全球环境业务 / 资源循环经济 / Eco Business / Circular Economy / 地球環境ビジネス / 循環経済
Thursday, February 28, 2019
関西初、環境定期券 1998.09.15
36万亿减少 kcal 1999.04.15
东京都编制了《东京能源愿景》。 其目的是通过在2010财政年度之前有效利用能源和提高能源效率, 采用33万亿千卡和新能源, 从而减少3万亿千万亿千瓦时的能源。 将引进的新能源是 5 0万千瓦的太阳能、3 1万千瓦的垃圾电力和 2 0万千瓦的清洁能源汽车。 基于这一愿景, 我们计划审查交通政策等政策, 并诱导节能。
审查基本环境计划 1999.04.15
环保机构强化了审查基本环境计划的政策。 由于本次基本计划已提出这个构思和原型, 但没有具体的指标或数值, 所以在五月向中央环境委员会提出了意见。 (1) 设定环境指标和数字目标, 分为长期、中期和短期目标。 (2) 该计划将侧重于澄清促进水循环和全球变暖的政策等。
What is environmental management
In my opinion, what is environmental management? Environmental management is supported by two pillars. One is the environmental improvement activity of the production business. Environmental improvement activities based on ISO14001 (environmental ISO) to improve the environment (daily activities are checked and practiced by PDCA). In addition to environmental ISO, there is an eco-action from the Ministry of the Environment, and these double standards are doing the environmental improvement of business activities. In compliance with either of these environmental management systems, the appropriate treatment of waste that is discharged by environmental law, system compliance and daily energy conservation and business activities... . Another pillar is the development of environmental business, which contributes to environmental improvement. It is a division to introduce environmental products, environmental equipment and equipment to market. This two-pillar is "voluntary corporate activity" to the last, and the enterprise activity which considers the environment is managed. By the way, the environmental ISO published in the World in 1996 is the world standard in management activities. So far, ISO was a product standard. Like JIS Mark....
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
CO2循環を地球規模で把握 1998.09.15
太陽光発電の産業利用実証へ着手 1998.09.15
Expanding renovation, repair and renovation markets ①
The Western construction market is said to be over 5 million buildings (more than 500 thousand buildings in general detached houses) that need renovation and renovation in Japan from new construction to renovation and repair and renovation market. Do you want to make a long life by adding a hand to these? As the national stadium and Tsukiji market (including soil contamination problems) are rebuilt, we have major environmental problems such as waste disposal and new resource introduction. Construction waste accounted for approximately 20% of all industrial waste emissions, and the landfill volume of the final disposal site was approximately 40%. Now, a serious discussion has begun to say what to do with this huge construction stock. At the same time, the renovation and renovation business has emerged as a "big business opportunity" in this field. Considering the environmental impact, such as the reduction and effective use of waste in new construction, and the introduction of fresh resources, it is said that the longevity of buildings such as collective housing (stock maintenance) is much smarter. In addition to renovation and renovation, including the seismic resistance of existing buildings, the business of conversion (use diversion) has been closed up. The renovation of each room accompanying this is also a surge in business opportunities.
Environmental Management System (EMS) standard, support business to obtain ISO14001 certification site 2001.04.20
Environmental Management System (EMS) standards, support to the site to obtain ISO14001 certification is a sign that business expands. Currently, the site that acquires ISO14001 certification in the Japan has surpassed 5500, and about 200 sites have obtained certification every month. On the other hand, many sites are getting more and more, and after that, they don't know what to do, or are still in trouble to find the benefits they've authenticated. Some say, "I want to chirahora the certification." The number of consulting services that take care of such certification sites is increasing. It seems that the reason is that the mechanism for the purpose of obtaining ISO14001 certification and the examination registration is a lack of consideration of a concrete operation prior to acquiring EMS as a background. Among the asset consultants, if you go to "document Shop", "manual shop" Many of you, really only work in the mechanical and mechanically, without suggesting a method of improving the environmental impact after certification, Many cases have not escaped from the area of pollution control in the site as usual. Consultants are also focused on acquiring certification manuals. As a result, the PDCA does not move because there is no contents of the EMS constructed and introduced with great pains. The environmental policy is also alike, and if the site name is put down, the site or made do not attach. Recently, the person in charge of the certification acquisition site received a consultation about the proper processing of the wood scrap which goes out in the site. It is necessary to improve it according to him in the future in accordance with the recycling rate which hangs to the target in the furnace in the past although the waste was burnt in the incinerator. However, it does not understand the method. There is a method of incineration and heat recovery, and it is considered to be MDF, and carbonization is possible. There are more options for recycling, and we don't know what to do if we consider environmental efficiency. And, the delay of the employee education was pointed out in the continuing operation of EMS continuously in the future.
Proposed recycling promotion law for construction waste 1999.04.15
The legislation-by-product control group, which consists of nine construction organizations, urges the Government to promote the "Recycling Promotion Act" (tentative name). According to a proposal compiled by the Council, the legislation is a waste of six items, such as sediment and concrete masses, generated by construction work. The construction outsourcer requires the submission of the "Renewable Resources promotion plan" for the six eligible items, and the contractor requests the waste to be transported to a recycling plant in the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Construction.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Toll road low pollution car discount 1999.04.15
The Ministry of Transportation approved the low-pollution car discount on toll roads in Shizuoka Prefecture, where Fujikyu was applying for the first time. The total length of the discount runs around Mt. Fuji. The toll road "Japan Land Road" is 5km away. Fujikyu will lower the passenger car fee from 500 yen to 300 yen, and a large freight vehicle fee of 2,000 yen to 1,200 JPY. Conducted from April 10. The Ministry of Transportation urged private companies to introduce such a discount system, and wanted to spread the low-emission vehicles.
6 premiums for illegal disposal of industrial waste in Saitama Prefecture 1999.04.15
According to Saitama Prefectural police, illegal disposal of industrial wastes has increased. In 1998, the total of 36 were found to be up to 11 by the end of March in 1999, a six-year increase. The breakdown consisted of 10 illegal dumping, 12 unauthorized processing, and 25 consignment to non-authorised contractors on the discharge side. In January 1998, a clean operation to prevent the firing of the area, which was started in the eastern part of the prefecture, was focused on. In May, the operation will be carried out in the northern part of the prefecture.
Re-commercialization rate is 50 to 60% 1999.04.15
The Committee of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, which is considering the standards of the consumer electronics recycling law, decided to set the re-commercialization rate to 50% to 60% in weight. Air conditioner 60%, brown tube TV 55%, refrigerator and washing machine 50%, the target substance for the time being, iron, aluminum, copper, four kinds of glass. As for plastics, it is judged that it is difficult to recycle at present. It is also prescribed by cabinet order in May after the Life Environment Council Committee on April 20.
37% of NOx emissions from ships 1999.04.15
According to a report compiled by the Ship and Ocean Foundation, NOx emitted from Japan domestic vessels, fishing boats and other ships within 200 Kairi is 945,000 tons per year, which is 37.5% of the total Japan including land. sox 238,000 tons in 23. 4 percent, CO2 at 34.2 million tonnes at 2. 7 percent. The reason is that the exhaust gas measures are delayed compared with land, and many of the fuel used in the ship are the bottom quality oil.
Monday, February 25, 2019
To Nature reproduction type Public Works 2003.03.20 (1)
The company entered a period of transition from public works that caused deterioration of the environment to natural rebuild-type public works. Last December, the governor of Kumamoto Prefecture, Yoshiko Seya, announced that it would immediately take the removal work after renewing water rights until March 31, 2003, when the water rights of the prefectural Arase Dam Country (50 years) expired on March 31, 2002. In the background of this nationwide first dam removal policy, there is a reason such as environmental deterioration of the Kuma River, fiscal pressure by the repair cost of dam embankment and the generator, and less than 1% of the demand amount of total electricity in the prefecture. In the midst of this dam, Yatsushiro-gun, the "devastating impact of the fishery aquaculture industry due to the deterioration of the natural environment" is a keen peep. The removal of this arase dam is inevitable now, the impact on the existing dam operation and new dam construction of 2700 group size combined nationwide. United States the dam kingdom, where the dam is believed to be a symbol of progress and prosperity, the 75000 more than 50 years have passed since the 1990s, when dams have been removed from the 90 's, and more than 500 dams have been removed. Doubts about water quality, environmental deterioration, flood control and economic effect by dam. Furthermore, in some states of United States, if an accident occurs due to dams, state laws are enacted to impose the responsibility on the dam owners, and they are directing the dam to be removed. After the dam removal in the United States, a lot of schools of fish are confirmed one year later, and the return to nature is advanced. Then, a new industry is born. In addition to the dam removal overseas, reclamation, wetland, and other natural environmental regeneration are the main projects for public works. The regenerated nature contributes to the creation of key industries in the region, including fisheries and hydrophilic tourism, as well as water purification. It has been proven that the rebuilding of the environment is not simply "natural regeneration", but it is effective for economic and regional activity. It is wiser to pursue the possibility of a big business opportunity in a fresh public works flow such as the dam removal, the multi-nature of the river and the reclaimed land.
有機スズでの免疫低下の疑い 1998.10.15
Sunday, February 24, 2019
【要点在这里】作为公共财产 (环境商品) 对环境的投资 2001.08.20
现有的旧价值观崩溃了, 它被称为本世纪创造新的价值观的世纪。 被引用为新值之一的是环境。 公司能够在新的环境价值的基础上重建公司管理, 创造新的产业。 可以观察到, 试图将对环境公共财产 (环境商品) 的投资定位为以土木工程建造业为中心的常规公共工程的公共服务。 传统公共工程可分为防灾基础设施设备, 如 (1) 道路、(2) 桥梁、(3) 海湾港口。 对传统公共工程的检讨, 即使从环境的快速考虑来看, 确保了下一代社会的安全, 以及各种环境法和循环权法的立法, 以建设循环型社会为导向, 也是不可避免的。 公共工程在下一代实现可持续社会的成本实际上应该增加。 现在是认真讨论公共工程内容的时候了, 在公共工程中, 投资量 (商业价值) 比传统的经济措施和效率更重要。 公共工程观念的转变, 将导致下一代可持续社会的发展, 创造高附加值的公共工程。 从这样的角度来看, 可以设想一种新的公共工程。 为保护自然环境, 有大量的工业基础设施发展、生态生活基础设施和恢复基础设施。 如果你坚持一个旧的想法或既得利益, 创建一个环保企业将是不可能的。
植林NGPへ助成 1998.10.15
A city mine is a treasure trove of rare metals 3
All medals are unsubstantial in the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games in April, the organization committee will make "the medal project for everyone from the city mines" to the Tokyo metropolitan Government, a smartphone, a gala, a game machine, Started collecting electronic small appliances such as personal computers. The goal is to make all 5,000 medals in recycled gold, silver and copper. There is a concern that it will end in the effort of the cheer only. 2001 Appliance Recycling Law enforcement, currently, home appliance recycling rate 52%. In 2013, the small Household appliance recycling law is enforced, and the current recycling rate is less than 10%. As a country, I would like to ride the big event of the Olympic Palin picks at once and raise the recycling rate which is not progressing at once, but I leave it to a "voluntary" recovery system of the others. As a result, the small household appliances of the city mine are thrown out to foreign countries as a resource, and the trader is swept away at a high price in the process of being handed over to the municipality, and it is dumped illegally because of the recycling cost (evasion).
In short, things are moving in the usual economic rules. What do you do with the issues of volume reduction and reduction? It is necessary to make the rule not to use the Virgin resource as much as possible from the beginning so that the city mine is not born not the coping therapy which says. A new product enliven the market, tickling the endless desires of the unchanging consumer. If we consider the realization of a sustainable society for future generations, is it a resource-small country, and is it necessary to anticipate the resources that future generations should enjoy, and the idea of avoidance of resource waste?
In short, things are moving in the usual economic rules. What do you do with the issues of volume reduction and reduction? It is necessary to make the rule not to use the Virgin resource as much as possible from the beginning so that the city mine is not born not the coping therapy which says. A new product enliven the market, tickling the endless desires of the unchanging consumer. If we consider the realization of a sustainable society for future generations, is it a resource-small country, and is it necessary to anticipate the resources that future generations should enjoy, and the idea of avoidance of resource waste?
Saturday, February 23, 2019
【要点在这里】绿色消费 2001.10.20
近年来, 具有环保消费行为标准的绿色消费者一直在日本, 并在对环境问题感兴趣的年轻一代的蔓延中扩散, 与消费者运动联系在一起。 特别是, 我们正在加快购买绿色产品的努力 (提供对环境影响尽可能小的产品和服务)。 与80% 的环境消费者相比, 像德国的环境发达经济体一样, 支持环保产品, 绿色消费者在日本只有几个百分点, 而符合环境的消费者教育却滞后。 在过去几年中, 环保产品的逐步形成将超过 1 0%。 据说, 绿色采购的标准大约有十项原则。
(1) 根据需要购买
(2) 选择一个你可以使用更长的, 而不是一次性产品
(3) 选择一个包装不是最高优先级的, 然后是最低, 要重复使用的容器
(4) 当你使用它, 当你扔掉它, 选择一个资源和能源消耗较少的东西
(5) 选择化学物质对环境污染和健康影响较小的产品
(6) 选择不损害自然和生物多样性的产品
(7) 选择在附近生产和制造的产品
(8) 选择有保证公平分配给制造人的产品
(9) 回收的产品, 选择一个与回收系统
(10) 我们热衷于环境问题, 并选择制造商和商店披露环境信息。
虽然目前满足这十项原则的消费行为可能是不可能的, 但这种环境考虑的积累改变了生活方式, 企业行为和整个社会都变得可持续。 换句话说, 符合环境消费者需求的产品变化无疑会形成市场。
(1) 根据需要购买
(2) 选择一个你可以使用更长的, 而不是一次性产品
(3) 选择一个包装不是最高优先级的, 然后是最低, 要重复使用的容器
(4) 当你使用它, 当你扔掉它, 选择一个资源和能源消耗较少的东西
(5) 选择化学物质对环境污染和健康影响较小的产品
(6) 选择不损害自然和生物多样性的产品
(7) 选择在附近生产和制造的产品
(8) 选择有保证公平分配给制造人的产品
(9) 回收的产品, 选择一个与回收系统
(10) 我们热衷于环境问题, 并选择制造商和商店披露环境信息。
虽然目前满足这十项原则的消费行为可能是不可能的, 但这种环境考虑的积累改变了生活方式, 企业行为和整个社会都变得可持续。 换句话说, 符合环境消费者需求的产品变化无疑会形成市场。
收费公路低污染汽车折扣 1999.04.15
交通运输部批准了富士急首次申请的静冈县收费公路上的低污染汽车折扣。 折扣的总长度围绕富士山运行。 收费公路 "日本陆路" 距离酒店有5公里。 富士 q 将乘用车费用从500日元下调至300日元, 大型货运车辆费 2, 000 日元下调至 1, 200 日元。 从4月10日开始。 交通运输部敦促民营企业引入这样的折扣制度, 并希望推广低排放车辆。
建议的建筑废物循环推广法 1999.04.15
由9个建筑组织组成的按产品分列的立法控制小组敦促政府促进《回收利用促进法》 (暂定名称)。 根据立法会的建议, 该法例是浪费建筑工程所产生的六个项目, 例如沉积物和混凝土团块。 建筑外包要求提交6个符合条件的项目的 "可再生资源推广计划", 承包商要求将废物运往建设部管辖范围内的回收厂。
空中恶魔 -「黑森林」的回归
严重的空气污染, 水污染对人们的健康造成损害, 世界上死亡人数迅速增加, 中国正在走过前所未有的污染电力之路。 目前, 北京的 pm2-5 浓度是日本国内监管价值的12倍多, 为400毫西弗特。 近年来, pm2-5 主要报道, 但众所周知, 我国的空气污染包括硫、氮氧化物、粉尘、卡尼姆、铅等。 它与空气中的水分结合在一起, 除了 "北京曾索克", 它成为 "酸雨", 如果它成为雨, 虽然它是一个使用的煤和石油等质量差。 在中国, 他们称它为空中恶魔。 如果这场酸雨是石里到日本, 森林威瑟斯, 湖酸化柠檬挤压, 建筑物的混凝土是酸性的, 恶化和破坏。 北京对 "空中恶魔" 表示担忧, 但没有任何手术就被忽视和忽视。 如果你继续离开这个国家, 日本肯定会遭受很大的打击。 它不可能用圆顶 (屋顶) 覆盖整个日本。 韩国、台湾等邻国将比日本造成更多的损失。
十九世纪初, 英国工业革命后, 酸雨摧毁了德国的 "黑森林", 整个北欧的生态系统变得酸化, 破坏了自然生态系统。 现在被要求的不是使用 "面具" 的应对疗法, 它可以防止被污染的空气进入人体。 有必要进行根系处理, 以防止空气污染物在各种污染物中的扩散。 《日中空气污染 (酸雨) 条约》的缔结被认为是一种手段。 这是以《公约》联合执行准则为基础的具体办法。 除了优良的脱硫和脱氮技术外, 日本还拥有防止汽车排放的措施等技术。 我们如何在两国之间分享技术和命运, 共同开发设备和设备? 它不是领土、领水或领空的绘制。 是外交部、环境部的演出。
十九世纪初, 英国工业革命后, 酸雨摧毁了德国的 "黑森林", 整个北欧的生态系统变得酸化, 破坏了自然生态系统。 现在被要求的不是使用 "面具" 的应对疗法, 它可以防止被污染的空气进入人体。 有必要进行根系处理, 以防止空气污染物在各种污染物中的扩散。 《日中空气污染 (酸雨) 条约》的缔结被认为是一种手段。 这是以《公约》联合执行准则为基础的具体办法。 除了优良的脱硫和脱氮技术外, 日本还拥有防止汽车排放的措施等技术。 我们如何在两国之间分享技术和命运, 共同开发设备和设备? 它不是领土、领水或领空的绘制。 是外交部、环境部的演出。
Friday, February 22, 2019
下水汚泥処理で赤字236億円 1998.10.15
自動車排出のCO2削減へ総合対策 1998.10.15
The key to success in environmental business 1998.11.15
The number of people who gather at the seminar of the environmental business is increasing to skyrocketing. It is not uncommon to have more than 200 people at times. I feel the heat like never before. From the people I met at the meeting, the question I often received was "what is the secret to the success of the environmental business?" I always answer this. Four points are necessary to cause the business rooted in the ① region, strong sticking to the environment of the ② business person, a soft idea not ③ hard, and the business of ④ proposal type. The reason for the ① is to be able to do the maintenance and the maintenance of the natural environment in the resource recycling society, and to do the appropriate approach by the regional unit. For example, if waste is recycled, waste from the region will be separated, collected, and utilized in the community. It is an ideal approach to such a community-type recycling-oriented society. In a word, it is an environmental problem solution type business from the region. ② has a high level of awareness and beliefs about the environment. This is because it serves as a clue to the business opportunities that will play the role of radar to catch the global flow of the environment, the movement of industry, and government policies and measures. ③ 's an environmental business item 800 too. The whole thing is not a hard field, and there are a lot of soft-related fields to count. With a little eye, you can make a chance by changing the idea. To put it further, the idea is to extend the work of the business. As for the ④, environmental business is part of the business to improve the environment in the region, and it arises from the active proposal activity to the prefecture and the municipality. While environmental measures in the region will be strengthened, each measure may be subject to environmental business. It is important to obtain a machine and make a business proposal. The environmental business is a sign of the takeoff for "high growth" in the next year as feeling.
No action without interest 1999.04.15
According to a questionnaire survey conducted by the Japan Cooperative Association of 2000 members, the interest in environmental issues is "very high" 39%, "there" is 50%, "somewhat" 10%, and almost 100% of interest. However, the execution situation is 55% that the pet bottle is put out to the recycling collection, 18% that the garbage is processed composting, and 49% which buys the refill product with the shampoo as usual.
Already enacted the Ordinance 1999.04.15
The environmental agency conducted a questionnaire survey of 740 municipalities in Japan, excluding municipalities, about the status of the idling stop movement. In regard to the Ordinance, the Prefectural government has already 10 prefectures of regulations that require voluntary implementation of the driver, and an ordinance that incorporates a well-known obligation to the parking manager who has more than a certain number of seats. The other 18 cities promulgated. The municipality under consideration also has risen to 37 municipalities such as 10 prefectures and 24 cities.
Re-commercialization rate is 50 to 60% 1999.04.15
The Committee of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, which is considering the standards of the consumer electronics recycling law, decided to set the re-commercialization rate to 50% to 60% in weight. Air conditioner 60%, brown tube TV 55%, refrigerator and washing machine 50%, the target substance for the time being, iron, aluminum, copper, four kinds of glass. As for plastics, it is judged that it is difficult to recycle at present. It is also prescribed by cabinet order in May after the Life Environment Council Committee on April 20.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
おがくず発電システム 1998.10.15
杉の産地である三重県美杉村の製材所、 信栄木材の一角で、おがくずを使ったバイオマス発電システムが稼働している。バイオマスとは生物由来の再利用可能な資源のこと。
米国やブラジルを中心にサトウキビやトウモロコシなどの糖質およびデンプン質から燃料用エタノールを生産することは古くから行なわれているが、日本ではあまり利用されてこなかった。開発したのは同製材所の経営者鈴木信男さん。 杉の製材で大量に発生するおがくずは製材業者にとって悩みの種。肥料として山などに撤くこともあったが運送費がかかるため、 燃やすか放置しているのが普通だ。そのおがくずの有効利用にと鈴木さんがおがくず発量システムの開発に取り組み姶めたのは10年ほど前。 戦後すぐの頃、処分に困っていたおがくずを木炭自動車の燃科に使う実験を行なったのを思い出したのがきっかけだった。 それを発電に応用し、ほとんど独学でシステムを完成させたのが5年ほど前のこと。
おがくずはべルトコンベアで発電施設に送られ、ミキサーで混ぜ合わせながら水分量を均一化し、 反応炉に供給する。反応炉では空気量を調節しながら最高1500度Cの高温でおがくずを蒸し焼きにする。 熱分解されたおがくずは水素、一酸化炭素、タール分の混ざったガス状態になり、 船舶用のを改良したディーゼルエンジンの燃料として使われる。 エンジンは発電モーターと直結しており、出力100キロワットの電気が生み出され、製材所や事務所で自家消費している。 エンジンからは燃科を燃焼した際に、 CO2と水蒸気の高温排ガス(約600度c) が発生するが、 これも温水を作るために利用。 貯水タンクに 細管を張り巡らせ、その中に髙温ガスを送り温水にするのである。
温水は木材の乾燥室の熱源として使っており、同社の運営に必要なエネルギーのほとんどがおがくずだけで賄われている計算だ。いまのところバッテリーがないので運転は昼間のみで夜間は炉の火を落としている。毎朝、 炉内温度が 1500度Cに上がるまでにはおがくずを余計に消費しなけれぱならず、それが問題だ。
おがくず発電システムの技術のうち5件が特許申請されているが、 重要な部分は特許出願していない。 技術が他に漏れるのをおそれてのことだ。設計図も一切なく、 肝心な技術はすベて鈴木さんの頭の中というわけだ。孤高の発明家の目下の夢は発電した電力を地域のー般家庭にも供給することだ。
米国やブラジルを中心にサトウキビやトウモロコシなどの糖質およびデンプン質から燃料用エタノールを生産することは古くから行なわれているが、日本ではあまり利用されてこなかった。開発したのは同製材所の経営者鈴木信男さん。 杉の製材で大量に発生するおがくずは製材業者にとって悩みの種。肥料として山などに撤くこともあったが運送費がかかるため、 燃やすか放置しているのが普通だ。そのおがくずの有効利用にと鈴木さんがおがくず発量システムの開発に取り組み姶めたのは10年ほど前。 戦後すぐの頃、処分に困っていたおがくずを木炭自動車の燃科に使う実験を行なったのを思い出したのがきっかけだった。 それを発電に応用し、ほとんど独学でシステムを完成させたのが5年ほど前のこと。
おがくずはべルトコンベアで発電施設に送られ、ミキサーで混ぜ合わせながら水分量を均一化し、 反応炉に供給する。反応炉では空気量を調節しながら最高1500度Cの高温でおがくずを蒸し焼きにする。 熱分解されたおがくずは水素、一酸化炭素、タール分の混ざったガス状態になり、 船舶用のを改良したディーゼルエンジンの燃料として使われる。 エンジンは発電モーターと直結しており、出力100キロワットの電気が生み出され、製材所や事務所で自家消費している。 エンジンからは燃科を燃焼した際に、 CO2と水蒸気の高温排ガス(約600度c) が発生するが、 これも温水を作るために利用。 貯水タンクに 細管を張り巡らせ、その中に髙温ガスを送り温水にするのである。
温水は木材の乾燥室の熱源として使っており、同社の運営に必要なエネルギーのほとんどがおがくずだけで賄われている計算だ。いまのところバッテリーがないので運転は昼間のみで夜間は炉の火を落としている。毎朝、 炉内温度が 1500度Cに上がるまでにはおがくずを余計に消費しなけれぱならず、それが問題だ。
おがくず発電システムの技術のうち5件が特許申請されているが、 重要な部分は特許出願していない。 技術が他に漏れるのをおそれてのことだ。設計図も一切なく、 肝心な技術はすベて鈴木さんの頭の中というわけだ。孤高の発明家の目下の夢は発電した電力を地域のー般家庭にも供給することだ。
【要点在这里】英国环境顾问 1999.06.15
三年前, 当日本企业对环境 ISO 的兴趣不断增长时, 我们的海外网络客户英国环境顾问就说了这种话。 "当我们想到工厂和办公室环境的改善时, 我们防止空气污染的努力是非常先进的日本, 没有我们出来的行为。 就日本而言, 在严格的污染控制措施中, 与其他国家相比, 获得了优越的预防技术力量。 他说: "亚洲的空气污染预防业务从一开始就不局限于日本。 总之, "空中优势" 从一开始就在日本占有一席之地。 可以说, 这很奇怪。
随后, 他将与水处理有关的咨询意见植入日本市政府和工厂。 然而, 日本的结果现在似乎是一个结果。 其原因是 , 非竞争易是有阻碍的。 另一方面, 我听说它在亚洲取得了相当大的成果。 有一天, 我了解到, 在经合组织 (经济发展合作署) 的研究材料中, 解决发展中国家污染和环境问题的机会将是该国国内生产总值的指导方针。 当 GDP2000 美元实现后, 就顶部、底部、排水和废物的顺序进行了努力, 供水、排水、污水处理、废物和大气的顺序将为15000美元。 明白了。
目前, 他一直在日本积极提出 "环境会计", 同时咨询工厂的土地评估。 通过对土壤污染程度的调查分析, 优化包括厂址在内的厂址土地属性评价中的环境标准。 这让人看到了该公司愿意成为一家与外国有关联的环保企业。
顺便说一句, 环境 ISO、ESCO 商业和生态酒店等环境咨询已经相继登陆日本。 这也是日本企业环境考虑中的一个弱点。 这种趋势今后将继续下去。 与日本环保商业领域的技术相比, 人文市场约为1.5万亿日元的16倍。 要想成为一个 "环境国家", 就必须有这样一个与外国有联系的想法。
随后, 他将与水处理有关的咨询意见植入日本市政府和工厂。 然而, 日本的结果现在似乎是一个结果。 其原因是 , 非竞争易是有阻碍的。 另一方面, 我听说它在亚洲取得了相当大的成果。 有一天, 我了解到, 在经合组织 (经济发展合作署) 的研究材料中, 解决发展中国家污染和环境问题的机会将是该国国内生产总值的指导方针。 当 GDP2000 美元实现后, 就顶部、底部、排水和废物的顺序进行了努力, 供水、排水、污水处理、废物和大气的顺序将为15000美元。 明白了。
目前, 他一直在日本积极提出 "环境会计", 同时咨询工厂的土地评估。 通过对土壤污染程度的调查分析, 优化包括厂址在内的厂址土地属性评价中的环境标准。 这让人看到了该公司愿意成为一家与外国有关联的环保企业。
顺便说一句, 环境 ISO、ESCO 商业和生态酒店等环境咨询已经相继登陆日本。 这也是日本企业环境考虑中的一个弱点。 这种趋势今后将继续下去。 与日本环保商业领域的技术相比, 人文市场约为1.5万亿日元的16倍。 要想成为一个 "环境国家", 就必须有这样一个与外国有联系的想法。
Antarctic giant ice shelves to collapse 1999.04.15
The giant shelf ice at both ends of the Antarctic Peninsula, from March 1998 to March 99 just about 2,800 square kilometers was newly collapsed, the sea flowed into the ocean and the Colorado Heavy Snow Ice Data center announced. In the last 50 years there has been a gradual collapse of about 7,000 square kilometers, but the collapse in the temperate climate has accelerated, and in the next few years the vast majority of the huge shelf ice could be gone. According to United Kingdom observations, the average annual temperature in the region has risen about 2.5 degrees compared to the 40 's.
Expanding into the city car sharing①
Car sharing business in urban areas -from private ownership to function use-
Sharing is coming out of the idea of servicing sizing. It is a business model that the product that was sold as a conventional product is obtained by providing the function that the products have. From the standpoint of the user, the purpose is not to own the personal property of the product itself, but to use the function of the product. For example, the function of an automobile is mobility. It takes the form to use only the function without buying and privately owning the car to obtain the function.
It is car sharing. The fastest growing car sharing business in the urban Center is the "Park 24" of the parking lot management company. The company mainly operates in Tokyo mainly in the car sharing business "times carp Russ" other than the main car parking lot, but operating revenues for the fiscal year ending October 2017 are around 2.5 billion yen. The growth rate is more than doubled in the previous fiscal year. It is said that it is "steady expansion" since the change in surplus in October, 2002. The number of bases is 8600 base as of October. It is more than ten thousand momentum in this term. Orix Share (car-sharing 2nd place) 1400, car rental is the largest of Toyota car rental in greater than 1200.
Sharing is coming out of the idea of servicing sizing. It is a business model that the product that was sold as a conventional product is obtained by providing the function that the products have. From the standpoint of the user, the purpose is not to own the personal property of the product itself, but to use the function of the product. For example, the function of an automobile is mobility. It takes the form to use only the function without buying and privately owning the car to obtain the function.
It is car sharing. The fastest growing car sharing business in the urban Center is the "Park 24" of the parking lot management company. The company mainly operates in Tokyo mainly in the car sharing business "times carp Russ" other than the main car parking lot, but operating revenues for the fiscal year ending October 2017 are around 2.5 billion yen. The growth rate is more than doubled in the previous fiscal year. It is said that it is "steady expansion" since the change in surplus in October, 2002. The number of bases is 8600 base as of October. It is more than ten thousand momentum in this term. Orix Share (car-sharing 2nd place) 1400, car rental is the largest of Toyota car rental in greater than 1200.
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
The old paper is in stock immaterial 1999.04.15
The stock at the end of January declined 44% from the previous month by about 8,000 tons, according to the Kanto Paper Wholesalers ' Association and Shoko Chukin Bank. About one-fifth of the peak compared to about 42000 tons in July 1997. In Kansai, inventories at the end of February declined to more than 20% in the same month. It is a factor that increased exports to Southeast Asia and that the profit-cracking recovery company has advanced. However, it is also expected that the amount of stock will increase again after April 2000 when the volume method is fully implemented.
在崎玉县非法处置工业废物的6个保费 1999.04.15
据崎玉县警方称, 非法处置工业废物的情况有所增加。 1998年, 截至 1999年3月底, 总共有36人达到11人, 增加了6年。 分项数字包括10宗非法倾倒、12宗未经批准的处理及25批运往排放方面未经授权的承建商。 1998年1月, 重点开展了防止该地区射击的清洁行动, 该行动是在该省东部开始的。 今年 5月, 行动将在该县北部进行。
Six laws concerning circular economy 2000.10.15
Since the establishment of the "Basic Environmental law," which is said to be the constitution of the Environment in 1993, the Law for environmental laws has been steadily underway, and the following six laws have been enacted in the normal diet.
①The Basic Act on promotion of recycling-oriented society (enforced in June 2006).
②The Amended Waste Treatment Act (Ministry of Health and Welfare in April 2001).
③Effective use of resources (environmental agency, Ministry and Ministry of Health and Welfare in January 2001).
④Building Materials Recycling Act (Ministry of Construction in November 2000).
⑤Act on the recycling and promotion of food resources (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in April 2001)
⑥Green Purchasing Act (Enforcement of the environmental Agency in April 2001).
The ordinance of the municipality is newly institutionalized, and it is revised. Both trends are closely related to the business opportunity of the environmental business or the construction of an environmental management system, and the factors that make major changes.
Therefore, it is important for each business operator to understand the contents of the necessary laws and to constantly check their movements. Then, there is the use of the internet first of all how to obtain it. We examine public information such as the Council of Environment-related councils, examination sessions, and research meetings of ministries. Other information by newspapers and magazines, national and local libraries, etc. The Official Gazette, the guidance through economic organizations (industrial associations, the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce, etc.), and briefings by government agencies (prefectures and municipalities) are effective as sources of information.
On the other hand, we want to use the latest version of laws and regulations related to environment. It is convenient because it is replaced when the statute collection of the addition type is revised. In addition to domestic regulations, we also want to watch the laws of developed countries. Since the legal system of this country is followed by a lot of developed countries, it is possible to advance ahead and advance the dominant approach by catching information from developed countries at an early stage.
①The Basic Act on promotion of recycling-oriented society (enforced in June 2006).
②The Amended Waste Treatment Act (Ministry of Health and Welfare in April 2001).
③Effective use of resources (environmental agency, Ministry and Ministry of Health and Welfare in January 2001).
④Building Materials Recycling Act (Ministry of Construction in November 2000).
⑤Act on the recycling and promotion of food resources (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in April 2001)
⑥Green Purchasing Act (Enforcement of the environmental Agency in April 2001).
The ordinance of the municipality is newly institutionalized, and it is revised. Both trends are closely related to the business opportunity of the environmental business or the construction of an environmental management system, and the factors that make major changes.
Therefore, it is important for each business operator to understand the contents of the necessary laws and to constantly check their movements. Then, there is the use of the internet first of all how to obtain it. We examine public information such as the Council of Environment-related councils, examination sessions, and research meetings of ministries. Other information by newspapers and magazines, national and local libraries, etc. The Official Gazette, the guidance through economic organizations (industrial associations, the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce, etc.), and briefings by government agencies (prefectures and municipalities) are effective as sources of information.
On the other hand, we want to use the latest version of laws and regulations related to environment. It is convenient because it is replaced when the statute collection of the addition type is revised. In addition to domestic regulations, we also want to watch the laws of developed countries. Since the legal system of this country is followed by a lot of developed countries, it is possible to advance ahead and advance the dominant approach by catching information from developed countries at an early stage.
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
船舶氮氧化物排放量的37% 1999.04.15
根据船舶和海洋基金会汇编的一份报告, 日本国内船只、渔船和其他船只在200凯里境内排放的氮氧化物每年为945,000 吨, 占日本包括陆地总量的37.5%。 SOx为238,000 吨, 2.7% 的 CO2 为 3 420万吨。 原因是与陆地相比, 废气措施被延迟, 船舶使用的许多燃料都是底油。
環境保全技術者を養成 1998.10.15
A new paradigm of public works in 21st century- Tokushima-Yoshino and Shimane-Nakaumi 2000.9.20
The idea of public works are facing a paradigm shift. In order to revive the scorched earth Japan after the war, and to put it to high economic growth, public works of various infrastructure maintenance were indispensable. In the future, public works will be achieved as a business to boost the economy or to develop various infrastructures. However, from now on, it is time to re-question the public works or the targeted business. Conventional public works are afforestation and flood control, it has been distributed to infrastructure development in the country, such as road maintenance, Gulf fishing port, airport maintenance, housing countermeasures, sewage and environment maintenance, and agricultural infrastructure development, but these public works have also played a role in the forefront that generally destroys the natural environment.
In the 21st century, the proportion of public works with conventional ideas that lead to the deterioration of the natural environment in the recycling society is decreasing. The dole of the Tokushima-Yoshino River and the Shimane-Nakaumi reclamation business were the targets of public works. The re-evaluation system, which will re-evaluate such long-term businesses in the future, and review operations, including the discontinuation of business, would be introduced to other public works projects. Therefore, environmental consideration is being added as one of the evaluation criteria of the evaluation system that should be regarded. Even without seeking an example overseas, Aichi has been repeatedly examined from various perspectives over environmental conservation at the Expo venue.
It is a business content according to the idea of a new conception of public goods (environmental goods) to be asked in the future though it is a business to do the maintenance of the public goods that the public service is literally in the past. Conservation of the natural environment is an important platform for the construction of a recycling-oriented society. When we look at the change of the idea from scrap & build to rebuild, partial revision of the River law, enforcement of the environmental assessment Law, and some amendments of the Ordinance concerning the Conservation of the natural environment of each municipality, conventional public works are no longer accepted. The foundation of Social capital development for the next generation is conservation of the natural environment.
Speaking of traditional public works, such as the development of infrastructure such as road, Bridge, Bay Harbor, fishing port, airport, sewage, housing, park, waste disposal facilities, afforestation, flood control, etc., but the change of the Times In recent years, priority shifts have been given to those contributing to the efficiency of logistics and the development of urban development, community development, and the infrastructure of advanced information and telecommunication societies in response to declining and aging societies.
In 2003, so far, Japan spent $208 billion a year on public works projects such as highways, tunnels, dams and bridges. Construction consumes 40 percent of the government budget.
In the 21st century, the proportion of public works with conventional ideas that lead to the deterioration of the natural environment in the recycling society is decreasing. The dole of the Tokushima-Yoshino River and the Shimane-Nakaumi reclamation business were the targets of public works. The re-evaluation system, which will re-evaluate such long-term businesses in the future, and review operations, including the discontinuation of business, would be introduced to other public works projects. Therefore, environmental consideration is being added as one of the evaluation criteria of the evaluation system that should be regarded. Even without seeking an example overseas, Aichi has been repeatedly examined from various perspectives over environmental conservation at the Expo venue.
It is a business content according to the idea of a new conception of public goods (environmental goods) to be asked in the future though it is a business to do the maintenance of the public goods that the public service is literally in the past. Conservation of the natural environment is an important platform for the construction of a recycling-oriented society. When we look at the change of the idea from scrap & build to rebuild, partial revision of the River law, enforcement of the environmental assessment Law, and some amendments of the Ordinance concerning the Conservation of the natural environment of each municipality, conventional public works are no longer accepted. The foundation of Social capital development for the next generation is conservation of the natural environment.
Speaking of traditional public works, such as the development of infrastructure such as road, Bridge, Bay Harbor, fishing port, airport, sewage, housing, park, waste disposal facilities, afforestation, flood control, etc., but the change of the Times In recent years, priority shifts have been given to those contributing to the efficiency of logistics and the development of urban development, community development, and the infrastructure of advanced information and telecommunication societies in response to declining and aging societies.
In 2003, so far, Japan spent $208 billion a year on public works projects such as highways, tunnels, dams and bridges. Construction consumes 40 percent of the government budget.
研究者1000人の新機関必要 1998.10.15
Monday, February 18, 2019
没有兴趣的任何行动 1999.04.15
根据日本合作协会2000年成员进行的问卷调查, 对环境问题的兴趣 "非常高" 39%, "有" 50%, "有点" 10%, 几乎100% 的兴趣。 然而, 执行情况是55% 的宠物瓶被拿出到回收收集, 18% 垃圾被处理堆肥, 和49% 购买与洗发水的填充产品。
もう一つ需要拡大が見込める分野が船舶の船外機に使われるエンジンオイルだ。 現在船外機は世界的にも2サイクルエンジンが主流となっているが、2サイクルでは未燃焼のエンジンオイルが燃焼ガスとともに排出され、これが水質汚濁の原因となっている。油の投棄については海洋汚染防止法や水質汚濁防止法により厳しく規制されているものの、エンジンから漏れ出した油については、すべてを取り締まることは難しく、97年度に海上保安庁が確認した日本周辺の海洋汚染発生件数713件のうち、 油によるものは403件と全体の5割以上をしめている。
エンジンオイルを生分解性のものに転換する動きは世界的にも活発化しており、 国際海洋産業協議会(ICOMIA) では、2サイクルエンジンオイルの水中における生分解性の評価手法であるCEC (陽イオン交換能) 試験法により、分解率67%以上のものを生分解性エンジンオイルとして認定し普及を後押ししている。 和光ケミカル (神奈川県小田原市)のマリン用2サイクルエンジンオイル(MRB) は、 90%以上の優れた生分解率を示しているうえ、国際舟艇製造者協会 (NMMA)の船外機エンジンオイルの性能規格TC-W2TMにも合格するなど、 国際的にも高い評価を受けている。
エンジンオイルを生分解性のものに転換する動きは世界的にも活発化しており、 国際海洋産業協議会(ICOMIA) では、2サイクルエンジンオイルの水中における生分解性の評価手法であるCEC (陽イオン交換能) 試験法により、分解率67%以上のものを生分解性エンジンオイルとして認定し普及を後押ししている。 和光ケミカル (神奈川県小田原市)のマリン用2サイクルエンジンオイル(MRB) は、 90%以上の優れた生分解率を示しているうえ、国際舟艇製造者協会 (NMMA)の船外機エンジンオイルの性能規格TC-W2TMにも合格するなど、 国際的にも高い評価を受けている。
【要点在这里】环保标签 2001.12.20
随着有关产品环境性能的环境信息不断增加, 用于产品营销和广告的环境标签数量正在增加。 这背后有两个原因。 一是披露信息, 例如为购买者的企业主和消费者使用环境标签, 他们拥有什么样的环保产品, 对环境有什么影响, 以及他们如何为环境保护做出贡献。 为了促进产品的使用。 另一个原因是, 它可以促进绿色消费者的发展, 绿色消费者能够从环境中了解消费者的需求, 能够通过环境标签举措维护生产者的环境, 准确捕捉产品的环境性能。 那么, 有什么类型的环境标签呢? 根据 ISO环境标签的分类, 有三种类型。 类型1是一个独立的第三方, 根据运营商和消费者的应用, 特别是生态标记, 对每个产品领域的标准进行认证和标记。 第2类用于广告, 此外还根据营业场所的标准标记产品的环境考虑。 第3类是利用生命周期评估 (生命周期评估) 方法定量显示环境负荷数据的方法。 类型1生态标志认证是目前464件项目。 1989年, 人民开始时只有9个项目。 绿色采购法、绿色采购网络 (2601 集团成员) 和绿色消费者的崛起正在引发环保产品市场的逐步扩大, 但现在 据说, 总共有 3% 的消费者和消费者出于环境考虑采取行动。 但如果这超过 7%, 市场将立即崩溃。 虽然在提供可靠性、透明度和更广泛的环境信息方面存在挑战, 但作为环保标签产品买家的界面, 这一作用将变得越来越重要。
Environmental Management System (EMS) standard, support business to obtain ISO14001 certification site 2001.04.20
Environmental Management System (EMS) standards, support to the site to obtain ISO14001 certification is a sign that business expands. Currently, the site that acquires ISO14001 certification in the Japan has surpassed 5500, and about 200 sites have obtained certification every month. On the other hand, many sites are getting more and more, and after that, they don't know what to do, or are still in trouble to find the benefits they've authenticated. Some say, "I want to chirahora the certification." The number of consulting services that take care of such certification sites is increasing. It seems that the reason is that the mechanism for the purpose of obtaining ISO14001 certification and the examination registration is a lack of consideration of a concrete operation prior to acquiring EMS as a background. Among the asset consultants, if you go to "document Shop", "manual shop" Many of you, really only work in the mechanical and mechanically, without suggesting a method of improving the environmental impact after certification, Many cases have not escaped from the area of pollution control in the site as usual. Consultants are also focused on acquiring certification manuals. As a result, the PDCA does not move because there is no contents of the EMS constructed and introduced with great pains. The environmental policy is also alike, and if the site name is put down, the site or made do not attach. Recently, the person in charge of the certification acquisition site received a consultation about the proper processing of the wood scrap which goes out in the site. It is necessary to improve it according to him in the future in accordance with the recycling rate which hangs to the target in the furnace in the past although the waste was burnt in the incinerator. However, it does not understand the method. There is a method of incineration and heat recovery, and it is considered to be MDF, and carbonization is possible. There are more options for recycling, and we don't know what to do if we consider environmental efficiency. And, the delay of the employee education was pointed out in the continuing operation of EMS continuously in the future.
已制定条例 1999.04.15
该环境机构对日本740城市 (不包括城市) 进行了调查问卷调查, 调查空转停止运动的情况。 关于该法令, 都道府县政府已经有10个都道府县的条例要求司机自愿执行, 还有一项法令, 其中纳入了对拥有一定数量以上座位的停车经理的众所周知的义务。 其他18个城市颁布。 审议中的市镇也上升到37个市镇, 如10个都道府县和24个城市。
Sunday, February 17, 2019
建設省がビルを省エネ改修 1998.10.15
RDF発電は意外と割高 1998.10.15
Car sharing business in urban areas in Japan - from private ownership to sharing utility 1
Sharing is coming out of the idea of servicing sizing. It is a business model that the product that was sold as a conventional product is obtained by providing the function that the products have. From the standpoint of the user, the purpose is not to own the personal property of the product itself, but to use the function of the product. For example, the function of an automobile is mobility. It takes the form to use only the function without buying and privately owning the car to obtain the function.
The fastest growing car sharing business in the urban Center is the "Park 24" of the parking lot management company. The company mainly operates in Tokyo mainly in the car sharing business "times carp Russ" other than the main car parking lot, but operating revenues for the fiscal year ending October 2017 are around 2.5 billion yen. The growth rate is more than doubled in the previous fiscal year. It is said that it is "steady expansion" since the change in surplus in October, 2002. The number of bases is 8600 base as of October. It is more than ten thousand momentum in this term. Orix Share (car-sharing 2nd place) 1400, car rental is the largest of Toyota car rental in greater than 1200.
The fastest growing car sharing business in the urban Center is the "Park 24" of the parking lot management company. The company mainly operates in Tokyo mainly in the car sharing business "times carp Russ" other than the main car parking lot, but operating revenues for the fiscal year ending October 2017 are around 2.5 billion yen. The growth rate is more than doubled in the previous fiscal year. It is said that it is "steady expansion" since the change in surplus in October, 2002. The number of bases is 8600 base as of October. It is more than ten thousand momentum in this term. Orix Share (car-sharing 2nd place) 1400, car rental is the largest of Toyota car rental in greater than 1200.
Saturday, February 16, 2019
Composting of vegetable waste, relying on administration 1999.04.15
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government conducted a hearing survey on composting equipment manufacturers and producers ' organizations of organic agricultural products for the use of organic produce for composting of vegetable waste. It said that the composting equipment manufacturer as a condition of dissemination of 71. 2 percent said, "local residents ' guidance and response to municipal garbage disposal". The key to business success is the "consumer awareness of the City" (50. 3%), and the government's strong side of the request.
かつての四日市以上のぜんそく発症率 1998.10.15
南极巨大的冰架倒塌 1999.04.15
巨大的陆架冰在南极半岛的两端, 从1998年3月到 1999年3月和1999年3月, 仅大约 2, 800 平方公里是新塌陷的, 海流入海洋, 科罗拉多大雪数据中心宣布。 在过去的50年里, 大约有 7, 000 平方公里的冰层逐渐崩溃, 但温带气候的崩溃速度加快了, 在未来几年里, 绝大多数巨大的陆架冰可能会消失。 根据英国的观察, 与40年代相比, 该地区的年平均气温上升了约2.5 度。
Vein industry 1998.10
Two flows are formed in the logistics in a recycling-oriented society. One is the arterial logistics which connects the consumer with the consumers, and the other one is the vein logistics which flows backward the road which came in for the recycling and the reuse of the waste which comes out from the consumer. These two distributions are formed to enable the circle of circulation. Toward a recycling-oriented society, the voice that worries about the collection and the logistics side is large than the recycle technology itself. The formation of venous logistics is urgent. By the way, this vein logistics is expected to become a huge market. The environmental agency predicts that Japan domestic waste management business will be the market for 12.82 trillion yen in 2010. In addition, according to the industrial environmental vision that the Ministry of Trade and Industry has compiled in 1994, 15 trillion yen in 2010, the environmental business market is going to be an ultra-35 trillion yen, among them Resicle business, the waste treatment business and venous industry is about 24 trillion yen. It is possible to calculate that the venous distribution market is close to approximately 8 trillion yen because the cost of collection and handling of the cycle costs is about 30% now. The Japan trucking business is currently 12 to 13 trillion yen, most of which is arterial distribution for product supply. If venous logistics is required in various fields for a recycling-oriented society, it is certain that the vein industry market equivalent to arterial distribution will occur.
纸很薄 1999.04.15
据关东纸批发商协会和舒科·丘金银行的数据, 1月底的股票较上月下跌了 4 4%, 下降了约 8 0 0 0 吨。 与1997年7月的约42000吨相比, 高峰的五分之一左右。 在关西, 2月底的库存下降到同月的 2 0% 以上。 这是一个增加对东南亚出口的因素, 也是利润破解公司取得进展的一个因素。 不过, 预计在2000年4月卷方法全面实施后, 库存数量将再次增加。
【要点在这里】绿色市场3%、7%、30% 2002.02.20
市场的绿化已经开始。 在购买、使用和处置产品时, 总是优先考虑环境因素的消费者出现在这个国家。 这个被称为绿色消费者的消费者, 仅占总消费者比率的2-3%。 然而, 非常重要的是, 出现了这种新型消费, 而不是暗示这一数值的指数。 这是因为当事情开始做大的时候, 我们有了必不可少的核心。 在事情逐渐发展的每个阶段, 有3%、7% 和30% 的数字作为指导方针。 例如, 当第一个开拓性的3% 的躁狂开始移动, 传播逐渐达到7% 时, 它就会在一次冲刺时加速到30%。 发展成为一种可能影响市场的趋势。 在这个阶段, 绿色消费者可能是 "环境狂热", 如果它说。 然而, 当我们考虑提高消费者的环保意识、传播儿童的循环学习以及向企业消费者披露环境信息的进展等激励措施时, 这一趋势并不坚定不移。 顺便说一句, 每个德国的绿色消费者超过了 6 0%。 绿色消费者购买绿色产品有十项原则。 总之, 可回收、节能、节约资源。 它具有较低的环境负荷, 维修和维修, 并具有持久和安全的购买标准。 随着这些绿色消费者的成长, 环保产品和环保标签的开发在企业方面是不可避免的。 今后不久, 从产品生产线生产的产品将在没有环境考虑的情况下被排出, 污染汇也将被排出。 它很便宜, 上面写着, 环境恶劣的中国产品不会持续那么长时间。 百日元店也变得很困难。 另一方面, 考虑到质量和环境的成熟产品和服务就在那里。 顺便说一句, 它是一个绿色消费者购买支持环境的15% 至20% 高于传统价格。
Friday, February 15, 2019
Geothermal power equals 10 nuclear reactors
<Nuclear power is not at your feet. Geothermal energy >
● In addition to renewable energy such as solar and wind, it is the geothermal power that attracts attention in recent years as a local consumption energy. In volcanic countries and Japan, geothermal power generation capacity is a big energy resource that is twice the current wind and three times the solar light. Moreover, the CO2 emitted by power generation is a clean energy which contributes to measures against global warming at about one-twentieth of thermal power generation and the same low level as hydroelectric power generation. The hot water resources required for Japan geothermal power generation is 33 million liters in the world, with a power generation capacity of 10 nuclear reactors.
● Geothermal power generation is the one to turn the turbine directly with steam taken out from deep underground.In the thermal power plant, it can be said that the Earth plays the role of the boiler in geothermal power generation while steam is generated by the heat by the combustion of coal, oil, and LNG. As for geothermal power generation, the period leading to the investigation and the development and the operation of excavation etc. up to now has a drawback that the running cost becomes high after all, and the development trader was limited. Therefore, the country has been urging deregulation measures to support the initial investment from the 1990s and to commercialize it in a national park with a lot of geothermal spots. The expansion of these support systems, according to the Ministry of Economics, has set the goal that the amount of geothermal power generation can be developed up to 1.2 million kw in 20 years and 1.9 million kw in 30 years.By the way, the total output of global geothermal power generation is predicted to swell to 200 million kw in 50 years.The center of the market is Southeast Asia and Africa.
The "Paris agreement" measures global warming since 2020, and the business opportunities for geothermal power generation are increasing. By the way, the amount of geothermal power used in Japan is ninth in the world. 70% of the world's geothermal power turbines are made Japan of high technology. To sell the nuclear power plant that is suspicious and dangerous to the world Japan the government buys the world's Lost Laughs (* _ *)
● In addition to renewable energy such as solar and wind, it is the geothermal power that attracts attention in recent years as a local consumption energy. In volcanic countries and Japan, geothermal power generation capacity is a big energy resource that is twice the current wind and three times the solar light. Moreover, the CO2 emitted by power generation is a clean energy which contributes to measures against global warming at about one-twentieth of thermal power generation and the same low level as hydroelectric power generation. The hot water resources required for Japan geothermal power generation is 33 million liters in the world, with a power generation capacity of 10 nuclear reactors.
● Geothermal power generation is the one to turn the turbine directly with steam taken out from deep underground.In the thermal power plant, it can be said that the Earth plays the role of the boiler in geothermal power generation while steam is generated by the heat by the combustion of coal, oil, and LNG. As for geothermal power generation, the period leading to the investigation and the development and the operation of excavation etc. up to now has a drawback that the running cost becomes high after all, and the development trader was limited. Therefore, the country has been urging deregulation measures to support the initial investment from the 1990s and to commercialize it in a national park with a lot of geothermal spots. The expansion of these support systems, according to the Ministry of Economics, has set the goal that the amount of geothermal power generation can be developed up to 1.2 million kw in 20 years and 1.9 million kw in 30 years.By the way, the total output of global geothermal power generation is predicted to swell to 200 million kw in 50 years.The center of the market is Southeast Asia and Africa.
The "Paris agreement" measures global warming since 2020, and the business opportunities for geothermal power generation are increasing. By the way, the amount of geothermal power used in Japan is ninth in the world. 70% of the world's geothermal power turbines are made Japan of high technology. To sell the nuclear power plant that is suspicious and dangerous to the world Japan the government buys the world's Lost Laughs (* _ *)
从 摇篮期 到 成长期 中小企业环保产品 1998.03.15
"抵制运动" 一直是消费群体运动的根源。 然而, 最近这一运动发生了很大变化。 通过撤回传统的抵制运动, 故意购买环保产品 (环保产品) 的方向反而出现了。 它是一个成熟的绿色消费者的诞生。 这个运动的转换的意思是大的, 虽然它是一个做同样潮流从 "指责类型" 在环境保护运动到 "提议类型"。
消费行为标准由当地消费者组织实施。 例如,
(1) 回收的可能性。
(2) 环境影响的可能性。
(3) 安全。
(4) 使用它可以持续更长的时间。
如购买的基础。 这些运动反映在环境产品制造商的制造中, 是生产环境效率高的产品的导火索。
另一方面, 它是一家专门从事环境业务的中小型公司, 目前在市场上提供许多 "销售" 的环保产品。 大多数公司都有有改善环境的经理。 命中产品的交付只有在对环境有承诺的情况下才能诞生, 但这里有不少需要反思的地方。 管理层表示: "我们已经忘记了业务发展, 考虑到了市场的需求, 有这么多的事情, 只有一个痛苦的产品开发之前。 它开始能够做双方最终都能匹配的产品规划 "
这些产品的环保消费行为以及符合销售方面环境的制造和市场研究, 使环境商品市场发生了质的变化, 并扩大了市场。 环境商业市场摆脱了 "摇篮期", 进入了 "增长时期"。 前几天, 由 7 5家中小型企业在东京举办的环保商业博览会, 进一步增加了反映市场需求的环保产品项目。 因此, 源公司的良好业绩仍在继续。
消费行为标准由当地消费者组织实施。 例如,
(1) 回收的可能性。
(2) 环境影响的可能性。
(3) 安全。
(4) 使用它可以持续更长的时间。
如购买的基础。 这些运动反映在环境产品制造商的制造中, 是生产环境效率高的产品的导火索。
另一方面, 它是一家专门从事环境业务的中小型公司, 目前在市场上提供许多 "销售" 的环保产品。 大多数公司都有有改善环境的经理。 命中产品的交付只有在对环境有承诺的情况下才能诞生, 但这里有不少需要反思的地方。 管理层表示: "我们已经忘记了业务发展, 考虑到了市场的需求, 有这么多的事情, 只有一个痛苦的产品开发之前。 它开始能够做双方最终都能匹配的产品规划 "
这些产品的环保消费行为以及符合销售方面环境的制造和市场研究, 使环境商品市场发生了质的变化, 并扩大了市场。 环境商业市场摆脱了 "摇篮期", 进入了 "增长时期"。 前几天, 由 7 5家中小型企业在东京举办的环保商业博览会, 进一步增加了反映市场需求的环保产品项目。 因此, 源公司的良好业绩仍在继续。
Thursday, February 14, 2019
蔬菜垃圾堆肥, 行政要求 1999.04.15
东京都政府对有机农产品堆肥设备制造商和生产者组织进行了听力调查, 以使用有机农产品堆肥蔬菜废物。 它说, 堆肥设备制造商作为一个条件传播71。 2% 的人说, "当地居民对市政垃圾处理的指导和回应。 企业成功的关键是 "消费者对城市的认识" (5 0。 3%), 和政府的强硬方面的要求。
生物医药的指南 1999.04.15
环境机构制定了对挥发性有机化合物污染地下水实施生物调解的准则。 目标微生物被认为是一种天然微生物, 而来自突变株和国外的微生物则分别纳入了澄清含量、进行环境影响评价的方法和净化工作。 今后, 我们将研究油基海洋污染和基因工程技术污染净化的指南。
【要点在这里】`Re`业务的时代 2001.11.20
为了为子孙后代实现一个可持续的社会, 我们需要放弃常规废品和建设的理念, 重建重建理念。 报废和建造造成了资源和能源的浪费, 环境负担的扩散, 但已被推迟到后代的资源和环境负担中。 在这样的背景下, 重建工作正在创造各种商机。
重建处理商品和资源的重要性非但没有抛弃社会上不断增加的库存和浪费, 反而正在形成一个重要的环境商业市场。 重建中包括的业务领域包括 Refine(分馏、分解)、Reduce (减轻重量)、Reuse(再利用)、Recycle (回収)、Reconvert-to-Energy(热回收) 等。 这方面的希望是减少领域。 时尚的循环是一种薄薄的商业成功。 原因有很多, 但很难从对该设施的最初投资中恢复。 在确保高质量的废物 (资源)、再资源成本、回收资源和产品销售渠道方面存在着很大的障碍。 此外, 通过回收利用增加了环境负荷。
在这方面, 回收业务作为一种产品再利用的难度较小, 因为在回收使用的产品之前增加了修理。 再利用业务包括旧产品的维修、改造, 以及建筑结构长寿命的翻新和恢复, 或恢复恶化的自然环境。 当我们在重用中看到重建业务时, 许多成功的案例都是由业务来解释的。 有很多成功的案例, 从去年 1 1月公开店面的硬公司和皮包制造商, 将业务类别变成了维修服务。
据说, 从现在开始, 不仅仅是"Re"业务的时代。 任何挂在重建下的生意都是重新建立的。 当肯基沙的 "re" 部分被拉伤时, 可能会意外地出现商业暗示。
重建处理商品和资源的重要性非但没有抛弃社会上不断增加的库存和浪费, 反而正在形成一个重要的环境商业市场。 重建中包括的业务领域包括 Refine(分馏、分解)、Reduce (减轻重量)、Reuse(再利用)、Recycle (回収)、Reconvert-to-Energy(热回收) 等。 这方面的希望是减少领域。 时尚的循环是一种薄薄的商业成功。 原因有很多, 但很难从对该设施的最初投资中恢复。 在确保高质量的废物 (资源)、再资源成本、回收资源和产品销售渠道方面存在着很大的障碍。 此外, 通过回收利用增加了环境负荷。
在这方面, 回收业务作为一种产品再利用的难度较小, 因为在回收使用的产品之前增加了修理。 再利用业务包括旧产品的维修、改造, 以及建筑结构长寿命的翻新和恢复, 或恢复恶化的自然环境。 当我们在重用中看到重建业务时, 许多成功的案例都是由业务来解释的。 有很多成功的案例, 从去年 1 1月公开店面的硬公司和皮包制造商, 将业务类别变成了维修服务。
据说, 从现在开始, 不仅仅是"Re"业务的时代。 任何挂在重建下的生意都是重新建立的。 当肯基沙的 "re" 部分被拉伤时, 可能会意外地出现商业暗示。
日本、CO2削減へ提案 1998.10.15
支持二恶英分析设备的开发 1998.04.15
根据二恶英对策部长级会议的基本政策, 环境署将支持在2002财政年度之前为所有都道府县和指定城市开发二恶英分析设备。 补贴用于安装气相色谱及其设施 (每台约2亿日元), 以及通常的三分之一 (防止污染规划区的一半)。 在1999财政年度, 我们计划支持安装14个小组。
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
The research subcommittee was established with distributed energy 1999.04.15
The Japan Mechanical Society of Japan will start from April with the participation of 26 researchers from the university and dozens of companies in the Research Subcommittee on the use of ultra-small gas turbine distributed energy systems. Since the micro gas turbine with an individual polymer type fuel cell and less than 200kw output is likely to spread to offices and households in Asia or Japan, mainly in China as a distributed power supply. The market is forecast with technical research.
Recommendations for the suppression of waste generation 1999.04.15
In March, the Central Environmental Council Waste Committee compiled a proposal for the Government to seek waste and recycling measures using market principles. Apply a surcharge to a deposit system or a product that is difficult to recycle, assign a waste discharge allowance to companies, etc. It also included the introduction of emissions trading that could sell the remainder of the frame, doubling the amount of emissions below the allowable frame. In response to the proposal, the environmental agency aims to create a new comprehensive waste-related legal system.
海洋和湖泊的污染正在进行 1999.12.15
环保机构于1998年公布了全国水污染调查的结果。 通过化学需氧量 (CCD), 我们在海域实现了73.6% 的环境标准, 在湖泊地区实现了40.9 的环境标准。 两者都连续第二年恶化。 水中的污染被逆转到与70年代中期污染严重时相同的水平。 平均年份在湖中的浓度很高, 依次为特加努马、英巴马和小岛湖。 另一方面, 该河的环境标准成就率为 81%, 由1997财政年度提高了0.1%。
生态城(ecotown)业务 2002.06
"通过支持发展以私营企业为中心的领先回收设施, 生态泰的业务将继续积极发展, 作为一项国家政策, 以支持创建零废物城市, 并促进环境产业成为一个新的产业。 生态城镇业务将显示今年经济产业省环境预算分布的最大增长率。 今年, 去年增长了13亿日元。 以 "资源回收补贴" 为幌子, 今年的主要业务是 "对宠物瓶、塑料废塑料、废木等回收设施的补贴"。 过去, 生态城镇业务得到了全国 1 5个地点的认可。 我听说目前有50个地点, 该地区正准备申请生态城镇项目。 今年, 第一个 "富山生态城镇规划" 被经济产业省和环境部批准, 削减顶。 该业务的内容是用于包装塑料、塑料加工和农业中产生的废塑料的回收材料, 以及回收成胸罩材料的材料。 左边是转换为石油的过程。 促进 "混合废塑料回收利用", 该区域在没有废物的情况下使用。 此外, 我们还将建筑垃圾回收成高附加值的建筑材料, 以及当地房屋制造商使用的企业。 当我们看生态城镇业务的轮廓时, 我们将促进向铁路和航运的模式转变, 以建设静脉物流网络, 以及废物和服务回收、医疗废物和 pcb 解毒。 引入自然能源和更多。 未来, 生态城镇业务将加快发展, 实现区域循环型社会。 可以肯定的是, 它将在该地区创造第一个环保企业, 但这个问题能否作为盈利企业继续存在?
生产委员会对回收指南进行了修订 1999.12.15
工业结构委员会废物及循环再造委员会修订了一些回收指引。 我们在28个项目和17个行业增加了六类产品, 如复印机、天然气和石油设备、纺织品制造、租赁和水泥制造商。 作为一项单独的对策, 1999 财政年度制定了宠物瓶、个人电脑和外围设备回收利用率的数值目标。
ずさんなPCB管理 1998.10.15
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
ディーゼル排ガスで精子生産減 1998.10.15
What is the difference between recycling and reuse ②
<Reuse resources before recycling>
In terms of reusing used products, we do not need large-scale equipment and equipment to recycle, and energy consumption is low. Furthermore, considering the environmental load in the recycling process, the winner will go up towards reuse to prolong the life of used products. Reuse is wiser than recycling. When it comes to reuse, beer bottles, old clothes, antique tools, used cars, etc. are representative. Recently, new old books, the form of reuse such as old clothes as a new fashion item has also spread the hem. In addition to repairing and repairing the bicycles and furniture that the municipality has recovered as a bulky waste, it can be offered at low cost to the citizens, and buying and selling of used goods on free markets and waves is flourishing. By the way, we hear that the distribution market for secondhand products is much more than 1.5 trillion yen, and this reuse is creating a new business. In the re-use, a specialized company has been born to the demand for repair and repairs of the part that is functionally defective. Expansion major companies are also in the market. In recent years, this reuse business has resulted in changes in the market from newly built markets to the renovation and repair markets in the construction and housing industry, which has been facing the need for renovation and repair, and houses about 7 million buildings in detached houses. The tendency is strong in Europe and America early.
In terms of reusing used products, we do not need large-scale equipment and equipment to recycle, and energy consumption is low. Furthermore, considering the environmental load in the recycling process, the winner will go up towards reuse to prolong the life of used products. Reuse is wiser than recycling. When it comes to reuse, beer bottles, old clothes, antique tools, used cars, etc. are representative. Recently, new old books, the form of reuse such as old clothes as a new fashion item has also spread the hem. In addition to repairing and repairing the bicycles and furniture that the municipality has recovered as a bulky waste, it can be offered at low cost to the citizens, and buying and selling of used goods on free markets and waves is flourishing. By the way, we hear that the distribution market for secondhand products is much more than 1.5 trillion yen, and this reuse is creating a new business. In the re-use, a specialized company has been born to the demand for repair and repairs of the part that is functionally defective. Expansion major companies are also in the market. In recent years, this reuse business has resulted in changes in the market from newly built markets to the renovation and repair markets in the construction and housing industry, which has been facing the need for renovation and repair, and houses about 7 million buildings in detached houses. The tendency is strong in Europe and America early.
【要点在这里】转变为符合环境要求的新公共项目 2002.03.20
新的符合环境要求的新公共项目开辟了环境业务的视野。 以社会资本改善为目的的公共工程, 取决于与时代政策主题相对应的措施和业务。 传统的公共工程包括发展平行线、桥梁、海湾港口、渔港、机场、污水、住房、公园、垃圾处理设施等基础设施, 以及地震、洪水等防灾基础设施, 但《泰晤士报》的变化 近年来, 针对出生率下降和社会老龄化的情况, 重点转变了提高物流效率、创造城市发展和社区发展、发展先进信息通信社会的基础设施等问题。
下一个财政年度国家优先政策的主题之一是环境。 其他主题, 如 "建设循环社会"、"城市振兴"、"社区振兴与城市发展" 等, 可被视为一个注重环境的概念。 例如, 二恶英对策、建筑结构寿命长、屋顶绿化、低排放车辆扩散和生态城镇企业。 环境考虑正在成为传统工业、生活和防灾社会资本发展的基石。 在公路和港口养护、生态道路和生态港由于环境考虑、与人民生活直接相连的设施、回收设施、环境学习中心、多天然河流建设和森林养护等灾害预防领域。 今后, 必须创造与社会资本发展有关的公共工程, 如资源回收、新能源、自然环境保护等。
传统的经济措施、利益和效率是从投资中得到重视的, 对发挥环境破坏前沿作用的公共工程进行了回顾, 对环境商品公共产品的创造提出了相反的要求。 为实现未来一代可持续社会而进行的公共工程将继续稳步扩大。 土木工程和建筑业有很多商机, 生意的馅饼在减少。
下一个财政年度国家优先政策的主题之一是环境。 其他主题, 如 "建设循环社会"、"城市振兴"、"社区振兴与城市发展" 等, 可被视为一个注重环境的概念。 例如, 二恶英对策、建筑结构寿命长、屋顶绿化、低排放车辆扩散和生态城镇企业。 环境考虑正在成为传统工业、生活和防灾社会资本发展的基石。 在公路和港口养护、生态道路和生态港由于环境考虑、与人民生活直接相连的设施、回收设施、环境学习中心、多天然河流建设和森林养护等灾害预防领域。 今后, 必须创造与社会资本发展有关的公共工程, 如资源回收、新能源、自然环境保护等。
传统的经济措施、利益和效率是从投资中得到重视的, 对发挥环境破坏前沿作用的公共工程进行了回顾, 对环境商品公共产品的创造提出了相反的要求。 为实现未来一代可持续社会而进行的公共工程将继续稳步扩大。 土木工程和建筑业有很多商机, 生意的馅饼在减少。
农业用地土壤污染, 总面积7145公顷 1999.12.15
环境机构向中环审计土壤农药小组委员会报告农业用地土壤污染状况。 据此, 在镉、砷和铜特有危险物质检测到高于参考值的地区, 累计面积为7145公顷 (129个地区)。 根据《农业用地土壤污染防治法》, 共制定了6174公顷 (67个地区) 的污染对策。 对策业务的竣工面积为56公顷。
1998财年引进的热电联产系统220 1999.12.15
日本热电联产中心总结了1998财年的引进情况。 对于消费和工业用途 220/330000 8451kw, 根据排气热回收形式, "热水" 157, 80, 00072千瓦, "蒸汽" 41, 210, 000 8717kw 等。 按功率, "燃气轮机" 是 34, 190, 000 2542千瓦, 111, 30, 811kw, "柴油发动机" 是 76, 100, 000 7598千瓦。
【要点在这里】从海外进口和销售环保设备 1998.8.15
环境商业市场正在稳步扩大。 超过 4 0% 的上市公司和约 2 0% 的非上市公司已经在发展或规划环保业务。 整体销售趋势呈上升趋势。 政府的政策、政策、法律和条例、公司方面的环境活动以及提高公民对环境的意识是扩张的风。 因为环保的业务项目可以计数 800, 所以人们认为在扩展生产工作方面总是有商机的。 如果加深对环境问题的兴趣和认识, 使其成为一种雷达, 新来者就不应该那么困难。 即使新进入者没有足够的环境资源, 也有许多新的进入方式进入市场。 其中之一是从海外进口和销售环保设备。 有很多优秀的环保设备和产品的真人大小在日本国家中找不到, 在欧美国家被称为环境先进国家。 数量也很丰富, 质量容易操作高, 价格也积极便宜。 例如, 没有列举这样的事情, 如澳大利亚省电装置、丹麦风力发电机、英国水质分析设备、美国环境商品等日用品。 有这样一个成功的例子。 他说, 四年前成功进口和销售一艘方便运输和储存瑞典制造的垃圾的压缩还原容器的中小型公司总裁 "洞察选择产品, 先见之明地解读法律的目的地, 如果有营销力量," 他说。 在彻底审查了欧洲和美国与回收有关的法律并预计在日本制定类似的法律 (集装箱和包装回收法) 之后, 这是一个成功的成功。 作为进口信息的来源, 将首先在日本举办环境设备展览。 在互联网上搜索也是有效的。 信息可以从海外环保杂志上捕捉到。 日本贸易促进协会 (jetro) 审查了每个国家的环境商品趋势。 通过从海外进口和销售在小企业中进入环境业务, 成功的概率很高。 还可以创建一个专门处理环境问题的贸易公司。
What is the difference between recycling and reuse ①
Daily business activities, and waste that is discharged in large quantities from our lives. Recycling and reuse to make the most of the waste is a resource business. Waste, including used products, is the key to creating a new business by thinking of a respectable resource. How to regenerate waste that is treated as a troublesome unwanted product as a resource. There are a lot of different business opportunities buried there. It is also an important theme for the small country and Japan resources that depend on a lot of resources overseas.
Although two kinds of recycling and reuse are considered to recycle waste, we have approached the present situation and the problem of both businesses. The recycling business is an undeniable manufacturing industry. Recycling refers to "reusing" the waste of used products, etc. that are discharged in the production process or once. On the other hand, it is reuse to "reuse" the used product (used goods) which can still use it if it plays it by repairing, the repair, etc. It can be said that the recycling system seen in the town is Reuse Doshop accurately. Both are recycled businesses that utilize waste as a valid resource. First of all, the recycling business is a large scale because the equipment such as the device and the plant is naturally stamped because it undergoes the process of separating, decomposing (sorting) and recycling of the collected waste. The point here is that we need to realize that recycling is a manufacturing industry where waste is converted into resources. The manufacturing industry, in other words, the production line of the appropriate size is determined by the amount of the raw material, and the produced product goes out as a commodity to the market and is approved as a business. It does not become business if there is no tidy partition of the entrance, the production line, and the exit. The recycling business is the same thing. The amount of the production line is determined by the pre-processing cost of fractionation (if the waste pet Boto cap is taken, the label is peeled off, etc.) can be ensured as a quantity of wastes to be kept low. Commercialization of waste products while considering production efficiency. It is important that the recycled product is traded in the market (exit) as a commodity. If any of these mechanisms are inadequate, it would be a good idea not to enter. On the other hand, if this mechanism is perfect, we get the processing cost at the entrance, and sell the recycled product as a commodity at the exit. In other words, it is the delicious business that the profit is obtained from the entrance and the exit by the waste material.
Although two kinds of recycling and reuse are considered to recycle waste, we have approached the present situation and the problem of both businesses. The recycling business is an undeniable manufacturing industry. Recycling refers to "reusing" the waste of used products, etc. that are discharged in the production process or once. On the other hand, it is reuse to "reuse" the used product (used goods) which can still use it if it plays it by repairing, the repair, etc. It can be said that the recycling system seen in the town is Reuse Doshop accurately. Both are recycled businesses that utilize waste as a valid resource. First of all, the recycling business is a large scale because the equipment such as the device and the plant is naturally stamped because it undergoes the process of separating, decomposing (sorting) and recycling of the collected waste. The point here is that we need to realize that recycling is a manufacturing industry where waste is converted into resources. The manufacturing industry, in other words, the production line of the appropriate size is determined by the amount of the raw material, and the produced product goes out as a commodity to the market and is approved as a business. It does not become business if there is no tidy partition of the entrance, the production line, and the exit. The recycling business is the same thing. The amount of the production line is determined by the pre-processing cost of fractionation (if the waste pet Boto cap is taken, the label is peeled off, etc.) can be ensured as a quantity of wastes to be kept low. Commercialization of waste products while considering production efficiency. It is important that the recycled product is traded in the market (exit) as a commodity. If any of these mechanisms are inadequate, it would be a good idea not to enter. On the other hand, if this mechanism is perfect, we get the processing cost at the entrance, and sell the recycled product as a commodity at the exit. In other words, it is the delicious business that the profit is obtained from the entrance and the exit by the waste material.
Monday, February 11, 2019
ISO14001世界中で認証進む 1998.10.15
ISO14001 注册数量2530项 1999.12.15
日本合格认证协会 (JAB) 汇总了截至1999年9月底已注册的 iso14001 入籍登记数量。 据此, 经联合申诉委员会认证的考试和登记机构 (20个机构) 以2239机构为基础, 联合申诉委员会认证的期限 (13个机构) 为291。 在该机构的顶部, 日本环境认证机构 619, 日本质量保证组织 524, 日本标准协会 153。
オゾンホールさらに拡大 1998.10.15
氢氟碳化合物的回收和消费者负担 1999.12.15
该环境机构汇编了一份报告, 即回收和销毁替代氟氯化碳氢氟碳化合物的部分费用适合消费者承担。 由于根据《消费电子回收法》, 回收和销毁特定氟氯化碳是由消费者负担规定的, 因此氢氟碳化合物也是可取的类似方法。 该机构估计, 每台冰箱的消费负担在1000日元左右, 汽车空调2000-3000 日元。
A city mine (urban mine) is a treasure trove of rare metals... 2
"The way of recycling rather than foreign resource acquisition"
Smart the road of recycling than the acquisition of resources overseas-the gold contained in the phone and game consoles, etc. is 0.3%. On the other hand, it is said that the amount of harvesting from the natural ore 1 ton is 3-5%. The ratio is about 0.0003%. Other metals with high depletion are also gradually decreasing. The reason is that the ore with a lot of content is decreasing because it takes too much. Based on the current situation, eyes are on the effective use of urban mines where the amount of sampling is reliable. Moreover, it leads to the prevention of the pollution and the health damage of a local resident by the harmful substance to the environment by a large-scale mining, and the hazardous material at the time of harvesting.
But hear the voices of Shing from the industry and some of the scholars. "Natural ore cannot be won in terms of cost". As a matter of fact, technology to lower the recycling costs of gold and silver and other rare metal recoveries is advancing rapidly. In the environment business, "recycling is a manufacturing industry with waste materials" and from the point of view, there are few successful cases where metal recovery from urban mines is a business. As a guide of Yokohama Metal, Tanaka Precious metals has expanded its base in earnest.
Urban mining is reusing, recycling and rebuilding raw materials from (the electrical and electronic waste of) the city.
Smart the road of recycling than the acquisition of resources overseas-the gold contained in the phone and game consoles, etc. is 0.3%. On the other hand, it is said that the amount of harvesting from the natural ore 1 ton is 3-5%. The ratio is about 0.0003%. Other metals with high depletion are also gradually decreasing. The reason is that the ore with a lot of content is decreasing because it takes too much. Based on the current situation, eyes are on the effective use of urban mines where the amount of sampling is reliable. Moreover, it leads to the prevention of the pollution and the health damage of a local resident by the harmful substance to the environment by a large-scale mining, and the hazardous material at the time of harvesting.
But hear the voices of Shing from the industry and some of the scholars. "Natural ore cannot be won in terms of cost". As a matter of fact, technology to lower the recycling costs of gold and silver and other rare metal recoveries is advancing rapidly. In the environment business, "recycling is a manufacturing industry with waste materials" and from the point of view, there are few successful cases where metal recovery from urban mines is a business. As a guide of Yokohama Metal, Tanaka Precious metals has expanded its base in earnest.
Urban mining is reusing, recycling and rebuilding raw materials from (the electrical and electronic waste of) the city.
Information system in an oil spill 1999.04.15
In preparation for the oil spill in coastal areas, the Japan Coast Guard began operation of the coastal Area information management system in April. Along with information such as water depth and ocean currents on the computer screen, we display environmental information such as tidal flats and coral reefs, social information such as aquaculture grounds and factory intake, and disaster prevention information such as oil fence placement and oil recovery ship. In the event of an accident, the location of the floating oil and the drift prediction are added and the urgency and priority can be considered.
Sunday, February 10, 2019
桑迪于2080消失在日本 1999.11.15
世界野生动物基金会和研究小组宣布了全球变暖的未来预测。 到上世纪 9 0年代, 全球平均气温高达3。 9摄氏度, 即使至少1。 2摄氏度的信息。 海平面高达104厘米, 至少有19厘米高。 日本预测 8 0年来最高气温将上升5°c 或更高, 几乎所有的沙滩都因海平面上升而消失。 东京、名古屋和大阪的沿海工业区很可能受到涨潮的影响。
从 摇篮期 到 成长期 中小企业环保产品 1998.03.15
"抵制运动" 一直是消费群体运动的根源。 然而, 最近这一运动发生了很大变化。 通过撤回传统的抵制运动, 故意购买环保产品 (环保产品) 的方向反而出现了。 它是一个成熟的绿色消费者的诞生。 这个运动的转换的意思是大的, 虽然它是一个做同样潮流从 "指责类型" 在环境保护运动到 "提议类型"。
消费行为标准由当地消费者组织实施。 例如,
(1) 回收的可能性。
(2) 环境影响的可能性。
(3) 安全。
(4) 使用它可以持续更长的时间。
如购买的基础。 这些运动反映在环境产品制造商的制造中, 是生产环境效率高的产品的导火索。
另一方面, 它是一家专门从事环境业务的中小型公司, 目前在市场上提供许多 "销售" 的环保产品。 大多数公司都有有改善环境的经理。 命中产品的交付只有在对环境有承诺的情况下才能诞生, 但这里有不少需要反思的地方。 管理层表示: "我们已经忘记了业务发展, 考虑到了市场的需求, 有这么多的事情, 只有一个痛苦的产品开发之前。 它开始能够做双方最终都能匹配的产品规划 "
这些产品的环保消费行为以及符合销售方面环境的制造和市场研究, 使环境商品市场发生了质的变化, 并扩大了市场。 环境商业市场摆脱了 "摇篮期", 进入了 "增长时期"。 前几天, 由 7 5家中小型企业在东京举办的环保商业博览会, 进一步增加了反映市场需求的环保产品项目。 因此, 源公司的良好业绩仍在继续。
消费行为标准由当地消费者组织实施。 例如,
(1) 回收的可能性。
(2) 环境影响的可能性。
(3) 安全。
(4) 使用它可以持续更长的时间。
如购买的基础。 这些运动反映在环境产品制造商的制造中, 是生产环境效率高的产品的导火索。
另一方面, 它是一家专门从事环境业务的中小型公司, 目前在市场上提供许多 "销售" 的环保产品。 大多数公司都有有改善环境的经理。 命中产品的交付只有在对环境有承诺的情况下才能诞生, 但这里有不少需要反思的地方。 管理层表示: "我们已经忘记了业务发展, 考虑到了市场的需求, 有这么多的事情, 只有一个痛苦的产品开发之前。 它开始能够做双方最终都能匹配的产品规划 "
这些产品的环保消费行为以及符合销售方面环境的制造和市场研究, 使环境商品市场发生了质的变化, 并扩大了市场。 环境商业市场摆脱了 "摇篮期", 进入了 "增长时期"。 前几天, 由 7 5家中小型企业在东京举办的环保商业博览会, 进一步增加了反映市场需求的环保产品项目。 因此, 源公司的良好业绩仍在继续。
再商业化跟不上良好的恢复速度 1999.11.15
根据卫生和福利部的资料, 1999年4月至8月收集的 pet 瓶数量为23274吨。 三次。 1999财政年度结束时, 它超过 496 20 吨预定64000吨 (1。 预计将收集9.9亿本书的5升转换费。 虽然再商业化业务从1998财政年度的28家公司增加到1999财政年度的36家公司, 但它们大大超过了重新商业化的能力, 市政当局拒绝接管。
農作物のダイオキシン濃度調査 1998.10.15
Saturday, February 9, 2019
水道水源の一斉測定へ 1998.10.15
Reuse market in a growing trend
<Reuse of used products and business expansion >
We eco-Business network has been doing market analysis by predicting that reuse and business to reuse used products (used goods) from 10 years ago is the growth area of the environmental business. In the Japan of the resource small country, it is also important to recycle the used product effectively from the viewpoint of resource securing, but it is not turning to recycling immediately, and it is a good idea to re-use (reuse) to reproduce this in many cases. The survival of the product is not a new resource, and it is necessary not to put energy into. Not only that, but there are a number of repair businesses, such as new used markets and repair and repairs, to be created. Although many small and medium-sized establishments, it leads to a wide range of job creation. At first, a small and medium-sized company has been listed in the past 10 years. The Eco-Business network is reading that the market will be twice as much as it is now by 2020. While the store form is large-scale, it polarization to the specialty store which squeezed the material to handle. The customer will also be clear about the consumer and the business place. Originally, it is said that the reuse market will grow in line with the economic downturn. Although it is undeniable that the current reuse market is the same trend, these days, market characteristics have not been seen before. Regardless of the recession, especially in the interest of the demand layer, in addition to the diversification of the idea, the use of products (such as bad feeling because I do not know who used) the prejudice to dilute, if functionality and design property is good, the need is becoming stronger. On the other hand, the supply is also trying to improve the number of items, distribution volume and quality to meet the needs, as well as the dissemination of product information and the expansion of sales methods and systems. NET auctions have already formed a market that is lightly exceeding 1, 5 trillion yen. "When you buy a new product, it is a point to choose a commodity to sell in the reuse shop". We will not let the reuse business out of the growth industry.
We eco-Business network has been doing market analysis by predicting that reuse and business to reuse used products (used goods) from 10 years ago is the growth area of the environmental business. In the Japan of the resource small country, it is also important to recycle the used product effectively from the viewpoint of resource securing, but it is not turning to recycling immediately, and it is a good idea to re-use (reuse) to reproduce this in many cases. The survival of the product is not a new resource, and it is necessary not to put energy into. Not only that, but there are a number of repair businesses, such as new used markets and repair and repairs, to be created. Although many small and medium-sized establishments, it leads to a wide range of job creation. At first, a small and medium-sized company has been listed in the past 10 years. The Eco-Business network is reading that the market will be twice as much as it is now by 2020. While the store form is large-scale, it polarization to the specialty store which squeezed the material to handle. The customer will also be clear about the consumer and the business place. Originally, it is said that the reuse market will grow in line with the economic downturn. Although it is undeniable that the current reuse market is the same trend, these days, market characteristics have not been seen before. Regardless of the recession, especially in the interest of the demand layer, in addition to the diversification of the idea, the use of products (such as bad feeling because I do not know who used) the prejudice to dilute, if functionality and design property is good, the need is becoming stronger. On the other hand, the supply is also trying to improve the number of items, distribution volume and quality to meet the needs, as well as the dissemination of product information and the expansion of sales methods and systems. NET auctions have already formed a market that is lightly exceeding 1, 5 trillion yen. "When you buy a new product, it is a point to choose a commodity to sell in the reuse shop". We will not let the reuse business out of the growth industry.
A city mine is a treasure trove of rare metals 3
All medals are unsubstantial in the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games in April, the organization committee will make "the medal project for everyone from the city mines" to the Tokyo metropolitan Government, a smartphone, a gala, a game machine, Started collecting electronic small appliances such as personal computers. The goal is to make all 5,000 medals in recycled gold, silver and copper. There is a concern that it will end in the effort of the cheer only. 2001 Appliance Recycling Law enforcement, currently, home appliance recycling rate 52%. In 2013, the small Household appliance recycling law is enforced, and the current recycling rate is less than 10%. As a country, I would like to ride the big event of the Olympic Palin picks at once and raise the recycling rate which is not progressing at once, but I leave it to a "voluntary" recovery system of the others. As a result, the small household appliances of the city mine are thrown out to foreign countries as a resource, and the trader is swept away at a high price in the process of being handed over to the municipality, and it is dumped illegally because of the recycling cost (evasion).
In short, things are moving in the usual economic rules. What do you do with the issues of volume reduction and reduction? It is necessary to make the rule not to use the Virgin resource as much as possible from the beginning so that the city mine is not born not the coping therapy which says. A new product enliven the market, tickling the endless desires of the unchanging consumer. If we consider the realization of a sustainable society for future generations, is it a resource-small country, and is it necessary to anticipate the resources that future generations should enjoy, and the idea of avoidance of resource waste?
In short, things are moving in the usual economic rules. What do you do with the issues of volume reduction and reduction? It is necessary to make the rule not to use the Virgin resource as much as possible from the beginning so that the city mine is not born not the coping therapy which says. A new product enliven the market, tickling the endless desires of the unchanging consumer. If we consider the realization of a sustainable society for future generations, is it a resource-small country, and is it necessary to anticipate the resources that future generations should enjoy, and the idea of avoidance of resource waste?
Friday, February 8, 2019
Business with global warming
The market for energy conservation, power saving, self-power generation, and storage of renewable energy is rapidly expanding, as the mainstream of the Japan earthquake and disaster waste treatment after the Tepco nuclear power plant accident, and the radioactive disasters continue to be not relying on nuclear power plants. The environmental business is formed as an all-participating market for the first to third-order industries. In the industrial world, the movement of the nuclear power plant has accelerated in the early and the government's nuclear policy. In the domestic environmental business market, it is the "resource and energy securing" of the pure domestic environment which is listed as the growth field which can be expected in the future. As a result, the industry expansion in these fields will lead to prevention of global warming and low carbon. Therefore, the global warming business is one of the opportunities for the creation of business in the environment, but it does not become the starting point of the idea of business creation. Because climate change is not a global warming phenomenon, global warming and low-carbon business opportunities will not be derived.
The original significance of environmental business The purpose of environmental business is to develop an environment that includes natural and ecological systems for the realization of a sustainable and prosperous society for the future generations, but for the past seven or eight years, environmental business has been emphasizing the "living environment" of the current generation of amenity-oriented It is beginning to deviate from the original meaning. In the political world, the borders of territorial, territorial waters and airspace are thriving, and the deterioration of the global environment related to human fate is indifferent. It is time to sincerely ask that the 21st century is the century of the environment.
The original significance of environmental business The purpose of environmental business is to develop an environment that includes natural and ecological systems for the realization of a sustainable and prosperous society for the future generations, but for the past seven or eight years, environmental business has been emphasizing the "living environment" of the current generation of amenity-oriented It is beginning to deviate from the original meaning. In the political world, the borders of territorial, territorial waters and airspace are thriving, and the deterioration of the global environment related to human fate is indifferent. It is time to sincerely ask that the 21st century is the century of the environment.
主要環境施策の認知度 1998.10.15
大気汚染改善されず 1998.10.15
2010年国内能耗增长35% 1999.11.15
社会经济生产力司的 "论坛能源" 总结了能源消耗调查报告。 在这方面, 随着信息设备负担的增加, 2010年4名家庭领薪工人的能源消耗估计比1997年增加35%。 然而, 引进3kw 光伏系统以16% 的速度增加, 并引进节能设备, 据说减少了 28%, 如果结构保持房屋的温暖。
免费开放国家森林 1999.11.15
林业机构计划在今后五年内在全国各地免费向非营利组织、志愿人员和学校开放约100种国家森林, 以保护森林。 每个团体都被命名为 "Fureai no mori", 自愿制定行动计划, 并允许开展广泛的活动, 如除草和植树、在田间森林教室和设置步行道。 该地区已经在群马县、神奈川县等7个地方成立。
Eco-friendly hotels are on the increase 1
I hear that more and more tourists and young people in Japan choose environmentally friendly accommodations. The Eco-hotel, which is based on a different ecological service than the traditional service, is established as a new hotel service. In the past, it was an opportunity to acquire ISO14001 certification for each hotel and to improve the environment of business activities.
I followed the current situation of the Eco Hotel. "Eco Hotel", which complies with the environmental management of the eco-hotel prior to the current trend, was the environmental improvement of our business activities. You can change to the pump type of the appropriate dosage from disposable shampooing shampoo, you can switch to eco building materials to eliminate the authentic linoleum, in addition to use the organic materials such as yukata and bedding, and Ene the Ministry for indoor Lighting, The main efforts were to reduce and recycle food residue discharged at the facility. The reason behind this is that the incentive as a business to Seru customers in addition to improving business activities is strengthened. One of the ways to choose hotels among tourists from Europe, where environmentally friendly hotels are becoming the mainstream, is to not miss the "choose an eco hotel at the same price". With the surge of foreign tourists in the hotel industry, hotel prices and traditional services are just the time to reconsider. A new customer base has emerged for the tourists who are attracted to these eco-hotels. Young people seeking a lifestyle that considers the environment and health (safety and security).
I followed the current situation of the Eco Hotel. "Eco Hotel", which complies with the environmental management of the eco-hotel prior to the current trend, was the environmental improvement of our business activities. You can change to the pump type of the appropriate dosage from disposable shampooing shampoo, you can switch to eco building materials to eliminate the authentic linoleum, in addition to use the organic materials such as yukata and bedding, and Ene the Ministry for indoor Lighting, The main efforts were to reduce and recycle food residue discharged at the facility. The reason behind this is that the incentive as a business to Seru customers in addition to improving business activities is strengthened. One of the ways to choose hotels among tourists from Europe, where environmentally friendly hotels are becoming the mainstream, is to not miss the "choose an eco hotel at the same price". With the surge of foreign tourists in the hotel industry, hotel prices and traditional services are just the time to reconsider. A new customer base has emerged for the tourists who are attracted to these eco-hotels. Young people seeking a lifestyle that considers the environment and health (safety and security).
About global warming related business ①
<Global warming prevention and low-carbon related business >
Global warming has been attracting attention as global climate change is manifesting. In the field of environmental business, global warming-related businesses are listed in affair. It has been proposed to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2, etc.), which is a major factor of global warming, and to expand renewable energy and increase energy-saving measures. They do not go out of the region of the coping therapy conception if it says. If the global warming issue does not come to the table, is not the creation of those related businesses? Think about global warming and low carbon related business in Japan.
The global warming-related business is so forth to prevent global warming and low-carbon related business, including renewable energies, energy saving, power saving, electricity storage, new species improvement due to changes in distribution of food production areas, or forest regeneration and conservation. However, it is wise not to think that the basis of these business in Japan is necessarily caused by the warming. It seems that the conception from the resource and the energy securing is not unreasonable as the resource small country and the Japan rather than it. Securing resources and energy is the most important issue for Japan, which is a small country that relies largely on foreign resources. In the 21st century, many of the existing resources have been facing a decline in the amount of reserves, and the price rises due to a shortage of global resources and energy. It is said that the 21st century is the age of resource contention, and from the standpoint of sustainability of Japan economy and society, the main theme is "Securing resources and energy" of pure domestic. In the Environment Business field closely linked to the trend of Japan economy, "resource and Energy securing" is located in the middle, and it is a business opportunity not to be missed.
Global warming has been attracting attention as global climate change is manifesting. In the field of environmental business, global warming-related businesses are listed in affair. It has been proposed to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2, etc.), which is a major factor of global warming, and to expand renewable energy and increase energy-saving measures. They do not go out of the region of the coping therapy conception if it says. If the global warming issue does not come to the table, is not the creation of those related businesses? Think about global warming and low carbon related business in Japan.
The global warming-related business is so forth to prevent global warming and low-carbon related business, including renewable energies, energy saving, power saving, electricity storage, new species improvement due to changes in distribution of food production areas, or forest regeneration and conservation. However, it is wise not to think that the basis of these business in Japan is necessarily caused by the warming. It seems that the conception from the resource and the energy securing is not unreasonable as the resource small country and the Japan rather than it. Securing resources and energy is the most important issue for Japan, which is a small country that relies largely on foreign resources. In the 21st century, many of the existing resources have been facing a decline in the amount of reserves, and the price rises due to a shortage of global resources and energy. It is said that the 21st century is the age of resource contention, and from the standpoint of sustainability of Japan economy and society, the main theme is "Securing resources and energy" of pure domestic. In the Environment Business field closely linked to the trend of Japan economy, "resource and Energy securing" is located in the middle, and it is a business opportunity not to be missed.
Thursday, February 7, 2019
美军厚木住宅二恶英调查 1999.11.15
1999年7月至11月, 美国驻日本环保机构和美军联合调查了位于日本的美军厚木基地的军事家庭住房, 该基地 "被邻近工业废物处理设施的烟雾破坏"。 因此, 焚化炉以北约 3 0 0 米的平均值为8米。 检测到0皮克, 高浓度二恶英的最大值为58微克。 在这一问题上, 国防机构刚刚投入了 1 2亿日元, 并在今年春天为该公司建立了坚实的燃料制造设施。
美国温室气体排放放缓 1999.11.15
美国能源部宣布其98年的全球变暖气体排放。 与1997年相比, 有18.3亿吨至97吨。 2% 略有增加 (其中二氧化碳相当于19.95亿吨)。 增加 3%)。 1998年经济增长率3。 9% 明显高于。 除了减少钢铁和化工行业的燃料使用外, 汽车行业的减少也很明显, 但铁道部表示, 2 0 0 9年后不一定会继续减速排放, 消除了温和冬季和通用汽车公司罢工等特殊因素。
【要点在这里】环保产品 2002.04.20
随着全球激励措施的扩大, 如减少二氧化碳等温室气体的京都机制、日本的环境政策和机构激励措施, 以及对每个公司环境管理体系的社会激励措施。 最近环保事业的项目迅速增长。 这个数字大约是800。 环境企业是不断改善各领域环境影响的经济激励, 通过经济效应促进改善活动。 换句话说, 它是一个提供有助于改进活动的产品和服务的企业, 也是一个促进新产业和新工作的企业。 作为每个公司环境业务商业化的一个因素, 首先利用公司的专长开发产品 (设备和货物) 和服务的方法, 另一种是将公司现有的产品和服务转变为环境考虑类型的方法。 例如, 设备。 基于环保产品的概念, 采用生命周期评价方法, 对节能资源等环境影响进行定量评价, 对拆迁和可回收性进行评价。 我们正在努力提高我们产品的环境效率和环境性能。 在这样一个设计阶段, 生态设计的理念和环境考虑的推进, 可以期待未来世界市场的绿色前景对国内厂商的市场份额寄予厚望。 业务项目将在环境中继续增长。 基于环境新价值的企业激励措施, 如创建与《自然再生促进法》立法有关的新公共工程, 以及发展以回收为导向的社会的基础设施, 正在接二连三地进行。
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
【要点在这里】环保设备展览又卷土重来 2002.05.20
在一定时期, 一个低迷的环保设备展览又卷土重来。 参展商和参观者的数量急剧增加。 另一方面, 日本工业机械工业协会 (128家大公司) 的环保设备 (空气、水污染预防和废物处理) 产量在2000年达到了5000亿日元的高水平, 预计未来还将进一步增长。 如果这一数字包括其他不属于行业协会分类的节能、新能源或生态材料制造机器, 这个数字将更大。 在此背景下, 根据环境 iso 开展环境改善活动, 回收利用, 并扩大环境相关法律的立法。 在从公共需求迅速向私人需求蔓延的环境设备市场中, 环境设备租赁作为未来的开拓性领域, 正受到人们的关注。 私人对租赁的好处几乎没有需求, 市场也不知道。 然而, 随着每个工厂几年来环境改善活动的扩大, 市场也在扩大。 作为机床和建筑机械租赁的替代品, 环保设备是一个很有前途的选择。 目前, 市场包括与废物有关的破碎机和加工设备、商业设施的热电联产设施以及建筑物的节能设备。 今后, 与能源有关的, 如太阳能和风力发电机租赁业务、生物质能、固体燃料发电厂和燃料电池发电设施。 在废物相关材料中, 如焚化炉和与回收有关的设备、碳化炉和垃圾处理设备。 在各地正在研究的与 PFI有关的企业和生态城镇企业、租赁废物、与发电有关的设备和设备越来越多地被引进。 一些中端租赁公司在当年的合同中拥有超过 2 0亿日元。 租赁公司还投资于环境设备开发。 另一方面, 租赁市场将变得成熟, 随着环境设备租赁的扩大, 以及与适当实施有关的咨询、运营和管理的维护。
工业废物处置场, 新批准减少 1999.11.15
根据卫生和福利部的数据, 1999年4月至9月批准的工业废物填埋场已在全国9个设施停止。 与每年约130份相比, 预计过去几年的新许可证数量将大幅减少。 1998年6月, 对执行废物处理法的修正提出了更严格的批准要求, 各地发生了反对派运动。 截至 1998年4月, 全国垃圾填埋场共有2925设施。
【要点在这里】森林保护业务 2002.01.20
森林保护业务有可能扩大这一基础。 正如它所说, 家林是一片废墟。 森林的破坏, 如忽视、无照料伐木, 以及森林管理在眼睛中的明目张胆。 背景中对森林企业进行了极大的误判。 木材和阀门是由外国以低廉的价格供应的, 森林生意不可行, 被毁。 然而, 似乎能够建立成为具有经济激励的企业的微弱光线开始出现在森林企业中。
有几个原因。 首先, 绿色国内生产总值已开始将环境要求纳入国际经济指数 (国内生产总值)。 例如, 如果我们砍伐森林并将其出口到海外, 国内生产总值就会上升。 土壤流失和森林毁灭对生态系统的破坏以及二氧化碳的增加的代价并没有出现在 GCP 中。 考虑到对这一环境的负面影响, 这是对传统国内生产总值的重新思考。 此外, 基于 ISO14000 的森林认证制度, 如森林养护, 用于在排放交易系统中抑制二氧化碳结。 如果你读到这样的国际趋势, 就不可能像以往那样要求国外的廉价森林资源。 因此, 有效利用国内森林是不可避免的。
如何给经济、人力资源等稀缺的森林企业注入活力? 作为这位支持者出现的是具有管理能力的建筑和土木工程相关业务。 森林管理试验, 包括新的经济激励措施, 如森林养护和配套管理, 以及木材废料的回收利用、促进建筑材料的建设和排放交易。 除了一个项圈, 什么也没有, 把埃里莫角变成了一片富饶的森林, 重新获得了富饶的大海, 这是海带角渔民埃里莫的话。 "仅仅因为我们是渔民, 并不是我们只想到海洋, 而是海洋粗糙, 海洋粗糙。 我认为这从头部的核心。 我希望它成为这个企业的起源。
有几个原因。 首先, 绿色国内生产总值已开始将环境要求纳入国际经济指数 (国内生产总值)。 例如, 如果我们砍伐森林并将其出口到海外, 国内生产总值就会上升。 土壤流失和森林毁灭对生态系统的破坏以及二氧化碳的增加的代价并没有出现在 GCP 中。 考虑到对这一环境的负面影响, 这是对传统国内生产总值的重新思考。 此外, 基于 ISO14000 的森林认证制度, 如森林养护, 用于在排放交易系统中抑制二氧化碳结。 如果你读到这样的国际趋势, 就不可能像以往那样要求国外的廉价森林资源。 因此, 有效利用国内森林是不可避免的。
如何给经济、人力资源等稀缺的森林企业注入活力? 作为这位支持者出现的是具有管理能力的建筑和土木工程相关业务。 森林管理试验, 包括新的经济激励措施, 如森林养护和配套管理, 以及木材废料的回收利用、促进建筑材料的建设和排放交易。 除了一个项圈, 什么也没有, 把埃里莫角变成了一片富饶的森林, 重新获得了富饶的大海, 这是海带角渔民埃里莫的话。 "仅仅因为我们是渔民, 并不是我们只想到海洋, 而是海洋粗糙, 海洋粗糙。 我认为这从头部的核心。 我希望它成为这个企业的起源。
茨自销回收中心, 加工量爆炸 1999.12.15
茨自销回收中心预计将于1999年将二手车拆除单位的数量增加到26000套, 比1998年增加30%。 1996年的增幅为70%。 1998年底, 对《废物处理法》进行了修订, 规定了生产废物管理表 (清单), 加强了尾气经营者的管理责任, 处理集中在中心。 26, 000 套住房达到茨城县每年报废数量的17%。
47% 的工业焚烧设施计划进行更新和改造 1999.12.15
工业研究委员会 (东京都文京区) 对全国工业废物中间加工公司进行了问卷调查 (有效 448次)。 2002年, 针对二恶英排放的监管, 47家拥有焚化炉的公司。 3% 表示 "更新/重新建模"。 "它已经被支持" 28。 攀升至9%。 8% 的受访者表示将退出, 但研究小组估计, 到 2 0 0 2年, 焚化炉的需求将超过 5 0 0 0亿日元。
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
铸造行业第一, 环境责任保险 1999.11.15
作为33家公司成员的岐阜市铸造合作社 1 1日宣布, 已参加工业垃圾处置环境污染责任保险。 AIU保险是一种商品, 在普通的人际目标中, 补充语言学的总数为每起事故1亿日元。 年保费 780,000, 000 日元。 该协会每年联合外包13600吨工业废物处理, 但在发生环境污染事故时, 判断很难避免中小型排气公司的责任。
Power development by citizens 1999.04.15
The Citizen group in Edogawa-ku, "The citizen net which thinks about global warming from the step" is advancing the construction of a power plant using the solar light. The installation was completed in May in the temple "Shoukoin" in the same district. Nearly six million yen will be funded by subsidies, loans and civic donations. The electricity generated is sold to the electric power company besides using it as electricity of the lure. The second and third power plant construction is also planned after depreciation.
Temporary surge in CO2 concentration 1998.04.15
The meteorological Agency's observations show that CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere soared in the first year of fiscal 1998. Compared to 1997, the CO2 average concentration in 1998 was in the three stations of Ayasato (Iwate prefecture), Minami Torijima (Tokyo), Yonaguni Island (Okinawa Prefecture), and 2. 8 to 3.1 ppm rose. It is said that it is almost twice the average of the year since the start of observation in 87 years. In addition to the burning of fossil fuels, the agency said that the effects of El Nino caused the temperature to rise worldwide and temporarily strengthened the effects of plant respiration and soil organic matter.
关于给予区域新能源补贴的决定 1999.12.15
新能源和工业技术发展组织 (NEDO) 决定在1999财政年度为促进区域新能源的引进提供补贴。 在太阳能发电中, 总共47个项目占太阳能发电的近一半, 增加了20个。 随后, 十大风力发电企业、6个天然气热电联产项目、3家清洁能源汽车企业。 该公司还首次采用了一家废物产生企业和一家废物燃料制造企业。
The ecobusiness-themed job and career counseling 1999 1999.02.15
Recently, "the ecobusiness-themed job and career counseling 1999" was held at the National Olympic Youth Center in Yoyogi, Tokyo. At present, about 60 people, such as companies that promote environmental projects or environmental measures (mostly in their twenties), have become counselors and respond to student career counseling. It is a form to be consulted by students at booths divided by industry.
In the third year of the university where a large number of participants started job hunting, 240 people were gathered far beyond the maximum of 180 students. In the same event held last midsummer, there were participants who were significantly more than the organizers ' expectations, and the venue was stuffy hot. The participants were saying unanimously, "I want to be involved in environmental measures and environmental business in the company". However, the company information that such hope is granted is too insufficient. The current recruiting system does not see the environmental commitment of the company.
That is why it is an incentive to attract students who have an interest in the environment, such as a career counseling. More and more students are looking for a job at an environmental-related company every year. However, the recruitment system on the enterprise side does not notice the movement of such a student change even in the enterprise which promotes an advanced approach to the environment as the past. Regardless of the emotional and mood aspects of the student side, it is unfortunate that the relationship between the two companies has no place to meet. By meeting both in the field of environment, the corporate side feels the sensibility of the next generation, and the student recognizes the environmental activity of the enterprise and makes a new departure. We have been thinking for several years that we would like to recruit the environment as an enter into interface between companies and students and to commercialize the internship system. I pension scheme This is an environmental business.
In the third year of the university where a large number of participants started job hunting, 240 people were gathered far beyond the maximum of 180 students. In the same event held last midsummer, there were participants who were significantly more than the organizers ' expectations, and the venue was stuffy hot. The participants were saying unanimously, "I want to be involved in environmental measures and environmental business in the company". However, the company information that such hope is granted is too insufficient. The current recruiting system does not see the environmental commitment of the company.
That is why it is an incentive to attract students who have an interest in the environment, such as a career counseling. More and more students are looking for a job at an environmental-related company every year. However, the recruitment system on the enterprise side does not notice the movement of such a student change even in the enterprise which promotes an advanced approach to the environment as the past. Regardless of the emotional and mood aspects of the student side, it is unfortunate that the relationship between the two companies has no place to meet. By meeting both in the field of environment, the corporate side feels the sensibility of the next generation, and the student recognizes the environmental activity of the enterprise and makes a new departure. We have been thinking for several years that we would like to recruit the environment as an enter into interface between companies and students and to commercialize the internship system. I pension scheme This is an environmental business.
环保设备订单同比增长3.6% 1999.12.15
日本工业机械工业协会总结了1999财政年度上半年 (4月至9月) 的环保设备订单。 6606, 000, 000 日元, 比上年增长 3.6%, 特别是比2002年城市垃圾焚烧炉的二恶英法规提前 3. 6%, 垃圾处理系统增加了 3 1. 5% 至 3 5, 70000, 000 日元。 不过, 下半年, 预计通过防止水污染等经济措施下令的油田将大幅低迷。
Monday, February 4, 2019
第一个成立绿色采购的县组织 1999.12.15
12月16日, 公司在地县建立了绿色采购组织滋贺绿色网络, 其中包括31家公司、消费者团体和滋贺县的市政府, 包括松下电器工业和 NEC 关西。 公私合作的绿色采购组织将是该县组织中的第一个。 深化地方一级的合作, 让国家一级 "绿色采购网络" 无法覆盖的中小企业和民间团体参与进来。
ワシミミズク生息地でダム建設計画 1998.10.15
Ocean Purification Business Expanding②
<A variety of organisms from Japan cross the sea and have been in various parts of the world. >
● In various parts of the world damaged by ballast water, not to be overlooked the damage by ballast (weight) water to load the ship in order to stabilize the running. Seawater loaded into the ballast tank at the departure of the Japan is discharged at Port of call. In addition to having a bad influence on the local ecosystem and the water industry as described above as an alien species, the organism of the Japan production which had been mixed has brought it to the occurrence of the health damage of the local person. Cases of damage caused by foreign organisms that are considered to be caused by ballast water. Australian farmed scallops and oyster damage caused by starfish brought from Japan, etc. Due to the proliferation of zebra shells from Eastern Europe, the closure of the inlet of the power plant on the Great Lakes Coast United States. There have been cases where one million people have been infected in South America due to the cholera bacterium that has been transferred to the Mexico Bay, and 10,000 deaths have died.
● Market size of ballast water measures: trillion yen although the damage has not been manifested at this time, there is a high possibility that new damage will occur when the growth environment of governing organisms changes in the future of climate change, the activation of economic activity of the GDP supremacy, and water pollution by industrialization and urbanization, etc. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted the "Ballast Water Regulation Treaty" in February 2004. The treaty requires that new shipbuilding be equipped with equipment that properly handles ballast water since 2009. "This processing unit is expected to be in demand for more than two trillion yen in the world" (Eco-business Network Research) Other, the damage measures caused by the biological movement, it is no doubt that an immense market will be created. This is business opportunities in the marine Japan of the environmental technology nation.
● In various parts of the world damaged by ballast water, not to be overlooked the damage by ballast (weight) water to load the ship in order to stabilize the running. Seawater loaded into the ballast tank at the departure of the Japan is discharged at Port of call. In addition to having a bad influence on the local ecosystem and the water industry as described above as an alien species, the organism of the Japan production which had been mixed has brought it to the occurrence of the health damage of the local person. Cases of damage caused by foreign organisms that are considered to be caused by ballast water. Australian farmed scallops and oyster damage caused by starfish brought from Japan, etc. Due to the proliferation of zebra shells from Eastern Europe, the closure of the inlet of the power plant on the Great Lakes Coast United States. There have been cases where one million people have been infected in South America due to the cholera bacterium that has been transferred to the Mexico Bay, and 10,000 deaths have died.
● Market size of ballast water measures: trillion yen although the damage has not been manifested at this time, there is a high possibility that new damage will occur when the growth environment of governing organisms changes in the future of climate change, the activation of economic activity of the GDP supremacy, and water pollution by industrialization and urbanization, etc. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted the "Ballast Water Regulation Treaty" in February 2004. The treaty requires that new shipbuilding be equipped with equipment that properly handles ballast water since 2009. "This processing unit is expected to be in demand for more than two trillion yen in the world" (Eco-business Network Research) Other, the damage measures caused by the biological movement, it is no doubt that an immense market will be created. This is business opportunities in the marine Japan of the environmental technology nation.
The recycling network of waste as the corporate collaboration 1998.10.15
The new business to mediate and mediation waste is promising for the recycling of waste materials. It is a service industry which provides the waste discharged from each company as a valuable thing to each enterprise necessary as a resource. They are also asked to secure the necessary waste and collect them even out of work. The brokerage and mediation business of such waste is approved by each industry.In America, large-scale waste is bought and sold on the Internet, and waste is no longer considered as a "second resource and raw material", and the mediation and mediation market for it is expanding.
In Japan, for example, if you could squeeze Kasuya of juice, collect apple skins, and reuse raw materials for candy and cakes. In addition, the wood scrap and the old material are the fiber board to the furniture maker if it relates to housing. In addition, many advanced examples can be seen in the field of waste water and scrap metal. The point is that the idea of using waste as a resource is the construction of a network of resources for recycling and supply. These cases are seen in a relatively small number of small business businesses, but they are being held in large-scale cases these days.
The recycling network of waste is also formed in the corporate collaboration of clusters (cluster = bunches, clumps, herds). A cluster is an attempt to increase its potential by collaborating with several companies on an industrial activity that has been completed within a company. In other words, waste is used as a raw material among several companies. Companies can reduce the cost of waste disposal and reduce production costs by effectively taking advantage of waste. It can be said that recycling of waste is not only a consideration to the environment but also a useful method in the management strategy because the price rise of the resource is forecast in the future. As a matter of doing so, the intermediary and mediation of wastes occupy an important position.
In Japan, for example, if you could squeeze Kasuya of juice, collect apple skins, and reuse raw materials for candy and cakes. In addition, the wood scrap and the old material are the fiber board to the furniture maker if it relates to housing. In addition, many advanced examples can be seen in the field of waste water and scrap metal. The point is that the idea of using waste as a resource is the construction of a network of resources for recycling and supply. These cases are seen in a relatively small number of small business businesses, but they are being held in large-scale cases these days.
The recycling network of waste is also formed in the corporate collaboration of clusters (cluster = bunches, clumps, herds). A cluster is an attempt to increase its potential by collaborating with several companies on an industrial activity that has been completed within a company. In other words, waste is used as a raw material among several companies. Companies can reduce the cost of waste disposal and reduce production costs by effectively taking advantage of waste. It can be said that recycling of waste is not only a consideration to the environment but also a useful method in the management strategy because the price rise of the resource is forecast in the future. As a matter of doing so, the intermediary and mediation of wastes occupy an important position.
せっかくきたのに今は悪者 1998.10.15
Sunday, February 3, 2019
GPN出版汽车指南 1999.12.15
绿色采购网络 (gpn) 发布了《产品选择汽车版环境数据手册》。 该公司发布了466款国内9家主要制造商的车型。 环境信息包括燃油经济性、二氧化碳排放量、废气排放水平、噪音水平、汽车空调中制冷剂的类型和数量、铅用量的降低、回收设计工作、再生材料的使用、标准价格和重量。 价格为每单位 1, 000 日元 (含税, 邮费分开)。
回收纸的购买价格上涨 1999.11.15
自去年11月以来, 纸板制造商将中部中部一家杂志纸批发商的购货价格 (不含运费) 提高了4日元, 每公斤提高了1日元。 由于再生纸的需求扩大, 它成为与原纸短缺相对应的形式。 在过去的几个月里, 关西地区的老纸业批发商的股价最近一直下降到 2 0% 左右。
Green Serviciding - Growing share business in Japan 2
The future of share business is prominent in the exchange of things such as cars and rooms, from now time and know-how, wisdom and said intangible things can also be expected to be targeted. The business of sharing the professional ability such as acting on behalf of the housework general and the language lesson, and the design and the program construction is likely to become widespread. Share business is a low barriers to entry, if you have a PC or smartphone mechanism to tie the supply and demand is possible business idea. It's better to have a more mobile business place than a big company. It is also possible to contribute to the revitalization of the local economy in the local economy by utilizing human resources buried the region. The share business which leads to the reduction of the environmental load comes out of the word "Serviciding" if courtesy the origin. In the past, Serviciding has been sold as a product to obtain the price by providing the function of the product. For example, the purpose of a car is to use the mobility function, and the point is not to own the product, but to enjoy its function. As a contribution to the environmental impact, "Green Serviciding" is the product used by the function provider. In other words, it contributes to the recovery of used products and the promotion of proper processing (resource recycling). There is merit merit that the cost saving of waste processing for the function user, and the proper processing of the waste can be done smoothly, and the relation between mutually win and win is Toriyuberu.
Ocean Purification Business Expanding①
<A variety of organisms from Japan cross the sea and have been in various parts of the world. >
Occasionally, it is reported the danger of foreign species such as the hiali and poison spiders that came from abroad in TV and the newspaper, but is not known unexpectedly on the other hand, a variety of organisms of the Japan cross the Sea, In each country, there are few cases that are causing the destruction of ecological systems and industrial activities.
Cross-border foreign species Mondai has become increasingly serious as globalization of trade spreads. Major blow to the ecosystem and water industry of the sea in recent years, marine pollution by waste plastic, such as radioactive water Runaway, but is calling the topic as international news, it has been seen as a problem from the past is a variety of biological destruction of the sea and marine and water industry damage and the like. New Zealand Among the fish farms in the South Island, it is said that the Japan seaweed damage is not unusual. "The mussels that I raised with great pains are ruined" and the voice of the criticism is constant. As of 2017, the survey is spreading damage throughout the country. Brown seaweed from Japan is hanging around the mussels in aquaculture. The mussels will not be able to consume seawater, and it may be difficult to ship because of suffocation or poor growth. I hear that native species of Japan other than wakame are rampaging in other areas. In the United States, "scum" and "Oohari Ali" and made in Japan are very active.
Occasionally, it is reported the danger of foreign species such as the hiali and poison spiders that came from abroad in TV and the newspaper, but is not known unexpectedly on the other hand, a variety of organisms of the Japan cross the Sea, In each country, there are few cases that are causing the destruction of ecological systems and industrial activities.
Cross-border foreign species Mondai has become increasingly serious as globalization of trade spreads. Major blow to the ecosystem and water industry of the sea in recent years, marine pollution by waste plastic, such as radioactive water Runaway, but is calling the topic as international news, it has been seen as a problem from the past is a variety of biological destruction of the sea and marine and water industry damage and the like. New Zealand Among the fish farms in the South Island, it is said that the Japan seaweed damage is not unusual. "The mussels that I raised with great pains are ruined" and the voice of the criticism is constant. As of 2017, the survey is spreading damage throughout the country. Brown seaweed from Japan is hanging around the mussels in aquaculture. The mussels will not be able to consume seawater, and it may be difficult to ship because of suffocation or poor growth. I hear that native species of Japan other than wakame are rampaging in other areas. In the United States, "scum" and "Oohari Ali" and made in Japan are very active.
【要点在这里】公共工程的变化 2002.08.20
以社会资本为目的的公共工程今后必须改变。 传统的公共工程包括发展基础设施, 如平坦的道路、桥梁、海湾港口、渔港、机场、污水、住房、公园、废物处理设施和其他基础设施的发展, 如防灾基金会等。 对公共工程的批评爆发了这几个地方。 究其原因, 是在经济高速增长时期后, 公共工程被定位为经济刺激财政政策的支柱。 没有人反对利用公共工程刺激经济, 但日本只强调经济刺激的各个方面, 商业内容被忽视。 这一象征是对美利坚合众国630万亿公共投资基本计划 (从1995财政年度至 2007) 的认捐。 公共工程费用总额首先是在没有询问该地区是否公开的情况下决定的。 因此, 公共工程也不能幸免于与利益有关的废物类型、当地环境破坏类型和当地社区破坏类型。 当我们看世界各地正在处理的公共工程时, 环境再生类型与环境和谐和使用类型正在成为主流。 除了保护现有的自然环境以及修复和恢复不断恶化的自然环境外, 正在开发下一代可持续的社会资本。 这类公共工程不会立即产生效果, 即使似乎需要短期成本, 与传统公共工程相比, 从长远来看也会产生经济影响。 在日本, 随着公共工程中循环社会的实现, 资源循环、自然环境保护、新能源开发等社会资本发展理念脆弱。 日本部分地区的公共工程质量变化已经开始。 我的工作是应一个部的要求, 到南部的一个偏远岛屿, 将传统公共工程费用的引入转移到岛上的自然和社会资源、自然能源和自然环境保护的回收利用上。 未来公共工程的方向和内容是什么?
Saturday, February 2, 2019
Endocrine disruptors are widely present 1999.12.15
The Ministry of Construction summarized the results of the survey on endocrine disruptors, which were conducted in 1999 for the first-class river and major sewage facilities. In the water quality survey, five chemical substances such as nonylphenol and bisphenol A were confirmed at many points while low concentrations of hormones derived from human animals. Both the sediment survey and the sewer facility survey were detected at many points, and both tended to be similar to the 98 Year survey.
The city's NOx reduction measures are well 1998.04.15
According to the Tokyo metropolitan Government, operators using more than 50-year-long freight vehicles achieved 45% of the reduction target by fiscal 2000 in 1997. In June 1998, 591 companies, approximately three-quarters of which were targeted to curb emissions, were submitted to the city with a suppression plan. The plan to take measures such as abolition of idling, the plan to reduce the driving volume by reviewing sales routes, and the plan to introduce low-emission vehicles was about half.
第一个成立绿色采购的县组织 1999.12.15
12月16日, 公司在地县建立了绿色采购组织滋贺绿色网络, 其中包括31家公司、消费者团体和滋贺县的市政府, 包括松下电器工业和 NEC关西。 公私合作的绿色采购组织将是该县组织中的第一个。 深化地方一级的合作, 让国家一级 "绿色采购网络" 无法覆盖的中小企业和民间团体参与进来。
生态城(ecotown)业务 2002.06
"通过支持发展以私营企业为中心的领先回收设施, 生态泰的业务将继续积极发展, 作为一项国家政策, 以支持创建零废物城市, 并促进环境产业成为一个新的产业。 生态城镇业务将显示今年经济产业省环境预算分布的最大增长率。 今年, 去年增长了13亿日元。 以 "资源回收补贴" 为幌子, 今年的主要业务是 "对宠物瓶、塑料废塑料、废木等回收设施的补贴"。 过去, 生态城镇业务得到了全国 1 5个地点的认可。 我听说目前有50个地点, 该地区正准备申请生态城镇项目。 今年, 第一个 "富山生态城镇规划" 被经济产业省和环境部批准, 削减顶。 该业务的内容是用于包装塑料、塑料加工和农业中产生的废塑料的回收材料, 以及回收成胸罩材料的材料。 左边是转换为石油的过程。 促进 "混合废塑料回收利用", 该区域在没有废物的情况下使用。 此外, 我们还将建筑垃圾回收成高附加值的建筑材料, 以及当地房屋制造商使用的企业。 当我们看生态城镇业务的轮廓时, 我们将促进向铁路和航运的模式转变, 以建设静脉物流网络, 以及废物和服务回收、医疗废物和 pcb 解毒。 引入自然能源和更多。 未来, 生态城镇业务将加快发展, 实现区域循环型社会。 可以肯定的是, 它将在该地区创造第一个环保企业, 但这个问题能否作为盈利企业继续存在?
Plant-derived bioplastic②
The use of forest resources is growing as an industry, and the demand for forest-related resources is increasing from the securing of new energy resources to the world. In the Japan, energy-related thermal use and power generation utilization of forest and woody biomass (lumber residue, felling, pruning wood, etc.) widely distributed nationwide are carried out in various places. Overseas, the amount of the production of the bioethanol (cellulose as a raw material) of the oil alternative of the plant origin has increased comparatively. In the Japan, the production of BA-ethanol, which uses forests and woody-based cellulose as raw materials, has begun in the demonstration phase.
On the other hand, the bio-plastic as the eco-materiel use of the forest resource has already begun production as part of the member of the electric machine and the precision equipment. The research of the new material and eco-material "cellulose nanofibers" (CNF) of the use of Bioprestik is rapidly expanding plant, it became a concrete product is Bioprestik. In eco-material development, the world's top Japan has already begun to be used in electronic equipment and automotive related materials as a reinforcing plestik, in addition to disposable diapers and ballpoint pens. The main ingredient of this plant fiber is a robust structure, such as reinforced concrete, and the strength of one-fifth of the steel is five times higher than that. Moreover, because it is carbon neutral (not emitted CO2 into the atmosphere) from a renewable plant, it also leads to suppression of global warming. The source of the raw material is the forest and the primary industry. It will become an opportunity of new industry creation, and it is a barrel material in the world of pure domestic for the forest country and the Japan. The commercialization and commercialization of Bioplestik is steadily expanding.
On the other hand, the bio-plastic as the eco-materiel use of the forest resource has already begun production as part of the member of the electric machine and the precision equipment. The research of the new material and eco-material "cellulose nanofibers" (CNF) of the use of Bioprestik is rapidly expanding plant, it became a concrete product is Bioprestik. In eco-material development, the world's top Japan has already begun to be used in electronic equipment and automotive related materials as a reinforcing plestik, in addition to disposable diapers and ballpoint pens. The main ingredient of this plant fiber is a robust structure, such as reinforced concrete, and the strength of one-fifth of the steel is five times higher than that. Moreover, because it is carbon neutral (not emitted CO2 into the atmosphere) from a renewable plant, it also leads to suppression of global warming. The source of the raw material is the forest and the primary industry. It will become an opportunity of new industry creation, and it is a barrel material in the world of pure domestic for the forest country and the Japan. The commercialization and commercialization of Bioplestik is steadily expanding.
环保设备订单同比增长3.6% 1999.12.15
日本工业机械工业协会总结了1999财政年度上半年 (4月至9月) 的环保设备订单。 6606, 000, 000 日元, 比上年增长 3.6%, 特别是比2002年城市垃圾焚烧炉的二恶英法规提前 3. 6%, 垃圾处理系统增加了 3 1. 5% 至 3 5, 70000, 000 日元。 不过, 下半年, 预计通过防止水污染等经济措施下令的油田将大幅低迷
Friday, February 1, 2019
定期券の使い道 1998.10.15
Plant-derived bioplastic①
A variety of forest-derived Planticek is now in production. Resources that depend and import a lot of resources overseas Japan small country. Fossil fuels, such as petroleum, which are highly depleted. Many resources are used for price hikes, political tools, and in times of difficulty in securing the security of resources. Currently, the proposition demanded by Japan is the development of the pure domestic resources that can be procured in the country. With 70% of the country's land, a wide variety of initiatives are being made to utilize forests that are left unused as resources.
The stepping is the development of bio-plastic applications from the forest.
Japan is the world's leading forest country. It is said that the ratio of the forest area in the land area is "forest rate", and the forest rate is 67% and 2/3 of the country is a forest, and this ratio is the second highest after Finland in the advanced country Japan. In a word, Japan is the world's leading forest country. About half of these are natural forests, 20% are artificial forests, and other 30% are composed of non-standing trees (forest The tree is not erected) and Bamboo Grove. However, Japan is one of the leading timber importer, and the Japan timber self-sufficiency rate is about 30%. The current situation is that about 70% of the wood used is dependent on imports. By the way, tropical plywood is the world's largest importer, and it is possible that sustainable rainforest timber is being used to break the use of sustainable materials that have been protected from the 2016 international NGO and 44 organizations to the related facilities of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is also a fact that there is a high warning. The idea of using sustainable materials has been carried over with Beijing, London and Rio, but remains marked with a question mark at the Tokyo Olympics.
The stepping is the development of bio-plastic applications from the forest.
Japan is the world's leading forest country. It is said that the ratio of the forest area in the land area is "forest rate", and the forest rate is 67% and 2/3 of the country is a forest, and this ratio is the second highest after Finland in the advanced country Japan. In a word, Japan is the world's leading forest country. About half of these are natural forests, 20% are artificial forests, and other 30% are composed of non-standing trees (forest The tree is not erected) and Bamboo Grove. However, Japan is one of the leading timber importer, and the Japan timber self-sufficiency rate is about 30%. The current situation is that about 70% of the wood used is dependent on imports. By the way, tropical plywood is the world's largest importer, and it is possible that sustainable rainforest timber is being used to break the use of sustainable materials that have been protected from the 2016 international NGO and 44 organizations to the related facilities of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is also a fact that there is a high warning. The idea of using sustainable materials has been carried over with Beijing, London and Rio, but remains marked with a question mark at the Tokyo Olympics.
【要点在这里】从 摇篮期 到 成长期 中小企业环保产品 1998.03.15
"抵制运动" 一直是消费群体运动的根源。 然而, 最近这一运动发生了很大变化。 通过撤回传统的抵制运动, 故意购买环保产品 (环保产品) 的方向反而出现了。 它是一个成熟的绿色消费者的诞生。 这个运动的转换的意思是大的, 虽然它是一个做同样潮流从 "指责类型" 在环境保护运动到 "提议类型"。
消费行为标准由当地消费者组织实施。 例如,
(1) 回收的可能性。
(2) 环境影响的可能性。
(3) 安全。
(4) 使用它可以持续更长的时间。
如购买的基础。 这些运动反映在环境产品制造商的制造中, 是生产环境效率高的产品的导火索。
另一方面, 它是一家专门从事环境业务的中小型公司, 目前在市场上提供许多 "销售" 的环保产品。 大多数公司都有有改善环境的经理。 命中产品的交付只有在对环境有承诺的情况下才能诞生, 但这里有不少需要反思的地方。 管理层表示: "我们已经忘记了业务发展, 考虑到了市场的需求, 有这么多的事情, 只有一个痛苦的产品开发之前。 它开始能够做双方最终都能匹配的产品规划 "
这些产品的环保消费行为以及符合销售方面环境的制造和市场研究, 使环境商品市场发生了质的变化, 并扩大了市场。 环境商业市场摆脱了 "摇篮期", 进入了 "增长时期"。 前几天, 由 7 5家中小型企业在东京举办的环保商业博览会, 进一步增加了反映市场需求的环保产品项目。 因此, 源公司的良好业绩仍在继续。
消费行为标准由当地消费者组织实施。 例如,
(1) 回收的可能性。
(2) 环境影响的可能性。
(3) 安全。
(4) 使用它可以持续更长的时间。
如购买的基础。 这些运动反映在环境产品制造商的制造中, 是生产环境效率高的产品的导火索。
另一方面, 它是一家专门从事环境业务的中小型公司, 目前在市场上提供许多 "销售" 的环保产品。 大多数公司都有有改善环境的经理。 命中产品的交付只有在对环境有承诺的情况下才能诞生, 但这里有不少需要反思的地方。 管理层表示: "我们已经忘记了业务发展, 考虑到了市场的需求, 有这么多的事情, 只有一个痛苦的产品开发之前。 它开始能够做双方最终都能匹配的产品规划 "
这些产品的环保消费行为以及符合销售方面环境的制造和市场研究, 使环境商品市场发生了质的变化, 并扩大了市场。 环境商业市场摆脱了 "摇篮期", 进入了 "增长时期"。 前几天, 由 7 5家中小型企业在东京举办的环保商业博览会, 进一步增加了反映市场需求的环保产品项目。 因此, 源公司的良好业绩仍在继续。
违反美国司法部《空中净化法》的诉讼 1999.11.15
美国司法部对在俄亥俄州、佛罗里达州和其他国家共经营 1 7 座燃煤电厂的7家电力公司提起诉讼, 违反了空气净化法。 每个发电厂每天最高可被罚款27500美元。 据该部称, 由于未经授权改进了行动寿命, 净化方法禁止了这些发电厂的大量排放, 如氮氧化物和袜子。
回收纸的购买价格上涨 1999.11.15
自去年11月以来, 纸板制造商将中部中部一家杂志纸批发商的购货价格 (不含运费) 提高了4日元, 每公斤提高了1日元。 由于再生纸的需求扩大, 它成为与原纸短缺相对应的形式。 在过去的几个月里, 关西地区的老纸业批发商的股价最近一直下降到 2 0% 左右。
2019年4月5日新春エコビジネスネットワーク チーム・Eチャート例会開催の
エコビジネスネットワーク代表 安藤 眞さん
(株)MIC武田技術士事務所代表 武田 彰夫さん
一般社団法人・資源エネルギー研究協会事務局長 倉内 暁浩さん
(株)エコ・プロクト代表 小田 吉徳さん
場所;飯田橋ボランティアセンター B会議室
或いはチーム・Eチャート事務局 加藤 博08030148986まで。
2019年4月5日新春エコビジネスネットワーク チーム・Eチャート例会開催の
エコビジネスネットワーク代表 安藤 眞さん
(株)MIC武田技術士事務所代表 武田 彰夫さん
一般社団法人・資源エネルギー研究協会事務局長 倉内 暁浩さん
(株)エコ・プロクト代表 小田 吉徳さん
場所;飯田橋ボランティアセンター B会議室
或いはチーム・Eチャート事務局 加藤 博08030148986まで。
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