Monday, December 31, 2018

Organic tin-based bottom paint towards prohibition of use 1999.12.15

An agreement was made to formulate a treaty prohibiting the use of organic tin-based bottom paints at the General Assembly of the International Maritime Organization. The adopted resolutions include the establishment of a treaty that incorporates 1 Organotin-based bottom paint, a new coating ban since 2003, and the elimination of ships that have been applied since 2008, development of paints with less environmental impact, and recommendations for use. It was decided to hold an international conference in 2001 to adopt the Treaty.

灰尘抑制全球变暖 1999.12.15

在气象厅的预报实验中, 燃烧化石燃料等产生的大气气溶胶 (空气中的尘埃), 抑制全球变暖的冷却效果是70左右, 遮挡阳光。 3度, 大约0在100年。 原来是四度。 由于气溶胶通常分布在震源附近, 北纬度和中纬度的浓度较高, 在日本附近也观察到100年来的冷却效果超过1°c。








「新世代クルマ? EVよりも航続距離が長く、充填時間がガソリン車並みの水素燃料電池で動くクルマだと。私事だが、来る時代は水素文明時代だ」


The future of solar power 1

Solar power, which is said to be the ultimate clean energy, is from having an inexhaustible and fairly shining solar light. Domestically renewable energies, such as solar, wind, and biomass, are one of the key sources of energy security for Japan that rely on foreign countries for many of the energy resources (fossil fuels, etc.).
It will be attracting attention as the related power generation business which continues with unbroken in the future.
However, when I hear a lot of everyplace to say that the solar power business has recently begun to emerge among mere greed, is it really so? The total bankruptcy liabilities is 21.5 billion yen, but... The growth of solar PV related businesses was a breakthrough in the introduction of the re-energy fixed price purchase scheme (FIT), which began in 2012. The price of selling electric power supplied by solar power generation was 40 yen per 1kw for industrial use, and 48 yen in non-industry such as household. As a result, there were a succession of business offices entering the solar power generation business. By the way, the amount of solar power generated for industrial use was more than six times the comparison for home and housing as of February 2017. It was a bubble as it were. However, in April 2005, an amendment to the fixed-price purchase scheme reduced the price of industrial sales to 21 yen (40 yen for households). Moreover, maintenance and management are mandatory, and the bidding system is carried out in industrial large-scale power generation, and it is going to be considered as the object of the environmental assessment recently. Therefore, it can be said that the environment surrounding industrial solar power generation business is more severe than that of household use. The number of bankruptcies in the solar power business of a major research organization has recorded the highest in the past. The total liabilities in bankruptcy from January to September 2005 amounted to 21,563,000,000. The cause of bankruptcy is half the slump in sales of related equipment, the failure of the business, and the recovery of accounts receivable are raised. Research agencies have seen that this trend will continue for some time.

Dust suppresses global warming 1999.12.15

In the forecast experiment of the Meteorological Agency, atmospheric aerosol (airborne dust) generated by burning fossil fuels and the like, the cooling effect to suppress global warming block the sunlight is 70 about 0. 3 degrees C, about 0 in 100 years. It turns out to be four degrees C. Since the aerosol is often distributed near the source, the concentration in the northern and middle latitudes is higher, and the vicinity of the Japan was also observed cooling effect of more than 1 degree C in 100 years.

コージェネレーション98年度導入220件 1999.12.15


Sunday, December 30, 2018

HFC回収、消費者が一部負担を 1999.12.15


ISO14001登録件数2530件 1999.12.15







Lawsuit by the U.S. Department of Justice against Air purification law 1999.11.15

The U.S. Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against seven power companies operating a total of 17 coal-fired power plants in Ohio, Florida and other countries as a violation of the air purification law. Each power plant could be fined up to 27500 dollars per day. According to the ministry, these power plants were discharged in large quantities, such as NOx and SOx, as a result of unauthorized improvement of the Operation life extension, which is prohibited by the purification method.

The origin of eco tour in Japan 1998.07.15

Under the recession, the travel agency still seems to have fared still more. The total sales of 65 domestic companies were 6. 5 trillion yen and listen. However, "environmental preservation" is becoming a useful factor in the planning and management of attracting customers even in the travel agency.

Recently, the Eco-tour as a fashion style of a new travel which harmonizes tourism and the environment is established, and popularity is increasing. The Eco-tour began in the 1960s Nordic. At the end of the 1980s, the new coinage of "eco-tourism" is in vogue in the United States and Canada. Tourism has grown significantly as an industry that brings economic benefits, but the traditional ways of travel are not only for travelers, but also for the receiving side.

As a result, the natural environment as a tourist resource is protected. In recent years, various eco-tours have been planned in the Japan. In 1994, at the hands of the Japan Nature Conservation Association Japan Committee on Eco-Tour guidelines

①A small group of people visiting nature and culture.
②Nature conservation, respect for local culture.
③A guide with environmental ethics.
④A facility that avoids adverse effects on nature.
⑤Return profits to protected areas and residents.

One of the most popular styles of eco-Tours is working tours and steady tours. It is a tour incorporating nature conservation and volunteer activities into the schedule. There are more and more participants each year. The Eco tour is likely to break though it leaves the problem of the visitor, the experience of the profit side, and the staff training of the guide post.

2080年に日本の砂浜消失 1999.11.15


回収好調で再商品化追いつかず 1999.11.15


Saturday, December 29, 2018

2010年、家庭でのエネルギー消費35%増 1999.11.15


国有林を無料開放 1999.11.15


古紙の資源化率とExtended Producer Responsibility 環境ビジネスここがポイント 1999.11.15


資源循環を目的とした制度及びシステムが円滑に機能し始めたからだ。余剰古紙と同様に、事業として成立し得るだけの廃棄物が量として確保(回収)される一方、再生品化のアイテム数も増え、用途も多様化していることがその理由だ。年追うごとに拡大製造者責任(EPR=Extended Producer Responsibility)の考えが広がりつつある。これがさらに資源循環への追い風になる。拡大生産者責任とは①リサイクルを前提とした製品設計②製品に関する環境情報の公開③使用済の製品の回収責任④リサイクル及び処分コストの負担などによって構成される。上記の③と④の対応する制度として容易包装リサイクル法、家電リサイクル法がある。


米国で温暖化ガス排出量伸び鈍化 1999.11.15


CO2 absorption by coral reefs 1999.11.15

As a result of observations by professors from the University of Tokyo on Ishigaki Island, Okinawa Prefecture, we found that the CO2 absorption and release of coral reefs fluctuates during the season and day and night. On a daily basis, the photosynthesis of phytoplankton that coexist with corals absorbs CO2 by day, and the discharge by breathing is predominant at night. In the season, the release was noticeable in the summer, and the winter was absorbed more often. Over the years, coral reefs tend to absorb CO2.

“Recycling is manufacturing”

The recycling business is a manufacturing industry. The manufacturing industry is established by securing raw materials, manufacturing products on production lines, and selling products in the market. The recycling business will succeed only in light of the same process as the manufacturing industry. The raw material for recycling is waste. It is important to ensure a good amount of quality waste. For example, a pet bottle is removed and the label has been stripped. In other words, the state of resources that do not cost a separate process is important. Whether or not the recycling business succeeds in the first stage of this entrance is an important point. Next, the size of the production line is determined by the amount of waste. Many of the recycling businesses tend to be coaxed by equipment and plant manufacturers to create an exaggerated production line. It is important to recoup these costs. The manufacturing industry is required to produce a suitable scale and efficient product. The production line, which is the second stage, is highly efficient and will ask whether or not to produce recycled products that meet the needs of the market. And the third stage of the production of recycled products is introduced into the market and circulated as commodities, and the recycling business is complete. If the product does not become a commodity, it will return to the drawing board as a waste material. The process in the third stage is no different from the manufacturing industry. In any process, if there is any inconvenience, it is not easy to do the recycling business. Because it fails. It becomes business only if waste becomes a recycled commodity and the market is circulated. This is an iron rule. It is an autonomous manufacturing industry to the last. Subsidies and subsidies it is good to rely on, but the recycling industry that ends with the end of subsidy and subsidy is being mass-produced. It is important for the recycling business of public support to develop into the recycling industry.

Friday, December 28, 2018

産廃処分場、新設許可激減 1999.11.15


米軍厚木住宅でダイオキシン調査 1999.11.15


鋳物業界で初、環境賠償責任保険加入 1999.11.15









Increase in water demand by increasing temperature 1998.08.15

The National Land Agency announced a paper on water resources for the 98 fiscal year. This is the first analysis of the effects of global environmental changes on water resources. As the average temperature rises by 3 degrees C, water demand increases by 1.2-3.2%. If the increase is 2%, the new 340 million tons and 14 average dams will be required for daily water supply. In 1995, the amount of energy consumed in the development and use of water resources was 109 trillion kilocalories. It is said that it corresponds to the consumption fuel of 10 million vehicles of four wheels.

地域新エネ補助金の交付先決定 1999.12.15


Thursday, December 27, 2018

産業焼却施設を47%が更新・改造を予定 1999.12.15


茨自販リサイクルセンター、処理台数激増 1999.12.15


グリーン購入で初の県域組織発足 1999.12.15


環境装置受注、前年比3.6%増 1999.12.15


3 times PCB detection of dioxins in seafood 1999.11.15

In FY 1998, the Ministry of Health and Welfare investigated dioxins in 36 different types of seafood, meat, vegetables, etc. It was found that the average concentration of copplaner PCBs contained in seafood is about three times higher than dioxins. It is seen that the PCB used in the country in the 1960s was swept into the sea and had been accumulated. In Japanese pampas grass, dioxins were detected at a concentration of 20 to 85 times more than other fish, and 90% of them were copplaner PCBs.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

雑誌古紙の買い取り価格上昇 1999.11.15


米司法省 大気浄化法違反で訴訟 1999.11.15


Deforestation also contributes to global warming 1999.11.15

The Meteorological Institute of Japan Meteorological Agency has identified the possibility of large-scale forest fires in the tropics to contribute to global warming. From 93 to 6 years, the result of collecting and investigating the air on an airliner between Japan and Australia recorded a co concentration of 380PPB, which is nearly 10 times the most normal in the northern Australia between the fall of 1997 and the spring of 1998. The concentration pattern when the plant burns is detected, and it is found that the CO2 generated by the Indonesia forest fire at the same time.

産廃不法投棄が加速 1999.12.15


The actual situation and consulting- EMS and ISO14001 2001.04.20

Environmental Management System (EMS) standards, support to the site to obtain ISO14001 certification is a sign that business expands. Currently, the site that acquires ISO14001 certification in the Japan has surpassed 5500, and about 200 sites have obtained certification every month. On the other hand, many sites are getting more and more, and after that, they don't know what to do, or are still in trouble to find the benefits they've authenticated. Some say, "I want to chirahora the certification."

The number of consulting services that take care of such certification sites is increasing. It seems that the reason is that the mechanism for the purpose of obtaining ISO14001 certification and the examination registration is a lack of consideration of a concrete operation prior to acquiring EMS as a background. Among the asset consultants, if you go to "document Shop", "manual shop" Many of you, really only work in the mechanical and mechanically, without suggesting a method of improving the environmental impact after certification, Many cases have not escaped from the area of pollution control in the site as usual. Consultants are also focused on acquiring certification manuals. As a result, the PDCA does not move because there is no contents of the EMS constructed and introduced with great pains.

The environmental policy is also alike, and if the site name is put down, the site or made do not attach. Recently, the person in charge of the certification acquisition site received a consultation about the proper processing of the wood scrap which goes out in the site. It is necessary to improve it according to him in the future in accordance with the recycling rate which hangs to the target in the furnace in the past although the waste was burnt in the incinerator. However, it does not understand the method. There is a method of incineration and heat recovery, and it is considered to be MDF, and carbonization is possible. There are more options for recycling, and we don't know what to do if we consider environmental efficiency.

And, the delay of the employee education was pointed out in the continuing operation of EMS continuously in the future. A concrete problem is becoming evident in the site where ISO14001 certification is acquired. The care of such acquisition sites is established as a business.

自動車税のグリーン化見送り濃厚 1999.12.15


Dioxin blood concentration, no difference in distance 1999.12.15

The Ministry of Health and Welfare investigated the difference in dioxin concentrations in the blood of people living far away from the waste incineration facility. As a result of investigations in the four regions of Miyagi, Yokohama, Osaka, and Shimane, there are incineration facilities within 2 kilometers around the group average of 1 gram fat per 26. The B group, which has no facilities within 3 to 5 kilometers of the 1 Piccogram, is 24. There was no significant difference in the four piccograms.

What are the new technologies required for the smart grid market in Japan?

The "grid" of smart grid, called the next-generation power grid, refers to the power system in English. The electric power system is a network of electricity that electricity generated at a power station passes from a substation to a power distribution station and reaches to each business place, home, etc. and "smart" means wise. In other words, smart grit is the "smart power system", but the aim is to use information and communication technology that has developed rapidly over the past 20 years.

By efficiently and optimally operate the power system, such as transmission networks and distribution networks, by using the use of electricity smarter as it is said, economy such as energy saving, environmental aspects, the maintenance and improvement of the power quality, and the like.

Therefore, the related business of this smart grit has spread to a variety of businesses not only in the power system of the transmission and distribution network in the past. Related businesses in Japan include energy, IT, and telecommunications industries as a core, distributed power supply-related industries on the supply layer side, consumer electronics, housing, and a wide range of industries, such as automobiles, on the demand side. 

While it is not possible to calculate the market size of this smart grit-related domestic market in too many different industries and businesses, the Fuji-keizai is predicting the market by focusing on the market in Japan. According to it, 2011 is 1,122,100,000,000 yen, and has been reading for 20 years with 3,800,800,000,000. Smart grit related technology, as described above, the power transmission system, distribution system, the technology to be adapted by the demand side is different.

According to the "Current state of smart grit technology and roadmap" of "NEDO renewable energy White Paper", the technologies in each field are classified into four different functions. 

1) Monitoring and control technology for transmission and distribution systems 
2) energy management technology on the demand side 
3) advanced technologies that enable effective operation of the system 
4) development and expansion of technologies pertaining to advanced Internet technologies 

Naturally, it can also be a definite road map of post nuclear power era.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

廃自動車リサイクル率95%にメド 1999.12.15


森林破壊も温暖化の一因 1999.11.15








Import and sales of environmental equipment from overseas 1998.8.15

The environmental business market is steadily expanding. More than 40% of listed companies and about 20% of unlisted companies are already developing or planning environmental business. The overall sales trend is on the rise. Government policies, policies, laws and regulations, corporate-side environmental activities, and the improvement of civic consciousness to the environment are the winds of expansion. Because an environmental business item can counts 800, it is thought that there is always a business opportunity on the extension of the work of the production. If the interest and awareness of environmental issues are deepened and it becomes a radar, newcomers should not be so difficult. There are a number of new ways to enter the market even if there is no adequate environmental resources for the new entrants.

One of them is import and sale of environmental equipment from overseas. There are a lot of outstanding environmental equipment and goods of life-size not found in Japan country in the European and American countries called the Environment advanced country. The number is also rich, the quality is easy to operate high and the price is positively cheap. For example, there is no such thing as enumeration, such as Australia power saving device, Denmark wind power generator, United Kingdom water quality analysis equipment, and environmental goods of the United States made daily necessities. There is such a success example. The president of a small and medium-sized company who succeeded in the import and sale of a compressed reduction vessel convenient for the transportation and storage of Sweden-made garbage four years ago, "insight to choose a product, foresight to read the destination of the law, if there is a marketing power," he said. It was a success after thoroughly examining the European and American recycling-related laws and anticipating the establishment of a similar law in the Japan (container and packaging recycling law).

As a source of information on imports, there is an environmental equipment exhibition that will be held in Japan first. Search on the Internet is also valid. Information can be caught from overseas environmental magazines. The trend of environmental goods in each country is examined in the Japan Trade Promotion Association (JETRO). A new entry into the environment business by the import and sale from overseas in a small business is high probability of success. It is also possible to create a trading company specializing in environmental concerns.

Expansion of wind power generation facilities in Kawacho, Yamagata Prefecture 1999.12.15

The wind power generation facilities that are positioned at the core of the town revitalization will be expanded. The town has formulated a new energy introduction plan and plans to cover all electricity demand in the town by wind power by around 2005. There are already two 100 kilowatt-class, 400-kilowatt-class, two 600-kilowatt-class units, and the "Tachikawa Wind Power Research Institute", which also has a stake in the town, is working on the second wind turbine generator in Denmark, in spring 2000. It will sell to Tohoku Electric power.

Ozone hole moves to Hokkaido area 1999.11.15

A joint study between the National Institute of Environmental Studies and Nagoya University revealed that part of the ozone hole over the Arctic had been southward to the sky in the spring of 1996, in the Air balloon observation. The air flow around the Arctic is unstable, and it is often said that some of them may be torn apart and moved to the middle latitude area, but the ozone depletion has been numerically confirmed in the Japan sky. The possibility of such an ozone hole coming to the Japan is high in the future.

Monday, December 24, 2018

環境配慮型製品で大規模展示会 1999.11.15


京都府綾部市 计划建造固体燃料 (RDF) 发电设施 1999.12.15

由于垃圾焚烧设施老化, 我们计划建造一个固体燃料发电厂, 用于改造工作。 设计的基本设计和实施于1999年完成, 2000年开始施工, 并于2002年11月完成。 新设施将每天处理50吨可燃垃圾, 生产25吨 rdf, 并将其用作安装在同一地点的发电厂的燃料。 发电能力为 1010千瓦, 可覆盖设施的电力。 这可以节省每年2000万日元的电费。

サンゴ礁のCO2収支 1999.11.15


Biomas based energy co-generation in Denmark 1999.06

For heat and emission biomass, dissected in the global energy consumption accounted for 14%, but this is because the direct combustion use of firewood is still being conducted in the developing region. On the other hand, the EU-wide creation is still less than 2.5%, but since the 1970s, it has been positioned as an important issue in the EC research plan, with the provision of renewable energy that is less environmentally Development is being promoted for the purpose of development of technology. 

Among them, it is Denmark to be active in the introduction of the biomass based co-generation (CHP). As in the former Japan, the policy of energy self-sufficiency has been promoted since the oil shock of two degrees in the 1970s in the Demark which depended on the import of 90% of energy. In 1985, "The introduction of public Energy that does not use nuclear power generation" was passed by the diet, and it was raised as a national policy to use renewable energies centering on wind and biomass. The Denmark boasts an agricultural self-sufficiency rate of 300%.

1日4トンの堆肥を作るリサイクル工場を兼ねる牧場 環境ビジネスここがポイント 2002.10.20




Sunday, December 23, 2018






繊維再生の危機 1999.11.15


見本市経営で国内初のISO14001取得 1999.11.15


【要点在这里】 熊本県営荒瀬大坝 2003.01.20

该公司进入了从导致环境恶化的公共工程向自然重建型公共工程过渡的时期。 保护自然环境是建设循环型社会的重要平台。 下一代社会资本发展的基础是自然环境的保护。去年 12月, 熊本县知事瀬屋義子宣布 荒瀬大坝乡村水权 (50年) 将于2003年3月31日到期, 此前水权被延长至 10月31日, 宣布将立即进行拆除工作。 在全国首次大坝拆除政策的背景下, 库马河环境恶化、大坝路堤和发电机修复费用造成的财政压力, 以及县内总用电量不到1% 等原因。 在这座大坝中, "由于自然环境恶化对渔业养殖业造成的破坏性影响" 是一种敏锐的窥视。 目前, 该阿拉塞大坝的拆除是不可避免的, 对现有大坝运行的影响和全国 2 7 0 0 组规模的新大坝建设相结合。

美国的大坝王国被认为是进步和繁荣的象征, 自20世纪90年代以来, 7500多年过去了, 当时大坝已经从上世纪90年代被拆除, 500多座大坝被拆除。 大坝对水质、环境恶化、防洪和经济效益的质疑。 此外, 在美国的一些州, 如果大坝造成事故, 州法律颁布, 将责任强加给大坝所有者, 他们正在指示拆除大坝。

在美国拆除大坝后, 很多学校的鱼都被确认了一年后, 回归自然的速度也很推进。 然后, 一个新的产业诞生了。 除了在海外拆除大坝外, 填海、湿地等自然环境再生也是公共工程的主要项目。 再生性质有助于在该区域建立关键产业, 包括渔业和亲水旅游以及水净化。 事实证明, 重建环境不仅仅是 "自然再生", 而是对经济和区域活动有效。 更明智的做法是, 在新的公共工程流程中, 如大坝拆除、河流的多性质和复垦土地, 有可能出现大的商机。




Saturday, December 22, 2018

ベンゼン半数地点で基準超過 1999.11.15


都内企業が提案するゼロエミッション構想 1999.11.15



由于日本鸟取市大池塘富营养化和小山湖池塘的富营养化是先进的, 因此从一家私营公司招聘了净水技术。 专家考试委员会成立, 公开考试于2000年6月至11月举行, 选定约五家公司。 我们正在寻找一种通过防止奥科的发生、改善污泥积累的底层质量、净化流入的河流来净化水质的技术。 实际应用前景广阔, 环境负荷低, 对性价比高的技术提出了要求。

Green consumer 3%, 7%, 30%

The green market has begun. Consumers who always prioritize environmental considerations for the purchase, use and disposal of products have emerged in this country. This consumer, called Green Consumer, is only two to three percent, in proportion to all consumers. However, it is very important that such a new type of consumption appeared rather than the unity of this number. This is because they have a core that is essential when things start to move.

There is a figure of 3%, 7%, 30% as a guideline for each stage when things evolve in stages. For example, when the first pioneering 3% mania began to move, and the spread gradually reached 7%, it accelerated at a stretch to 30%. Develop into a trend that can affect the market. In the present stage, green consumers may be "environmental mania" if you look at. However, given the incentives such as the uplift of the consumer's environmental awareness, the dissemination of children's recycling learning, and the progress of disclosure of environmental information toward corporate consumers, this trend is unwavering. By the way, the green consumer per Germany exceeds 60%. There are ten principles of green consumer purchasing. In summary, it can be recycled, energy-saving, and resource-saving.

It has a low environmental impact, repairs and repairs, and lasts for a long, safe and is a purchase standard. The growth of these green consumers has made it inevitable for the corporate side to develop environmentally-friendly products and environmental labels. It is not far in the future that the product produced from the production line of the sink and pollution is not environmentally conscious products will be expelled. Nasty, a Chinese product named nasty to the environment would not last long and read. Yen shops get harder too. On the other hand, there is a full-fledged turn of products and services that care for quality and environment. By the way, it is green consumer to buy and to support the environment of 15 to 20% high of the conventional price.

【要点在这里】资源公司的业务不可避免地出现了 1999.05.15

在环境业务领域, 节能和资源相关业务可能会上升。 在节能业务中, 与节能、节能相关的各种技术、产品和服务诞生, 促进了能源的合理利用。 它被称为能源公司 (ESCO) 在欧洲和美国的业务, 并作为一个业务, 以提供全面的设施, 技术, 人力资源和资金, 为现有的建筑物和工厂节能和节能。 在日本, 它是为企业商业化的, 节能节能节能装置在一般过程中开始逐步普及。

如果这样的 ESCO 业务有导致节能的业务, 那么与资源节约有关的资源服务公司业务认真商业化并不有趣。 这是一个支持项目, 将重新考虑生产重点的社会结构, 改为 "节约资源" 类型。 各公司和地方政府等, 在材料、低批量生产的高附加值产品和回收资源、产品资源采购、生产、分销、消费和处置生命周期评估咨询方面, 可以说, 引进回收技术、废物集群等促进资源节约是一项综合性的业务。 这项业务的全面规模将促进资源节约和回收技术。

日本从海外进口大量自然资源, 并将其出口到海外作为加工产品。 因此, 它被排放到大量的废物和家庭。 1996年, 它流入了22亿吨资源。 在这12.9亿吨中, 有12.9亿吨是在成为土木工程建筑等新库存后排放的, 但只有2.3亿吨需要回收利用。 剩余的9亿吨是不必要的, 工业废物和 50, 400 吨是一般废物。 在资源问题的急剧改善中, 资源公司的业务不可避免地出现了。

Friday, December 21, 2018

鳥取県 湖山池の富栄養化 1999.11.15


森林が1990年の90年CO2排出量の約11%を吸収・蓄積 1999.12.15


Car sharing business in urban areas--more - from private ownership to sharing utility 2

The origin of the reduction of environmental impact, but now the convenience and match car sharing of the user, in addition to the advantage of saving such as parking lot for the user, car inspection, various insurance money and taxes, just hold the member card to the vehicle car can be borrowed. It is borrowed in 15 minutes shorter than the rental car, and it is a feature that can be returned without refueling. If you are an individual, it's easy to use a little shopping. Recently, the use of the legal entity used for sales of unexpected deliveries is increasing. "Times CarPlus" is a system that receives a basic fee of 1030 yen per month from members and 206 yen per 15 minutes use. The current number of members is more than 720,000 people, up 31% YoY. The social background of this car sharing was to reduce the number of car holdings, relieve congestion in urban areas, curb parking, and reduce the environmental impact of illegal scrapping. 

The Switzerland originated but is now showing a global spread. Not only the "share economy" business car sharing which expands to each field, but the company which is to commercialize the "share economy" which shares the function use from mono-owned by an individual and a member as a business is increasing in each field. In addition to electrical products and furniture, as well as environmental equipment and equipment, it has recently diversified with "Minpaku" for tourists who use vacant condominiums.

21世纪是氢文明的时代3 移动设备

增加了对移动设备的使用。 与手机、个人电脑和其他移动设备中使用的传统电池相比, 可使用更长时间的燃料电池已由电气产品和电信设备制造商开发。 我听说随着移动设备市场的不断扩大, 需求激增。 然而, 空气与甲醇反应的方法是常见的, 现在通过恐怖主义措施很难将收集氢的甲醇盒带到飞机等方面是一个瓶颈。 日本是一个资源小国, 从非化石燃料中依赖外国的大部分氢收集能源资源, 如果我们能够从 "水资源" 和 "生物量" 中收集氢, 可以在国内采购, 我们就能确保资源安全。 在日本, "氢社会" 的传播似乎首先符合国家利益。 该国的能源政策正处于转折点。

Car sharing business in urban areas in Japan - from private ownership to sharing utility 1

Sharing is coming out of the idea of servicing sizing. It is a business model that the product that was sold as a conventional product is obtained by providing the function that the products have. From the standpoint of the user, the purpose is not to own the personal property of the product itself, but to use the function of the product. For example, the function of an automobile is mobility. It takes the form to use only the function without buying and privately owning the car to obtain the function. 

The fastest growing car sharing business in the urban Center is the "Park 24" of the parking lot management company. The company mainly operates in Tokyo mainly in the car sharing business "times carp Russ" other than the main car parking lot, but operating revenues for the fiscal year ending October 2017 are around 2.5 billion yen. The growth rate is more than doubled in the previous fiscal year. It is said that it is "steady expansion" since the change in surplus in October, 2002. The number of bases is 8600 base as of October. It is more than ten thousand momentum in this term. Orix Share (car-sharing 2nd place) 1400, car rental is the largest of Toyota car rental in greater than 1200.

光触媒、2005年に1兆円市場へ 1999.12.15


Thursday, December 20, 2018

都内印刷業が新組織で産業廃棄物対策など検討 1999.12.15


エコタウン 秋田県・宮城県鷺沢町 1999.12.15


風力発電設備を拡充 山形県立川町 1999.12.15


Wednesday, December 19, 2018

取引業者7割がグリーン配送賛成 1999.12.15


固形燃料(RDF)発電施設を建設する計画 京都府綾部市 1999.12.15


新長期総合計画 「21世紀の生活優県」大分県 1999.12.15


【要点在这里】从 "摇篮期" 到 "成长期" 中小企业环保产品 1998.03.15

"抵制运动" 一直是消费群体运动的根源。 然而, 最近这一运动发生了很大变化。 通过撤回传统的抵制运动, 故意购买环保产品 (环保产品) 的方向反而出现了。 它是一个成熟的绿色消费者的诞生。 这个运动的转换的意思是大的, 虽然它是一个做同样潮流从 "指责类型" 在环境保护运动到 "提议类型"。

消费行为标准由当地消费者组织实施。 例如, 
(1) 回收的可能性。
(2) 环境影响的可能性。
(3) 安全。
(4) 使用它可以持续更长的时间。
如购买的基础。 这些运动反映在环境产品制造商的制造中, 是生产环境效率高的产品的导火索。

另一方面, 它是一家专门从事环境业务的中小型公司, 目前在市场上提供许多 "销售" 的环保产品。 大多数公司都有有改善环境的经理。 命中产品的交付只有在对环境有承诺的情况下才能诞生, 但这里有不少需要反思的地方。 管理层表示: "我们已经忘记了业务发展, 考虑到了市场的需求, 有这么多的事情, 只有一个痛苦的产品开发之前。 它开始能够做双方最终都能匹配的产品规划 "

这些产品的环保消费行为以及符合销售方面环境的制造和市场研究, 使环境商品市场发生了质的变化, 并扩大了市场。 环境商业市场摆脱了 "摇篮期", 进入了 "增长时期"。 前几天, 由 7 5家中小型企业在东京举办的环保商业博览会, 进一步增加了反映市场需求的环保产品项目。 因此, 源公司的良好业绩仍在继续。

リサイクルショップに持ち込む理由 1999.11.15


An energetic president of small and medium-sized enterprises 2000.12.20

It was in a severe, small and medium-sized construction industry that "the companion's how many firms was in the hardships of the bankruptcy", and it was in a very energetic president. Three years ago, the source of energy was the determination of "changing the idea and the change of business category." "To create a new business that takes advantage of the management resources including the network that took over from the father, and put the environment in one of the business philosophies." The environment as a philosophy is "landing on the Sosiovidines as a corporate ideal of the 21st century" and "consideration for the next generation not seen yet". The "ISO9001" and "ISO14001" certification were selected as a tool for the conversion of ideas. ISO9001 was acquired over the course of one year and two months. We are still working on acquiring iso140001. In the process of acquiring these certifications, the president says the workforce has changed rapidly.

"The social motivation of my work" or "The joy of concentrating on one thing together and studying and creating." The cost was more than I had expected, but it was more than I could get. Attitudes related to the high-ratio public works have also changed. At the site, employees voluntarily started to beautify the environment. For example, the extension of the sidewalk will be used for separating garbage and tobacco ashtrays for passers-by. You can arrange the flowers of the season, and guide the purpose of the construction into a big signboard with illustrations. "The consciousness of the people who work in the field has changed. The atmosphere of the site changed greatly, too.

Such a small change is now beginning to change the company vividly, "the president looks happy. On the other hand, a concrete mass recycling business was started to supply roadbed materials used for public works. It stopped digging from the mountain, and it switched to the concrete mass. "First, consider the environment. As a tail, the concrete masses are cheaper than 300 to 400 yen per tonne. Recycled materials have come to sell. " He is also energetic in the renovation business as a new business in the construction field. "The days of scrap and build are no longer the end. The idea from rebuilding. " All the employees are twisting their heads in business development for the environment. "I think I can definitely go," said the president. In some parts of society, the signs of such transformation are surely visible.

【要点在这里】从海外进口和销售环保设备 1998.8.15

环境商业市场正在稳步扩大。 超过 4 0% 的上市公司和约 2 0% 的非上市公司已经在发展或规划环保业务。 整体销售趋势呈上升趋势。 政府的政策、政策、法律和条例、公司方面的环境活动以及提高公民对环境的意识是扩张的风。 因为环保的业务项目可以计数 800, 所以人们认为在扩展生产工作方面总是有商机的。 如果加深对环境问题的兴趣和认识, 使其成为一种雷达, 新来者就不应该那么困难。 即使新进入者没有足够的环境资源, 也有许多新的进入方式进入市场。 其中之一是从海外进口和销售环保设备。 有很多优秀的环保设备和产品的真人大小在日本国家中找不到, 在欧美国家被称为环境先进国家。 数量也很丰富, 质量容易操作高, 价格也积极便宜。 例如, 没有列举这样的事情, 如澳大利亚省电装置、丹麦风力发电机、英国水质分析设备、美国环境商品等日用品。 有这样一个成功的例子。 他说, 四年前成功进口和销售一艘方便运输和储存瑞典制造的垃圾的压缩还原容器的中小型公司总裁 "洞察选择产品, 先见之明地解读法律的目的地, 如果有营销力量," 他说。 在彻底审查了欧洲和美国与回收有关的法律并预计在日本制定类似的法律 (集装箱和包装回收法) 之后, 这是一个成功的成功。 作为进口信息的来源, 将首先在日本举办环境设备展览。 在互联网上搜索也是有效的。 信息可以从海外环保杂志上捕捉到。 日本贸易促进协会 (jetro) 审查了每个国家的环境商品趋势。 通过从海外进口和销售在小企业中进入环境业务, 成功的概率很高。 还可以创建一个专门处理环境问题的贸易公司。

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

ダイオキシン血中濃度、距離で差なし 1999.12.15


京都議定書の「早期発効」を採択 1999.11.15


オゾンホールが北海道に移動 1999.11.15


魚介類でダイオキシンの3倍のPCB検出 1999.11.15


有機スズ系船底塗料、使用禁止へ 1999.12.15


Monday, December 17, 2018

粉じんが温暖化を抑制 1999.12.15





1970年代半ば、人工的に作り出された物質フロンガスがオゾン層を破壊していることが究明された。オゾン層は地上20~30㎞の成層圏に存在する。太陽の日光に含まれいる紫外線をカットするカーテンのような役割を果たしている。この紫外線は、至って有害で、直接あたってしまうと、皮膚ガンや白内障・失明、免疫低下によるエイズなどのウィルス性の病気にかかりやすくなることがわかっている。さらには、生物細胞の遺伝子(DNA)にも影響がある。現在、世界中で皮膚ガンや白内障にかかる人が増加し、日本でも7倍に増えている。20年後には、オゾン層は2/3が減少。最悪の事態になると言われている。一方、オゾン層破壊は、地球温暖化においても、大きな環境問題のひとつだと指摘されている。オゾン層破壊の元凶であるフロンガスについては、かつてはエアコン、冷蔵庫、スプレーなどに使われ、大気中に大量に放出されていた。 フロンガスは地上付近では分解しにくい性質をもっているため、大気の流れによって成層圏にまで運ばれると、フロンは強い太陽紫外線を受けて分解し、塩素を発生。この塩素が触媒として働きオゾンを次々に破壊する。ちなみにオゾン層を破壊する物質には、フロンのほかにもいくつか存在。消火剤に使われている ハロンなどの物質が放出する臭素によってもオゾン層が破壊されている。



自動車でGPNがガイドブック 1999.12.15


Eco-friendly hotels are on the increase 2

●A variety of environmentally friendly services.

It is said that the environmental and health efforts of the Japan service industry are far behind compared to the West. There are only seven hotels that have been certified as Eco Mark. However, unrelated accommodations that are not livery the official ECO Mark certification are rapidly attracting attention. The accommodation has been born in various places to take the eco-trend and to put the foot on a sustainable management. In the hotel opened in the center, you can set a lot of greening area on the site, the use of old wood beds, recycled bicycles, and food loss to reduce the amount of ingenuity (devised to put out without peeling the organic carrot) and various. At a hotel in Kawasaki City, a disposable toothbrush and other waste plastic is made into solid fuel, and the electricity is taken out from there, and the story served about 30% of the power consumption of the hotel. Among the guests, "I would like to support such management, whether it is an effort to devise environmentally friendly in the place where there are a lot of inn which tries to attract customers by price competition on TV. It is not to be overlooked that the voice of "green living person" who says "it wants to contribute to the society to the extent that I can do is increasing".

●Creation of a new business on the axis of the environment. 

The US-Trump Republican regime's decline in environmental policy has continued to recede. In a CBS News interview on December 14, Trump said, "I don't know if climate change is due to human activity. I don't want to rob millions of jobs, like the coal industry. The LDP Abe administration is also akin to keeping pace with playing cards. The main theme of environmental issues is to use the phrase "realizing a sustainable society" as a word that inflame the traditional GDP (gross national product). However, it is the beginning of the development of the eco current and the new work for smart people and the industry as the action of this eco-hotel no longer. Environmental business is nothing more than a new business development on the axis of the environment.

染料敏化太阳能电池 1998.12.15

染料敏化太阳能电池正在西方和澳大利亚积极研究, 作为下一代太阳能电池的最爱, 这些太阳能电池掩盖了目前主流硅基太阳能电池的弱点。 结构是听到两个导电玻璃电极, 一个是氧化物半导体的二氧化钛薄膜, 一种叫做锆配合物的染料, 布约依次将氧化还原电解质溶液主要由碘组成, 光通过光电化学反应转化为电能的三层问题。 使用敏化染料吸收可见光, 多孔二氧化钛捕获的电子, 光击中苍蝇。 瑞士设计了一个基本结构, 洛桑理工大学的格雷斯切尔教授1991年实现的转换效率约为 10%, 但瑞士联邦技术研究所, 研究与发展, 德国马克斯·普朗克研究所联合研究小组采用有机材料部门, 有效地将正电荷传递到电解质, 从而将转化效率提高到33%。 将电解质溶液的密封到实际使用, 虽然在功能维护措施等技术问题上留下了, 但在这两种主要原料都价格低廉之后, 由于没有必要也需要采取非价制造设备, 估计可以以每瓦70日元左右的价格生产, 已经材料部门, 它吸引了汽车等相关制造商的期望。

環境配慮型商品(環境商品)の始動 1999.12.15





Sunday, December 16, 2018

Six factors for successful eco business 1999.10.15

Among the major companies, the company has expanded its share of the environmental business market by shifting its accumulated technology to the environment business from early on. It can be said that the business change by the foresight of management top and the idea of the environment consideration enjoyed pioneer profit if it says. However, even in the late-class environment business, there are now business opportunities all over the industry, and the number of successes in the entry case is considerable. Some of the unchanged have succeeded in rebuilding the business of the environment by environmental businesses.

When we look at the success stories of the environmental business, there are some similarities can catch.

1) The motivation and purpose of entry into the environmental business are backed by strong environmental considerations such as improvement of environmental impact. 
2) The idea of environmental business on the extension of remedying. For example, when launching a recycling business, the idea is not to commercialize recycling but to commercialize a remedying business. The case of making use of smelting technology to advance to the consumer electronics recycling field.
3) Conduct marketing research to understand the needs of the market. 
4) Conduct business development at the same time as technical development. We need to make a system to take advantage of technology. The technology does not move if the recycling technology is not established even if the recovery route and the recycle system are made.
Comprehensive management capabilities including system construction are questioned.
5) Introduce appropriate technology and business to meet the local community. 
6) Ability to read policies and measures. Matching by collaborative research in the entry of public works. 

Other factors include: 1) companies and Corporations-Consortium, 2) companies and administrations-PFI (Private Finance Initiative), 3) companies and universities-technical grants or alliances with industry-academia collaboration, 4) companies and public research institutes, etc.



The future of solar power 2

● From the new photovoltaic power generation business to the maintenance and management business. 
Many business offices are trying to change the risks of these solar power generation businesses into opportunities. In the maintenance and management of the fixed-price purchase system, the company has established a new business center for the development of the existing photovoltaic power generation business, and has been able to convert to the support business of the operation, maintenance, and management To develop more efficient products and systems. The venture, which is a small drone business, intends to use drones to create new businesses for the maintenance and management of solar power plants. 

● Energy basic Plan will have a positive effect.
The energy Basic Plan is a new "energy basic Plan" that the government has put out that can become a further tailwind in the future solar power generation business. In this regard, we have decided to accelerate the spread of solar power generation in the medium and long term by positioning the re-energy as the "flagship power supply" for the first time. The goal is to increase the rate of 15% in fy2016 to around 22 to 24% in FY 2016 for renewable energy ratios (including hydroelectric power generation) in all power supply. I hear that it is a big reason why the re-operation of the nuclear power plant does not advance slow. Looking overseas, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said that two-thirds of the world's increased power generation in 2016 accounted for renewable energy such as solar power and wind power. China, the United States, and India are projected to increase to 43% over the next five years.

* According to a new report from the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), the ratio of solar accounts will be 55% of all US electricity so far in 2018.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

【要点在这里】回收矿园概念 - 秋田县的城市说 2001.02.20

回收矿利用世界各地矿山和冶炼厂的场地、设施和技术, 以新的商业和废弃电器作为 "现代矿石", 以环境为价值感, 并以稳定的资源供应来协调环境  回收矿园 - Recycle Mine Park(RMP) 的概念终于成为一个有经济激励的企业。

"灯光又照亮了山。 这种光不应该被抹去”, 秋田县的城市说, 那里的矿山小镇工作再生。 在该矿镇, 持续回收汽车废料电池、碎纸机灰尘和电线废料中的有色金属 (如铅、铜和锌), 该矿已开始刮起强风。 立法是对四种家电项目的回收方法, 或除汽车和消费电子产品四种产品外的四种电子设备的回收利用。 有各种各样的好处, 如废旧产品是否适合回收利用、资源回收、有效利用焚烧能源以及防止重金属污染。

这个问题的经济价值很大。 在回收厂的建设和运营中, 现有的设施和采矿技术可以原原厂利用, 成本低就可以了。 新工厂的八分之一价值50亿日元。 而且, 与动脉系统制造商的回收厂不同, 在熟悉静脉后能够发展业务也是一个优势。 今后, 它将被复制为静脉产业的核心, 创造就业将成为支持本区域潜力和以循环社会的产业结构的试点业务的关注。




The market size of the environmental industry 920,000 milion USD in the past maximum 2018.07.17

The market size of the environmental industry in 104,219,900,000,000 yen, the report released on June 19, 2018 reported that the domestic environmental industry in FY2016 was estimated to be 104,219,900,000,000 yen (920,000 milion USD, up 3, 6% YoY), and the size of employment Increased by 2 ・ 6% to about 2.6 million people and the largest in the past. Compared with 2000, the ratio of the environmental industry in all industries increased by approximately 1.4 times, from 6, 1% to 10, 4% in 2000.The impact of Japan on economic growth is growing. The definition of the environmental industry is divided into the following four fields, "supplying products and services, contributing directly or indirectly to environmental protection and resource management, and contributing to the realization of a sustainable society".

(1) Prevention of environmental pollution.
(2) Measures against global warming.
(3) "waste disposal and effective use of resources".
(4) "Conservation of the natural environment". 

The market size was increased by 8% to 49,623,400,000,000 yen compared with the previous year (1). On the other hand, 33,258,700,000,000 yen (2), which has been towing the expansion of the environmental industry in recent years, declined by 2%. (3) 12,746,400,000,000 yen, down 0 ・ 2%. But (4) increased by 4% to 0% to 8,592,200,000,000 yen. 

Exports amounted to 11,313,300,000,000 yen, down 7% to 1%, and imports were estimated at 3,892,400,000,000 yen, down 3 and 6%. This report is also the main public demand, private demand, and small and medium-sized companies are not able to be denied that the survey has not reached, but the environmental industry of this country is steadily growing steady first of all. The expansion is expected in the third industrial sector, mainly in the service industry, the field for the purpose of securing energy and resources, and consumer goods and living items. The golden rule of the success of the environmental industry and business is the foundation of entrepreneurship on the extension line of our core businesses.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Green comsumer in Japan - from accusation to proposal 1998.03.15

The "boycott movement" was always at the root of the movement of the consumer group. However, a big change has occurred to the movement recently. By withdrawing the conventional boycott movement, the direction of intentionally buying environmentally friendly products (environmental products) has come out instead. It is the birth of a full-fledged green consumer.

The meaning of the conversion of this movement is large though it is the one which does the same current from "accusation type" in the environmental preservation movement to "proposal type". The standards for consumption behavior are being carried out by local consumer organizations.

For example, 

(1) the possibility of recycling.
(2) Possibility of environmental impact.
(3) safety.
(4) Use it to last longer. such as is the basis of the purchase.

These movements are reflected in the manufacturing of environmental products manufacturers and are the trigger to produce products with high environmental efficiency. On the other hand, it is a small and medium-sized company specializing in the environment business which offers many of the "sell" environmental products in the market now. Most of the companies have managers who have the idea of improving the environment. The delivery of the hit product is born only if there is a commitment to the environment, but there are not a few points to reflect on here. The management said, "There were so many products that only one agony product development was forgotten, and the business development with the needs of the market was kept in mind.

It came to be able to do the product planning that both sides finally matched. " The environmentally conscious consumer behavior of these products and the manufacturing and market research that complies with the environment of the selling side make the market of the environmental commodity a qualitative change and expand it. The environmental business market escaped the "cradle period" and entered the "growth period". On the other day, the environmental business Fair, held by 75 small and medium-sized companies in Tokyo, has further increased the items of environmental products reflecting the needs of the market. As a result, the good performance of the source company continues.

【要点在这里】生态城(ecotown)业务 2002.06

"通过支持发展以私营企业为中心的领先回收设施, 生态泰的业务将继续积极发展, 作为一项国家政策, 以支持创建零废物城市, 并促进环境产业成为一个新的产业。 生态城镇业务将显示今年经济产业省环境预算分布的最大增长率。 今年, 去年增长了13亿日元。 以 "资源回收补贴" 为幌子, 今年的主要业务是 "对宠物瓶、塑料废塑料、废木等回收设施的补贴"。 过去, 生态城镇业务得到了全国 1 5个地点的认可。 我听说目前有50个地点, 该地区正准备申请生态城镇项目。 今年, 第一个 "富山生态城镇规划" 被经济产业省和环境部批准, 削减顶。 该业务的内容是用于包装塑料、塑料加工和农业中产生的废塑料的回收材料, 以及回收成胸罩材料的材料。 左边是转换为石油的过程。 促进 "混合废塑料回收利用", 该区域在没有废物的情况下使用。 此外, 我们还将建筑垃圾回收成高附加值的建筑材料, 以及当地房屋制造商使用的企业。 当我们看生态城镇业务的轮廓时, 我们将促进向铁路和航运的模式转变, 以建设静脉物流网络, 以及废物和服务回收、医疗废物和 pcb 解毒。 引入自然能源和更多。 未来, 生态城镇业务将加快发展, 实现区域循环型社会。 可以肯定的是, 它将在该地区创造第一个环保企业, 但这个问题能否作为盈利企业继续存在?



適地技術 - 地域・分散・等身大 環境ビジネスここがポイント 1999.09.15




Thursday, December 13, 2018

A city mine (urban mine) is a treasure trove of rare metals... 2

“The way of recycling rather than foreign resource acquisition”

Smart the road of recycling than the acquisition of resources overseas-the gold contained in the phone and game consoles, etc. is 0.3%. On the other hand, it is said that the amount of harvesting from the natural ore 1 ton is 3-5%. The ratio is about 0.0003%. Other metals with high depletion are also gradually decreasing. The reason is that the ore with a lot of content is decreasing because it takes too much. Based on the current situation, eyes are on the effective use of urban mines where the amount of sampling is reliable. Moreover, it leads to the prevention of the pollution and the health damage of a local resident by the harmful substance to the environment by a large-scale mining, and the hazardous material at the time of harvesting. 

But hear the voices of Shing from the industry and some of the scholars. "Natural ore cannot be won in terms of cost". As a matter of fact, technology to lower the recycling costs of gold and silver and other rare metal recoveries is advancing rapidly. In the environment business, "recycling is a manufacturing industry with waste materials" and from the point of view, there are few successful cases where metal recovery from urban mines is a business. As a guide of Yokohama Metal, Tanaka Precious metals has expanded its base in earnest.

Urban mining is reusing, recycling and rebuilding raw materials from (the electrical and electronic waste of) the city.

Regional, distributed and life-size - strategy for circular economy 1999.09.15

In the future, efforts in the local community will become more and more important to the resource cycle and the improvement of the natural environment. For example, waste. Waste discharged from the region is collected in the region, recycled, and the regional circulation that returns to the region is basic. It is the most efficient and can do the proper work.

In such a community, the important thing is the system and the technology which makes the best use of the characteristic of the region. Especially in the technology, suitable suitability technology of the region is necessary. If each effort is different depending on the region, the corresponding technology to be utilized there will differ. Such suitable suitability technology is developed in various places now, and it contributes to the region, and it is playing a part of the revitalization of the region as an environmental business in the region. Various types of waste disposal and recycling technologies, natural environment purification and restoration, natural energy utilization, environmental symbiosis facilities, energy-saving related technologies, etc. 

The characteristics of suitable technology are regional, distributed and life-size. It is a small low-tech that is easy to manage and maintain in regional correspondence. There are many business opportunities in this area. The each province and municipal environmental action plans and ordinances are the clues. There are a few cases where it becomes a hint of business development to read them. The trend in the future is to transfer technology from a local university to technology development linked to business development. Toward the creation of regional environmental industry by industry-academia-government collaboration. As a result, it helps to circulate resources in the region and improve the environment.

Dye-sensitized solar cells 1998.12.15

Dye-sensitized solar cells are actively being researched in Europe and the United States and Australia as a favorite of next-generation solar cells that cover the weaknesses of the current mainstream solar cell. The structure is to hear two conductive glass electrodes, a thin film of titanium dioxide is an oxide semiconductor, a dye that is referred to as ruthenium complexes, the oxidation-reduction electrolyte solution mainly composed of iodine buyeo in order, the light is converted into electricity by the photoelectrochemical reaction of the three-layer question. Using a sensitizing dye to absorb visible light as much as possible, a porous titanium dioxide captures the electrons that light hits the fly. The basic structure of the Switzerland MP was about 10% of the conversion efficiency achieved in 1991 by Prof. Greg of the University of Technology at Lausanne, Switzerland Federal Institute of Technology, Research and development, The Joint research group of the Max Planck Institute of Germany increased the conversion efficiency to 33% by adopting a positive charge to the electrolyte efficiently. Sealing of the electrolyte solution to practical use, although the technical issues such as functional maintenance measures are left, after both the main raw material is inexpensive, because it is not necessary also takusaivalent manufacturing equipment, it is estimated that it can be produced at about 70 yen per watt, already material department, It attracts expectations of related manufacturers such as automobiles.

【要点在这里】废物是 "第二资源" 或 "流通资源" - 资源服务公司业务 2000.07.15

在废物回收中, 作为废物协调 (中介和中介) 工作的新业务被认为是一个很有希望的业务。 它是一种将从每个营业场所排出的废物作为有价值的材料提供给每个必要的商业场所作为资源的服务。 此外, 还要求它确保必要的废物以及收集这些材料的情况。 当我们考虑到一个有限的资源问题时, 将这些废物作为资源联系起来的企业正在为每个行业建立。 海上的互联网网站可以看到以前的废物交易的例子。 认为废物是 "第二资源" 或 "流通资源" 是常识。

在以往的饮食中, 颁布了五场循环法, 从回收社会的基本立法入手。 预计它将成为有效利用废物的经济激励措施。

随着利用各种经营活动中排放的废料作为资源的理念的推进, 科学的回收利用方法, 以及供需的精确匹配, 作为一个新的业务的扩张, 并不是一个传统的废物处理行业。 这种商业模式的出现, 开始在发展区域循环社会和振兴各地地方工业方面发挥作用。

跨公司的废物回收集群可以降低个别公司的废物处置成本, 也可以通过利用废物降低生产成本或利润。 由于维珍资源未来的价格上涨是预测的, 废物回收不仅是资源和环境的考虑因素, 也是管理战略的一个重要问题。 因此, 废物协调员获得了一个重要的位置。 在能源领域有一个 ESCO 业务, 但最好有一个广义的Resource Service Company(资源服务公司)业务, 包括废物协调。

【要点在这里】弃轮胎的热回收利用 新日本製繊広畑製鉄所 -2001.06.20

不用说, 废物可以通过带来的地方来支付, 这些钱可以作为有价值的东西来支付。 最近, 它被当作一件有价值的东西进行了交易, 钱出来的案子出来是根据浪费的种类支付了这笔钱。 例如, 废轮胎就是这样。 至于热回收, 在引进水泥高中 (用于水泥燃烧) 时, 每瓶40至60日元的加工成本。 当它被带到钢厂时, 就会被当作有价值的东西买下来。

在此背景下, 1999年2月在新日本製繊広畑製鉄所的废旧轮胎投入炼钢燃料的新回收工艺示范运行, 随着操作的全面转变, 对废旧轮胎的需求增加。 顺便说一下, 钢厂安装了切割轮胎输入设备到铁水制造设备, 作为还原剂, 如废轮胎中含有炭黑, 铁漏斗用于熔融金属原料, 合成橡胶是气化炉和吹气。 这将同时加速废弃轮胎的热回收利用。

然而, 废物循环利用是回收利用的最终手段。 当我们考虑资源的有限特性时, 我们要强调材料的回收和再利用。 一般情况下, 废弃轮胎的回收利用率为 36%, 热利用率为51%。 除了再生橡胶和修复轮胎, 材料, 如路面材料和垫子。 剩下的则出口到东南亚作为使用的轮胎并且使用。 为了使材料回收传播, 假定在回收产品的市场方面, 价格、质量和外观与传统产品相同或优于传统产品。 另一方面, jis 的标准化也很重要。 否则, 废弃轮胎必然会被焚烧原理的浪潮吞没。

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Six laws concerning circular economy 2000.10.15

Since the establishment of the "Basic Environmental law," which is said to be the constitution of the Environment in 1993, the Law for environmental laws has been steadily underway, and the following six laws have been enacted in the normal diet.

①The Basic Act on promotion of recycling-oriented society (enforced in June 2006).
②The Amended Waste Treatment Act (Ministry of Health and Welfare in April 2001).
③Effective use of resources (environmental agency, Ministry and Ministry of Health and Welfare in January 2001).
④Building Materials Recycling Act (Ministry of Construction in November 2000).
⑤Act on the recycling and promotion of food resources (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in April 2001)
⑥Green Purchasing Act (Enforcement of the environmental Agency in April 2001). 

The ordinance of the municipality is newly institutionalized, and it is revised. Both trends are closely related to the business opportunity of the environmental business or the construction of an environmental management system, and the factors that make major changes.

Therefore, it is important for each business operator to understand the contents of the necessary laws and to constantly check their movements. Then, there is the use of the internet first of all how to obtain it. We examine public information such as the Council of Environment-related councils, examination sessions, and research meetings of ministries. Other information by newspapers and magazines, national and local libraries, etc. The Official Gazette, the guidance through economic organizations (industrial associations, the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce, etc.), and briefings by government agencies (prefectures and municipalities) are effective as sources of information. 

On the other hand, we want to use the latest version of laws and regulations related to environment. It is convenient because it is replaced when the statute collection of the addition type is revised. In addition to domestic regulations, we also want to watch the laws of developed countries. Since the legal system of this country is followed by a lot of developed countries, it is possible to advance ahead and advance the dominant approach by catching information from developed countries at an early stage.


回收业务是一个制造的视角..。 回收业务是制造业。 制造业储备原材料, 在生产线上制造产品, 产品投放市场, 作为商品销售, 并予以批准。 回收业务将在与这一制造业相同的工艺基础上取得成功。 回收利用是一种废料。 优质的废物 (例如, 从瓶盖上取下一个宠物瓶, 并将标签剥掉。 确保在此过程中不具有成本效益的资源量 这是一个重要的一点, 回收业务成功, 在第一阶段的这一入口几乎取决于。 接下来, 生产线的大小由废物量决定。 许多回收企业被设备和工厂制造商哄着, 创建了一条夸张的生产线。 收回这些费用是很重要的。 制造业需要生产出一个好的尺寸和效率的产品。 生产线的第二阶段是高效率, 是否制造符合市场需求的回收产品是个问题。 并将回收业务作为第三阶段的结论, 将制造的回收产品引入市场, 并作为商品进行流通。 如果产品不成为商品, 就会作为废物回到画板上。 第一和第三阶段的过程与制造业没有什么不同。 如果在任何过程中都有不便, 回收业务就不容易做到。 它将失败。 只有通过市场分布, 废物才会成为回收产品。 这是一个铁的规则。 它是一个自主的制造业到最后。 补贴和补贴也是好的, 但以补贴和补贴结束的回收行业是大规模生产失败的案例。 重要的是, 公众支持的回收业务要发展到回收行业。

【要点在这里】地方退出的环保业务 - 地方、分布、真人大小 1998.09.15

在环境企业的市场分布上, 是新进入的地方退出的中小企业。 经营者的数量大约超过3000家。 而成功的准确性也比过去高得多。 成功有几个可能的关键。

关键字是局部的、分布的和真人大小的。 对环境的努力将最终成为一个区域单位。 看来, 最好是维护和维护自然环境, 回收当地单位的资源。 在这种情况下, 中小型企业在地方部门的作用很大。 那里衍生出各种各样的企业。 例如, 以废塑料处理为例, 在回收技术领域回收材料 (回收成材料), 如减少石油和将 rdf (固体燃料) 作为热回收。 这个领域是一家大公司的领域, 关键词接近广域和高科技。 它是一个不进入中、小尺寸的字段。 然而, 在中小型的废塑料加工业务中, 有很多线索。 它是该地区的一家工厂, 也是废塑料排放的商业场所。 在前期的压榨面积和减少体积的情况下, 正是当地中小企业对废塑料的回收利用。 这样, 大中型企业的立场之一就不同了。

成功还有其他关键。 这一点是, 环保业务是在补救的延伸上构想的。 作为一个实际的例子, 我们从当地社区收集废物, 并将其作为砖块进行回收, 家具制造商开始制造回收家具, 作为从业务中产生的木屑和纸板箱的材料。 此外, 还有一个案例, 旅行袋制造商正在计划一个可回收的旅行袋, 并继续长期卖方。 这两个想法都是通过补救来实现的, 我们成功地回收了企业, 而不是回收了业务。
