全球环境业务 / 资源循环经济 / Eco Business / Circular Economy / 地球環境ビジネス / 循環経済
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Low-pollution coal using agricultural wastes 1998.09.15
The experiment to make use of the molded charcoal which mixed the residue of crops such as corn into coal started in China. Keio University, the University of Tokyo, and the Central Electric Power Research Institute have collaborated with the Chinese side to set up and operate the molding charcoal manufacturing equipment in two cities such as Shenyang City. This molded charcoal is called bio-briquette, which is hardened with high pressure mixed with corn charcoal, wood scraps and slaked lime in coal powder. Slaked lime can fix sulfur content and significantly inhibit SOx generation.
【要点在这里】废物是 「第二资源」 或 「流通资源」 - 资源服务公司业务 2000.07.15
在废物回收中, 作为废物协调 (中介和中介) 工作的新业务被认为是一个很有希望的业务。 它是一种将从每个营业场所排出的废物作为有价值的材料提供给每个必要的商业场所作为资源的服务。 此外, 还要求它确保必要的废物以及收集这些材料的情况。 当我们考虑到一个有限的资源问题时, 将这些废物作为资源联系起来的企业正在为每个行业建立。 海上的互联网网站可以看到以前的废物交易的例子。 认为废物是 "第二资源" 或 "流通资源" 是常识。
在以往的饮食中, 颁布了五场循环法, 从回收社会的基本立法入手。 预计它将成为有效利用废物的经济激励措施。
随着利用各种经营活动中排放的废料作为资源的理念的推进, 科学的回收利用方法, 以及供需的精确匹配, 作为一个新的业务的扩张, 并不是一个传统的废物处理行业。 这种商业模式的出现, 开始在发展区域循环社会和振兴各地地方工业方面发挥作用。
跨公司的废物回收集群可以降低个别公司的废物处置成本, 也可以通过利用废物降低生产成本或利润。 由于维珍资源未来的价格上涨是预测的, 废物回收不仅是资源和环境的考虑因素, 也是管理战略的一个重要问题。 因此, 废物协调员获得了一个重要的位置。 在能源领域有一个 ESCO 业务, 但最好有一个广义的Resource Service Company(资源服务公司)业务, 包括废物协调。
在以往的饮食中, 颁布了五场循环法, 从回收社会的基本立法入手。 预计它将成为有效利用废物的经济激励措施。
随着利用各种经营活动中排放的废料作为资源的理念的推进, 科学的回收利用方法, 以及供需的精确匹配, 作为一个新的业务的扩张, 并不是一个传统的废物处理行业。 这种商业模式的出现, 开始在发展区域循环社会和振兴各地地方工业方面发挥作用。
跨公司的废物回收集群可以降低个别公司的废物处置成本, 也可以通过利用废物降低生产成本或利润。 由于维珍资源未来的价格上涨是预测的, 废物回收不仅是资源和环境的考虑因素, 也是管理战略的一个重要问题。 因此, 废物协调员获得了一个重要的位置。 在能源领域有一个 ESCO 业务, 但最好有一个广义的Resource Service Company(资源服务公司)业务, 包括废物协调。
【要点在这里】国外环保设备的进口和销售环境 1998.8.15
环境商业市场正在稳步扩大。 约有 4 0% 的上市公司和约 2 0% 的非上市公司已经发展或规划了环保业务。 整体销售也呈上升趋势。 政府的政策、政策、法律法规、企业环境活动、提高公民对环境的认识, 都起到了有利的推动作用。 人们认为, 由于环保企业的项目可以是上百项, 所以在拓展工作中有商机。 如果对环境问题的兴趣和认识加深, 成为人们的雷达, 新进入者就不应该那么困难了。 即使没有为新进入者提供完整的环境资源, 也有几种进入新进入者的方式。 其中之一是从海外进口和销售环保设备。 在被称为环境先进国家的西方国家, 有很多优秀的环保设备和产品在日本国家都找不到。 数量丰富, 质量高, 价格积极便宜。 例如, 澳大利亚的节能装置、丹麦风力发电机、联合王国水质分析仪和美国制造的环保商品等等都是如此。 有这样一个成功的例子。 四年前, 一家中小型公司的总裁成功地进口和销售了方便运输和储存瑞典制造的垃圾的压缩容器, 他说: "选择产品的方式、先见之明的法律、营销能力的开启。 在彻底审查了欧美有关回收利用的法律, 并预计日本将颁布类似的法律 (集装箱包装回收法) 之后, 这一做法取得了成功。
日本首先举办了一个环境设备展览, 作为进口信息来源。 在互联网上搜索也是有效的。 信息也可以从海外环保杂志上捕捉到。 日本贸易促进协会 (JETRO) 审查了每个国家的环境商品趋势。 通过在中小企业进口和销售外国, 成功进入环境商业的概率很高。 有可能创建一个专门从事环境相关工作的贸易公司。
日本首先举办了一个环境设备展览, 作为进口信息来源。 在互联网上搜索也是有效的。 信息也可以从海外环保杂志上捕捉到。 日本贸易促进协会 (JETRO) 审查了每个国家的环境商品趋势。 通过在中小企业进口和销售外国, 成功进入环境商业的概率很高。 有可能创建一个专门从事环境相关工作的贸易公司。
Monday, April 29, 2019
99年度予算、初の800億円突破 1999.01.15
緑の資源と赤い資源② 1998.10.15
ではここで 「緑の資源」 のサービスに、 どれくらいの価値があるのかを考えてみよう。 その価値を算出するためになされた研究がいくつかある。それは 「生態系」システムを 「健全な状態で維持した場合」と、 「生態系」 システムを 「劣 化させた場合」とでは、 人問が得ることができる経済的・社会的・生態学的な便益の揖得にどれくらい違いがあるかを測定したものでぁる。 なかでもよく調査されているのがナイジェリア北部にある氾濫原の例だ。 まず、 農業開発という側面のみで農業にもたらす便益を比較する と、確かに1へク夕ール当たり自然状態が113ドル程度だったのが、 灌漑することで1299ドルと増大し、 灌漑のメリットがあるように見える。しかし、 洪水や乾燥状態に適した伝統的な農業、漁業、乾期の放牧、 そして薪、 屋根葺材料、 野生動物、肥科などの多様かつ有益な産物の採集といった多く の仕事を、 自然に機能 する湿地帯は、 その機能で果たしている。このような自然の機能を果たす経済 的便益を換算して比較した場合、 1ヘクタール当たりでは、 灌漑した場合は29ドル(プロジェクト費用を差し引いて) に対し、 自然状態を残した場合は約167ドルの価値を持つという結果が出ている。同じように水の経済的便益は1000立方メ一トル当たり、灌漑した場合は4セントに対 し、自然状態を残した場合は約48ドルの価値をもたらすいう試算である (ワ一ルドウォッチ研究所) 。
ただ、 だからといって農業開発を全面的に否定できるほど、 我々の社会は単純 ではない。一見、ある一つの商品の生産を最大化させることが我々にとって最も有益なことと思いがちだ。 しかし健全に機能している生態系がもたらす便益は、生態系の劣化や転換と引き換えにもたらされる便益を常にといっていいほど上回るということが、「緑の資源」 が持つ事実なのである。
ではここで 「緑の資源」 のサービスに、 どれくらいの価値があるのかを考えてみよう。 その価値を算出するためになされた研究がいくつかある。それは 「生態系」システムを 「健全な状態で維持した場合」と、 「生態系」 システムを 「劣 化させた場合」とでは、 人問が得ることができる経済的・社会的・生態学的な便益の揖得にどれくらい違いがあるかを測定したものでぁる。 なかでもよく調査されているのがナイジェリア北部にある氾濫原の例だ。 まず、 農業開発という側面のみで農業にもたらす便益を比較する と、確かに1へク夕ール当たり自然状態が113ドル程度だったのが、 灌漑することで1299ドルと増大し、 灌漑のメリットがあるように見える。しかし、 洪水や乾燥状態に適した伝統的な農業、漁業、乾期の放牧、 そして薪、 屋根葺材料、 野生動物、肥科などの多様かつ有益な産物の採集といった多く の仕事を、 自然に機能 する湿地帯は、 その機能で果たしている。このような自然の機能を果たす経済 的便益を換算して比較した場合、 1ヘクタール当たりでは、 灌漑した場合は29ドル(プロジェクト費用を差し引いて) に対し、 自然状態を残した場合は約167ドルの価値を持つという結果が出ている。同じように水の経済的便益は1000立方メ一トル当たり、灌漑した場合は4セントに対 し、自然状態を残した場合は約48ドルの価値をもたらすいう試算である (ワ一ルドウォッチ研究所) 。
ただ、 だからといって農業開発を全面的に否定できるほど、 我々の社会は単純 ではない。一見、ある一つの商品の生産を最大化させることが我々にとって最も有益なことと思いがちだ。 しかし健全に機能している生態系がもたらす便益は、生態系の劣化や転換と引き換えにもたらされる便益を常にといっていいほど上回るということが、「緑の資源」 が持つ事実なのである。
Car sharing is expanding to the city② 2018.11.30
Car sharing business in urban areas-from private ownership to function use-sharing is coming out of the idea of servicing sizing. It is a business model that the product that was sold as a conventional product is obtained by providing the function that the products have. From the standpoint of the user, the purpose is not to own the personal property of the product itself, but to use the function of the product. For example, the function of an automobile is mobility. It takes the form to use only the function without buying and privately owning the car to obtain the function.
What is car sharing. The fastest growing car sharing business in the urban Center is the "Park 24" of the parking lot management company. The company mainly operates in Tokyo mainly in the car sharing business "times car plus" other than the main car parking lot, but operating revenues for the fiscal year ending October 2017 are around 2.5 billion yen. The growth rate is more than doubled in the previous fiscal year. It is said that it is "steady expansion" since the change in surplus in October, 2002. The number of bases is 8600 base as of October. It is more than ten thousand momentum in this term. Orix Share (car-sharing 2nd place) 1400, car rental is the largest of Toyota car rental in greater than 1200.
What is car sharing. The fastest growing car sharing business in the urban Center is the "Park 24" of the parking lot management company. The company mainly operates in Tokyo mainly in the car sharing business "times car plus" other than the main car parking lot, but operating revenues for the fiscal year ending October 2017 are around 2.5 billion yen. The growth rate is more than doubled in the previous fiscal year. It is said that it is "steady expansion" since the change in surplus in October, 2002. The number of bases is 8600 base as of October. It is more than ten thousand momentum in this term. Orix Share (car-sharing 2nd place) 1400, car rental is the largest of Toyota car rental in greater than 1200.
Sunday, April 28, 2019
緑の資源① 1998.10.15
これまで地球の資源の中には 「赤い資源」と「緑の資源」があること、 そして「赤い資源」 とはどういうものかについて見てきた。 ここでは、もう1つの資源である 「緑の資源」 が人間にもたらす価値と現状の構造的問題について説明したいと思う。
ご存知の通り、 「緑の資源」 は人間の 食物や漁業資源、 木材などを提供、している。 しかし、 それに加えて 「緑の資源」は人聞の社会と経済を支える目に見えない基盤になっていることにも目をむけるべきである。 「緑の資源」 のサービスをざっと挙げてみても、以下のようなものがある。 「緑の資源」 はこれらのサービスを 「無償」で人聞に提供しているわけで、もし、これを人間が「有償」で行なうとしたら、いったいいく らかかることだろうか。
ご存知の通り、 「緑の資源」 は人間の 食物や漁業資源、 木材などを提供、している。 しかし、 それに加えて 「緑の資源」は人聞の社会と経済を支える目に見えない基盤になっていることにも目をむけるべきである。 「緑の資源」 のサービスをざっと挙げてみても、以下のようなものがある。 「緑の資源」 はこれらのサービスを 「無償」で人聞に提供しているわけで、もし、これを人間が「有償」で行なうとしたら、いったいいく らかかることだろうか。
”Learning from Ancestors”
The United Nations University Institute for Sustainability and Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) inaugurated the traditional Knowledge Initiative in 2007 to build further understanding and recognition of traditional knowledge and to convey initiatives by indigenous peoples, local communities and policymakers. The initiative studies the use of indigenous peoples ' current practices and the knowledge they have cultivated for many years. Research on the initiative is extremely important for a world where widespread development has caused so many problems.
In fact, modern society should be able to learn valuable insights and lessons from past indigenous societies on how to use resources efficiently and how to improve waste management systems. Between 2000 and 2050, the world's population is projected to increase by 50%, the world's economic activity is 500%, and the world's energy and resource utilization is 300%. These trends will stress more on the resources and Environment of the Earth, which is already multiplying a significant load. During the 1992 Earth Summit, world leaders warned that "the main reason for the constant deterioration of the global environment is the steady increase in the production and consumption and disposal of goods."
At the same time, the Rio Declaration affirmed that the "green economy" policy against sustainable development and the eradication of Poverty promotes sustainable and inclusive economic growth and promotes sustainable consumption and production. Resource utilization and waste management tend to be significantly different in developed and developing countries. If human life and society have unlimited abundance, the resources consumed and the waste produced (solid and liquid) will be many. Therefore, developed countries consume more energy, water, metal and plastic than developing countries. In the data of the World Bank of 2012, it was seen so.
The average American resident is 3.5 kg of waste per day, but for some African urban residents, less than 200 grams per person per day. In the initiative, the rate of waste generation in developed countries also shows a trend of stabilization or gradual increase. This trend reflects the maturity of the economic system of the industrialized nations and reflects a gradual increase or decrease in population. In order to ensure that economic growth does not lead to an increase in waste as it is, advanced countries have proposed efforts to improve resource efficiency and maximize the use of waste countermeasures, reuse and recycling.
On the other hand, in developing countries, the rate of waste generation has increased rapidly due to economic growth and urbanization. According to the World Bank, the rate of increase in waste generation rates will be fastest in Africa and Asia in the near future. For example, the waste discharged from sub-Saharan Africa over the next two decades is expected to triple. China will overtake the United States in 2004.
It is now the world's largest solid waste emission country. In many cities in developing countries, it is still difficult to provide the people with waste recovery and appropriate processing systems. As a result, the atmosphere, water and soil are contaminated, and public health has a negative impact. However, proper waste management can create employment opportunities and reduce the ecological footprint of society.
Therefore, in the policy and institutional design of solid wastes, we suggest that we should aim to minimize the generation of waste and to make the best use of waste material reuse and recycling. Technological innovations are often seen as answers to modern waste problems. But what can we learn from the historical methods that the great ancient societies, such as the Aztec tribe of the Mexico, were taking advantage of? How will past systems, such as Aztec waste management and resource utilization, relate to the modern world?
In fact, modern society should be able to learn valuable insights and lessons from past indigenous societies on how to use resources efficiently and how to improve waste management systems. Between 2000 and 2050, the world's population is projected to increase by 50%, the world's economic activity is 500%, and the world's energy and resource utilization is 300%. These trends will stress more on the resources and Environment of the Earth, which is already multiplying a significant load. During the 1992 Earth Summit, world leaders warned that "the main reason for the constant deterioration of the global environment is the steady increase in the production and consumption and disposal of goods."
At the same time, the Rio Declaration affirmed that the "green economy" policy against sustainable development and the eradication of Poverty promotes sustainable and inclusive economic growth and promotes sustainable consumption and production. Resource utilization and waste management tend to be significantly different in developed and developing countries. If human life and society have unlimited abundance, the resources consumed and the waste produced (solid and liquid) will be many. Therefore, developed countries consume more energy, water, metal and plastic than developing countries. In the data of the World Bank of 2012, it was seen so.
The average American resident is 3.5 kg of waste per day, but for some African urban residents, less than 200 grams per person per day. In the initiative, the rate of waste generation in developed countries also shows a trend of stabilization or gradual increase. This trend reflects the maturity of the economic system of the industrialized nations and reflects a gradual increase or decrease in population. In order to ensure that economic growth does not lead to an increase in waste as it is, advanced countries have proposed efforts to improve resource efficiency and maximize the use of waste countermeasures, reuse and recycling.
On the other hand, in developing countries, the rate of waste generation has increased rapidly due to economic growth and urbanization. According to the World Bank, the rate of increase in waste generation rates will be fastest in Africa and Asia in the near future. For example, the waste discharged from sub-Saharan Africa over the next two decades is expected to triple. China will overtake the United States in 2004.
It is now the world's largest solid waste emission country. In many cities in developing countries, it is still difficult to provide the people with waste recovery and appropriate processing systems. As a result, the atmosphere, water and soil are contaminated, and public health has a negative impact. However, proper waste management can create employment opportunities and reduce the ecological footprint of society.
Therefore, in the policy and institutional design of solid wastes, we suggest that we should aim to minimize the generation of waste and to make the best use of waste material reuse and recycling. Technological innovations are often seen as answers to modern waste problems. But what can we learn from the historical methods that the great ancient societies, such as the Aztec tribe of the Mexico, were taking advantage of? How will past systems, such as Aztec waste management and resource utilization, relate to the modern world?
对 NGP 种植园的赠款 1998.10.15
日本环境基金会 (东京都港区) 从无树基金中向正在恢复植树造林和绿化等森林的非政府组织提供高达50万日元的赠款, 并将招募目标组织, 直至10月底。 该基金有 1% 的纸张销售额准备金, 不使用回收运动市民开发的任何原始阀门。 格兰特是今年第五次。 1997年, 他选择了10个组织, 如 "坦桑尼亚 Borlevis 俱乐部", 支持坦桑尼亚的植树造林活动。
Liquor retailers to build recycling systems 1998.09.15
The central meeting of the National Retail Liquor Sales Association established the Recycling Committee in promoting the recycling of liquor containers. Promote the use of containers such as the unification of the size and color of bottles and glass. Specifically, in addition to unify the color of the bottle with 1.8 liters in sake and shochu to green tea or, the original "Unification plan" is created even in size. Also, a study group will be established to consider the need for a deposit system.
Average voluntary target value of the waste of construction production 1998.09.15
In Tokyo, the company summarized its voluntary goal of promoting industrial waste suitability and resource management in agreement with 82 contractors with a capital of more than 500 million yen in Tokyo. In fiscal 1998, the average rate of resource utilization was 88.6% of asphalt/concrete mass 9.1% (average actual value of 1997), concrete mass 88.1% (85.6%), wood scrap 67.1% (58. 1%) and other wastes of 40.4% (same as 32.8%).
Ocean Purification Business Expanding②
<A variety of organisms from Japan cross the sea and have been in various parts of the world. >
● In various parts of the world damaged by ballast water, not to be overlooked the damage by ballast (weight) water to load the ship in order to stabilize the running. Seawater loaded into the ballast tank at the departure of the Japan is discharged at Port of call. In addition to having a bad influence on the local ecosystem and the water industry as described above as an alien species, the organism of the Japan production which had been mixed has brought it to the occurrence of the health damage of the local person. Cases of damage caused by foreign organisms that are considered to be caused by ballast water. Australian farmed scallops and oyster damage caused by starfish brought from Japan, etc. Due to the proliferation of zebra shells from Eastern Europe, the closure of the inlet of the power plant on the Great Lakes Coast United States. There have been cases where one million people have been infected in South America due to the cholera bacterium that has been transferred to the Mexico Bay, and 10,000 deaths have died.
● Market size of ballast water measures: trillion yen although the damage has not been manifested at this time, there is a high possibility that new damage will occur when the growth environment of governing organisms changes in the future of climate change, the activation of economic activity of the GDP supremacy, and water pollution by industrialization and urbanization, etc. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted the "Ballast Water Regulation Treaty" in February 2004. The treaty requires that new shipbuilding be equipped with equipment that properly handles ballast water since 2009. "This processing unit is expected to be in demand for more than two trillion yen in the world" (Eco-business Network Research) Other, the damage measures caused by the biological movement, it is no doubt that an immense market will be created. This is business opportunities in the marine Japan of the environmental technology nation.
● In various parts of the world damaged by ballast water, not to be overlooked the damage by ballast (weight) water to load the ship in order to stabilize the running. Seawater loaded into the ballast tank at the departure of the Japan is discharged at Port of call. In addition to having a bad influence on the local ecosystem and the water industry as described above as an alien species, the organism of the Japan production which had been mixed has brought it to the occurrence of the health damage of the local person. Cases of damage caused by foreign organisms that are considered to be caused by ballast water. Australian farmed scallops and oyster damage caused by starfish brought from Japan, etc. Due to the proliferation of zebra shells from Eastern Europe, the closure of the inlet of the power plant on the Great Lakes Coast United States. There have been cases where one million people have been infected in South America due to the cholera bacterium that has been transferred to the Mexico Bay, and 10,000 deaths have died.
● Market size of ballast water measures: trillion yen although the damage has not been manifested at this time, there is a high possibility that new damage will occur when the growth environment of governing organisms changes in the future of climate change, the activation of economic activity of the GDP supremacy, and water pollution by industrialization and urbanization, etc. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted the "Ballast Water Regulation Treaty" in February 2004. The treaty requires that new shipbuilding be equipped with equipment that properly handles ballast water since 2009. "This processing unit is expected to be in demand for more than two trillion yen in the world" (Eco-business Network Research) Other, the damage measures caused by the biological movement, it is no doubt that an immense market will be created. This is business opportunities in the marine Japan of the environmental technology nation.
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Plant-derived bioplastic②
The use of forest resources is growing as an industry, and the demand for forest-related resources is increasing from the securing of new energy resources to the world. In the Japan, energy-related thermal use and power generation utilization of forest and woody biomass (lumber residue, felling, pruning wood, etc.) widely distributed nationwide are carried out in various places. Overseas, the amount of the production of the bioethanol (cellulose as a raw material) of the oil alternative of the plant origin has increased comparatively. In the Japan, the production of BA-ethanol, which uses forests and woody-based cellulose as raw materials, has begun in the demonstration phase.
On the other hand, the bio-plastic as the eco-materiel use of the forest resource has already begun production as part of the member of the electric machine and the precision equipment. The research of the new material and eco-material "cellulose nanofibers" (CNF) of the use of Bioprestik is rapidly expanding plant, it became a concrete product is Bioprestik. In eco-material development, the world's top Japan has already begun to be used in electronic equipment and automotive related materials as a reinforcing plestik, in addition to disposable diapers and ballpoint pens. The main ingredient of this plant fiber is a robust structure, such as reinforced concrete, and the strength of one-fifth of the steel is five times higher than that. Moreover, because it is carbon neutral (not emitted CO2 into the atmosphere) from a renewable plant, it also leads to suppression of global warming. The source of the raw material is the forest and the primary industry. It will become an opportunity of new industry creation, and it is a barrel material in the world of pure domestic for the forest country and the Japan. The commercialization and commercialization of Bioplestik is steadily expanding.
On the other hand, the bio-plastic as the eco-materiel use of the forest resource has already begun production as part of the member of the electric machine and the precision equipment. The research of the new material and eco-material "cellulose nanofibers" (CNF) of the use of Bioprestik is rapidly expanding plant, it became a concrete product is Bioprestik. In eco-material development, the world's top Japan has already begun to be used in electronic equipment and automotive related materials as a reinforcing plestik, in addition to disposable diapers and ballpoint pens. The main ingredient of this plant fiber is a robust structure, such as reinforced concrete, and the strength of one-fifth of the steel is five times higher than that. Moreover, because it is carbon neutral (not emitted CO2 into the atmosphere) from a renewable plant, it also leads to suppression of global warming. The source of the raw material is the forest and the primary industry. It will become an opportunity of new industry creation, and it is a barrel material in the world of pure domestic for the forest country and the Japan. The commercialization and commercialization of Bioplestik is steadily expanding.
【語録】環境情報サービス 1998.09.15
Friday, April 26, 2019
【語録】川越リサイクルセンター 1998.10.15
除草剤からダイオキシン検出 1999.08.15
Plan of 70% vinyl chloride pipe regeneration Rate 1998.09.15
The vinyl chloride pipe and Fittings Association announced the actively measures of the waste recycling business of the PVC pipe such as the housing related. The general contractors and construction unions will be introduced to support the expansion of facilities by selecting 10 locations from 36 recovery and recycling companies nationwide. In October, the Kanto and Kansai Districts have established bases in all districts within the fiscal year. It plans to make a 35% recycling rate of 70% by 2000, with a budget of 500 million yen for the first three years.
污水污泥处理赤字236亿日元 1998.10.15
日本污水处理局管理着四个范围广泛的低成本污水污泥处理设施, 但很明显, 到96年来, 行政办公室已降至236亿日元左右。 大阪南部地区的治疗设施, 1996 财政年度的入住率为62%。 1995年每吨加工成本约为每吨57000日元, 约为3000万日元。 污泥处理产生的建筑材料约为150个立法材料, 本可以出售约10000万辆立法。
【要点在这里】生态城镇业务 - 私营企业为中心的领先回收设施 2002.06.20
"通过支持发展以私营企业为中心的领先回收设施, 生态泰的业务将继续积极发展, 作为一项国家政策, 以支持创建零废物城市, 并促进环境产业成为一个新的产业。 生态城镇业务将显示今年经济产业省环境预算分布的最大增长率。 今年, 去年增长了13亿日元。 以 "资源回收补贴" 为幌子, 今年的主要业务是 "对宠物瓶、塑料废塑料、废木等回收设施的补贴"。
过去, 生态城镇业务得到了全国 1 5个地点的认可。 我听说目前有50个地点, 该地区正准备申请生态城镇项目。 今年, 第一个 "富山生态城镇规划" 被经济产业省和环境部批准, 削减顶。 该业务的内容是用于包装塑料、塑料加工和农业中产生的废塑料的回收材料, 以及回收成胸罩材料的材料。 左边是转换为石油的过程。 促进 "混合废塑料回收利用", 该区域在没有废物的情况下使用。 此外, 我们还将建筑垃圾回收成高附加值的建筑材料, 以及当地房屋制造商使用的企业。
当我们看生态城镇业务的轮廓时, 我们将促进向铁路和航运的模式转变, 以建设静脉物流网络, 以及废物和服务回收、医疗废物和 pcb 解毒。 引入自然能源和更多。 未来, 生态城镇业务将加快发展, 实现区域循环型社会。 可以肯定的是, 它将在该地区创造第一个环保企业, 但这个问题能否作为盈利企业继续存在?
过去, 生态城镇业务得到了全国 1 5个地点的认可。 我听说目前有50个地点, 该地区正准备申请生态城镇项目。 今年, 第一个 "富山生态城镇规划" 被经济产业省和环境部批准, 削减顶。 该业务的内容是用于包装塑料、塑料加工和农业中产生的废塑料的回收材料, 以及回收成胸罩材料的材料。 左边是转换为石油的过程。 促进 "混合废塑料回收利用", 该区域在没有废物的情况下使用。 此外, 我们还将建筑垃圾回收成高附加值的建筑材料, 以及当地房屋制造商使用的企业。
当我们看生态城镇业务的轮廓时, 我们将促进向铁路和航运的模式转变, 以建设静脉物流网络, 以及废物和服务回收、医疗废物和 pcb 解毒。 引入自然能源和更多。 未来, 生态城镇业务将加快发展, 实现区域循环型社会。 可以肯定的是, 它将在该地区创造第一个环保企业, 但这个问题能否作为盈利企业继续存在?
The mail order industry buys 100% recycled paper jointly 1998.09.15
The Japan mail Order Sales Association, which is organized by approximately 300 telecommunications companies in Japan, has strengthened the joint purchasing business of printing paper used in the Mail order catalogue from October. The new materials are scheduled to be purchased at a pace of about 16000 tons annually, mainly in recycled paper with 100% recycled papers and other varieties such as coated paper and fine paper. In response to environmental issues, the company aims to compress the catalog production costs of its member companies. So far the joint purchase was limited to 100% printing paper on wood valves.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Cheap car wash corner with sewage treatment water 1998.09.15
A car wash corner using the first sewage treatment water in the whole country is opened in the Tarumi sewage treatment Hall of the city construction bureau in Tarumi Ward, Kobe. The water used was treated with the reverse osmosis membrane of water sewage in the same treatment, and the quality of the same kind of waterworks. The service is available from 9:00 am to sunset, and the price is 100 yen and cheap for 20 minutes. The car wash space is two cars, and it is said that there are about 12 units per day since the opening on August 10.
减少汽车二氧化碳排放的综合措施 1998.10.15
建设部将推动采取综合措施, 减少汽车产生的二氧化碳排放。 道路拥堵点维修, 先进的道路交通系统 (等) 如不间断自动收费系统 (ITS), 并向公务车辆引入低排放车辆。 在 ITS 研发和发展方面, 99 财政年度的预算是 6 53亿日元的2.6倍。 ETC. 计划于2000年在东京都会区主要公路收费站周围开始服务, 并在2002财政年度之前将其引入全国约730地点。
米トヨタに7兆円の罰金求め提訴 1999.08.15
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
排ガス増減税、対象は40万台を想定 1999.08.15
Ice Thermal storage Air conditioning system is selling well 1998.09.15
Ice Thermal storage type air conditioning system is rapidly spreading. The number of installations in the Tokyo Electric Power Pipe was 1990 at the end of 1997, with a 21% increase at the end of fiscal 1998. In the entire country, the 3490 in fiscal 1996 increased to 4480 in 1997. The power companies that have to build a power plant to match the peak in summer formed a sales force, and it spurred the spread that the company focused on selling the system.
Service sizing as new business model①
<The business model of service sizing from the possession of the spread product to the function use>
Traditionally, the business model of obtaining the price by providing the function of the product which was sold as a product is becoming widespread, and settling.
In one form of the so-called "service sizing" services industry, it is primarily a business to provide services related to conventional businesses that have sold goods (products) mainly as a source of revenue. Specifically, when we purchase products such as home appliances and automobiles, the purpose of the purchase is not to "own" the product itself, but to use the "function" of the product. If the air conditioner is comfortable room temperature that the air conditioner brings, it buys the product because it wants to use the function of the car.
The product is a means to provide services, and the point depends on what kind of product to choose, what services to offer, and how to satisfy the customer. As an example, the copier manufacturer, especially for corporations, does not sell the copier itself, but also provides a copy function of the copier. A copy machine is installed in the Office of the Corporation, and Periodic maintenance inspection (maintenance) to be able to demonstrate and maintain the copying function, the function renewal by the new model offer, and the provision of the paper and the toner necessary for the copy. It is a mechanism to receive the service charge in consideration. The service form of the servicing sizing leases and rentals, and the like sharing. Recently, sharing has been attracting attention as a new business model. Among them, the sharing business of the office and the car etc. has expanded to the center of the city.
Traditionally, the business model of obtaining the price by providing the function of the product which was sold as a product is becoming widespread, and settling.
In one form of the so-called "service sizing" services industry, it is primarily a business to provide services related to conventional businesses that have sold goods (products) mainly as a source of revenue. Specifically, when we purchase products such as home appliances and automobiles, the purpose of the purchase is not to "own" the product itself, but to use the "function" of the product. If the air conditioner is comfortable room temperature that the air conditioner brings, it buys the product because it wants to use the function of the car.
The product is a means to provide services, and the point depends on what kind of product to choose, what services to offer, and how to satisfy the customer. As an example, the copier manufacturer, especially for corporations, does not sell the copier itself, but also provides a copy function of the copier. A copy machine is installed in the Office of the Corporation, and Periodic maintenance inspection (maintenance) to be able to demonstrate and maintain the copying function, the function renewal by the new model offer, and the provision of the paper and the toner necessary for the copy. It is a mechanism to receive the service charge in consideration. The service form of the servicing sizing leases and rentals, and the like sharing. Recently, sharing has been attracting attention as a new business model. Among them, the sharing business of the office and the car etc. has expanded to the center of the city.
【語録】EMS構築をトータルサービス - スミエイト 1998.09.15
「これまで富の方程式であったコストパフォーマンス重視のスケールメリットから、今後は事業性重視パフォーマンスを重視するスコープメリットへ移行する。そうした中で環境戦略のウエイトは予想以上に重くなる。」 - スミエイト
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
1,550,000 tons of out-of-production disposal 1998.09.15
A survey by the Ministry of Health and Welfare revealed that 1,550,000 tons of 87,760,000 tons of industrial waste discharged in the Tokyo metropolitan area have been transported and disposed of outside the region. The analysis was based on data from the 92 to 94 fiscal year in the Tokyo metropolitan area, which was carried out to 37 prefectures and to Aomori, Akita, Miyagi, Fukushima, Nagano, Shizuoka, Aichi, and Fukuoka, with an amount of more than 60,000 tonnes. The carrying side is the top of Saitama 630,000 tons, Tokyo 300,000 tons, and Kanagawa 230,000 tons.
Business of coordinating waste (mediation and intermediary) 2000.07.15
The new business which promising the coordination (mediation) of the waste to work is made to the recycling of waste materials. It is the service which supplies the waste discharged from each business place as a valuable thing to each business place necessary as a resource. In addition, it is asked to secure the necessary waste material, and the case to collect it. When we consider a finite resource problem, the enter into business is being established as a resource for each industry. On the internet site across the sea, you can see the case of waste trading before. It is common sense to think that waste is no longer a "second resource" or "Recycling resource." In the first diet, we started a basic recycling-based society bill, and each law circulated in five Fields was promulgated. We expect to work as an economical incentive to the effective use of waste products. The idea of using wastes discharged from various business activities as resources as the sophistication of the scientific approach to recycling and the precise matching of supply and demand has progressed, the expansion of a new business that is not a conventional waste disposal industry is inevitable. The emergence of such a business model has begun to play a part in the development of the regional circulation type Society and the revitalization of the local industry in various places now. The company's cluster of waste recycling is not only able to reduce the cost of waste disposal in individual companies, but also to reduce production costs and profit by taking advantage of waste. Since the rising price of virgin resources is expected in the future, recycling of waste is not only a consideration for resources and the environment, but also a close-up of the management strategy as an important issue. As a result, the waste coordinator gets an important position. There is a ESCO business in the energy field, but there may be a resource Service company business in a broader sense, including a waste coordinator.
【要点在这里】循环6法律 2002.10.15
自1993年制定被称为《环境法》的《基本环境法》以来, 《环境法》一直在稳步实施, 在正常饮食中颁布了以下六项法律。 《促进循环利用社会基本法》 (2006年6月实施) 修订《废物处理法》 (卫生、林业和福利部) (2001年4月执行) 《促进资源利用法》 (环境机构、卫生部、卫生和福利部, 2001年1月) 建筑材料回收法 《粮食资源回收和推广法》 (2001年4月) 《绿色采购法》 (2001年4月执行环境机构), 该市的法令新制度化或进行了修订。 这两种趋势都与环境企业的商机或环境管理体系的构建密切相关, 以及发生重大变化的因素。 因此, 每个经营者都必须了解必要法律的内容, 不断检查其动向。 然后, 首先是使用互联网如何获得它。 我们审查公共信息, 如与环境有关的理事会理事会、考试会和各部委的研究会议。 报纸和杂志、国家和地方图书馆等的其他信息。 《政府公报》、通过经济组织 (工业协会、商会、商会等) 提供的指导以及政府机构 (都道府县和市) 的简报作为有效的信息来源。 另一方面, 我们希望使用与环境有关的最新版本的法律法规。 它很方便, 因为在修订加法类型的法规集合时, 它将被替换。 除了国内法规, 我们还想看发达国家的法律。 由于该国的法律制度由许多发达国家遵循, 有可能通过在早期阶段从发达国家获取信息来推进主导办法。
Ecology Fair held in Ota-ku 1998.09.15
In Ota-ku Industrial Plaza (PiO) in Tokyo, the 2nd new Living goods fairs-clothing and shelter Ecology Fair will be held on September 18 to 3 days. Exhibits include eco-related products and systems such as recycling, energy conservation, new energies, and environmental conservation. The number of booths is 60. Also held a recycling workshop and gardening seminars as a joint event. Admission free.
Monday, April 22, 2019
Waste paper stock decreased by three consecutive months 1998.09.15
Domestic stock of old paper is decreasing trend. According to the Kanto paper raw materials and Commerce Union, the end of July inventory of the Kanto District is 61409 tons, down 3.1% compared with the previous month. The low level since the end of June 1996 with a decline of three consecutive months. Although it is a factor that the waste paper wholesaler is put power to export for the Korea and the Taiwan, the stock ratio (the proportion of stock to the shipment of the wholesaler) is 24.8%, and 15% of the level that is appropriate is still exceeded.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
語録:環境共生住宅の可能性を拓いて見せる 1998.08.15
古紙、仕入れ値上昇 1999.08.15
世界人口60億人突破 1999.08.15
Saturday, April 20, 2019
136の処分場で施設の不備放置 1999.08.15
【語録】未来永劫続く本物の緑を復元する 1999.08.15
エコマテリアル 非木材紙③ 1999.08.15
バガスを原科にした紙では、 98年10月にトッパン・フォ一ムズ (東京都千代田区) がバガス100%の情報用紙を、 平和紙業 (束京都中央区) が100%% の高級印刷用紙 「バガスシリーズ」 を国内で初めて開発。 いずれも コロンビアからバガスバルブを輪入し、 三島製紙や東海バルブが原紙の製造 と供給を行なっている。 日本リサイクル運市民の会では製紙会社と共同でバガスの製品開発や非木材纈通の仲立ちをしている 。 94年には製紙、 印刷、 広告関連企業50社余りで構成する 「ツ リ-フリークラブ」を結成、 インドネシアの国営製紙会社、 レイチェスが生産しているバガス製コピー用紙の共同入なども手掛けてぃる。 また、 紙ではないがケナフを素材とした製品として、トヨタ自車系部品車体メーカーのアラコが豊田市農業協同組合(愛知県) の協力で、 ケナフを使っ た自動車の ドアの内張り材を開発。 皮をほぐしてプレス成形したも ので、 ABS樹脂など既存部材 と 同程度の強度を得ることに成功。
生态友好型酒店正在增加 2
我听说越来越多的游客和年轻人在日本选择了环保的住宿。 生态酒店是以与传统服务不同的生态服务为基础的, 是作为一种新的酒店服务而建立的。 过去, 这是为每家酒店获得 iso14001 认证和改善商业活动环境的机会。 我关注着生态酒店的现状。 据说, 与欧美相比, 对环境和服务的服务日本的各种服务考虑的时间相当晚。 只有7家酒店被认证为 "生态标志"。 然而, 不相关的住宿是罐装与公共生态标志认证。 住宿诞生于不同的地方, 以赶上生态趋势, 并把轴上的可持续管理。 在酒店开业的市中心, 很多绿化区的网站上, 床使用的旧材料, 使用回收自行车, 以减少食物损失 (设计使用有机胡萝卜不剥皮的皮肤), 等等。 在川崎市的酒店, 一次性牙刷, 如废塑料, 被制成固体燃料, 据说它的电力与氢采取了那里, 并覆盖了约30% 的电力消耗的酒店。 一些嘉宾说: "我想支持这样的管理, 或者说在电视价格竞争中吸引很多客人的地方设计环境考虑的努力。 不可忽视的是, "绿人" 的声音增加了, 他说, "我想在力所能及的程度上为社会做出贡献"。
一千个研究人员需要一个新的机构 1998.10.15
国家环境研究所宣布了一项建议, "如果我们没有一个由1000名研究人员组成的研究机构, 就无法应对本世纪的环境问题"。 目前, 随着研究主题的迅速增加, 该研究所的研究人员保持平缓, 有180人, 10年后他们应该是美国的3000人。 在研究预算中, 我们估计今年需要以大约100亿日元的资金向新机构拨款 1, 000亿个项目。
Friday, April 19, 2019
2018 Nov Protests against the rise in tax hikes on the France
In my opinion, France has a traditional history of designing policies and systems in a consultative system by a partnership of about 200 years (government, citizens, universities, etc.). However Japan there is no such traditional partnership. I will advance things in the upper mind of the boss and the Japanese flag. There is a political shop looking for interest in Urochoro. In France case, people's riots would be a sound demonstration to the government that would discard and push the partnership agreement.
In the Japan, there is no such a traditional partnership, and the "parliamentary democracy" led by the number of politicians pushed by the diet is gone. By the way, the policy and the institutional design of the environment are always outside the mosquito net. If the recycling method is raised as an example, it is "cart before toppling" which says that the industry profit priority is made by each law of the European imitation, and the framework is created later. The system design of the boss and the Japanese flag is done.
In the Japan, there is no such a traditional partnership, and the "parliamentary democracy" led by the number of politicians pushed by the diet is gone. By the way, the policy and the institutional design of the environment are always outside the mosquito net. If the recycling method is raised as an example, it is "cart before toppling" which says that the industry profit priority is made by each law of the European imitation, and the framework is created later. The system design of the boss and the Japanese flag is done.
廃プラスチック油化装置 1998.09.15
廃プラスチックを炭化油素油に還元し、 燃料として利用する油化装置の原理を簡単に説明すると、高分子のプラス チツクを高温で蒸し焼きにして乾留ガス化させ、 このガスを離器で冷却することで油にして回収する仕組みで、 還元処理のため焼却のようにダイオキシンやNOXの発生がない。 現行の容器包装リサイクル法では、 廃プラスチックの燃料としての再利用は油化のみを再商品化の対象としているため、省エネ・リサイクル支援法や民活法など国や県の施設の設置に係ろ助成制度も充実してきており、 廃プラ油化装置の追い風が吹き始めている。 それらを利用することでー時間の処理能力が100キログラム当たり7000万円前後かかるイニシャルコストの負担も軽減できる。
Progress of specific CFC recovery 1998.09.15
Ministry summarized the contents of the progress of the specific CFC recovery. The car air conditioner started the operation of the collection and destruction system in Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama, and Kanagawa from January 1997, and the destruction track record of January-June is about 12 tons. The commercial refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment has been certified for about 1005 locations and about 2,900 registered collection companies to date. The number of households in the household refrigerator was 1,180,000 units, and the number of CFC recovered was 953,000 units in 1997.
Service sizing as new business model①
<The business model of service sizing from the possession of the spread product to the function use>
Traditionally, the business model of obtaining the price by providing the function of the product which was sold as a product is becoming widespread, and settling.
In one form of the so-called "service sizing" services industry, it is primarily a business to provide services related to conventional businesses that have sold goods (products) mainly as a source of revenue. Specifically, when we purchase products such as home appliances and automobiles, the purpose of the purchase is not to "own" the product itself, but to use the "function" of the product. If the air conditioner is comfortable room temperature that the air conditioner brings, it buys the product because it wants to use the function of the car.
The product is a means to provide services, and the point depends on what kind of product to choose, what services to offer, and how to satisfy the customer. As an example, the copier manufacturer, especially for corporations, does not sell the copier itself, but also provides a copy function of the copier. A copy machine is installed in the Office of the Corporation, and Periodic maintenance inspection (maintenance) to be able to demonstrate and maintain the copying function, the function renewal by the new model offer, and the provision of the paper and the toner necessary for the copy. It is a mechanism to receive the service charge in consideration. The service form of the servicing sizing leases and rentals, and the like sharing. Recently, sharing has been attracting attention as a new business model. Among them, the sharing business of the office and the car etc. has expanded to the center of the city.
Traditionally, the business model of obtaining the price by providing the function of the product which was sold as a product is becoming widespread, and settling.
In one form of the so-called "service sizing" services industry, it is primarily a business to provide services related to conventional businesses that have sold goods (products) mainly as a source of revenue. Specifically, when we purchase products such as home appliances and automobiles, the purpose of the purchase is not to "own" the product itself, but to use the "function" of the product. If the air conditioner is comfortable room temperature that the air conditioner brings, it buys the product because it wants to use the function of the car.
The product is a means to provide services, and the point depends on what kind of product to choose, what services to offer, and how to satisfy the customer. As an example, the copier manufacturer, especially for corporations, does not sell the copier itself, but also provides a copy function of the copier. A copy machine is installed in the Office of the Corporation, and Periodic maintenance inspection (maintenance) to be able to demonstrate and maintain the copying function, the function renewal by the new model offer, and the provision of the paper and the toner necessary for the copy. It is a mechanism to receive the service charge in consideration. The service form of the servicing sizing leases and rentals, and the like sharing. Recently, sharing has been attracting attention as a new business model. Among them, the sharing business of the office and the car etc. has expanded to the center of the city.
环保工程师的培训 1998.10.15
东京私立学校理事会批准在东洋工程学院 (东京都涉谷区) 设立自然环境保护系。 环境保护部的专业课程是全国第一个在职业学校出生的。 该部可容纳40人, 为期两年。 该课程包括与环境有关的英语会话、环境保护理论和环境评估理论等普通教育, 以及环境研究的实践实践。 培训环保工程师的意图是配合的支柱。
Environmental business that expands in multi-disciplinary environment business
<Development to all industries and all participatory businesses. >
The market size of our environmental business is steadily expanding. According to the Ministry of the Environment, the market size of 2016 was approximately 104 trillion yen, with a capacity of approximately 2.6 million employees. The market size is evident in comparison to the market size of approximately 65 trillion yen (2016) of the automobile industry, which is always attracting attention, and the construction industry of 45 and 5 trillion yen (2015).
You can understand how huge industrialization is. In the media, the energy-related reports of nuclear power plants, such as renewable energy, Smartgrit, Smart House, and eco-cars, etc. are noticeable, but the environmental business is more broadly and deeply The market is steadily expanding. It is made in the form of expanding the base of each industry greatly.
For example, in the primary industry of agriculture, forestry, livestock, and fisheries, biomass resources began to be utilized, recycling of organic wastes, permanent agriculture based on organic farming, building materials using domestic materials and thinning materials, etc., sunlight, wind, and local consumption Small hydro power generation, and the like. In manufacturing, construction, and mining, the second industry manufactures and sells a variety of renewable energies, energy saving, environmental equipment and equipment, storage batteries, fuel cell devices, etc., and the construction industry is environmentally friendly building construction, building waste recycling, etc. In the mining industry, in addition to the recycling business of waste appliances and waste automobiles, recently, businesses such as collecting and recycling rare metals such as electronic and information devices are expanding. It seems that the second industry now has more than 60% of the market size in the mainstream of environmental business. In the tertiary industry, which consists of electricity, gas, distribution, and financial services, there are a wide range of green consulting fields, including renewable energies, business proposals for energy conservation, distribution of environmentally friendly products, and environmental advertising. In recent years, businesses such as the Building Energy Management System (BEMS) and the HEMS (Home Energy Management System) have been expanding. In this way, the environmental business has evolved into all-in-all business, and the number of participating companies exceeds 10,000, and the business item rises to 900, and the steady growth factor is concealed here.
The market size of our environmental business is steadily expanding. According to the Ministry of the Environment, the market size of 2016 was approximately 104 trillion yen, with a capacity of approximately 2.6 million employees. The market size is evident in comparison to the market size of approximately 65 trillion yen (2016) of the automobile industry, which is always attracting attention, and the construction industry of 45 and 5 trillion yen (2015).
You can understand how huge industrialization is. In the media, the energy-related reports of nuclear power plants, such as renewable energy, Smartgrit, Smart House, and eco-cars, etc. are noticeable, but the environmental business is more broadly and deeply The market is steadily expanding. It is made in the form of expanding the base of each industry greatly.
For example, in the primary industry of agriculture, forestry, livestock, and fisheries, biomass resources began to be utilized, recycling of organic wastes, permanent agriculture based on organic farming, building materials using domestic materials and thinning materials, etc., sunlight, wind, and local consumption Small hydro power generation, and the like. In manufacturing, construction, and mining, the second industry manufactures and sells a variety of renewable energies, energy saving, environmental equipment and equipment, storage batteries, fuel cell devices, etc., and the construction industry is environmentally friendly building construction, building waste recycling, etc. In the mining industry, in addition to the recycling business of waste appliances and waste automobiles, recently, businesses such as collecting and recycling rare metals such as electronic and information devices are expanding. It seems that the second industry now has more than 60% of the market size in the mainstream of environmental business. In the tertiary industry, which consists of electricity, gas, distribution, and financial services, there are a wide range of green consulting fields, including renewable energies, business proposals for energy conservation, distribution of environmentally friendly products, and environmental advertising. In recent years, businesses such as the Building Energy Management System (BEMS) and the HEMS (Home Energy Management System) have been expanding. In this way, the environmental business has evolved into all-in-all business, and the number of participating companies exceeds 10,000, and the business item rises to 900, and the steady growth factor is concealed here.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Waste paper stock decreased by three consecutive months 1998.09.15
Domestic stock of old paper is decreasing trend. According to the Kanto paper raw materials and Commerce Union, the end of July inventory of the Kanto District is 61409 tons, down 3.1% compared with the previous month. The low level since the end of June 1996 with a decline of three consecutive months. Although it is a factor that the waste paper wholesaler is put power to export for the Korea and the Taiwan, the stock ratio (the proportion of stock to the shipment of the wholesaler) is 24.8%, and 15% of the level that is appropriate is still exceeded.
【要点在这里】绿色消费购买有十项原则 2002.02.20 (1)
绿色市场已经开始。 在购买、使用和处置产品时, 总是优先考虑环境因素的消费者在这个国家已经出现。 这个被称为 "绿色消费者" 的消费者, 与所有消费者的比例只有 2% 到 3%。 然而, 非常重要的是, 这种新型消费出现, 而不是这一数字的统一。 这是因为它们有一个核心, 当事情开始发展时, 这个核心是必不可少的。
在事情分阶段发展的每个阶段, 都有3%、7%、30% 的数字作为指导。 例如, 当第一次开拓性的3% 的躁狂开始移动, 并逐渐达到 7%, 它加速到30%。 发展成为一种可能影响市场的趋势。 在现阶段, 如果你看, 绿色消费者可能是 "环境狂潮"。 然而, 鉴于提高消费者的环保意识、传播儿童的回收学习以及向企业消费者披露环境信息的进展等激励措施, 这一趋势是坚定不移的。 顺便说一句, 每个德国的绿色消费者超过了 6 0%。
绿色消费购买有十项原则。 总之, 它可以回收利用, 节能, 节约资源。 它对环境的影响、维修和修理都很低, 持续很长时间、很安全, 是购买标准。 这些绿色消费者的成长, 使得企业方面开发环保产品和环保标签成为必然。 不远处, 从水槽生产线生产的产品和污染不是环保意识的产品将被排出。 讨厌, 一种名为讨厌环境的中国产品不会持续很久, 也不会阅读。 日元店也变得越来越难了。 另一方面, 关心质量和环境的产品和服务也有一个全面的转变。 顺便说一句, 它是绿色消费者购买和支持环境的15% 至20% 高的传统价格。
在事情分阶段发展的每个阶段, 都有3%、7%、30% 的数字作为指导。 例如, 当第一次开拓性的3% 的躁狂开始移动, 并逐渐达到 7%, 它加速到30%。 发展成为一种可能影响市场的趋势。 在现阶段, 如果你看, 绿色消费者可能是 "环境狂潮"。 然而, 鉴于提高消费者的环保意识、传播儿童的回收学习以及向企业消费者披露环境信息的进展等激励措施, 这一趋势是坚定不移的。 顺便说一句, 每个德国的绿色消费者超过了 6 0%。
绿色消费购买有十项原则。 总之, 它可以回收利用, 节能, 节约资源。 它对环境的影响、维修和修理都很低, 持续很长时间、很安全, 是购买标准。 这些绿色消费者的成长, 使得企业方面开发环保产品和环保标签成为必然。 不远处, 从水槽生产线生产的产品和污染不是环保意识的产品将被排出。 讨厌, 一种名为讨厌环境的中国产品不会持续很久, 也不会阅读。 日元店也变得越来越难了。 另一方面, 关心质量和环境的产品和服务也有一个全面的转变。 顺便说一句, 它是绿色消费者购买和支持环境的15% 至20% 高的传统价格。
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
ハロン回収進まず濃度増加 1999.08.15
建设部对建筑节能翻新 1998.10.15
建设部将从1999财政年度起在河井县鹤贺大尼地区政府办公室等7座政府大楼实施节能设备和节能设施改造。 它是作为节能建筑传播的示范业务实施的, 所获得的数据也提供给了建筑和材料制造商。 在99年预算中申请35亿新项目。 引进技术是防风、多层玻璃、太阳能发电、蓄热空调。
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
【要点在这里】由亨特·罗宾斯, 「自然资本主义 (自然资本主义)」 2002.11.15
在各个领域都开展了努力, 以确保下一代有一个可持续的社会。 自1993年颁布基本环境法以来, 我国环境、废物、回收管道的法律法规不断取得稳步进展。 当从高度看法律改进的流程时, 大致可以看到以下三种方法。 其中之一是旨在有效利用有限资源和适当再利用废物的资源流通。 第二是取代传统能源的可再生能源、分散的新能源开发和节能倡议。 第三是恢复和恢复随着现有自然生态系统的维护和维护而恶化的自然和生态系统。 在努力改善这些不同的环境影响方面, 正在建立各种新的企业。 2 1世纪的环境即将到来, 一本对新企业的想法有用的书现在在美国被称为话题。 "自然资本主义 (自然资本主义)" 由亨特罗宾斯, 以其能源软路径理论而闻名。 他对自然世界的循环、生态系统 (生态系统) 感兴趣。 例如, 蜘蛛 (蜘蛛) 吃蟋蟀和苍蝇, 把它们变成丝绸, 鲍鱼被转化为壳, 其强度是海水的两倍, 树木还引入了将光线、空气、水和土壤转化为纤维素的例子。 他将这些动植物称为 "制造业中的熟练人员", 不会产生任何废物。 它还认为, 这种对生态友好的化学工艺是现有工业残酷和低效率生产工艺的一个有吸引力的替代办法。 换言之, 思想和商机的潜力是无穷的, 这些想法和商机不仅将减少浪费, 而且将创造资源、能源和生态系统。 此外, 我们还列举了许多使用橘皮代替氟氯化碳的例子, 以及转变商业模式的想法。 环保企业似乎能够说, 自然世界的运作出现了意想不到的暗示。
Construction, general contractors, ideas and business change are necessary now 1
Construction industry of Japan, the transition period from the newly built market to the reproduction market at the western countries level.... The condo is more than a pre-built attention! It can be said that the stock maintenance of the building of Japan (especially the renovation and repair of the building) entered in earnest in the age. It is said that there are about 8 million buildings in the country where the stock of the building which needs repairs including the commercial facility of a reinforced steel building and a detached house in addition to the house is now about. The construction industry is not scrap and build to break and rebuild these buildings, the business opportunity to achieve a longer life by renovation and repair is expanding. -Condominium, according to the study of the pre-new market flow East real Estate distribution Agency (Chiyoda-ku) and the Real Estate Economics Research Institute (Shinjuku Ward), in the metropolitan area (Tokyo, Saitama, Kanagawa, part of Chiba), the contract units of the newly-built condominium was 35952 units , the 37829 units of used condominium were close. In 2016, the second-hand was more than new construction. The reason for this is that the rise in land prices and building materials, the shortage of manpower, etc. is high and the price of new houses is rising due to the decrease in Therefore, the sales price of the condominium in the metropolitan area spreads the difference between new construction and secondhand. For example, as of 2017, new construction was about 60 million yen. If it is the same size as the purchaser, it will naturally choose secondhand. In addition, the policy and the system which promotes the circulation of the used condominium in the country is a wind. In the Ministry of Land and infrastructure to increase the stock of the condominium "is a lot of affordable and good-quality used condominiums than new construction, I want to give a chance to those who want to get home," said the ministry.
RDF 发电的成本非常高 1998.10.15
福冈县总结了将奥穆塔市大型 RDF 电厂设在第三部门系统的企业家计划。 根据这一点, 发电设施为 10, 3400kw, 每1kwh 收费8日元43。 另一方面, 即使补贴为 50%, 将处理成 RDF 的废物量从每吨6900日元起计算, 现场可获得 1, 800 日元, 如熔体加工和活性炭吸附设备。 如果不以合理的金额收取反向费用, 结果将是严重的。
Monday, April 15, 2019
本溪市 - 前 Yokkaichi 哮喘的哮喘发病率 1998.10.15
荣誉三重大学教授 Katsumi Yoshida 正在中国和本溪市大约5400小学生进行检查, 那里的钢铁并不放过, 很明显, 该市中部六年级的哮喘症状发病率约为 9%, 女性约占11%。 在调查日本 Yokkaichi 的1000名小学生至82人时, Xi 国议员所在95个财政年度的二氧化硫浓度为 0.51 ppm, 是 Yokkaichi 污染严重时的两倍。
An environmental consultants from United Kingdom 1999.06.15
Three years ago, when Japan companies were increasing their interest in environmental ISO, the environmental consultants from United Kingdom said they would this. "When we think about the improvement of the environment within factories and offices, first of all, our efforts to prevent air pollution are very advanced, and there is no curtain for us to come out Japan." In the case of Japan, in the midst of severe anti-pollution measures, the prevention technology of excellence was acquired compared with other countries. He says, "not only Japan, but the business related to air pollution prevention in Asia is impossible from the beginning. In a word, "air" is held from the beginning to the Japan ".
It was strange to say. Afterwards, he devised the consulting related to water treatment to the municipality and the factory of Japan. However, the result in the Japan seems to have been one now. The reason is that non-competitive dealings are bulrush. On the other hand, I heard that it achieved considerable results in Asia. One day, I learned that in the survey material of the OECD (Economic Development Cooperation Organization), the impetus for the pollution and environmental efforts in developing countries would be one guideline for the country's GDP. When the GDP 2000 dollar was achieved, it was the one of stepping on the order of the water supply, drainage, sewage treatment, the waste, and the atmosphere when the effort began in order of the top, bottom, drainage, and waste, and it became GDP 15000 dollars.
He is now actively proposing "environmental accounting" in Japan, while he began consulting for land evaluation in the factory. The idea is to investigate and analyze soil contamination and to apply environmental standards to the real estate valuation of land in the factory site, including the site of the factory. I had a glimpse of the willingness to do business of foreign affiliated company.
By the way, environmental consultants such as environmental ISO, ESCO Business, and Eco Hotel have landed in Japan one after another. One of Japan companies has been taking a weak point in environmental consideration. Such a trend will continue in the future. Compared with the technical system in the environmental business field of Japan, the market size of the humanities is about 1.5 trillion yen of about one sixteenth. In order to become an environmental nation, it is necessary to have such ideas of foreign affiliated company.
It was strange to say. Afterwards, he devised the consulting related to water treatment to the municipality and the factory of Japan. However, the result in the Japan seems to have been one now. The reason is that non-competitive dealings are bulrush. On the other hand, I heard that it achieved considerable results in Asia. One day, I learned that in the survey material of the OECD (Economic Development Cooperation Organization), the impetus for the pollution and environmental efforts in developing countries would be one guideline for the country's GDP. When the GDP 2000 dollar was achieved, it was the one of stepping on the order of the water supply, drainage, sewage treatment, the waste, and the atmosphere when the effort began in order of the top, bottom, drainage, and waste, and it became GDP 15000 dollars.
He is now actively proposing "environmental accounting" in Japan, while he began consulting for land evaluation in the factory. The idea is to investigate and analyze soil contamination and to apply environmental standards to the real estate valuation of land in the factory site, including the site of the factory. I had a glimpse of the willingness to do business of foreign affiliated company.
By the way, environmental consultants such as environmental ISO, ESCO Business, and Eco Hotel have landed in Japan one after another. One of Japan companies has been taking a weak point in environmental consideration. Such a trend will continue in the future. Compared with the technical system in the environmental business field of Japan, the market size of the humanities is about 1.5 trillion yen of about one sixteenth. In order to become an environmental nation, it is necessary to have such ideas of foreign affiliated company.
Due to deforestation, the Yangtze River floods 1998.9.15
Due to long-term flooding in the Yangtze River basin, China's experts say that the cause is the view of environmental destruction caused by deforestation. The view that the water retention capacity of the basin decreases by the decrease of the forest, and the sediment inflow of topsoil pushes up the change going to the riverbed. The forest area ratio of the Yangtze River basin decreased from 22% in the 1950s to 10% in the 1980s. The nagae was always clouded by the sediment inflow, and the voice of romantic "Nagae became the second Yellow River".
Sunday, April 14, 2019
エコマテリアル 非木材紙 ②1999.08.15
ケナフはアフリカ原産のため収穫時期が夏場に限られ、 対応するパルプ製造設備も少ないことから、原科の安定調達やコストの面で難があり、これまで国内ではスポット的な生産がほとんどだったが、日本製紙では木材バルプにケナフバルブを均一に混入することで髙品質の抄紙を製造する技術を確立。木材バルプとの混合でコスト低減が図れることから、 98年10月から国内製紙メーカーとしては初めて商業生産を開始している。北九州市では第三セクターの北九州テクノセンタ一が、市や企業などと共同で、ケナフの栽培技術や利用技術などを総合的に研究し、新たな環境産業の創出を目指す「ケナフ利用技術研究会」を99年5月に立ち上げている。栽培技術、 資源化技術、環境性能調査の3つのワーキンググループを組織し、休耕田や工業用地を利用したケナフ栽培法の研究や環境浄化機能の実験・調査を行う。研究成果は地元の企業・団体に移転し、環境保護や産業育成につなげるという。
马虎的 PCB 管理 1998.10.15
在东京都政府的五年期间, 在这12个地点发现了使用巴统计局的电气产品的浪费。 我们失去了18个变压器和电容器 据说, 它可能是在不知道 PCB 的情况下被处理掉的。 目前城市使用的 PCB 浪费约65000台电气设备, 旧型无碳纸约为40吨。
日本提议减少二氧化碳排放 1998.10.15
政府提出了一个机制, 发达国家和发展中国家将通过这一机制共同努力, 在将于11月在布宜诺斯艾利斯举行的第四次缔约方会议上减少温室气体排放。 如果发达国家能够支持供资和技术并减少二氧化碳排放, 这种 "清洁发展机制" 使发达国家能够将部分减排量纳入本国的减排。 同时, 发展中国家将能够将部分减排量作为排放配额出售给其他国家。
Creation of an environmental hormone database 1998.9.15
The Ministry of Health and Welfare creates a database that collects information on environmental hormones, such as the actual conditions of use and the effects of research revealed. Not only about 70 kinds of substances that are suspected of environmental hormones, but also about 15000 types of chemical substances, including those that have not been revealed, collect data such as the amount of accumulation in breast milk and organs, and the actual conditions of use such as toys and tableware. The database will be published through the Internet.
Business with global warming
The market for energy conservation, power saving, self-power generation, and storage of renewable energy is rapidly expanding, as the mainstream of the Japan earthquake and disaster waste treatment after the Tepco nuclear power plant accident, and the radioactive disasters continue to be not relying on nuclear power plants. The environmental business is formed as an all-participating market for the first to third-order industries. In the industrial world, the movement of the nuclear power plant has accelerated in the early and the government's nuclear policy. In the domestic environmental business market, it is the "resource and energy securing" of the pure domestic environment which is listed as the growth field which can be expected in the future. As a result, the industry expansion in these fields will lead to prevention of global warming and low carbon. Therefore, the global warming business is one of the opportunities for the creation of business in the environment, but it does not become the starting point of the idea of business creation. Because climate change is not a global warming phenomenon, global warming and low-carbon business opportunities will not be derived.
The original significance of environmental business The purpose of environmental business is to develop an environment that includes natural and ecological systems for the realization of a sustainable and prosperous society for the future generations, but for the past seven or eight years, environmental business has been emphasizing the "living environment" of the current generation of amenity-oriented It is beginning to deviate from the original meaning. In the political world, the borders of territorial, territorial waters and airspace are thriving, and the deterioration of the global environment related to human fate is indifferent. It is time to sincerely ask that the 21st century is the century of the environment.
The original significance of environmental business The purpose of environmental business is to develop an environment that includes natural and ecological systems for the realization of a sustainable and prosperous society for the future generations, but for the past seven or eight years, environmental business has been emphasizing the "living environment" of the current generation of amenity-oriented It is beginning to deviate from the original meaning. In the political world, the borders of territorial, territorial waters and airspace are thriving, and the deterioration of the global environment related to human fate is indifferent. It is time to sincerely ask that the 21st century is the century of the environment.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Biomass - Usage of tall size of local resources ①
I think that the use of biomass should be the subject of heat use. In fact, we live in an old house in Satoyama, have a bath, a kitchen, and a heating for firewood, but we need roughly 10kg a day for one agricultural container. Because the amount of heat changes in serrata, Cedar, and cypress, it is not to be said unconditionally. Because it is a warm Shizuoka, 10kg in winter, about half in summer.
By the way, the furnace of "Love Agriculture Furnace" is developed after the war and the efficient furnace is made, and it uses it. The current housing consumption is 80 giga Joules. This is the kerosene equivalent of 6 liters a day. The wood pellets are about half the amount of heat of kerosene. 10kg = about 10 liters, so the firewood is about 5 liters of kerosene.
I think it's a reasonable line. The specific gravity of cypress is 0.41 t/m3. That is, it weighs 410kg per cubic metre. If it was roughly 400kg, 0.025 cubic meters. Roughly, it becomes a log of 40 cm in diameter and about 30cm in height. I can understand this size as a feeling. It is 3650kg per year, even if it is 10kg per day throughout the year. About nine cubic meters.
I think the summer is about 6 cubic meters. The solar water heater has not been applied yet, but Shizuoka has a high weather rate, so it is not necessary to cook the vacuum tube in winter. With a solar water heater, the amount of firewood per year will be about 4.5 cubic meters. 1.8 m x 1.5 m x 0.4 m = 1.008 cubic meters of shelves should be five minutes.
By the way, the furnace of "Love Agriculture Furnace" is developed after the war and the efficient furnace is made, and it uses it. The current housing consumption is 80 giga Joules. This is the kerosene equivalent of 6 liters a day. The wood pellets are about half the amount of heat of kerosene. 10kg = about 10 liters, so the firewood is about 5 liters of kerosene.
I think it's a reasonable line. The specific gravity of cypress is 0.41 t/m3. That is, it weighs 410kg per cubic metre. If it was roughly 400kg, 0.025 cubic meters. Roughly, it becomes a log of 40 cm in diameter and about 30cm in height. I can understand this size as a feeling. It is 3650kg per year, even if it is 10kg per day throughout the year. About nine cubic meters.
I think the summer is about 6 cubic meters. The solar water heater has not been applied yet, but Shizuoka has a high weather rate, so it is not necessary to cook the vacuum tube in winter. With a solar water heater, the amount of firewood per year will be about 4.5 cubic meters. 1.8 m x 1.5 m x 0.4 m = 1.008 cubic meters of shelves should be five minutes.
Main factors of eco business market growth②
A variety of tailwinds to create an environmental business. In the environmental business development, as described above, there is a wealth and variety of related technologies and products in the Takamine market, it can be said that the tailwind state. On the other hand, related information such as the key price has come to be widely published compared with the time of B to G (public works), and the condition has become good for the enterprise which aims at entering.
In addition, it has been linked with the greening of the global economic market. The national environmental policy has continued to push toward green. The 21st century may come into the era of environmental treaties. Because, it is not a problem which can solve one problem of PM2.5 very much only by one country. The deteriorating global environment is not a problem that can be solved very much if, for example, a neighboring country has entered into a treaty and has not dealt with it to solve the problem.
To cope with the deterioration of the global environment at the international level, the world-renowned environmental technologies cultivated over the Japan 50 years are a powerful weapon, and business opportunities are lurking. The legal regulations are not to be overlooked. This, for example, if it is recycled legislation relates to food waste, measures against food waste that has been incinerated so far is required. The recycling device is necessary for that, and the bud that the environmental business grows there comes out. When the legal regulations concerning one environment are applied, the environment business is surely raised there. In addition, when the environmental business is to start up, the restriction accompanying this is existing oppositely. For example, if you want to renew your building when you enter the environment business, the hurdles are unexpectedly high because of the electric business Law and construction law. Then, the deregulation of the environment business which makes it easier to enter by lowering the hurdle will accelerate.
In addition, it has been linked with the greening of the global economic market. The national environmental policy has continued to push toward green. The 21st century may come into the era of environmental treaties. Because, it is not a problem which can solve one problem of PM2.5 very much only by one country. The deteriorating global environment is not a problem that can be solved very much if, for example, a neighboring country has entered into a treaty and has not dealt with it to solve the problem.
To cope with the deterioration of the global environment at the international level, the world-renowned environmental technologies cultivated over the Japan 50 years are a powerful weapon, and business opportunities are lurking. The legal regulations are not to be overlooked. This, for example, if it is recycled legislation relates to food waste, measures against food waste that has been incinerated so far is required. The recycling device is necessary for that, and the bud that the environmental business grows there comes out. When the legal regulations concerning one environment are applied, the environment business is surely raised there. In addition, when the environmental business is to start up, the restriction accompanying this is existing oppositely. For example, if you want to renew your building when you enter the environment business, the hurdles are unexpectedly high because of the electric business Law and construction law. Then, the deregulation of the environment business which makes it easier to enter by lowering the hurdle will accelerate.
Plant-derived bioplastic②
The use of forest resources is growing as an industry, and the demand for forest-related resources is increasing from the securing of new energy resources to the world. In the Japan, energy-related thermal use and power generation utilization of forest and woody biomass (lumber residue, felling, pruning wood, etc.) widely distributed nationwide are carried out in various places. Overseas, the amount of the production of the bioethanol (cellulose as a raw material) of the oil alternative of the plant origin has increased comparatively. In the Japan, the production of BA-ethanol, which uses forests and woody-based cellulose as raw materials, has begun in the demonstration phase.
On the other hand, the bio-plastic as the eco-materiel use of the forest resource has already begun production as part of the member of the electric machine and the precision equipment. The research of the new material and eco-material "cellulose nanofibers" (CNF) of the use of Bioprestik is rapidly expanding plant, it became a concrete product is Bioprestik. In eco-material development, the world's top Japan has already begun to be used in electronic equipment and automotive related materials as a reinforcing plestik, in addition to disposable diapers and ballpoint pens. The main ingredient of this plant fiber is a robust structure, such as reinforced concrete, and the strength of one-fifth of the steel is five times higher than that. Moreover, because it is carbon neutral (not emitted CO2 into the atmosphere) from a renewable plant, it also leads to suppression of global warming. The source of the raw material is the forest and the primary industry. It will become an opportunity of new industry creation, and it is a barrel material in the world of pure domestic for the forest country and the Japan. The commercialization and commercialization of Bioplestik is steadily expanding.
On the other hand, the bio-plastic as the eco-materiel use of the forest resource has already begun production as part of the member of the electric machine and the precision equipment. The research of the new material and eco-material "cellulose nanofibers" (CNF) of the use of Bioprestik is rapidly expanding plant, it became a concrete product is Bioprestik. In eco-material development, the world's top Japan has already begun to be used in electronic equipment and automotive related materials as a reinforcing plestik, in addition to disposable diapers and ballpoint pens. The main ingredient of this plant fiber is a robust structure, such as reinforced concrete, and the strength of one-fifth of the steel is five times higher than that. Moreover, because it is carbon neutral (not emitted CO2 into the atmosphere) from a renewable plant, it also leads to suppression of global warming. The source of the raw material is the forest and the primary industry. It will become an opportunity of new industry creation, and it is a barrel material in the world of pure domestic for the forest country and the Japan. The commercialization and commercialization of Bioplestik is steadily expanding.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Main factors of eco business market growth①
The domestic environmental business market currently has 10,000 companies, and business items are expanding to around 900 and all industries. They are all part of the participatory aspect.
That is one of the growth factors of the market.
Four entry forms for entering the market. The first is "greening the production line". That is, the production line or energy saving, not to discharge the waste as much as possible from the production line, also aims to recycle, and the like to prevent water pollution with not out the sewage outside. In this effort, each company has a large number of environmental engineering department, which has zero emissions, energy saving, and emission control of hazardous substances, and it is not uncommon for major companies to spin it off. And, the business to sell the green technology, the know-how and the experience that it created here to the other companies is not to have begun now.
The second is "greening existing products". Products that are currently traded in the world are rapidly advancing green. These days, low-pollution automobiles and energy-saving consumer electronics products are natural. In other words, we create environmentally friendly products such as energy saving and resource saving of conventional products, adoption of recycled materials, and suppression of use of hazardous substances. Thus, the load on the environment can be further reduced.
The third is the application of "core technology (business) to environmental technology (business)". This is a common case for small and medium-sized businesses, and it is our stance to apply the core and elemental technology accumulated in our company to environmental technologies. The result is, for example, making a recycling device. The case where the solar cell was made by Si (silicon) which was the leading part of the semiconductor is mentioned as a typical example.
And the fourth is "M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions), a patent takeover." This is a case in which a company buys another company which is good at environmental technology, and as a result of the acquisition, the acquisition of related patents becomes a powerful weapon in the business entry. Recently, Panasonic, a manufacturer of energy-saving home appliances, has acquired Sanyo Electric, a typical example. Sanyo Electric is known as a manufacturer of rechargeable batteries such as lithium-ion batteries. For example, considering the use of natural power to accumulate unstable renewable energy in the storage battery, it is expected to be a significant demand for M&A.
That is one of the growth factors of the market.
Four entry forms for entering the market. The first is "greening the production line". That is, the production line or energy saving, not to discharge the waste as much as possible from the production line, also aims to recycle, and the like to prevent water pollution with not out the sewage outside. In this effort, each company has a large number of environmental engineering department, which has zero emissions, energy saving, and emission control of hazardous substances, and it is not uncommon for major companies to spin it off. And, the business to sell the green technology, the know-how and the experience that it created here to the other companies is not to have begun now.
The second is "greening existing products". Products that are currently traded in the world are rapidly advancing green. These days, low-pollution automobiles and energy-saving consumer electronics products are natural. In other words, we create environmentally friendly products such as energy saving and resource saving of conventional products, adoption of recycled materials, and suppression of use of hazardous substances. Thus, the load on the environment can be further reduced.
The third is the application of "core technology (business) to environmental technology (business)". This is a common case for small and medium-sized businesses, and it is our stance to apply the core and elemental technology accumulated in our company to environmental technologies. The result is, for example, making a recycling device. The case where the solar cell was made by Si (silicon) which was the leading part of the semiconductor is mentioned as a typical example.
And the fourth is "M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions), a patent takeover." This is a case in which a company buys another company which is good at environmental technology, and as a result of the acquisition, the acquisition of related patents becomes a powerful weapon in the business entry. Recently, Panasonic, a manufacturer of energy-saving home appliances, has acquired Sanyo Electric, a typical example. Sanyo Electric is known as a manufacturer of rechargeable batteries such as lithium-ion batteries. For example, considering the use of natural power to accumulate unstable renewable energy in the storage battery, it is expected to be a significant demand for M&A.
柴油废气减少精子产量 1998.10.15
东京科学与工程公司的研究表明, 柴油车尾气对生物的生殖功能有毒性损害。 在小鼠实验中, 交通繁忙的道路周围的柴油废气大气浓度下降了 21%, 每一个立法仪表的细颗粒浓度为0.3 毫克, 53%, 减少了约20倍。 根据这些数据, 研究小组的最低浓度为0.02 毫克, 不影响精子生产能力。
ISO14001 认证遍及全球 1998.10.15
德国政府环境人员对截至7月2日世界上获得的 ISO 14001 认证数量进行了非正式总结。 据日本介绍, 日本超过 1018, 只有1000人, 英国约650人, 其次是德国约630人。 在55个国家和地区, 世界共有 5417, 包括英语和德语等圆圆的。 在西欧, 除瑞士外, 同时注册的 EMAS 数量为 1870年, 而 ISO14001 认证为2517。
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Eco-Shop on the increase②
A wide range of items. It is not limited to the farm products of organic cultivation now, and the processed food which does not use the additive which harms the health has come to circulate widely besides the raw material and the method. In addition to daily necessities, a wide range of eco-products are produced, including toothbrushes using natural materials, clothing made from organic cotton materials, clothes using recycled resources such as PET bottles, stationery using recycled materials, and interior products that do not contain harmful chemical substances. These eco-products are in addition to the eco-shop, recently in department stores and supermarkets. With the growing interest in health and safety since the great East Japan earthquake, sales of such eco-products are also growing, and we are expected to grow in both manufacturing and distribution. In the department stores and supermarkets, we have partnered with manufacturers to actively develop our own environmental brand products. Along with the penetration of these eco-products, small eco-shops tend to specialize in products in specific fields and deal with more distinctive products. We are also dealing with eco-products as one of the differentiation strategies in the communication sales that are directly connected to the consumer. In addition, the distribution of Ortertrade, which specializes in products made in developing countries, was also created, and the eco-commodity market began to attract attention as a new market.
都内で化学物質3万4000トン排出 1999.08.15
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
ダイオキシン全国監視体制を整備 1999.08.15
Temperature rise 2 degrees to 2.5 degrees fixed 1998.09.15
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in the United Nations is expected to significantly increase the predicted temperature rise of global warming until the year 2100 from 2 degrees C to 2.5 degrees C. The amount of fine particles reflecting solar rays in the atmosphere is likely to decrease in the future. This fine particle is caused by SOX and other countries, but it is predicted that the amount of the outbreak will be significantly below the initial forecast as China and other developing nations try to prevent air pollution.
SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) ②
<The significance of the SDGs. >
The predecessor of the SDGs is the Millennium Development Eye (MDGs), which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2000. It is comprised of eight goals as a target year for 2015, with the aim of the extreme poverty and hunger in developing countries. The MDGs were intended only for developing countries, but in the discussion of what to do with the targets since 2015, the global population growth and the expansion of the economic scale in the recent
The realization that it is important for both developed and developing countries to work together has led to the adoption of the SDGs. While the economies of GDP (gross national product) overemphasis economic growth, while some countries have seen a widening gap in domestic, educational, income, and cultural backgrounds, it is not likely that people who are vulnerable to women, children, persons with disabilities or the elderly will be left behind.
"No one will be left behind" to realize the society, it is required to work on a wide range of issues related to the economic, social and environment. In addition, as a keyword for sustainable development, "five P" of Human (People), Earth (planet), Prosperity (Prosperity), Peace (Peace), Solidarity (Partnership) has been raised.
<As a tool for pioneering the new market for environmental business.>
In Japan Japan, the 2016 government's "Sustainable Development Goals Promotion Headquarters" was established. Under the promotion headquarters, the Government, NGOS, NPOS, experts, the private sector, and private companies, not only social contribution activities, but also the influence of the company on the environment and the Society appropriately evaluated, Many companies are connecting to the opportunity to create business by contributing to the achievement of the SDGs. The environmental business has been used as an effective tool for the exit strategy of developing countries and new consumer markets. For example, a major company, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, has been promoting its business with the SDGs in mind, such as "making packages that generate significant value by saving resources", such as "streamlining transportation and transport with globalization and supporting infrastructure development in emerging economies." The company contributes to the SDGs by extending its technology and business to SMEs. If you think about it, the majority of the work that contributes substantially to the SDGs is the environmental business.
The predecessor of the SDGs is the Millennium Development Eye (MDGs), which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2000. It is comprised of eight goals as a target year for 2015, with the aim of the extreme poverty and hunger in developing countries. The MDGs were intended only for developing countries, but in the discussion of what to do with the targets since 2015, the global population growth and the expansion of the economic scale in the recent
The realization that it is important for both developed and developing countries to work together has led to the adoption of the SDGs. While the economies of GDP (gross national product) overemphasis economic growth, while some countries have seen a widening gap in domestic, educational, income, and cultural backgrounds, it is not likely that people who are vulnerable to women, children, persons with disabilities or the elderly will be left behind.
"No one will be left behind" to realize the society, it is required to work on a wide range of issues related to the economic, social and environment. In addition, as a keyword for sustainable development, "five P" of Human (People), Earth (planet), Prosperity (Prosperity), Peace (Peace), Solidarity (Partnership) has been raised.
<As a tool for pioneering the new market for environmental business.>
In Japan Japan, the 2016 government's "Sustainable Development Goals Promotion Headquarters" was established. Under the promotion headquarters, the Government, NGOS, NPOS, experts, the private sector, and private companies, not only social contribution activities, but also the influence of the company on the environment and the Society appropriately evaluated, Many companies are connecting to the opportunity to create business by contributing to the achievement of the SDGs. The environmental business has been used as an effective tool for the exit strategy of developing countries and new consumer markets. For example, a major company, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, has been promoting its business with the SDGs in mind, such as "making packages that generate significant value by saving resources", such as "streamlining transportation and transport with globalization and supporting infrastructure development in emerging economies." The company contributes to the SDGs by extending its technology and business to SMEs. If you think about it, the majority of the work that contributes substantially to the SDGs is the environmental business.
【要点在这里】使用生命周期评估的四个目的 1999.04.15
什么是生命周期评估? 生命周期评估是分析、评估和量化我们所享受的产品和服务在整个生命周期 (产品的采购、生产、消费和处置) 中对环境的影响的一种方式。 生命周期评价的目的是使其成为减少人类活动各个方面的环境负荷的判断材料, 但生命周期评价的使用目的是多种多样的。
(1) 自愿改善支助。 我们可以计算产品和工艺过程等对环境的影响, 选择可回收材料, 并定量评估支持工具, 以开发对环境影响较小的环保产品 (ecp), 并通过节能加工和组装来改进工艺。 企业环境管理体系和环保产品改善效果的定量评价工具可用于营销。
(2) 营销支持。 公司不仅将公布产品开发, 而且将评价结果作为公司的正面比较, 并将其作为自我主张公关等支持工具, 以改善产品和企业的形象。 今后, 它可以作为与其他公司产品的比较, 在目录中公布。
(3) 支持消费活动。 利用环境信息 (如生态标签 bel) 审查生活方式, 以减少对环境的影响, 并选择传播环境教育和购买环境影响较小的产品的工具。 我们还可以为促进绿色采购做出贡献, 积极购买环保产品和服务。
(4) 对经济和社会制度的反思。 实现低环境影响和周期性经济和社会制度的基本信息。 它还可以作为基本的环境信息, 了解实际环境, 为未来建立环境管理。 此外, 它还可以反映在环境管理体系的对应中, 从而导致自愿改善。 在从生命周期评价的实现或用户方面进行分类时, 大致可分为自我改进类型通用的两个产品选择支持类型和 (1) 的其他 (2) 到 (4)。
(1) 自愿改善支助。 我们可以计算产品和工艺过程等对环境的影响, 选择可回收材料, 并定量评估支持工具, 以开发对环境影响较小的环保产品 (ecp), 并通过节能加工和组装来改进工艺。 企业环境管理体系和环保产品改善效果的定量评价工具可用于营销。
(2) 营销支持。 公司不仅将公布产品开发, 而且将评价结果作为公司的正面比较, 并将其作为自我主张公关等支持工具, 以改善产品和企业的形象。 今后, 它可以作为与其他公司产品的比较, 在目录中公布。
(3) 支持消费活动。 利用环境信息 (如生态标签 bel) 审查生活方式, 以减少对环境的影响, 并选择传播环境教育和购买环境影响较小的产品的工具。 我们还可以为促进绿色采购做出贡献, 积极购买环保产品和服务。
(4) 对经济和社会制度的反思。 实现低环境影响和周期性经济和社会制度的基本信息。 它还可以作为基本的环境信息, 了解实际环境, 为未来建立环境管理。 此外, 它还可以反映在环境管理体系的对应中, 从而导致自愿改善。 在从生命周期评价的实现或用户方面进行分类时, 大致可分为自我改进类型通用的两个产品选择支持类型和 (1) 的其他 (2) 到 (4)。
Sewage treatment Maintenance rate 64% 1998.09.15
The Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has summarized the maintenance status of the sewage treatment facilities such as sewerage, merger processing purification chamber and agricultural village drainage facilities. The nationwide average penetration rate was 64% (up 2 points yoy). In terms of population, 80,510,000 people (3,130,000 people yoy). By Prefecture, Tokyo 96%, Kanagawa 90%, Osaka, Hyogo 81% and large metropolitan area, but also in Wakayama 19%, Tokushima 22%, Shimane 30%, etc. are delayed.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
【要点在这里】绿色消费购买有十项原则 2002.02.20
绿色市场已经开始。 在购买、使用和处置产品时, 总是优先考虑环境因素的消费者在这个国家已经出现。 这个被称为 "绿色消费者" 的消费者, 与所有消费者的比例只有 2% 到 3%。 然而, 非常重要的是, 这种新型消费出现, 而不是这一数字的统一。 这是因为它们有一个核心, 当事情开始发展时, 这个核心是必不可少的。
在事情分阶段发展的每个阶段, 都有3%、7%、30% 的数字作为指导。 例如, 当第一次开拓性的3% 的躁狂开始移动, 并逐渐达到 7%, 它加速到30%。 发展成为一种可能影响市场的趋势。 在现阶段, 如果你看, 绿色消费者可能是 "环境狂潮"。 然而, 鉴于提高消费者的环保意识、传播儿童的回收学习以及向企业消费者披露环境信息的进展等激励措施, 这一趋势是坚定不移的。 顺便说一句, 每个德国的绿色消费者超过了 6 0%。
绿色消费购买有十项原则。 总之, 它可以回收利用, 节能, 节约资源。 它对环境的影响、维修和修理都很低, 持续很长时间、很安全, 是购买标准。 这些绿色消费者的成长, 使得企业方面开发环保产品和环保标签成为必然。 不远处, 从水槽生产线生产的产品和污染不是环保意识的产品将被排出。 讨厌, 一种名为讨厌环境的中国产品不会持续很久, 也不会阅读。 日元店也变得越来越难了。 另一方面, 关心质量和环境的产品和服务也有一个全面的转变。 顺便说一句, 它是绿色消费者购买和支持环境的15% 至20% 高的传统价格。
在事情分阶段发展的每个阶段, 都有3%、7%、30% 的数字作为指导。 例如, 当第一次开拓性的3% 的躁狂开始移动, 并逐渐达到 7%, 它加速到30%。 发展成为一种可能影响市场的趋势。 在现阶段, 如果你看, 绿色消费者可能是 "环境狂潮"。 然而, 鉴于提高消费者的环保意识、传播儿童的回收学习以及向企业消费者披露环境信息的进展等激励措施, 这一趋势是坚定不移的。 顺便说一句, 每个德国的绿色消费者超过了 6 0%。
绿色消费购买有十项原则。 总之, 它可以回收利用, 节能, 节约资源。 它对环境的影响、维修和修理都很低, 持续很长时间、很安全, 是购买标准。 这些绿色消费者的成长, 使得企业方面开发环保产品和环保标签成为必然。 不远处, 从水槽生产线生产的产品和污染不是环保意识的产品将被排出。 讨厌, 一种名为讨厌环境的中国产品不会持续很久, 也不会阅读。 日元店也变得越来越难了。 另一方面, 关心质量和环境的产品和服务也有一个全面的转变。 顺便说一句, 它是绿色消费者购买和支持环境的15% 至20% 高的传统价格。
【要点在这里】环境经营项目800 2002.04.15
随着全球激励措施的扩大, 如减少二氧化碳等温室气体的京都机制、日本的环境政策和机构激励措施, 以及对每个公司环境管理体系的社会激励措施。 最近环保事业的项目迅速增长。 这个数字大约是800。 环境企业是不断改善各领域环境影响的经济激励, 通过经济效应促进改善活动。 换句话说, 它是一个提供有助于改进活动的产品和服务的企业, 也是一个促进新产业和新工作的企业。 作为每个公司环境业务商业化的一个因素, 首先利用公司的专长开发产品 (设备和货物) 和服务的方法, 另一种是将公司现有的产品和服务转变为环境考虑类型的方法。 例如, 设备。 基于环保产品的概念, 采用生命周期评价方法, 对节能资源等环境影响进行定量评价, 对拆迁和可回收性进行评价。 我们正在努力提高我们产品的环境效率和环境性能。
在这样一个设计阶段, 生态设计的理念和环境考虑的推进, 可以期待未来世界市场的绿色前景对国内厂商的市场份额寄予厚望。 业务项目将在环境中继续增长。 基于环境新价值的企业激励措施, 如创建与《自然再生促进法》立法有关的新公共工程, 以及发展以回收为导向的社会的基础设施, 正在接二连三地进行。
在这样一个设计阶段, 生态设计的理念和环境考虑的推进, 可以期待未来世界市场的绿色前景对国内厂商的市场份额寄予厚望。 业务项目将在环境中继续增长。 基于环境新价值的企业激励措施, 如创建与《自然再生促进法》立法有关的新公共工程, 以及发展以回收为导向的社会的基础设施, 正在接二连三地进行。
Monday, April 8, 2019
エコマテリアル 非木材紙 1999.08.15
従来、 紙の原科には木材パルブが使われている。 製紙業界では森林資源保護のために植林活動や古紙のリサイクルを盛んに進めているが、その一方で、 木材パルブに 替わる原科としてケナフ (アオイ科の一年草) やパガス(サトウキビの絞りカス)、 ワラ、 コットン、フラックス(亜麻)といったセルロース繊維を含む植物を使った非木材紙が脚光を浴びている。 なかでも日本で最も多く使われているのは、大量生産が可能で品質面でも木材と変わりがないケナフとバガス。ケナフは半年ほどで3~5メートルにも成長し、CO2の吸収量が樹木の約5倍と多いのが特徴で地球温暖化抑制の観点からも注目されている。また、ケナフの栽培はアジア地城で盛んに行なわれ、 バルプ化されたものが日本に輪入されてぃるため、輪入量が増えれば途上国の貿易活性化に貢献できるメリットもある。
臭氧孔进一步膨胀 1998.10.15
当气象部门分析美国宇航局的卫星文件时, 截至 9月28日, 南极上空最大的臭氧空洞面积为2.72.4亿平方公里, 超过了1996年的9600万平方公里。 被破坏的臭氧层也为 89, 080, 000 吨, 1994年超过 85, 040, 000 吨。 在昭和站的观测中, 发现基地上方17至20公里处的臭氧几乎被完全破坏。
【要点在这里】`Re`业务的时代 2001.11.20
为了为子孙后代实现一个可持续的社会, 我们需要放弃常规废品和建设的理念, 重建重建理念。 报废和建造造成了资源和能源的浪费, 环境负担的扩散, 但已被推迟到后代的资源和环境负担中。 在这样的背景下, 重建工作正在创造各种商机。
重建处理商品和资源的重要性非但没有抛弃社会上不断增加的库存和浪费, 反而正在形成一个重要的环境商业市场。 重建中包括的业务领域包括 Refine(分馏、分解)、Reduce (减轻重量)、Reuse(再利用)、Recycle (回収)、Reconvert-to-Energy(热回收) 等。 这方面的希望是减少领域。 时尚的循环是一种薄薄的商业成功。 原因有很多, 但很难从对该设施的最初投资中恢复。 在确保高质量的废物 (资源)、再资源成本、回收资源和产品销售渠道方面存在着很大的障碍。 此外, 通过回收利用增加了环境负荷。
在这方面, 回收业务作为一种产品再利用的难度较小, 因为在回收使用的产品之前增加了修理。 再利用业务包括旧产品的维修、改造, 以及建筑结构长寿命的翻新和恢复, 或恢复恶化的自然环境。 当我们在重用中看到重建业务时, 许多成功的案例都是由业务来解释的。 有很多成功的案例, 从去年 1 1月公开店面的硬公司和皮包制造商, 将业务类别变成了维修服务。
据说, 从现在开始, 不仅仅是"Re"业务的时代。 任何挂在重建下的生意都是重新建立的。 当肯基沙的 "re" 部分被拉伤时, 可能会意外地出现商业暗示。
重建处理商品和资源的重要性非但没有抛弃社会上不断增加的库存和浪费, 反而正在形成一个重要的环境商业市场。 重建中包括的业务领域包括 Refine(分馏、分解)、Reduce (减轻重量)、Reuse(再利用)、Recycle (回収)、Reconvert-to-Energy(热回收) 等。 这方面的希望是减少领域。 时尚的循环是一种薄薄的商业成功。 原因有很多, 但很难从对该设施的最初投资中恢复。 在确保高质量的废物 (资源)、再资源成本、回收资源和产品销售渠道方面存在着很大的障碍。 此外, 通过回收利用增加了环境负荷。
在这方面, 回收业务作为一种产品再利用的难度较小, 因为在回收使用的产品之前增加了修理。 再利用业务包括旧产品的维修、改造, 以及建筑结构长寿命的翻新和恢复, 或恢复恶化的自然环境。 当我们在重用中看到重建业务时, 许多成功的案例都是由业务来解释的。 有很多成功的案例, 从去年 1 1月公开店面的硬公司和皮包制造商, 将业务类别变成了维修服务。
据说, 从现在开始, 不仅仅是"Re"业务的时代。 任何挂在重建下的生意都是重新建立的。 当肯基沙的 "re" 部分被拉伤时, 可能会意外地出现商业暗示。
臭素化ダイオキシンを本格調査 1999.08.15
Sunday, April 7, 2019
The eco-material and N Luminous (Luminova)
It would not be an exaggeration to say that the development of eco-materials (environmentally-friendly new materials) with a function that does not load the environment when the material itself is used or that materials can help improve the environment is driving the world Japan. For example, osmotic membrane (RO membrane), the number of other products of carbon fiber is so forth. This time, we will deliver the eco material that is the topic.
● N Luminous (Luminova) conventional luminescent pigments
There are two types of "spontaneous light" and "phosphorescent". Although the former can emit light all night by radiation, there is a limit to the application that contains radioactive materials, and strict management is necessary for production and disposal. On the other hand, the latter does not contain radioactive material, long-term emission is difficult and practical. Now in the spotlight N emission is not required radioactive material, and it has enabled long-term emission. It was successfully commercialized in a special process of addition firing the activator of rare earth elements to the main component of the alumina acid salt compound.
The characteristics of this n-emission (1) long-term luminescence in the Dark (2) afterglow, luminance is bright enough to illuminate the conventional 10 times (3) light is strong (4) It is also possible to use outdoor (5) Chemical stability is high (6) light reaches far (7) the load on people and the environment is small and the like. Currently, the development of daily necessities, watches, automobiles, outdoor goods and other applications is progressing. "Fundamental specialty Chemistry" is the first product in the world, accounting for about 80% of the global market share.
● N Luminous (Luminova) conventional luminescent pigments
There are two types of "spontaneous light" and "phosphorescent". Although the former can emit light all night by radiation, there is a limit to the application that contains radioactive materials, and strict management is necessary for production and disposal. On the other hand, the latter does not contain radioactive material, long-term emission is difficult and practical. Now in the spotlight N emission is not required radioactive material, and it has enabled long-term emission. It was successfully commercialized in a special process of addition firing the activator of rare earth elements to the main component of the alumina acid salt compound.
The characteristics of this n-emission (1) long-term luminescence in the Dark (2) afterglow, luminance is bright enough to illuminate the conventional 10 times (3) light is strong (4) It is also possible to use outdoor (5) Chemical stability is high (6) light reaches far (7) the load on people and the environment is small and the like. Currently, the development of daily necessities, watches, automobiles, outdoor goods and other applications is progressing. "Fundamental specialty Chemistry" is the first product in the world, accounting for about 80% of the global market share.
We couldn't find any cases concerning the success of biomass power generation. ① 2018.12.01
< About Woody biomass power generation >
Last year in 2017, we looked at the first international Biomass Power generation exhibition at Tokyo Big Sight.
As the renewable energy fixed price purchase system (FIT) and power liberalization became the lure of water, the venue was exhibited many power generation related facilities, and the number of visitors was many, especially in the event that the power generation business using woody biomass in various parts of Japan was started. The difficulty of woody biomass power generation of woody biomass power generation is as far as the success case of the business to be able to take profit is close to zero.Looking at this exhibition, the biomass power generation business of the Japan, in fact, was a subsidy project in the past and the present, and it seemed that it was still far ahead to become independent as the power supply which was able to take profit on a roll on a commercial base. In the case of woody biomass power generation, the purchase price of Japan fit is 32 yen per 1kw in unused timber. I hear that this is a case in which a chip of 12000 yen per ton is made a fuel in the 5MW facility by the steam turbine. However, the business operation is difficult though it set the purchase price of 42 yen last year in a smaller power generation facility than this. Therefore, the electric power of the equipment cannot help becoming a large equipment. Large-scale equipment can reduce the cost of electricity, which is more profitable. Many large-scale power generation facilities are exhibited in the venue on this day, and the introduction has been proposed and planned.
However, the reality is severe. If it becomes possible to introduce a large-scale equipment that only the priority of the thermal use than power generation is not recoverable cost high, and the equipment operation, to operate the business, the collection of the current woody biomass resources, and considering various circumstances such as efficient energy use,
The sustainable power generation business is a difficult and unreasonable story even if the subsidy is used. So, what should I do? The answer is one.
First of all, the proper use of woody biomass based on the current situation is not the first form of power generation, and it seems that the priority of thermal use is high solid business profitability. In United Kingdom, we removed woody biomass from fit and started buying a fixed price instead of heat.
Last year in 2017, we looked at the first international Biomass Power generation exhibition at Tokyo Big Sight.
As the renewable energy fixed price purchase system (FIT) and power liberalization became the lure of water, the venue was exhibited many power generation related facilities, and the number of visitors was many, especially in the event that the power generation business using woody biomass in various parts of Japan was started. The difficulty of woody biomass power generation of woody biomass power generation is as far as the success case of the business to be able to take profit is close to zero.Looking at this exhibition, the biomass power generation business of the Japan, in fact, was a subsidy project in the past and the present, and it seemed that it was still far ahead to become independent as the power supply which was able to take profit on a roll on a commercial base. In the case of woody biomass power generation, the purchase price of Japan fit is 32 yen per 1kw in unused timber. I hear that this is a case in which a chip of 12000 yen per ton is made a fuel in the 5MW facility by the steam turbine. However, the business operation is difficult though it set the purchase price of 42 yen last year in a smaller power generation facility than this. Therefore, the electric power of the equipment cannot help becoming a large equipment. Large-scale equipment can reduce the cost of electricity, which is more profitable. Many large-scale power generation facilities are exhibited in the venue on this day, and the introduction has been proposed and planned.
However, the reality is severe. If it becomes possible to introduce a large-scale equipment that only the priority of the thermal use than power generation is not recoverable cost high, and the equipment operation, to operate the business, the collection of the current woody biomass resources, and considering various circumstances such as efficient energy use,
The sustainable power generation business is a difficult and unreasonable story even if the subsidy is used. So, what should I do? The answer is one.
First of all, the proper use of woody biomass based on the current situation is not the first form of power generation, and it seems that the priority of thermal use is high solid business profitability. In United Kingdom, we removed woody biomass from fit and started buying a fixed price instead of heat.
农产品中二恶英浓度调查 1998.10.15
农业和林业部计划从1999财政年度开始对土壤中的水稻和蔬菜作物及收获地点中的二恶英浓度进行为期三年的调查。 首先, 我们在全国都道府县为每个县设立了一个调查点, 并进行了三类谷物、果树和蔬菜。 在采集作物的过程中, 对土壤浓度进行了调查, 并对收获期土壤浓度进行了分析。 测量和分析委托给一个外部专门组织。 根据调查结果, 调查范围将进一步扩大。
Saturday, April 6, 2019
The season when the dense fog PM2 5 is coming②
The serious PM2 and five problems in such China will have to be expected not to be able to be finished in a mere "fire on the opposite shore", and to receive an enormous influence Japan for the future. PM2-5, which is the source of China's origin, has always flown to the Japan westerly. In the Kanto region, there has been no warning from the reason why observations do not reach the level of attention.
However, in western Japan, which is close to China, the each province has been carefully aroused since March of this year. The symposium, which is titled "The Road to ecological civilization and green Development" (jointly sponsored by Seika Univ., Nomura Research Institute), is held in China by scholars and experts of the day, and the improvement of the environmental law of the Chinese PM2. The center is centered on discussions within the scope of the investigation of compensation and remedies for pollution victims. According to the Professor Zhang Gon of Seika, the environmental measures involved the interests of the government departments and companies, "it is difficult to actually execute the relevant law" at present. The Chinese government is less concerned about the impact on the Japan of PM2 and 5. Japan government also does not try to touch deeply about PM2 5.
There seems to be a meeting at the level of practitioners, but we have not been reported on the content. In such a time, PM2 and 5 from China are surely diffused into the Japan islands, and it is undermining our health. In addition, it binds with moisture in the air, and if it rains, it becomes "acid rain", sunlight to the earth, and destroys the natural environment. It is called "Aerial demon" in China. If you continue to leave this state, not only Japan, Korea, Taiwan such as neighboring countries will be the hardest hit is no doubt.
Health damage, of course, forests wither, farmland and lakes acidified, the structure of the building and buildings-it leads to such a serious situation to deteriorate to the battered by acidified.
It is not the conclusion of "Japan-China PM2 5 Diffusion Prevention Treaty" in both countries between Japan and China in daytime to hear the mask for the PM2 and 5 measures not to be able to sell production to fly at the concession shop at the airport in the Beijing line. The Japan holds the world's largest desulfurization, denitration technology, and exhaust gas countermeasure technology.
It is an urgent task to share these technologies in both countries and to achieve new technological innovations. Century in the 21st century the environment. It is an important issue that the global environmental preservation and conservation which traces the aggravation should be the highest priority, and is not the age of the demarcation of the territory of the twentieth century type and the territorial waters?
However, in western Japan, which is close to China, the each province has been carefully aroused since March of this year. The symposium, which is titled "The Road to ecological civilization and green Development" (jointly sponsored by Seika Univ., Nomura Research Institute), is held in China by scholars and experts of the day, and the improvement of the environmental law of the Chinese PM2. The center is centered on discussions within the scope of the investigation of compensation and remedies for pollution victims. According to the Professor Zhang Gon of Seika, the environmental measures involved the interests of the government departments and companies, "it is difficult to actually execute the relevant law" at present. The Chinese government is less concerned about the impact on the Japan of PM2 and 5. Japan government also does not try to touch deeply about PM2 5.
There seems to be a meeting at the level of practitioners, but we have not been reported on the content. In such a time, PM2 and 5 from China are surely diffused into the Japan islands, and it is undermining our health. In addition, it binds with moisture in the air, and if it rains, it becomes "acid rain", sunlight to the earth, and destroys the natural environment. It is called "Aerial demon" in China. If you continue to leave this state, not only Japan, Korea, Taiwan such as neighboring countries will be the hardest hit is no doubt.
Health damage, of course, forests wither, farmland and lakes acidified, the structure of the building and buildings-it leads to such a serious situation to deteriorate to the battered by acidified.
It is not the conclusion of "Japan-China PM2 5 Diffusion Prevention Treaty" in both countries between Japan and China in daytime to hear the mask for the PM2 and 5 measures not to be able to sell production to fly at the concession shop at the airport in the Beijing line. The Japan holds the world's largest desulfurization, denitration technology, and exhaust gas countermeasure technology.
It is an urgent task to share these technologies in both countries and to achieve new technological innovations. Century in the 21st century the environment. It is an important issue that the global environmental preservation and conservation which traces the aggravation should be the highest priority, and is not the age of the demarcation of the territory of the twentieth century type and the territorial waters?
【要点在这里】使用生命周期评估的四个目的 1999.04.15
什么是生命周期评估? 生命周期评估是分析、评估和量化我们所享受的产品和服务在整个生命周期 (产品的采购、生产、消费和处置) 中对环境的影响的一种方式。 生命周期评价的目的是使其成为减少人类活动各个方面的环境负荷的判断材料, 但生命周期评价的使用目的是多种多样的。
(1) 自愿改善支助。 我们可以计算产品和工艺过程等对环境的影响, 选择可回收材料, 并定量评估支持工具, 以开发对环境影响较小的环保产品 (ecp), 并通过节能加工和组装来改进工艺。 企业环境管理体系和环保产品改善效果的定量评价工具可用于营销。
(2) 营销支持。 公司不仅将公布产品开发, 而且将评价结果作为公司的正面比较, 并将其作为自我主张公关等支持工具, 以改善产品和企业的形象。 今后, 它可以作为与其他公司产品的比较, 在目录中公布。
(3) 支持消费活动。 利用环境信息 (如生态标签 bel) 审查生活方式, 以减少对环境的影响, 并选择传播环境教育和购买环境影响较小的产品的工具。 我们还可以为促进绿色采购做出贡献, 积极购买环保产品和服务。
(4) 对经济和社会制度的反思。 实现低环境影响和周期性经济和社会制度的基本信息。 它还可以作为基本的环境信息, 了解实际环境, 为未来建立环境管理。 此外, 它还可以反映在环境管理体系的对应中, 从而导致自愿改善。 在从生命周期评价的实现或用户方面进行分类时, 大致可分为自我改进类型通用的两个产品选择支持类型和 (1) 的其他 (2) 到 (4)。
(1) 自愿改善支助。 我们可以计算产品和工艺过程等对环境的影响, 选择可回收材料, 并定量评估支持工具, 以开发对环境影响较小的环保产品 (ecp), 并通过节能加工和组装来改进工艺。 企业环境管理体系和环保产品改善效果的定量评价工具可用于营销。
(2) 营销支持。 公司不仅将公布产品开发, 而且将评价结果作为公司的正面比较, 并将其作为自我主张公关等支持工具, 以改善产品和企业的形象。 今后, 它可以作为与其他公司产品的比较, 在目录中公布。
(3) 支持消费活动。 利用环境信息 (如生态标签 bel) 审查生活方式, 以减少对环境的影响, 并选择传播环境教育和购买环境影响较小的产品的工具。 我们还可以为促进绿色采购做出贡献, 积极购买环保产品和服务。
(4) 对经济和社会制度的反思。 实现低环境影响和周期性经济和社会制度的基本信息。 它还可以作为基本的环境信息, 了解实际环境, 为未来建立环境管理。 此外, 它还可以反映在环境管理体系的对应中, 从而导致自愿改善。 在从生命周期评价的实现或用户方面进行分类时, 大致可分为自我改进类型通用的两个产品选择支持类型和 (1) 的其他 (2) 到 (4)。
Friday, April 5, 2019
ロシアへ新環境支援 1999.08.15
The season when the dense fog PM2 5 is coming①
In each of the cities in China, the arrival of a full-fledged winter, the heating by the poor quality coal combustion is applied, further "dense fog" (photochemical smog) by PM2-5 (micro particulate matter) is expected to occur frequently. Depending on the region, visibility has deteriorated to less than 50 meters even for a full year. In the northeast, Harbin is not seen five meters away. The effects of highway closures and flight cancellations and delays, as well as the impact on civil life, have been significant.
Especially, there is a concern about the remarkable health damage of the citizens. In the winter months in Beijing, the city has been covered with dense fog, so Japanese companies are taking precautions to refrain from going out to employees and other measures such as providing subsidies for purchasing air purifiers.
It is said that the number of expatriate employees who think about their families ' return home is increasing. In the first place, PM2-5 is a micro-particulate matter below the diameter 2.5 micrometer (Micro 1-millionth) contained in thermal power plants and plant smoke, automobile exhaust gases, fine dust, etc. Because it is easy to penetrate to the depths of the lungs, it induces asthma and lung cancer.
In the Japan of the high-growth period, Kawasaki Asthma and Yokkaichi caused asthma. Sulfur oxides (so 2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) in PM2 and 5 are generated by burning coal, petroleum, etc. The main sources of sulfur oxides are steel mills, power plants, factories, etc. The source of the nitrogen oxide is similar to the sulfur oxide, other automobiles, ships, it is discharged in large quantities from the mobile sources such as aircraft. Dense fog in urban areas are due to sulfur oxides. Both are causative agents of air pollution, causing the collapse of ecosystems (planting and biological mortality), health hazards, etc. By the way, it is said that every year in China, about 500,000 people die from respiratory diseases.
Especially, there is a concern about the remarkable health damage of the citizens. In the winter months in Beijing, the city has been covered with dense fog, so Japanese companies are taking precautions to refrain from going out to employees and other measures such as providing subsidies for purchasing air purifiers.
It is said that the number of expatriate employees who think about their families ' return home is increasing. In the first place, PM2-5 is a micro-particulate matter below the diameter 2.5 micrometer (Micro 1-millionth) contained in thermal power plants and plant smoke, automobile exhaust gases, fine dust, etc. Because it is easy to penetrate to the depths of the lungs, it induces asthma and lung cancer.
In the Japan of the high-growth period, Kawasaki Asthma and Yokkaichi caused asthma. Sulfur oxides (so 2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) in PM2 and 5 are generated by burning coal, petroleum, etc. The main sources of sulfur oxides are steel mills, power plants, factories, etc. The source of the nitrogen oxide is similar to the sulfur oxide, other automobiles, ships, it is discharged in large quantities from the mobile sources such as aircraft. Dense fog in urban areas are due to sulfur oxides. Both are causative agents of air pollution, causing the collapse of ecosystems (planting and biological mortality), health hazards, etc. By the way, it is said that every year in China, about 500,000 people die from respiratory diseases.
Car sharing business in urban areas in Japan - from private ownership to sharing utility 1
Sharing is coming out of the idea of servicing sizing. It is a business model that the product that was sold as a conventional product is obtained by providing the function that the products have. From the standpoint of the user, the purpose is not to own the personal property of the product itself, but to use the function of the product. For example, the function of an automobile is mobility. It takes the form to use only the function without buying and privately owning the car to obtain the function.
The fastest growing car sharing business in the urban Center is the "Park 24" of the parking lot management company. The company mainly operates in Tokyo mainly in the car sharing business "times carp Russ" other than the main car parking lot, but operating revenues for the fiscal year ending October 2017 are around 2.5 billion yen. The growth rate is more than doubled in the previous fiscal year. It is said that it is "steady expansion" since the change in surplus in October, 2002. The number of bases is 8600 base as of October. It is more than ten thousand momentum in this term. Orix Share (car-sharing 2nd place) 1400, car rental is the largest of Toyota car rental in greater than 1200.
The fastest growing car sharing business in the urban Center is the "Park 24" of the parking lot management company. The company mainly operates in Tokyo mainly in the car sharing business "times carp Russ" other than the main car parking lot, but operating revenues for the fiscal year ending October 2017 are around 2.5 billion yen. The growth rate is more than doubled in the previous fiscal year. It is said that it is "steady expansion" since the change in surplus in October, 2002. The number of bases is 8600 base as of October. It is more than ten thousand momentum in this term. Orix Share (car-sharing 2nd place) 1400, car rental is the largest of Toyota car rental in greater than 1200.
SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)①
The media said, "How will the government incorporate the SDGs into measures, and how companies can capitalize on their management," is likely to be the key to the future growth of Japan. The United Nations has shown the importance of integrating economic, social and environmental issues in an integrated way, and is calling on the world as a target year for 2030 to "eliminate poverty" and "zero Hunger" SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), but was adopted at the UN summit in September 2015. This is the goal of 193 un-member countries to achieve in the 15 years between 2016 and 2030.
Each business office (local Government, public agency, private company, etc.) which sympathized with this effort spreads rapidly.
What is the SDGs? The SDGs were adopted at the UN summit in September 2015, and the entire international community was adopted to work together to solve the problems associated with human activities such as the deterioration of the global environment. It is the core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
A total of 17 targets, including 17 poverty, education, environment and disaster prevention, and 169 specific objectives (detailed on the Internet) are shown to be achieved in 15 years between 2016 and 2030. The SDGs in the major companies, "especially the SDGs that companies tackle, because the goal is clear compared to the efforts of the corporate social responsibility, such as the reduction of the conventional environmental impact, compliance, etc., because it is easy to incorporate business
There is a rapid increase in the number of companies that challenge the SDGs now. " In addition, when the SDGs approach progresses, it is said that it will be an opportunity to not only develop a useful way to solve problems that the world's poorest companies should tackle, but also bring change to management and business fields. In the Business field, it is said that the price, quality, and delivery time will change and ultimately lead to changes in society and institutions.
Each business office (local Government, public agency, private company, etc.) which sympathized with this effort spreads rapidly.
What is the SDGs? The SDGs were adopted at the UN summit in September 2015, and the entire international community was adopted to work together to solve the problems associated with human activities such as the deterioration of the global environment. It is the core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
A total of 17 targets, including 17 poverty, education, environment and disaster prevention, and 169 specific objectives (detailed on the Internet) are shown to be achieved in 15 years between 2016 and 2030. The SDGs in the major companies, "especially the SDGs that companies tackle, because the goal is clear compared to the efforts of the corporate social responsibility, such as the reduction of the conventional environmental impact, compliance, etc., because it is easy to incorporate business
There is a rapid increase in the number of companies that challenge the SDGs now. " In addition, when the SDGs approach progresses, it is said that it will be an opportunity to not only develop a useful way to solve problems that the world's poorest companies should tackle, but also bring change to management and business fields. In the Business field, it is said that the price, quality, and delivery time will change and ultimately lead to changes in society and institutions.
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Paradigm shift in the century of the environment
Environmental degradation rapidly advances in the 21st century. The Japan, which has reached the extension line of manufacturing, has become an environmental technology nation capable of exporting and transferring a variety of equipment and equipment.
This transition that has been traced can contribute to the Asian farming region and is fulfilled in the national interest. The current administration is trying to export a war-inducing weapon that inspires the "maximum incentive for environmental destruction" and a high environmental risk nuclear power plant as a national policy. Environmental and pollution problems are inevitable in developing countries such as China and Asia as industrialization and urbanization.
When we think about it, the standing position which should contribute naturally is clear, and the international credibility and the national interest of Japan can be demonstrated here. The twentieth Century is the "Century of the Environment" in which a sustainable economy and society are required to share the Earth's goods fairly in the days of the Territory, military alliance to delineate territorial waters, and trade treaties.
Environmental risk aversion is not merely a response to changes in the natural environment, but also a comprehensive view of the environmental risks of a highly environmentally-intensive war. The environmental industry is different from the weapons and nuclear power industries by some companies, and they are expanding to all industries and small and medium-sized companies in primary, secondary and tertiary industry.
This transition that has been traced can contribute to the Asian farming region and is fulfilled in the national interest. The current administration is trying to export a war-inducing weapon that inspires the "maximum incentive for environmental destruction" and a high environmental risk nuclear power plant as a national policy. Environmental and pollution problems are inevitable in developing countries such as China and Asia as industrialization and urbanization.
When we think about it, the standing position which should contribute naturally is clear, and the international credibility and the national interest of Japan can be demonstrated here. The twentieth Century is the "Century of the Environment" in which a sustainable economy and society are required to share the Earth's goods fairly in the days of the Territory, military alliance to delineate territorial waters, and trade treaties.
Environmental risk aversion is not merely a response to changes in the natural environment, but also a comprehensive view of the environmental risks of a highly environmentally-intensive war. The environmental industry is different from the weapons and nuclear power industries by some companies, and they are expanding to all industries and small and medium-sized companies in primary, secondary and tertiary industry.
对主要环境措施的认识 1998.10.15
在 "东京生命之城" 的长远规划中, 青岛市县长 "建设循环型社会, 更新大规模生产、大规模消费、大规模处置的作风"。 根据该市对大约2000名成年人进行的一项调查, "我知道7% 的内容", "我看到和听到过" 占 24%, 但 "我不知道" 的结果是68%。
Understanding CO2 circulation on a global scale 1998.09.15
30 organizations in the Ministry Geological Survey and other government and academia began joint research to clarify CO2 circulation mechanism on a global scale. We investigated the growth and vegetation distribution of plants mainly in the western Pacific water temperature, chloroplasts, Japan and China, and estimated the primary production volume of global carbon in 4KM square. In addition, we observe the carbon balance other than photosynthesis, such as methane gas generated from soil and sedimentation of plankton to the seabed. Plan to create a carbon cycle map of the Earth in the fifth fiscal year.
同时测量水源 1998.10.15
为了确保自来水的安全, 卫生福利部计划同时在全国 2 0条主要河流的 1 0 0 口测量环境污染物。 除了行政指导所界定的28类监测项目, 如农药、金属和有机溶剂外, 还测量了据说约为70种环境激素和二恶英的情况。 测量结果是一个数据库, 建立了 "有害物质监测信息网络", 目的是向公民提供信息。
国連が経済、社会、環境の諸課題を統合的に解決することの重要性が示され、2030年を目標年として、「貧困をなくそう」や「飢餓をゼロに」等世界に呼びかけている「SustainableDevelopment Goals(持続可能な開発目標)」と言われるSDGs(エス・ディー・ジーズ)だが、2015年9月の国連サミットで採択されたものだ。国連加盟193か国が2016年~2030年の15年間で達成するために掲げた目標だ。この取り組みに共感した各事業所(地方自治体、公的機関、民間企業等)が急速に広がっている。
GDP(国民総生産)偏重の経済成長を遂げる一方で、国内の地域間や教育、所得、文化的背景等による格差が拡大している国も見られる中、女性、子供、障がい者、高齢者など立場の弱い人々が取り残されないよう、地球上の「誰一人取り残さない(no one will be left behind)」社会の実現を目指し、経済・社会・環境をめぐる広範な課題に統合的に取り組むことが求められている。
国連が経済、社会、環境の諸課題を統合的に解決することの重要性が示され、2030年を目標年として、「貧困をなくそう」や「飢餓をゼロに」等世界に呼びかけている「SustainableDevelopment Goals(持続可能な開発目標)」と言われるSDGs(エス・ディー・ジーズ)だが、2015年9月の国連サミットで採択されたものだ。国連加盟193か国が2016年~2030年の15年間で達成するために掲げた目標だ。この取り組みに共感した各事業所(地方自治体、公的機関、民間企業等)が急速に広がっている。
GDP(国民総生産)偏重の経済成長を遂げる一方で、国内の地域間や教育、所得、文化的背景等による格差が拡大している国も見られる中、女性、子供、障がい者、高齢者など立場の弱い人々が取り残されないよう、地球上の「誰一人取り残さない(no one will be left behind)」社会の実現を目指し、経済・社会・環境をめぐる広範な課題に統合的に取り組むことが求められている。
Kansai's first environmental pass 1998.09.15
The Kindai Transportation Bureau has approved a fare revision that assumes the introduction of the "Environmental commuter pass system" to the shared bus, which was applied from Keihan Uji Kotsu. The system is intended for the holders of commuter commuter passes and their families only on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, and the fare is greatly discounted even outside the commuter pass zone. It promotes the use of local people on holidays, and suppresses the car's consumption, and aims to alleviate traffic jams and reduce CO2 emissions. It has already been introduced in Kanagawa Central traffic.
Average annual temperature of the Earth to the highest past 1998.08
According to the U.S. Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the average annual temperature of the Earth has risen since the 1980s, and 1997 has been a record high in the past, but in 1998 it tends to be hotter. The average temperature in the first half of 1998, compared with the average of about 120 years (1880 to 1997), was about 0.7 degrees C, and the previous maximum record was 0.3 degrees C at a stretch. The average temperature of the Earth is measured based on the observations of ground and sea levels around the world, and is about 17c in 1997.
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
廃プラ処理量、現状の6倍に拡大 1999.08.15
Car sharing business in urban areas--more - from private ownership to sharing utility 2
The origin of the reduction of environmental impact, but now the convenience and match car sharing of the user, in addition to the advantage of saving such as parking lot for the user, car inspection, various insurance money and taxes, just hold the member card to the vehicle car can be borrowed. It is borrowed in 15 minutes shorter than the rental car, and it is a feature that can be returned without refueling. If you are an individual, it's easy to use a little shopping. Recently, the use of the legal entity used for sales of unexpected deliveries is increasing. "Times CarPlus" is a system that receives a basic fee of 1030 yen per month from members and 206 yen per 15 minutes use. The current number of members is more than 720,000 people, up 31% YoY. The social background of this car sharing was to reduce the number of car holdings, relieve congestion in urban areas, curb parking, and reduce the environmental impact of illegal scrapping.
The Switzerland originated but is now showing a global spread. Not only the "share economy" business car sharing which expands to each field, but the company which is to commercialize the "share economy" which shares the function use from mono-owned by an individual and a member as a business is increasing in each field. In addition to electrical products and furniture, as well as environmental equipment and equipment, it has recently diversified with "Minpaku" for tourists who use vacant condominiums.
The Switzerland originated but is now showing a global spread. Not only the "share economy" business car sharing which expands to each field, but the company which is to commercialize the "share economy" which shares the function use from mono-owned by an individual and a member as a business is increasing in each field. In addition to electrical products and furniture, as well as environmental equipment and equipment, it has recently diversified with "Minpaku" for tourists who use vacant condominiums.
大気中のダイオキシン、冬は固体化 1999.08.15
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
低公害車での搬入義務付けを検討 1999.08.15
Started to demonstrate the industrial use of photovoltaic power generation 1998.09.15
Ministry to undertake a demonstration experiment of large-scale photovoltaic power generation. The company will buy a large photovoltaic system with a power output of 20 kw or more, open a factory, and promote half of the introduction amount. The photovoltaic power generation system installed at factories and offices is used to gather information about power generation, and consider whether solar power generation information that is spread in general households can be applied for industrial use. We will work on system optimization and standardization through demonstration experiments.
Average annual temperature of the Earth to the highest past 1998.08
According to the U.S. Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the average annual temperature of the Earth has risen since the 1980s, and 1997 has been a record high in the past, but in 1998 it tends to be hotter. The average temperature in the first half of 1998, compared with the average of about 120 years (1880 to 1997), was about 0.7 degrees C, and the previous maximum record was 0.3 degrees C at a stretch. The average temperature of the Earth is measured based on the observations of ground and sea levels around the world, and is about 17c in 1997.
東京湾で貧酸素水塊拡大 1999.08.15
Monday, April 1, 2019
希少生物に限らず調査求める 1999.08.15
What is food traceability
Producer information is not provided to consumers in the normal major distribution.
In other words, I think that the safety and security of food are ensured in the relationship between the tall size that can be trusted by the person who makes me and eats me.
* Traceability [traceability] is to clarify the process of cultivation, breeding, processing, manufacturing, and distribution to ensure food safety.
In order to ensure their traceability, the relationship between producers and consumers in the field of food is being made visible.
Speaking about antibiotics disease prevention, for example fish, aquaculture such as pigs. Fish farming in like fish tank is an antibiotic pickle for disease prevention. Naturally, a deformity fish comes out. I hear that the deformity is turned to the revolving sushi cut chunks. In the case of pig farming, the administration of antibiotics is inevitable. The swine farming, which is shipped in March and May, is also used for antibiotics, and many are still in pneumonia.
Some mind feed makers do not use antibiotics to promote human health, and some are promoting lactic acid feed.
However, there is a fight of the production cost, and it seems to be difficult to spread. When we consider food problems, including foods loss, we cannot improve food producers-consumer (virtual water accompanying import and export).
In other words, I think that the safety and security of food are ensured in the relationship between the tall size that can be trusted by the person who makes me and eats me.
* Traceability [traceability] is to clarify the process of cultivation, breeding, processing, manufacturing, and distribution to ensure food safety.
In order to ensure their traceability, the relationship between producers and consumers in the field of food is being made visible.
Speaking about antibiotics disease prevention, for example fish, aquaculture such as pigs. Fish farming in like fish tank is an antibiotic pickle for disease prevention. Naturally, a deformity fish comes out. I hear that the deformity is turned to the revolving sushi cut chunks. In the case of pig farming, the administration of antibiotics is inevitable. The swine farming, which is shipped in March and May, is also used for antibiotics, and many are still in pneumonia.
Some mind feed makers do not use antibiotics to promote human health, and some are promoting lactic acid feed.
However, there is a fight of the production cost, and it seems to be difficult to spread. When we consider food problems, including foods loss, we cannot improve food producers-consumer (virtual water accompanying import and export).
環境基準達成率、河川で87% 1999.08.15
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