Friday, February 28, 2025

The Night the Black Diamond Sinks - The Futaba-kai and Ono-gumi Shadows Stir in the City of Coal Mines

The Night the Black Diamond Sinks - The Futaba-kai and Ono-gumi Shadows Stir in the City of Coal Mines

Location: The tatami room of the old ryotei restaurant "Tsuruya" in the coal mining town of Chikuho.
- A (Futabakkai executive, Iwasaki) ... a big boss in the Yamaguchi clan. He controls the interests of Chikuho.
- B (Tanimura, a member of the Ono clan) ... A militant faction of the Ono clan. Expanding its power based on the construction business.
- C (Broker, Gonzo Oyabun) ... A local prominent figure, who himself went through a rough patch in the past.

At a ryotei restaurant in Chikuho - A tongue fight with a hard and soft edge

C (Gonzo Oyabun) (while shaking the boar's mouth)
"Well, well, don't be so formal. It's been a while since you guys had a drink face to face, hasn't it? Don't do anything that will cause bloodshed here. This is my store.

A (Iwasaki, Futabakai) (while crossing his arms)
I don't want to see blood, but I can't keep quiet if you come into my territory. Mr. Tanimura, aren't you guys getting a little carried away these days?"

B (Tanimura and Ono) (chuckling)
"Getting on? Well, it's true that we have a good wind blowing. But, Mr. Iwasaki, aren't you the ones doing things the old-fashioned way? How long are you going to hang on to the 'black diamond' when this mine is going to be mined out in the near future?

A. (Iwasaki, Futabakai) (with a low laugh)
You are talking as if you are ahead of the times, aren't you? You guys are talking like you're ahead of the times. Don't tell me you've forgotten that your construction business can't go around without going through our territory no matter which way you turn.

B (Tanimura and Ono team) (puts in a cigarette and lights it)
"I haven't forgotten. But, you know, we have our own relationships. The big bosses in Tokyo say that from now on, work above ground will be hot. Are you still buried in the mines over there?"

C (Gonzo) (in disgust)
"You guys, you're both in the same boat, aren't you? Iwasaki, you are the keeper of the mine, and Tanimura, you are the master of concrete. Think about separating yourselves.

A. (Iwasaki, Futabakai) (while setting down his sake cup)
"Separation of living? That's noble of you, but I don't like it when people from my area take off their tabi without my permission.

B (Tanimura and Ono) (shrugging their shoulders)
"I don't feel good. ...... That's the same for us. I think it would feel better to build a new building than to hang on to a hole that's been dug out, don't you?

C (Gonzo) (sighing)
"Well, they all have a lot to say, don't they? ...... Well, that's enough for today. If you're going to continue doing business in the mining town after this, you've got to think about the mood of the assholes, don't you?"

A (Iwasaki, Futabakai) (while standing up)
"Well, I'll give you a break for today. But, Tanimura, make sure that your "hito-bama" doesn't do anything unnecessary in our moat, okay?

B (Tanimura and Ono) (chuckling)
B (Tanimura and Ono) (chuckling) "You, don't use dynamite in the wrong place, will you?

C (boss Gonzo) (holding his head)
"Okay, okay, okay, go home, go home. My sake is going to go bad!

Iwasaki and Tanimura left the ryotei with their respective apprentices in tow, smiling wryly. The night in Chikuho was again covered with the smell of gunpowder and the dust of black diamonds.

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