Saturday, March 15, 2025

Laughter and dancing open the door to heaven - Amenouzume and the play of the gods

Laughter and dancing open the door to heaven - Amenouzume and the play of the gods

Amenouzume (Ama-no-Ukemikoto, Ama-no-Mikoto) is a goddess in Japanese mythology who is considered the founder of the performing arts, dance, and kagura. The myth of Ama-no-Iwato, in which she plays an active role, was initiated by the conflict between Amaterasu (Amaterasu) and Susano-no-mikoto (Susanoo). When Amaterasu was shut up in Ama-no-Iwato due to Susanoo's misbehavior, the world was enveloped in darkness. The eight million gods, troubled, devised a plan at Ama-no-gawara, and Amenouzume was forced to dance a dance.

Amateru, intrigued by the merriment, opened Iwato a little and was surprised to see his own reflection in the yatagamira, which Amateru took advantage of to open the door. Thus light returned and order was restored. In this myth, Amaterasu's austerity is contrasted with Uzume's unrestrained nature, emphasizing the power of laughter and dance.

Later, Amenouzume became involved with Sarutahiko-no-mikoto at the descent of Amaterasu, extracted his guidance through negotiations, and later became a matrimonial goddess. She is still worshipped today as the god of performing arts and way-finding, and is considered the origin of Japanese kagura (Shinto music and dance).

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