
Kitakyushu Eco-Town Project Details - January 1999

- Background:
- Kitakyushu City developed into one of Japan's leading industrial cities in the mid-20th century (1950s to 1970s), but also faced severe industrial pollution. However, the citizens, industry, government, and academic institutions came together to overcome the pollution.

- Launch of the Eco-Town Project:
- In 1997, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry recognized Kitakyushu as an "Eco-Town Project," marking the beginning of full-scale efforts to promote environmental industries.

- Environmental Industry Promotion Plan:
- In 1998, the "Kitakyushu City Environmental Industry Promotion Council" was established, and the "Kitakyushu Eco-Town Plan Implementation Plan" was formulated.
- The plan consists of the following three pillars:
1. Development of technology and demonstration research facilities
- Wakamatsu District's Hibikinada area plays a central role in Kitakyushu's Eco-Town Project and is being developed as a hub for environmental industries. In this area, companies are actively collaborating on technological development. For example, many companies are working on developing and demonstrating recycling technologies to promote the recycling of industrial waste.
2. Promotion of the recycling industry
- The Hibikinada area has become a hub for multiple recycling companies that process and recycle domestic and international waste efficiently. These companies use the latest recycling technologies to contribute to the realization of a sustainable resource-circulating society.
- Key companies include Eco-Material Co., Ltd. and Kitakyushu Recycle Co., Ltd., which play a crucial role in the recovery of resources from industrial waste and the supply of recycled materials to the market.
3. Promotion of international cooperation
- The companies and facilities in the Hibikinada area are utilized for the transfer of international environmental technologies and training programs, thereby enhancing the international competitiveness of local companies.

- Technology Development and Research Base:
- Technology development and demonstration research are being conducted in the Wakamatsu District's Hibikinada area, where companies and academic institutions collaborate on the development of new technologies. Especially, efforts are being made to demonstrate new technologies aimed at improving recycling processes and reducing environmental impact. Companies are contributing to sustainable industrial development by bringing these technologies to market.

- International Cooperation:
- The Kitakyushu International Technology Cooperation Association (KITA) is leading the transfer of environmental technologies, joint research, and technical training. Companies based in the Hibikinada area are actively participating in international cooperation projects, playing a key role in technology transfer and training programs, particularly for developing countries.

- Achievements and Evaluation:
- These efforts have earned Kitakyushu City high praise as a leading city in environmental industries both domestically and internationally, establishing it as a model for sustainable economic development. In particular, the activities of companies based in the Hibikinada area have greatly contributed to the development of regional environmental technologies.

- Promotion of Environmental Management:
- Kitakyushu City is promoting the acquisition of ISO14001 and is advancing environmental conservation activities within city businesses and public institutions. Many companies have adopted this environmental management system, leading to enhanced environmental awareness and effective environmental conservation activities.

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