Thursday, March 13, 2025

### Yotsugi Saiban: A Tale of Blood and Smoke - Kunio Kumagawa's Last Sake

### Yotsugi Saiban: A Tale of Blood and Smoke - Kunio Kumagawa's Last Sake

--- "Yotsugi Saiban

** Fujii:** "Oyasama, I'm still concerned about you. The Hama (Inagawa-kai) guys are very quiet today. When they are strangely quiet, it makes me more cautious. ......

** Kumagawa:** "Nonsense! They have not fallen so far as to be so fussy about such a ceremonial matter (funeral). If you think about it, there is no chombo (breaking the law) here.

**Fujii:** "But there's no doubt that they are after our territory. Let's see what will happen to Mukogo Mutsumi after Oyasan's funeral. ......

**Kumagawa:** "You guys have to protect them. We have always been an organization that follows the rules. Don't forget that ......."

(Kumagawa stares off into the distance, incense flickering)

---(Kumagawa stares off into the distance while sniffing incense sticks.

(While mourners burn incense one after another, two men in suits quietly enter the funeral hall.)

**Fujii:** "Oyasan, those two guys ...... seem strangely familiar with the place. I don't know their faces, but the way they greeted each other was that of people who know the atmosphere of their territory. ......

**Kumagawa:** "I don't know ....... Where are these young guys from?

(At that moment, the men put their hands in their pockets.)

**Fujii:** "Oh no!

("Don! Don!" (gunshot echoes)


(Kumagawa, kneeling, clutching his chest.)

**Fujii:** "Oyasan! Damn, you did it!"

**Kumagawa:** "Damn ......, they've got no sense or ...... shit!"

(Fujii holds Kumagawa, who has collapsed.)

**Fujii:** "Pull yourself together, Oyasama! I'll call an ambulance!

**Kumagawa:** "Don't be silly ......, calling such a thing will only delay ...... the time it takes to take shape."

**Fujii:** "Don't say that! What are we going to do when Oyasan's gone ......!

**Kumagawa:** "Protect the ...... shinogi...... don't mess up our territory...... and leave the rest to ...... I leave ...... it to you ......."

(Kumagawa, with a wry smile at the end)

**Kumagawa:** "Even so,...... I didn't expect you to do it here,...... the Hama people have fallen,...... too."

(Kumagawa, out of breath.)

--- Kumagawa:** "But still, I didn't think they would do it here.

**Fujii:** "...... Damn it, ...... I'm going to make sure I get my revenge for this. ......!"

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