 そして「赤い資源」の消賛が拡大することで、 現在、 地球温暖化などさまざまな環境問題が起こっている。 具体的にどんな影響が出ているのかについては、 次回説明するとして、 このように地球の歴史の中で 「赤い資源」 がつくられてきた過程を見れば、 「赤い資源」 の使用が人聞やその他の生物によい影響を 与えるものではないということはおわかりいただけるだろう。
愿意创建环境报告 1998.10.15
根据调查结果, 日经工业消费者研究所收到了227家公司关于编写环境报告的答复。 除了已经创建的61家公司中的9% 外, 该公司还从1998财政年度到二十世纪发行了该公司。 攀升至3%。 越来越多的公司试图了解与环境和环境有关的支出, 超过 1 0% 的公司正在考虑在互联网上曝光能源消耗等环境影响数据。
21世纪是氢文明的时代1 燃料电池
据说, 21世纪是 "氢文明时代", 其努力正在向那个时代加速。 这项技术的核心是燃料电池 (fc/fuelcell)。 根据应用程序的不同, 有三个流。 一种是家用和商用的固定式。 第二个是汽车, 作为燃料电池汽车已经引起了人们的关注。 第三是笔记本电脑和手机等移动设备。 我试图追逐燃料电池技术创新是快速发展。 燃料电池和燃料电池的原理, 如果你简单地把 "电解水" 被逆转了。 也就是说, 如果氧气和氢在空气中结合起来是可以的。 在 "水的电解" 中, 氢和氧是通过水中熔化电解质的电流产生的, 在燃料电池中, 它通过将氢输送到将电解质和氧气夹在另一个电极上的电极, 并产生水和电而引起化学反应。 燃料电池是一种制造 "氢" 的装置, 与传统的化石燃料不同, 它是一种取之不尽、用之不竭的清洁能源 (主要排放是水), 而传统的化石燃料的耗损特性很高, 环境负荷是不可避免的。 如果你看一下你在海外所依赖的90% 以上的能源, 这是一种重要的能源。 燃料电池具有固体聚合物类型和固体氧化物类型。
几乎所有设施都清除了二恶英标准 1998.10.15
1998年12月, 该国几乎所有设施都在适用于现有废物焚烧厂的废气中遵守了二恶英浓度标准 (每封邮件80纳克)。 1996年, 卫生和福利部指示每个城市针对全国1641设施, 因此, 截至 1997年10月, 这些设施的参考值超过了107个设施的参考值。 此后, 每个城市推进了炉膛的改进, 除6个测量设施外, 新测量了1635设施, 并清除了参考值。
Monday, March 11, 2019
塩ビパイプ再生率70%へ策 1998.09.15
下水処理水で格安洗車コーナー 1998.09.15
Usage of Commuter Pass 1998.10.15
JR West has created a card of 5000 sets from 250,000 tickets used. The material of the commuter pass is a perfect shape and size with polyethylene terephthalate. A newly developed solution made from a plant to peel off the surface paint and magnetic film to where it became pure white, and re-printed the pattern. It was very popular for free distribution in railway events. Currently, the business card of the employee is transitioning to a commuter card recycling business cards.
Green Plastic as an eco-material in Europe
Gradually the penetration of European consumer goods manufacturers is taking a big helm in the use of plant-derived plastics and recycled plastics. In the Japan, there is excessive coverage of the efforts of the de-oil-based plus chick about the drinking straw and the container etc. which are mass consumption and a large amount of waste in the food service industry. It seems that the clue is finally opened, but in Europe overseas, the material changes in consumer goods, The efforts of the oil-based plastics have already begun to move in earnest. <!--more--> For example Denmark major toy manufacturers have introduced plant-derived polyester products, which are made from sugarcane for the first time in the company. We are currently selling Lego block plants from plants in the form of grass and trees for a limited time, but the policy is to expand it to all products. In addition, the sneaker manufacturer Adidas is not using the new material from plants, but rather crisis it with recycled materials from polyester materials. We sold 100 pairs sneakers with recycled polyester for 17 years. It is a full-scale switching policy in 24 years. By the way, about 40% of clothing is used for recycled goods. "The cost is one to two percent higher, but the priority is to reduce the environmental impact" is practiced in the products sold. The tendency to choose products and invest in the consumer, the manufacturer, and the investor based on the consideration of the environment is spread before. It is said that it will be possible to reuse and to recover all plastic by 30 years.
How to reuse a betting ticket 1998.10.15
At the Japan Central Racing Association, we developed a technology to process off-ticket tickets to ballpoint pens. The ticket is finely pulverized and made from a solid mixture of plastic resin and one-to-one, a ballpoint pen can be one from four betting tickets. The prototype was immediately exchanged for the ticket of the clean campaign at Tokyo Racetrack on October 10 and 11. The total number of betting tickets issued in 1997 amounted to approximately 890 million, and the total weight was about 800 tons.
Sunday, March 10, 2019
Flame retardant can be used if it meets the prescribed 1998.10.15
The Eco-Mark Promotion Committee has also made a new policy on the use of flame retardants in Eco Mark products, which were not initially available.
1. A disaster prevention product designated by the Fire Service Law and the Japan Fire Protection Association, which was certified by the Japan Disaster Prevention Association,
2. Products that do not contain flame retardants of PBB, PBDE, and short-chain chlorinated paraffins, which allow the use of flame retardants in products satisfying two points.
This provision will be implemented on October 1.
1. A disaster prevention product designated by the Fire Service Law and the Japan Fire Protection Association, which was certified by the Japan Disaster Prevention Association,
2. Products that do not contain flame retardants of PBB, PBDE, and short-chain chlorinated paraffins, which allow the use of flame retardants in products satisfying two points.
This provision will be implemented on October 1.
Eco-Shop on the increase②
A wide range of items. It is not limited to the farm products of organic cultivation now, and the processed food which does not use the additive which harms the health has come to circulate widely besides the raw material and the method. In addition to daily necessities, a wide range of eco-products are produced, including toothbrushes using natural materials, clothing made from organic cotton materials, clothes using recycled resources such as PET bottles, stationery using recycled materials, and interior products that do not contain harmful chemical substances. These eco-products are in addition to the eco-shop, recently in department stores and supermarkets. With the growing interest in health and safety since the great East Japan earthquake, sales of such eco-products are also growing, and we are expected to grow in both manufacturing and distribution. In the department stores and supermarkets, we have partnered with manufacturers to actively develop our own environmental brand products. Along with the penetration of these eco-products, small eco-shops tend to specialize in products in specific fields and deal with more distinctive products. We are also dealing with eco-products as one of the differentiation strategies in the communication sales that are directly connected to the consumer. In addition, the distribution of Ortertrade, which specializes in products made in developing countries, was also created, and the eco-commodity market began to attract attention as a new market.
Eco-Shop on the increase①
Eco-shops dealing with environmental products (ECO goods) have been increasing in stores that deal with environmentally friendly products. Especially after the great East Japan earthquake four years ago, new trends are being formed in addition to the importance of life, safety and security of food, and other themes.
It is a so-called "eco-shop" targeted at Green consumer (green consumer). The number of stores in the Eco shop spreads. In order to realize a prosperous and sustainable society of the future generations of the country and the developing countries, the rise of the Gree consumer, which is the basis of product selection, such as environmental preservation, importance of life, food safety and security, etc., when purchasing goods More and more manufacturers and retailers are making products that are considerate of them. The Pioneer was the Co-op and the retailer who treated the food safety as an added value to the farm products of organic cultivation. On the other hand, there was a form of distribution specializing in environmentally conscious products (eco-products) of daily necessities from among the civic group which valued products with low environmental impact from the viewpoint of environmental conservation. We call this eco-shop a specialty eco-store that deals with many eco-friendly products.
It is a so-called "eco-shop" targeted at Green consumer (green consumer). The number of stores in the Eco shop spreads. In order to realize a prosperous and sustainable society of the future generations of the country and the developing countries, the rise of the Gree consumer, which is the basis of product selection, such as environmental preservation, importance of life, food safety and security, etc., when purchasing goods More and more manufacturers and retailers are making products that are considerate of them. The Pioneer was the Co-op and the retailer who treated the food safety as an added value to the farm products of organic cultivation. On the other hand, there was a form of distribution specializing in environmentally conscious products (eco-products) of daily necessities from among the civic group which valued products with low environmental impact from the viewpoint of environmental conservation. We call this eco-shop a specialty eco-store that deals with many eco-friendly products.
Saturday, March 9, 2019
通販業界が100%再生紙を共同購入 1998.09.15
産廃の圏外処理155万トン 1998.09.15
【要点在这里】废物是 「第二资源」 或 「流通资源」 - 资源服务公司业务 2000.07.15
在废物回收中, 作为废物协调 (中介和中介) 工作的新业务被认为是一个很有希望的业务。 它是一种将从每个营业场所排出的废物作为有价值的材料提供给每个必要的商业场所作为资源的服务。 此外, 还要求它确保必要的废物以及收集这些材料的情况。 当我们考虑到一个有限的资源问题时, 将这些废物作为资源联系起来的企业正在为每个行业建立。 海上的互联网网站可以看到以前的废物交易的例子。 认为废物是 "第二资源" 或 "流通资源" 是常识。
在以往的饮食中, 颁布了五场循环法, 从回收社会的基本立法入手。 预计它将成为有效利用废物的经济激励措施。
随着利用各种经营活动中排放的废料作为资源的理念的推进, 科学的回收利用方法, 以及供需的精确匹配, 作为一个新的业务的扩张, 并不是一个传统的废物处理行业。 这种商业模式的出现, 开始在发展区域循环社会和振兴各地地方工业方面发挥作用。
跨公司的废物回收集群可以降低个别公司的废物处置成本, 也可以通过利用废物降低生产成本或利润。 由于维珍资源未来的价格上涨是预测的, 废物回收不仅是资源和环境的考虑因素, 也是管理战略的一个重要问题。 因此, 废物协调员获得了一个重要的位置。 在能源领域有一个 ESCO 业务, 但最好有一个广义的Resource Service Company(资源服务公司)业务, 包括废物协调。
在以往的饮食中, 颁布了五场循环法, 从回收社会的基本立法入手。 预计它将成为有效利用废物的经济激励措施。
随着利用各种经营活动中排放的废料作为资源的理念的推进, 科学的回收利用方法, 以及供需的精确匹配, 作为一个新的业务的扩张, 并不是一个传统的废物处理行业。 这种商业模式的出现, 开始在发展区域循环社会和振兴各地地方工业方面发挥作用。
跨公司的废物回收集群可以降低个别公司的废物处置成本, 也可以通过利用废物降低生产成本或利润。 由于维珍资源未来的价格上涨是预测的, 废物回收不仅是资源和环境的考虑因素, 也是管理战略的一个重要问题。 因此, 废物协调员获得了一个重要的位置。 在能源领域有一个 ESCO 业务, 但最好有一个广义的Resource Service Company(资源服务公司)业务, 包括废物协调。
氷蓄熱式空調システム好調 1998.09.15
Friday, March 8, 2019
大田区でエコロジーフェア開催 1998.09.15
東京都・大田区産業プラザ(PiO)で、9月18から3日間、「第2回 新・生活用品見本市 -
古紙在庫が3カ月連続減 1998.09.15
支持94个地点的环境教育 1999.04.15
该环境机构已确定19个都道府县和84个地点作为环境学习模式业务的实施基地。 工程处总共提交了大约17000点, 如望远镜和自然观测教材, 以促进适合该区域特点的环境教育。 例如, 在新泻县苏旺町, 在天鹅的地方, 学校、邻里协会和 shoko-kai 以岐阜县多治見町为中心, 策划焚烧和复垦的运动, 进行清理水边等活动。
Plant Factory Business is limited ③
Now as a business is difficult to visit this time through the "Agri Business Japan". Most of plant plants are fully artificial light type. There were a lot of manufacturers including home appliances, materials and machine manufacturers. There are overwhelmingly a lot of voices of "the business card Exchange only, and it is far from the negotiation closing" if it hears. At present, the cultivation know-how is also unfinished while the improvement of the equipment is reasonable. Many of the vegetables grown above it do not show the exit. The cost of production of vegetables is much higher than the Roji. The price of lettuce from plant factory is 1kg1000 ~ 1,500 yen. Roji're three times that. Lighting, air conditioner, and the time of the water cultivation adjustment takes time, etc., and the variation of the quality and the poor production efficiency are a lot of troubles as business considering. An agricultural worker who knows the difficulty of agriculture when it is not possible to become an industry sees from the distance and does not come near. But what I want to focus on as a potential success was the cultivation of high-value herbal herbs and fruit for luxury.
The six laws concerning circulation in Japan 2002.10
Since the establishment of the environmental Basic Law, which is said to be the constitution of the Environment in 1993, the laws of the environment-related laws and regulations have been steadily advancing, and the following circulating six laws are legislated in the conventional diet. The Basic Law for promoting the formation of a recycling-oriented society (enacted in June 2006) the revised Waste Disposal Act (Ministry of Health and Welfare in April 2001) promotion of effective use of resources (environmental agency, METI, Ministry of Health and Welfare) construction Materials Recycling Law (Ministry of Construction in November 2000) Promoting the recycling of food resources (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in April 2001) Green Purchasing Act (Enforcement of the environmental Agency in April 2001) the ordinance of the municipality is newly institutionalized, and it is revised. All of these trends are related to the business opportunities of environmental business, or the development of environmental management systems. Therefore, it is important for each business operator to understand the necessary regulations and to constantly check their movements.
使用太阳能灯清洗大坝 1999.04.15
今年 4月, 在冈田湖的科卡沃奇大坝开始尝试利用太阳能发电清除奥科等藻类。 它是动力船收集两个泵安装在湖面上, 但泵的功率使用一个太阳能电池板 1.2 m * 0.8 米的河面上210张纸 (发电能力 25kw)。 此外, 在电力船的甲板上安装了1.5 千瓦的发电装置。
Thursday, March 7, 2019
Plant Factory Business is limited ②
I took a peek at "Agri Business Japan" which was held at the International Exhibition Center in Tokyo. Approximately 160 offices in Japan and overseas are exhibited. The exhibits of agricultural workers were surprisingly small, and many of them were exhibited in home appliances, materials, plant manufacturers and facility horticulture. Most of the plants produced there are leafy vegetables such as lettuce, tomatoes and strawberries. Cultivation technology is seen as a trace of constantly evolving, but the biggest challenge is still profitability of the producer side. It is very limited to be established as a business.
● Plant factories that do not spread. This plant plant is a policy that has a subsidy of 15 billion yen in 2009, which is an extension of the plant plant by the reform of farmland law and the spread and expansion of plants by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. At the start of the plant there are about 50 plants (almost wiped out). After that, the interest in plant factories has been reignited as a means of recovery for farmers affected by the damage caused by the tsunami of farmland caused by the 2011 great East Japan earthquake. In 2013, 177 houses (most of them fully artificial light type), especially new entrants from different industries such as manufacturing industries, have increased. In this context, the development of "technology cultivation, equipment)", "establishment of production management method", "cost (initial cost of cultivation facilities, equipment, etc., utility costs, labor costs, running cost such as logistics costs) reduction" It is said that it is because the soil that the business person other than agriculture is entering enters. However, it is said that the success stories of plant factories are less than 10%.
● Plant factories that do not spread. This plant plant is a policy that has a subsidy of 15 billion yen in 2009, which is an extension of the plant plant by the reform of farmland law and the spread and expansion of plants by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. At the start of the plant there are about 50 plants (almost wiped out). After that, the interest in plant factories has been reignited as a means of recovery for farmers affected by the damage caused by the tsunami of farmland caused by the 2011 great East Japan earthquake. In 2013, 177 houses (most of them fully artificial light type), especially new entrants from different industries such as manufacturing industries, have increased. In this context, the development of "technology cultivation, equipment)", "establishment of production management method", "cost (initial cost of cultivation facilities, equipment, etc., utility costs, labor costs, running cost such as logistics costs) reduction" It is said that it is because the soil that the business person other than agriculture is entering enters. However, it is said that the success stories of plant factories are less than 10%.
"灭绝声明" 于1949年发表一次, 阿胡多里奇迹般地在伊豆群岛和鸟岛复活。 东浩大学的长谷川副教授证实了这一点, 他从76年来一直在保护研究, 1998年在延崎产下了213个蛋, 此外还产下了550只鸟类和450只幼鸟, 并采取了81年的保护措施。 139只小鸡因此孵化, 它终于达到了1000只鸟的标志。 这是世界上罕见的一种情况, 在这个案例中, 被宣布灭绝的物种复活了。
Food Bank for Environmental pollution 1998.10.15
Amid growing interest in the effects of the human body, such as environmental hormones, the Ministry of Health and Welfare will embark on a "food bank" that stores food samples for a long period of time in the event of a situation in which there is a concern. It is used to investigate the intake of environmental pollutants taken into the body from food that dates back to the past. The whole country is divided into seven blocks, and various menus are kept frozen by 30 kg per year in each region.
Plant Factory Business is limited ①
On the other day, I looked into "agri business Japan" which was held at Tokyo International Exhibition Center. Approximately 160 offices in Japan and overseas are exhibited. The exhibits of agricultural workers were surprisingly small, and many of them were exhibited in home appliances, materials, plant manufacturers and facility horticulture. Most of the plants produced there are leafy vegetables such as lettuce, tomatoes and strawberries. Cultivation technology is seen as a trace of constantly evolving, but the biggest challenge is still profitability of the producer side.
It is very limited to be established as a business. The present day of the plant factory, only the leaf things such as lettuce were attached to the eye in the planner piled up in layers here and there in the hall. Is it possible to do business of plant factories that produce food ingredients outside of these natural and ecological systems? What is a plant factory in the first place? The type of plant factory, there are two types of fully artificial light type using LED light source without sunlight (including led combination) and the solar light type broadly divided. The solar type is basically used for solar light in a semi-closed environment of greenhouse type. It is possible to plan production throughout the year by the supplementary light at the time of rain and cloudy, the high temperature suppression in the summer, etc., in addition to the leaves such as lettuce and spinach, fruit vegetables centered on tomatoes, strawberries, etc. are also suitable for cultivation features. In addition, the cultivation area is easy to be cultivated in the plane (one side), it is possible to adjust the proper yield amount. On the other hand, the fully artificial light type which does not use the solar light is a production method of planning production in a closed environment. The production of lettuce, spinach, etc. are mainly made of leafy products (fruits and vegetables are very limited). It is possible to secure the cultivation area by multi-stage cultivation, a lot of harvest is expected, it is close to the large consumption area (low distribution cost) is characterized by high installation suitability around the urban area.
It is very limited to be established as a business. The present day of the plant factory, only the leaf things such as lettuce were attached to the eye in the planner piled up in layers here and there in the hall. Is it possible to do business of plant factories that produce food ingredients outside of these natural and ecological systems? What is a plant factory in the first place? The type of plant factory, there are two types of fully artificial light type using LED light source without sunlight (including led combination) and the solar light type broadly divided. The solar type is basically used for solar light in a semi-closed environment of greenhouse type. It is possible to plan production throughout the year by the supplementary light at the time of rain and cloudy, the high temperature suppression in the summer, etc., in addition to the leaves such as lettuce and spinach, fruit vegetables centered on tomatoes, strawberries, etc. are also suitable for cultivation features. In addition, the cultivation area is easy to be cultivated in the plane (one side), it is possible to adjust the proper yield amount. On the other hand, the fully artificial light type which does not use the solar light is a production method of planning production in a closed environment. The production of lettuce, spinach, etc. are mainly made of leafy products (fruits and vegetables are very limited). It is possible to secure the cultivation area by multi-stage cultivation, a lot of harvest is expected, it is close to the large consumption area (low distribution cost) is characterized by high installation suitability around the urban area.
Car sharing business in urban areas--more - from private ownership to sharing utility 2
The origin of the reduction of environmental impact, but now the convenience and match car sharing of the user, in addition to the advantage of saving such as parking lot for the user, car inspection, various insurance money and taxes, just hold the member card to the vehicle car can be borrowed. It is borrowed in 15 minutes shorter than the rental car, and it is a feature that can be returned without refueling. If you are an individual, it's easy to use a little shopping. Recently, the use of the legal entity used for sales of unexpected deliveries is increasing. "Times CarPlus" is a system that receives a basic fee of 1030 yen per month from members and 206 yen per 15 minutes use. The current number of members is more than 720,000 people, up 31% YoY. The social background of this car sharing was to reduce the number of car holdings, relieve congestion in urban areas, curb parking, and reduce the environmental impact of illegal scrapping.
The Switzerland originated but is now showing a global spread. Not only the "share economy" business car sharing which expands to each field, but the company which is to commercialize the "share economy" which shares the function use from mono-owned by an individual and a member as a business is increasing in each field. In addition to electrical products and furniture, as well as environmental equipment and equipment, it has recently diversified with "Minpaku" for tourists who use vacant condominiums.
The Switzerland originated but is now showing a global spread. Not only the "share economy" business car sharing which expands to each field, but the company which is to commercialize the "share economy" which shares the function use from mono-owned by an individual and a member as a business is increasing in each field. In addition to electrical products and furniture, as well as environmental equipment and equipment, it has recently diversified with "Minpaku" for tourists who use vacant condominiums.
【要点在这里】生物质能源 2001.05.20
用一种新的能源作为废物处理? 生物质能作为一种。 生物质能是有机生物作为能源的理念, 除了植物资源, 如人类废物尿、植物和动物的垃圾等外, 还包括在内。 生物质能的利用, 目前被认为是基于焚烧热利用, 气化热解, 甲烷发酵, 酒精发酵。 在使用技术方面, 有机废弃物直接焚烧和甲烷发酵的利用已得到实际应用, 但在食品厂, 根据食品废弃物回收法, 采用甲烷发酵技术的情况越来越多。 在2001财政年度, 为开发和传播该国与环境有关的预算中的生物物质能源组织了约27亿日元。 另一方面, 卫生、劳动和福利部对人类垃圾和生垃圾进行了处理, 推出了 "污泥再生处理中心概念", 对甲烷气体和堆肥进行回收利用, 并从1998财政年度起只对新的人类废物处理设施的回收类型发放补贴。 因此, 市政府正在寻找一种机制, 可以从垃圾处理和人类废物处理的双方回收利用。 此外, 正在审议立法的《可再生能源促进法》也被吹捧为促进太阳能、风能和生物质能的传播。 每年 1 900万吨食品垃圾, 从建筑工地丢弃的废料每年 1 700万吨。 只有目前被视为废物处理的生物质资源才会增加到这一数额。 此外, 目前日本的森林面积约为 2 500万公顷。 多年来增长的森林资源约为1亿立方米瑞典。 根据铁道部等资产, 日本已被留在山区约 6 0 0万立方米的薄木和分支材料。 我们认为这些是能源资源, 如果我们计划进行毁林和重新造林, 我们就可以使能源多样化, 保护森林。 这也导致了林业的促进, 林业正在稳步下降。
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Willingness to create an environmental report 1998.10.15
According to the results of the survey, the Nikkei Industrial Consumer Research Institute has received a response from 227 companies about the creation of an environmental report. In addition to the nine percent of 61 companies that have already been created, the company has been issuing from fiscal 1998 to the twentieth century. climbed to 3 percent. More and more companies are trying to understand the amount of environmental and environmental related expenses, and more than 10% of companies are thinking of exposing environmental impact data such as energy consumption on the Internet.
The dioxin standard is cleared at almost all facilities 1998.10.15
In December 1998, almost all facilities in the country were cleared of dioxin concentration standards (80 nanograms per cubic mail) in the exhaust gases applied to existing waste incineration plants. In 1996, the Ministry of Health and Welfare instructed each municipality to target the 1641 facilities nationwide, and as a result, it exceeded the reference value at 107 facilities as of October 1997. Thereafter, each municipality advanced the improvement of the furnace, and 1635 facilities except the six facilities of the measurement was newly measured, and the reference value is cleared.
エコビジネスネットワーク チーム・Eチャート例会
2019年4月5日新春エコビジネスネットワーク チーム・Eチャート例会開催のお知らせ
エコビジネスネットワーク代表 安藤 眞さん
一般社団法人・資源エネルギー研究協会事務局長 倉内 暁浩さん
(株)エコ・プロクト代表 小田 吉徳さん
(株)MIC武田技術士事務所代表 武田 彰夫さん
場所;飯田橋ボランティアセンター B会議室
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2019年4月5日新春エコビジネスネットワーク チーム・Eチャート例会開催のお知らせ
エコビジネスネットワーク代表 安藤 眞さん
一般社団法人・資源エネルギー研究協会事務局長 倉内 暁浩さん
(株)エコ・プロクト代表 小田 吉徳さん
(株)MIC武田技術士事務所代表 武田 彰夫さん
場所;飯田橋ボランティアセンター B会議室
*参加希望の方は、info@ecobiz.co.jp エコビジネスネットワークまで。
【要点在这里】废旧轮胎的热回收利用 2001.06.20
不用说, 废物可以通过带来的地方来支付, 这些钱可以作为有价值的东西来支付。 最近, 它被当作一件有价值的东西进行了交易, 钱出来的案子出来是根据浪费的种类支付了这笔钱。 例如, 废轮胎就是这样。 至于热回收, 进入水泥厂 (用于水泥燃烧) 需要每瓶40至60日元的加工成本。 当它被带到钢厂时, 就会被当作有价值的东西买下来。 在此背景下, 通过将 hirohata 铁厂从1999年2月开始生产的新日本引入炼钢燃料, 示范了将废旧轮胎放入转炉的回收过程, 在全面运行的过渡过程中, 对废旧轮胎的需求增加了。 顺便说一下, 钢厂安装了切割轮胎输入设备到铁水制造设备, 作为还原剂, 如废轮胎中含有炭黑, 铁漏斗用于熔融金属原料, 合成橡胶是气化炉和吹气。 这将同时加速废弃轮胎的热回收利用。 然而, 废物循环利用是回收利用的最终手段。 当我们考虑资源的有限特性时, 我们要强调材料的回收和再利用。 一般情况下, 废弃轮胎的回收利用率为 36%, 热利用率为51%。 除了再生橡胶和修复轮胎, 材料, 如路面材料和垫子。 剩下的则出口到东南亚作为使用的轮胎并且使用。 为了使材料回收传播, 假定在回收产品的市场方面, 价格、质量和外观与传统产品相同或优于传统产品。 另一方面, jis 的标准化也很重要。 否则, 废弃轮胎必然会被焚烧原理的浪潮吞没。
Support environmental education in 94 locations 1999.04.15
The environmental agency has determined 19 prefectures and 84 locations as an implementation base for the environmental learning model business. A total of approximately 17000 points, such as binoculars and teaching materials for nature observation, are submitted by the Agency to promote environmental education tailored to the characteristics of the region. For example, in Suwon-cho, Niigata Prefecture, events such as cleaning of the waterside are carried out in the lake which is the place of Swan, and the school, the neighborhood Association, and the Shoko-kai are centered in Tajimi-machi in Gifu Prefecture, and planning the movement of incineration and reclamation.
Use of solar light for dam cleaning 1999.04.15
The attempt to remove algae such as the Aoko using solar power generation started in April at Kokawauchi Dam in Lake Okutama. It is a mechanism that the electric power ship collects by two pumps installed on the surface of the lake, but the power of the pump uses a solar panel of 1.2 m * 0.8 m on a raft of 210 sheets on a lake surface (power generation capacity 25kw). Also on the deck of the electric power ship 1. 5 kw power generation device is installed.
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Expanding renovation, repair and renovation markets ②
The renovation and renovation work commonly referred to as renovation and renovation work, the Building Standards Act is called "large scale renovation work" and "large scale makeover". It is a construction to restore the performance and the quality by using the same shape, the same size, and the same material for one or more of the main structural parts of the building (wall, pillar, floor, beam, roof or stairs) Though it is "large scale repair work". On the other hand, the construction to restore the performance and the quality of one or more of the main structural parts of the building is changed by different specifications, and says "large scale remodeling". The health and environmental impact of dilapidated buildings that require renovation and renovation is also great. Significant health damage due to formaldehyde (one of the causative substances of Sick House syndrome) and asbestos (substances that cause lung cancer, malignant mesothelioma, etc.) contained in building materials, paints, and heat islands due to the increase of concrete buildings and buildings in urban areas Various problems such as the waste of energy when using a building are actualized. The renovation and renovation of the building structure, maintenance of the function, of course, to improve the load of health and environment, and to provide a comfortable life of the people living there, also play a role to enhance the asset value by adding a variety of functions to the building. In the future, the demand for renovation and renovation of large-scale facilities (public facilities, hotels, ryokans, etc.) has been growing every year, as well as the dilapidated apartment houses built after the high economic growth period and thereafter. The local con in the region dedicated to the business development of the new field advancement began to move to the order in this field starting a major general contractors.
Monday, March 4, 2019
Use of solar light for dam cleaning 1999.04.15
The attempt to remove algae such as the Aoko using solar power generation started in April at Kokawauchi Dam in Lake Okutama. It is a mechanism that the electric power ship collects by two pumps installed on the surface of the lake, but the power of the pump uses a solar panel of 1.2 m * 0.8 m on a raft of 210 sheets on a lake surface (power generation capacity 25kw). Also on the deck of the electric power ship 1. 5 kw power generation device is installed.
【要点在这里】废旧轮胎的热回收利用 2001.06.20
不用说, 废物可以通过带来的地方来支付, 这些钱可以作为有价值的东西来支付。 最近, 它被当作一件有价值的东西进行了交易, 钱出来的案子出来是根据浪费的种类支付了这笔钱。 例如, 废轮胎就是这样。 至于热回收, 进入水泥厂 (用于水泥燃烧) 需要每瓶40至60日元的加工成本。 当它被带到钢厂时, 就会被当作有价值的东西买下来。 在此背景下, 通过将 hirohata 铁厂从1999年2月开始生产的新日本引入炼钢燃料, 示范了将废旧轮胎放入转炉的回收过程, 在全面运行的过渡过程中, 对废旧轮胎的需求增加了。 顺便说一下, 钢厂安装了切割轮胎输入设备到铁水制造设备, 作为还原剂, 如废轮胎中含有炭黑, 铁漏斗用于熔融金属原料, 合成橡胶是气化炉和吹气。 这将同时加速废弃轮胎的热回收利用。 然而, 废物循环利用是回收利用的最终手段。 当我们考虑资源的有限特性时, 我们要强调材料的回收和再利用。 一般情况下, 废弃轮胎的回收利用率为 36%, 热利用率为51%。 除了再生橡胶和修复轮胎, 材料, 如路面材料和垫子。 剩下的则出口到东南亚作为使用的轮胎并且使用。 为了使材料回收传播, 假定在回收产品的市场方面, 价格、质量和外观与传统产品相同或优于传统产品。 另一方面, jis 的标准化也很重要。 否则, 废弃轮胎必然会被焚烧原理的浪潮吞没。
The return of Minamata disease - Marine pollution of plastic waste becomes serious 2
increase 500 billion copies a year. The pet bottle is consumed one million per minute as a beverage container. In developed countries, the aim is to stop using plastic straws and to improve recycling, but these disposable products are only 9%. Efforts have been made to reduce disposable plastics over and over again, but the status quo continues to increase rather than decrease. The shopping bag used in the convenience store has increased recently, too. Though it is a developing country to put out a lot of plastic garbage, China which has imported the waste plastic of the developed country up to now also started the restriction. In addition to the measures of only one country in the developed countries, as well as global warming measures, it is now being demanded by the world-wide approach. From the conventional petroleum-based plastic as a part of the plastic waste measures the creation chance of new industry of green PLA, the movement of promoting the use of paper and biodegradable plastic (green plastic) derived from natural plants has come out. In the development of new materials, Japan of the world's top runners, material development makers are facing a big business opportunity. Eco-friendly green plastic technology has already been seen as standby. The scale of GDP (gross national product) competing on the extension of human desires is at a marginal value. There were countries that had previously cut down tropical forests and exported timber to expand their GDP. On the other hand, countries that have reduced green and forest resources have long stalled in the country's power. We are now seeking to break away from the conventional supremacy of GDP.
【要点在这里】土地和环境部社论 「日本的物质平衡」 2001.07.20
根据土地、基础设施和运输部总结的 "日本物质平衡", 日本物质投入总量的 9 0% 左右是自然资源 (原油、食品和 1 1亿吨日本进口药品)。 能耗约 4, 000万吨, 粮食消费量约10亿吨, 工业废弃物约3亿吨, 一般废弃物约0.5%。 1亿吨)。 据说, 回收和再利用的总量为 10% (约2亿吨)。 顺便说一下, 1亿吨工业废物被回收利用, 但生产废物最终处置场的剩余年份为1年。 降低到6年。 为了摆脱这种大规模消费和大规模浪费社会, 正在考虑以土地、基础设施部为重点的国家土地委员会, 以及取代目前国家综合发展计划 (总数) 的新的宏伟设计和国家土地开发计划。 在追求 "土地和区域环境影响小的理想方式" 时, 对废物进行回收和再利用十分重要。 然而, 即使说它只是回收利用, 也有各种问题。 例如, 与原生材料相比, 再生材料的价格很高, 市场还没有形成有价值的材料, 而在回收过程中对环境的影响问题。 因此, 对回收材料的需求很低, 回收也会降低成本。 它被用作钢高炉还原剂的燃料助剂, 是最后的回收方式, 而 "气化熔炉" 则是在很高的温度下熔融废物的 "气化熔炉"。 许多资源在21世纪枯竭。 在思考的情况下, 重要的是要认识到废物是一种资源, 如何思考成本容易回收的想法。 在这一背景下, 有大规模生产和大规模回收的理念。 如果不多消耗自然资源, 就不可能转换 "最佳生产、消费和最低处置", 2 1世纪将是不可持续的。
After half a century...the bird is back 1999.04.15
The "extinction declaration" was put out once in 1949, and Ahoudori revived miraculously in the Izu Islands and the Bird Island. It was confirmed by Associate Professor Hasegawa of Toho University who has been protecting research since 76 years, and it lays out 213 eggs in Yanzaki in 1998, in addition to 550 birds and 450 young birds, with protection measures from 81 years. 139 chicks were hatching from this, and it was finally on the mark of 1000 birds. It was a rare case in the world where the species that had been declared extinct were resurrected.
Sunday, March 3, 2019
特定フロン回収進捗状況 1998.9.15
長江水害は森林伐採が原因 1998.9.15
環境ホルモンデータベース作成 1998.9.15
Food waste, thinned wood and branch materials as biomass energy 2001.05.20
Biomass energy has been attracting attention as a new energy source as a waste treatment. Biomass is the idea of an organic organism as an energy resource, in addition to plant resources, such as human waste urine, garbage from plants and animals, etc. are also included. The use of biomass energy, which is currently considered, is based on incineration heat utilization, gasification by pyrolysis, methane fermentation, and alcohol fermentation. As for the use technology, the use of heat by direct incineration and the methane fermentation of organic wastes has been put into practical use, but in the food factory, the case of adopting methane fermentation technology is increasing in response to the food waste recycling law.
Approximately 2.7 billion yen has been organized for the development and dissemination of biomass energy in the environment-related budget of the country in fiscal 2001. On the other hand, the Ministry of Health, Labour and welfare has processed human waste and raw garbage, and launched the "Sludge Regeneration treatment center Concept" to recycle methane gas and compost, and issued a subsidy only for the recycling type of new human waste treatment facilities from fiscal 1998. Therefore, the municipality is looking for a mechanism that can recycle from both sides of the garbage disposal and human waste processing.
In addition, the "Renewable Energy Promotion Law" under consideration for legislation is also touted to promote the dissemination of solar and wind power and biomass energy. 19 million tons of food waste per year, and waste material discarded from construction sites is 17 million tons annually. Only biomass resources that are currently being treated as waste rise to this amount. In addition, the forest area of the current Japan is about 25 million hectares. The forest resources that grow over the years are about 100 million cubic meters Sweden. According to assets such as ministry, the Japan has been left in mountainous areas for about 6 million cubic meters of thinned wood and branch materials. We consider these to be energy resources, and if we plan to proceed deforestation and reforestation, we can diversify energy sources and preserve forests. It also leads to the promotion of forestry, which is declining steadily.
Approximately 2.7 billion yen has been organized for the development and dissemination of biomass energy in the environment-related budget of the country in fiscal 2001. On the other hand, the Ministry of Health, Labour and welfare has processed human waste and raw garbage, and launched the "Sludge Regeneration treatment center Concept" to recycle methane gas and compost, and issued a subsidy only for the recycling type of new human waste treatment facilities from fiscal 1998. Therefore, the municipality is looking for a mechanism that can recycle from both sides of the garbage disposal and human waste processing.
In addition, the "Renewable Energy Promotion Law" under consideration for legislation is also touted to promote the dissemination of solar and wind power and biomass energy. 19 million tons of food waste per year, and waste material discarded from construction sites is 17 million tons annually. Only biomass resources that are currently being treated as waste rise to this amount. In addition, the forest area of the current Japan is about 25 million hectares. The forest resources that grow over the years are about 100 million cubic meters Sweden. According to assets such as ministry, the Japan has been left in mountainous areas for about 6 million cubic meters of thinned wood and branch materials. We consider these to be energy resources, and if we plan to proceed deforestation and reforestation, we can diversify energy sources and preserve forests. It also leads to the promotion of forestry, which is declining steadily.
Saturday, March 2, 2019
36 trillion reduce KCAL 1999.04.15
Tokyo Metropolitan Government has compiled the Tokyo Energy Vision. The aim was to reduce the 3 trillion kcal by the introduction of 33 trillion kcal and new energy by effective use and efficiency of energy by fiscal 2010. The new energy to be introduced is 500,000 kw of solar power, 310,000 kw of waste power, and a clean energy vehicle of 200,000 kw. Based on this vision, we plan to review policies such as transportation policies and to induce energy conservation.
To review the basic environmental plan 1999.04.15
The environmental agency has hardened its policy of reviewing the basic environmental plan. Since the present basic plan has been pointed out that the idea and the prototype are raised, but there is no specific indicator or numerical value, it is advisory to the Central Environmental Council in May. 1. Set environmental indicators and numerical targets divided into long-term, medium-and short-term targets, and will be deliberated on the clarification of the policy of focusing on 2, water circulation and global warming.
【要点在这里】生态城(ecotown)业务 2002.06
"通过支持发展以私营企业为中心的领先回收设施, 生态泰的业务将继续积极发展, 作为一项国家政策, 以支持创建零废物城市, 并促进环境产业成为一个新的产业。 生态城镇业务将显示今年经济产业省环境预算分布的最大增长率。 今年, 去年增长了13亿日元。 以 "资源回收补贴" 为幌子, 今年的主要业务是 "对宠物瓶、塑料废塑料、废木等回收设施的补贴"。 过去, 生态城镇业务得到了全国 1 5个地点的认可。 我听说目前有50个地点, 该地区正准备申请生态城镇项目。 今年, 第一个 "富山生态城镇规划" 被经济产业省和环境部批准, 削减顶。 该业务的内容是用于包装塑料、塑料加工和农业中产生的废塑料的回收材料, 以及回收成胸罩材料的材料。 左边是转换为石油的过程。 促进 "混合废塑料回收利用", 该区域在没有废物的情况下使用。 此外, 我们还将建筑垃圾回收成高附加值的建筑材料, 以及当地房屋制造商使用的企业。 当我们看生态城镇业务的轮廓时, 我们将促进向铁路和航运的模式转变, 以建设静脉物流网络, 以及废物和服务回收、医疗废物和 PCB 解毒。 引入自然能源和更多。 未来, 生态城镇业务将加快发展, 实现区域循环型社会。 可以肯定的是, 它将在该地区创造第一个环保企业, 但这个问题能否作为盈利企业继续存在?
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