Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The Battle to Protect the Air: National Rollout of VOC Regulations - December 2003

The Battle to Protect the Air: National Rollout of VOC Regulations - December 2003

The Ministry of the Environment has decided to introduce nationwide emission controls for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) through a revision of the Air Pollution Control Law.
VOCs are organic compounds that cause photochemical smog and suspended particulate matter (SPM), and are mainly emitted from the use of solvents for painting, printing solvents, and cleaning.
Approximately 70% of the total VOC emissions in Japan are generated from these solvent-related industries and are expected to be subject to the regulation.

Under the new regulations, concentration limits at the outlet will be applied to facilities above a certain size that emit VOCs, and the establishment of emission concentration standards for toluene and formaldehyde is under consideration.
In addition, it is expected that emitters will be required to notify the establishment of their facilities, comply with the standards, and take measurements.
The setting of standards will be determined for each industry sector, taking into account the development status of emission control technologies.

While the nationwide introduction of VOC regulations is expected to improve air pollution, there are concerns that the target industries will be burdened with the introduction of technology and facility upgrades.
A concrete system proposal will be developed in the future, and a draft amendment to the Air Pollution Control Law is scheduled to be submitted to the next ordinary session of the Diet.

Related Information

- Background and International Trends of VOC Regulations: VOC regulations have been promoted in Europe and the United States since the 1990s, and in Japan, VOC emission control has been judged to be effective in achieving air quality standards, and the law is being revised.
- Revised Air Pollution Control Law: The revised law was promulgated in May 2004, and the related ministerial ordinances have been prepared and will take effect on April 1, 2006.
- Definition of VOCs and their regulation: VOCs are a generic term for organic compounds that have volatile properties and become gaseous in the atmosphere.
- Importance of Voluntary Efforts: In addition to legal regulations, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has established guidelines to promote voluntary efforts by business operators.
- Health effects: VOCs are known to cause health problems such as sick building syndrome, and are regulated under the Occupational Health and Safety Law.

Based on this information, the nationwide development of VOC regulations is an important step toward improving the air quality and protecting the public's health.

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