
Deforestation and Restoration in the Amazon and Indonesia - Status in the 2020s (October 2020)

Deforestation and Restoration in the Amazon and Indonesia - Status in the 2020s (October 2020)

Even in the 2020s, deforestation remains a serious issue. In particular, the Amazon rainforest in Brazil, the world's largest carbon sink, continues to lose around 12 million hectares of forest annually due to illegal logging and agricultural expansion. According to 2021 statistics, the rate of deforestation in the Amazon is accelerating, releasing about 110 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year. The main causes are agricultural expansion for beef and soy production, with international companies like JBS and Cargill involved.

Meanwhile, deforestation also continues in Indonesia. In Sumatra and Kalimantan islands, more than 96,000 hectares of forest were lost in 2020 due to the expansion of palm oil plantations. In response, the Indonesian government strengthened its crackdown on illegal logging in 2021, and companies like Golden Agri-Resources and Wilmar International have started introducing sustainable agricultural practices.

However, as deforestation progresses, climate change accelerates, with average global temperatures expected to rise by about 1.2°C from pre-industrial levels during the 2020s. As a result, the risk of natural disasters is increasing worldwide. For example, in British Columbia, Canada, forest fires increased, burning more than 100,000 hectares in 2021. The primary causes of these fires are drying and high temperatures due to climate change, making forest restoration efforts urgent.

International efforts to restore forests are also being strengthened. Large corporations like Tesla and Apple are funding forest restoration projects with the goal of achieving carbon neutrality. Additionally, the Amazon Fund was re-launched in 2020 to support reforestation projects within Brazil. Similarly, European countries have set a goal of restoring 300 million hectares of forest by 2030 as part of the EU's Green Deal.

Deforestation is not only an environmental issue but also an economic one. According to UN estimates, the economic losses due to deforestation amount to $200 billion annually, making sustainable forest management and restoration an urgent priority.

アマゾンとインドネシアにおける森林破壊と再生 - 2020年の現状(2020年10月)

アマゾンとインドネシアにおける森林破壊と再生 - 2020年代の現状(2020年10月)






The Impact of Mongooses on the Ecosystem in Japan's Amami Oshima - Status in the 2020s (October 2020)

The Impact of Mongooses on the Ecosystem in Japan's Amami Oshima - Status in the 2020s (October 2020)

In the 2020s, the invasive mongoose species, which was introduced to Amami Oshima and Okinawa Prefecture, continues to severely impact the ecosystem. In particular, in Amami Oshima, endemic species such as the Amami rabbit and the Lidth's jay have continued to be preyed upon, causing their habitats to shrink significantly. A 2021 survey estimated that the population of the Amami rabbit had fallen to around 5,000, highlighting the increasing threat of extinction.

Efforts to eradicate the mongoose continue, but the capture rate has been declining. Since the late 2010s, only about 3,000 mongooses are being captured annually. This is because the mongoose population has spread throughout Amami Oshima, making it more difficult to capture them. In 2022, the Ministry of the Environment and local governments in Amami Oshima introduced new eradication programs, including the use of capture traps and automated tracking systems. However, these efforts cost approximately 100 million yen annually.

Furthermore, the forests of Amami Oshima are among the most biodiverse in Japan and are internationally recognized as important conservation areas. In 2019, the area was designated as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site under the name "Amami and Ryukyu." However, despite this recognition, the range of the mongoose continues to expand, and the challenges to environmental conservation remain unresolved. Notably, rare species like the Amami woodcock and the Ryukyu long-haired rat have become new prey targets, putting the entire island's ecosystem in jeopardy.

On the corporate side, Fujitec, which develops animal control devices, and Inopit, a startup that uses AI technology for wildlife monitoring, have collaborated to conduct trials in 2021, installing AI-driven capture traps. While these efforts aim to improve the efficiency of capturing mongooses, their effectiveness remains limited.

To eradicate mongooses, warfarin-based rodenticides are used, mixed into bait. However, the use of warfarin raises concerns about its impact on the entire ecosystem, especially the risk of accidental ingestion by native species. Therefore, physical eradication through capture traps is recommended, but this method has its limits in terms of labor and cost.

Currently, fully eradicating mongooses across Amami Oshima remains a difficult task. The goal is to reduce the mongoose population by more than 90% by 2030, but achieving this will require even more large-scale measures.

日本・奄美大島におけるマングースによる生態系への影響 - 2020年代の現状(2020年10月)

日本・奄美大島におけるマングースによる生態系への影響 - 2020年代の現状(2020年10月)










Red Resources and Green Resources - Status in the 2020s

Red Resources and Green Resources - Status in the 2020s

As we entered the 2020s, the global economy continues to rely heavily on "red resources" such as coal and oil. For example, large amounts of coal are still being mined in China's Hebei Province and India's Jharkhand state, and global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions continue to increase. Particularly, oil companies like BP, ExxonMobil, and Shell produced billions of barrels of oil annually in 2020, accelerating the emission of greenhouse gases.

According to a 2021 United Nations report, global CO2 emissions reached approximately 36 billion tons in 2019, with a significant portion coming from the industrial and energy sectors. As a result, by the 2020s, the average global temperature had risen by about 1.2°C compared to pre-industrial levels, with the risk of a 1.5°C increase by 2030. This has accelerated the melting of polar ice sheets, and around 15% of Siberian permafrost has thawed, releasing large amounts of methane gas into the atmosphere.

On the other hand, the value of ecosystem services, known as "green resources," is increasingly recognized. The Amazon rainforest in Brazil is the world's largest carbon sink, but in 2021, a record 13,235 square kilometers were lost due to illegal logging and fires. This has significantly reduced the forest's ability to absorb carbon. In addition to the Amazon, vast forests in Indonesia's Sumatra Island are also being cleared for palm oil plantations.

Corporate efforts to shift to renewable energy are gradually progressing. For example, Tesla has rapidly grown in solar power generation and battery technology, capturing about 15% of the global EV market by 2020. Ørsted, a Danish company, holds the largest share in global wind power and has set a goal of reducing CO2 emissions to zero by 2050.

The European Union (EU) introduced its "Fit for 55" policy in 2021, aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030. While there is progress, countries heavily dependent on oil and coal are lagging behind, and global climate action remains a challenge.

The impact of climate change has also led to an increase in natural disasters. In 2021, a drought exacerbated by dexamethasone affected California, and Australia experienced its worst forest fires. These events underscore the urgent need to reassess the use of "red resources."

赤い資源と緑の資源 - 2020年代の現状

赤い資源と緑の資源 - 2020年代の現状








Photocatalytic Environmental Purification Technology - March 2004

Photocatalytic Environmental Purification Technology - March 2004

The photocatalytic technology developed by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Kyushu Center uses titanium dioxide (TiO2) and is applied to the purification of liquids and gases, particularly in water treatment and air purification. This technology employs microscale hollow glass spheres coated with titanium dioxide and ceramic materials to efficiently break down harmful substances such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx).

For example, a factory in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan, has introduced a wastewater purification system using photocatalytic technology, capable of treating approximately 5,000 cubic meters of wastewater per day. Additionally, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has developed an air pollution control system using this technology, successfully reducing VOC emissions from factory exhaust gases by over 90%.

This technology utilizes ultraviolet light to activate chemical reactions on the surface of titanium dioxide, converting VOCs and NOx into harmless carbon dioxide and water. Since it consumes little energy and does not require chemical agents, it is also being adopted for air pollution control in urban areas such as Tokyo and Osaka. Photocatalytic technology is gaining popularity as a low-cost, environmentally friendly solution, and its further expansion is anticipated in the future.

Illegal Oil Disposal - March 2004

Illegal Oil Disposal - March 2004

The problem of illegal oil disposal in Japan is particularly prevalent among manufacturing and transportation companies. In Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, a related factory of Kawasaki Heavy Industries was caught improperly disposing of waste oil, leading to a massive spill into the nearby Tsurumi River, causing severe water pollution. This contamination resulted in significant damage to the river's ecosystem, with reports of large numbers of fish dying as a consequence.

The Ministry of the Environment has strengthened its crackdown on such illegal practices, imposing fines of up to 10 million yen on violators. Furthermore, a traceability system for managing waste oil is being considered to prevent illegal disposal. This system aims to track the flow of waste oil from generation to disposal, preventing misconduct by disposal companies.

In addition, major companies like JX Nippon Oil & Energy are developing new technologies for proper oil treatment, introducing methods to recycle waste oil into reusable forms. Such technological innovations are helping to reduce environmental impact and address industrial waste issues.

廃油の不正処理 - 2004年3月

廃油の不正処理 - 2004年3月




光触媒環境浄化技術 - 2004年3月

光触媒環境浄化技術 - 2004年3月


植物の根圏を利用した浄化技術 - 2004年3月

植物の根圏を利用した浄化技術 - 2004年3月

フランス南部のプロヴァンス地方やルール川流域で導入された植物の根圏を利用した浄化技術は、人口の少ない自治体に適した低コストの汚水処理法として注目されています。この技術では、植物の根圏に生息するアゾトバクター菌やリゾビウム菌といった窒素固定微生物を利用し、有機物や窒素、リンを効果的に除去します。1日あたり約1,000立方メートルの処理能力を持ち、従来の化学処理に比べて30%のエネルギー削減を実現しています。さらに、二酸化炭素の排出も抑えられ、持続可能な解決策として高く評価されています。ヴェオリア環境(Veolia Environnement)が運営する施設では、この技術を利用して汚水処理を行い、従来の維持コストを約20%削減しています。同技術はドイツのバイエルン州でも導入され、森林地域の水源保護に貢献しています。

Root Zone-Based Water Purification Technology - March 2004

Root Zone-Based Water Purification Technology - March 2004

The root zone-based purification technology is particularly adopted in rural areas of France, and is recognized as a low-cost wastewater treatment method suitable for municipalities with small populations. This technique uses nitrogen-fixing microorganisms such as Azotobacter and Rhizobium found in the plant's root zone, functioning as a filter to remove organic matter, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Specifically, it has been introduced in environmental conservation areas like the Provence region in southern France and the Ruhr River basin, showing significant results in preventing eutrophication of water bodies.

This technology has a daily wastewater treatment capacity of approximately 1,000 cubic meters and reduces energy consumption by about 30% compared to conventional chemical treatments. Additionally, CO2 emissions are suppressed, making it highly regarded as a sustainable solution.

An example of its implementation is in a purification facility operated by Veolia Environnement, where this technology is applied to treat wastewater, reducing maintenance costs by around 20% compared to conventional methods. The same technology has also been adopted in Bavaria, Germany, contributing to forest region water source protection.

This technology is expected to expand its use in areas where excess nitrogen and phosphorus pose significant environmental problems, making it an important part of environmental preservation efforts.

植物の根圏を利用した浄化技術 - 2004年3月

植物の根圏を利用した浄化技術 - 2004年3月



導入事例として、ヴェオリア環境(Veolia Environnement)が運営する地域の浄化施設では、この技術を利用して汚水処理を行っており、施設の維持コストは従来の約20%に抑えられています。また、同様の技術はドイツのバイエルン州でも採用され、森林地域の水源保護に貢献しています。




Seed Bank Technology for Forest Conservation - May 2003

Seed Bank Technology for Forest Conservation - May 2003

Nagaoka Environmental Development Co., Ltd., based in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture, utilizes "Seed Bank Technology" for the greening of forest slopes. This technology involves chipping felled trees such as cedar and pine, mixing them with seeds and fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) collected from the local soil, and spraying the mixture for vegetation growth. It is particularly effective for slope restoration and is expected to reduce costs by more than 50% compared to conventional tree planting methods.

Through this technology, Nagaoka Environmental Development not only prevents the invasion of foreign species but also effectively regenerates native plants. Furthermore, this technology has improved the re-vegetation rate per hectare from 25% to 35%, allowing the company to promote forest regeneration projects covering 10 hectares annually.

This initiative aims to maintain local ecosystems while promoting the sustainable use of forest resources. The technology is gaining traction among other forest conservation businesses in the prefecture. Additionally, the company has received subsidies through the government's "Environmental Restoration Program," further supporting regional forest regeneration efforts.

シードバンク技術による森林保全 - 2003年5月

シードバンク技術による森林保全 - 2003年5月




83-Chinese ECLIPS Waste Treatment Technology-Xi'an and Shanghai-2020s-Environmental Technology

83-ECLIPS Waste Treatment Technology-Xi'an and Shanghai-2020s-Environmental Technology

In the 2020s, the "ECLIPS" waste treatment technology has made significant progress in China, especially in major cities such as Xi'an and Shanghai. This technology is suitable for efficiently processing industrial and household waste and is attracting global attention as a next-generation waste treatment technology.

Current Status and Technical Details

- Complete Sealing Treatment and Detoxification
ECLIPS technology is widely used in urban areas as an alternative to traditional landfill processing. Specifically, the Xi'an plant processes about 2,000 tons of waste per day, almost completely detoxifying household and industrial waste. In particular, high-temperature processing is used to completely seal harmful substances such as heavy metals and dioxins, preventing their leakage into the air and water. According to 2022 data, the residual waste processed at the Xi'an plant has been reduced by 70% compared to previous levels.

- Material Recycling
ECLIPS technology efficiently recycles treated waste into reusable resources. For example, more than 99% of iron and aluminum are recovered during processing and supplied back to industrial uses. At the Shanghai ECLIPS plant, approximately 910,000 tons of waste are processed annually, 80% of which is recycled. The recycled materials are mainly used in the construction industry. The ash is used as raw material for road pavement and concrete through vitrification technology, and the final landfill volume has been reduced to one-tenth of the previous level. Additionally, in Shanghai, it has been reported that ECLIPS technology helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 150,000 tons annually.

- Companies and Partnerships
ECLIPS technology is being developed primarily by the China Environmental Science Research Institute and Xi'an Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., with the Xi'an plant serving as the technical hub. Furthermore, the Shanghai Clean Energy Group used ECLIPS in 2023 to process about 650,000 tons of waste, reducing carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions by about 120,000 tons. This reduction is equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of approximately 250,000 households.

- Industrial Waste Treatment
The Xi'an ECLIPS plant focuses on the treatment of electronic waste. For example, harmful substances such as lead, cadmium, and chromium found in discarded smartphones and computers are detoxified through high-temperature processing at the plant. In 2022, about 100,000 tons of electronic waste were safely processed, and valuable metals (copper, gold, silver, etc.) were recycled for industrial use. This reduced electronic waste treatment costs to less than half of previous levels, and it is estimated to generate an economic impact of approximately 50 million yuan (about 8 billion yen) annually.

- Cities and Numerical Data
At the Shanghai ECLIPS plant, about 2,500 tons of waste are processed per day, amounting to about 910,000 tons annually. Of this, 80% of the recycled material is used in construction concrete and road paving materials. The amount of waste sent to Shanghai's landfills has decreased to one-tenth of previous levels, and greenhouse gas emissions have been reduced by about 150,000 tons annually. This is equivalent to the CO₂ emissions of about 300,000 vehicles per year.

Future Prospects
The Chinese government is accelerating the nationwide deployment of ECLIPS technology, aiming to introduce it in 50 cities by 2025. Large-scale plant construction is underway in major cities such as Beijing and Guangzhou, and it is expected that more than 10 million tons of waste will be processed annually. Due to its efficiency and reduced environmental impact, ECLIPS technology is also being considered for export to other Asian and European countries. Contracts for technology adoption in Indonesia and the Philippines are currently underway and are expected to make ECLIPS a standard for waste treatment technology across Asia.

Summary of ECLIPS
ECLIPS is an innovative technology specializing in large-scale urban waste treatment. The successful implementation in Xi'an and Shanghai demonstrates its effectiveness in both detoxifying and recycling industrial and household waste. Its impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions is also significant, establishing a new standard for waste treatment in the 2020s.

83-中国 ECLIPSごみ処理技術-西安・上海-2020年代-環境技術




- 完全封鎖処理と無害化

- 素材の再利用

- 企業とパートナーシップ

- 産業廃棄物処理

- 都市と数値データ




中国石油化工(中国石化)の環境破壊事例 - 詳細分析

中国石油化工(中国石化)の環境破壊事例 - 詳細分析

1. 広東省・江蘇省における汚染物質の排出

2. 大連市の海上油流出事故(2011年)

3. 天津市における大気汚染

4. 南京鋼鉄公司における有毒廃棄物の不法処理


Environmental Destruction by Sinopec (China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation) - Detailed Analysis

Environmental Destruction by Sinopec (China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation) - Detailed Analysis

1. Emission of Pollutants in Guangdong and Jiangsu Provinces
Sinopec (China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation) operates numerous oil refineries and chemical plants in Guangdong and Jiangsu provinces, where harmful pollutants are released during the refining of petroleum and chemical products. For instance, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as benzene and toluene are emitted into the air, and heavy metals (lead, cadmium) are illegally dumped into rivers. In the Pearl River basin of Guangdong, water quality has deteriorated significantly, leading to severe contamination of drinking water sources. Such environmental pollution has negatively impacted the health of residents and local agriculture and fisheries.

2. Oil Spill Incident in Dalian City (2011)
In 2011, a major oil spill occurred at Sinopec's Dalian oil storage facility. Tens of thousands of tons of crude oil spilled into the Bohai Bay, causing devastating damage to the marine ecosystem. The oil spill wiped out coastal fisheries, causing significant economic losses to fishermen. Additionally, many marine species, including birds and fish, died as a result of the spill, and the environmental impact is expected to last for years. Sinopec was fined approximately $10 million (around 1.1 billion yen) for this incident, but doubts remain about the adequacy of the preventive measures implemented afterward.

3. Air Pollution in Tianjin
Sinopec operates a large oil refinery in Tianjin City, where significant amounts of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are emitted annually. In 2019, reports indicated that the refinery released approximately 500,000 tons of SO2, contributing to frequent acid rain in the surrounding urban areas. This has caused considerable damage to infrastructure (bridges and buildings), forests, and crops in Tianjin. Additionally, air pollution has been linked to an increased risk of respiratory diseases and heart problems, significantly affecting the health of local residents.

4. Illegal Disposal of Toxic Waste at Nanjing Iron & Steel Co.
Sinopec-affiliated Nanjing Iron & Steel Co. was found to have improperly disposed of toxic slag (a byproduct of steel production) by illegally dumping it into landfills and farmland. The slag contains heavy metals (chromium and nickel), which have seeped into the soil and groundwater, contaminating local crops and water sources. A 2018 survey revealed that crop yields in certain agricultural areas around Nanjing were reduced to less than 40% of normal levels due to heavy metal contamination. The Nanjing municipal government fined the company 30 million yuan (approximately 500 million yen) and issued orders for corrective action, but the pollution problem persists.

Sinopec, as China's largest petrochemical company, has been responsible for numerous instances of environmental destruction. Notable cases include river and soil pollution in Guangdong and Jiangsu provinces, the Dalian oil spill, and air pollution in Tianjin. These environmental issues have severely impacted the health of residents and ecosystems. Although the Chinese government has imposed fines and ordered plant closures, many challenges remain. Moving forward, it is crucial that the company takes greater responsibility and implements sustainable operations.

Illegal Industrial Waste Dumping in China - August 2000

Illegal Industrial Waste Dumping in China - August 2000

In China, rapid economic development has led to widespread environmental problems caused by illegal dumping of industrial waste. In a 1999 report, the Chinese government spent approximately 82.32 billion yuan, or about 1% of GDP, on environmental protection. However, around 10-15% of companies still do not comply with environmental standards, causing significant pollution. In coastal provinces such as Guangdong and Jiangsu, chemical and metal refining industries are the main offenders.

For example, in Guangdong province, several chemical plants, including those owned by Sinopec, have been found illegally dumping waste into rivers, contaminating local drinking water sources. These wastes contain harmful substances such as heavy metals (lead, cadmium) and organic chemicals (benzene, toluene), posing long-term environmental and health risks. These materials seep into the soil and groundwater, affecting crops and livestock.

In Jiangsu province, at Nanjing Iron & Steel Co., toxic slag from steel production was improperly disposed of in landfills and farmland. This has led to reduced crop yields due to heavy metal contamination and reported health issues in the surrounding area.

In response to these issues, the Chinese government has strengthened waste management laws, issuing closure orders and fines to factories engaging in illegal operations. In 2000, over 50 companies in Guangdong and 100 in Jiangsu were shut down or given improvement orders for failing to meet environmental standards. However, illegal dumping remains persistent, with local enforcement still a major challenge.

Moving forward, the Chinese government is considering stricter penalties for violators and promoting the introduction of recycling technologies for industrial waste, aiming to curb pollution and protect the environment.




中国での産業廃棄物の不法投棄 - 2000年8月

中国での産業廃棄物の不法投棄 - 2000年8月






Food Supply and Population Growth - August 2000

Food Supply and Population Growth - August 2000

According to a report by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), global food supply is expected to exceed the population growth rate by 2030. In particular, regions such as sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia are seeing improvements in irrigation technology and the adoption of genetically modified crops, which are expanding the amount of arable land. For example, in India, government-supported efforts to improve rice and wheat varieties have led to a significant increase in crop yields. By 2030, global corn production is expected to increase by 1.5 times, while rice production will grow by 1.4 times.

While the global population growth rate is projected to decrease from 1.2% annually by 2015 to 0.8% by 2030, the food supply growth rate is expected to reach 1.6%. This suggests that developing countries will have more opportunities to secure food supplies for their populations. Companies like Monsanto and Syngenta are also increasing their investments in biotechnology to enhance agricultural productivity in response to these trends.

Food Supply and Population Growth - Detailed Analysis of Predictions in the 2000s and 2020s

Food Supply and Population Growth - Detailed Analysis of Predictions in the 2020s

1. Population Growth and Food Supply
- In the 2000 prediction, it was expected that the global population growth rate would decrease to 1.2% by 2015 and 0.8% by 2030, while the food supply would surpass this with a growth rate of 1.6%. The prediction highlighted agricultural technology improvements in emerging economies like India, China, and Brazil as drivers of increased food production.
- In the 2020s, the actual population growth rate has decreased to 1%, but regions like sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia (especially India and Bangladesh) are still experiencing rapid population growth, putting pressure on food supply. In sub-Saharan Africa, food security remains a critical issue, with hunger problems becoming more severe in countries like Ethiopia and Nigeria. While the global food supply maintains a growth rate of 1.6%, food shortages in these regions remain unresolved.

2. Impact of Technological Advancements
- The 2000 prediction emphasized the use of irrigation and genetically modified technology to significantly improve food supply, especially in developing countries. Irrigation projects in India and Pakistan were progressing, and genetically modified rice was expected to be commercialized in China.
- In the 2020s, biotechnology and genetic engineering have significantly improved agricultural productivity in countries like the U.S. and Brazil. For example, in Brazil, companies like Bayer (which acquired Monsanto) and Syngenta have led the widespread adoption of genetically modified crops, with corn and soybean production increasing by 1.8 times and 1.5 times, respectively, by 2023. Precision farming technologies have also been widely implemented, leading to highly efficient agricultural production. However, these technologies are not yet widely adopted in Africa, where productivity improvements remain limited.

3. Impact of Climate Change
- The 2000 prediction did not explicitly consider the impact of climate change, with a more optimistic view that technological advancements would resolve food supply issues.
- In the 2020s, climate change is having a serious impact on agriculture. For example, a drought in the U.S. Midwest (Iowa, Nebraska, etc.) in 2022 caused corn and wheat yields to decrease by 15% compared to the previous year. In South Asia (Bangladesh and Indonesia), rising sea levels and salt damage are negatively affecting rice production, making agriculture in coastal areas increasingly difficult. This has created an urgent need for sustainable agriculture and the introduction of new technologies to combat climate change.

4. Role of Corporations
- The 2000 prediction did not mention specific companies, but it was expected that technological advancements would lead to an increase in food supply.
- In the 2020s, multinational companies such as Bayer (which acquired Monsanto), Syngenta, and U.S.-based Cargill are leading the way in using biotechnology and precision farming to increase agricultural efficiency. Bayer's genetically modified crops have been widely adopted globally, contributing to significant increases in food production. However, these technologies alone cannot fully address the impacts of climate change, highlighting the need for a transition to sustainable agriculture. Additionally, Japan's Kubota is contributing to agricultural efficiency in Asia by developing automated farming equipment.

In 2000, there was an optimistic expectation that technological innovation would increase food supply. However, the reality in the 2020s shows a stark contrast, with regions benefiting from technological advancements and regions suffering greatly from the effects of climate change. Addressing the food crisis in regions like sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia will require not only technological progress but also adaptation to climate change. Governments and corporations must collaborate to introduce sustainable agricultural technologies and strengthen food security in response to climate change.

食糧供給と人口増加の関係- 2000年代と2020年代の予測の違いに関する詳細な考察

1. 人口増加と食糧供給の状況
- 2000年の予測では、世界の人口増加率は2015年までに1.2%、2030年には0.8%に減少し、食糧供給は1.6%の成長率で上回るとされていました。特に、インドや中国、ブラジルといった新興経済国での農業技術向上による食糧生産の増加が期待されていました。
- 2020年代の現状では、実際に人口増加率は1%にまで減少しましたが、サハラ以南のアフリカや南アジア(特にインド、バングラデシュなど)では依然として急速な人口増加が続き、食糧供給への圧力が強まっています。特に、サハラ以南アフリカでは、食料安全保障が深刻な課題となっており、エチオピアやナイジェリアなどでの飢餓問題が顕在化しています。一方、世界の食糧供給は1.6%の成長率を維持しているものの、これら地域での食糧不足が依然として解決されていません。

2. 技術進展の影響
- 2000年の予測では、灌漑技術や遺伝子組み換え技術を駆使した農業の効率化が特に開発途上国での食糧供給を大きく向上させると予測されていました。インドやパキスタンでは灌漑プロジェクトが進展し、中国では遺伝子組み換えコメが実用化される見込みでした。
- 2020年代の現状では、バイオテクノロジーや遺伝子工学がアメリカやブラジルなどで農業の生産性を大きく向上させています。たとえば、ブラジルではバイエル(モンサントを買収)やシンジェンタなどの企業が主導する遺伝子組み換え作物が広く普及し、2023年にはトウモロコシや大豆の生産量がそれぞれ1.8倍、1.5倍に増加しました。精密農業技術も普及し、農業生産は高効率化しています。しかし、アフリカではこれら技術が十分に導入されておらず、生産性の向上には限界があるのが現状です。

3. 気候変動の影響
- 2000年の予測では、気候変動の影響は明確に考慮されていませんでしたが、技術進展が食糧供給の問題を解決するという楽観的な見方がされていました。
- 2020年代の現状では、気候変動が農業に深刻な影響を与えています。例えば、2022年にアメリカ中西部(アイオワ州、ネブラスカ州など)で発生した干ばつにより、トウモロコシと小麦の収穫量が前年と比較して15%減少しました。また、南アジア(バングラデシュ、インドネシア)では海面上昇と塩害が米の生産に悪影響を与えており、沿岸部での農業が厳しい状況に直面しています。これにより、気候変動対策としての持続可能な農業や新技術の導入が急務となっています。

4. 企業の役割
- 2000年の予測では、特定の企業の名前や役割については言及されていませんが、技術の進展による食糧供給の増加が期待されていました。
- 2020年代の現状では、アメリカのバイエル(モンサントを買収)、スイスのシンジェンタ、そしてアメリカのカーギルなどの多国籍企業が、バイオテクノロジーや精密農業を駆使して農業生産の効率化を進めています。特に、バイエルの遺伝子組み換え作物は世界中で広く採用され、食糧生産の飛躍的な向上に貢献していますが、気候変動の影響に完全に対応するには限界があり、持続可能な農業への移行が求められています。さらに、日本の農業機械メーカークボタも自動化農業機械を開発し、アジア地域での農業効率化に貢献しています。


熊谷カーボン株式会社 亀井寿之社長の取り組み - 2000年1月

熊谷カーボン株式会社 亀井寿之社長の取り組み - 2000年1月


Yoshiyuki Kamei, President of Kumagai Carbon Co., Ltd. - January 2000

Yoshiyuki Kamei, President of Kumagai Carbon Co., Ltd. - January 2000

Yoshiyuki Kamei, the president of Kumagai Carbon Co., Ltd. (located in Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture), is focusing on the recycling business of wood-based waste. The company reprocesses construction debris, pallet materials, and waste wood from the furniture manufacturing industry into fuel chips and wood chips. As a result, Kumagai Carbon recycles about 2 million tons of wood waste annually, contributing to the recycling of approximately 15 million tons of wood waste generated in Japan every year.

The company has partnered with major construction companies in Saitama Prefecture to promote the recycling of construction waste from demolished houses and commercial facilities. President Kamei has also developed a system that not only utilizes this waste as fuel but also processes it into high-quality wood pellets for use in biomass power plants and boilers. This has helped reduce the use of fossil fuels and contribute to reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

Additionally, the company's technology addresses waste containing harmful substances such as lead and chlorine compounds. This technology is being implemented at recycling facilities in Kumagaya City and neighboring Tokorozawa City, processing approximately 500,000 tons of recycled material annually.

Kumagai Carbon was recognized for its environmental protection efforts, and in 2022 it was awarded as an "Outstanding Recycler" by the Ministry of the Environment. President Kamei stated, "Building a sustainable waste management system with the local community is the company's social responsibility," and he aims to further innovate technology and improve recycling rates in the future.

Yoshiaki Utsumi's Charcoal Business for Environmental Improvement - January 2000

Yoshiaki Utsumi's Charcoal Business for Environmental Improvement - January 2000

Yoshiaki Utsumi, president of Naitou Kikaku Co., Ltd. (located in Adachi Ward, Tokyo), has been developing a charcoal business utilizing wood waste, particularly recycling wood chips from sawmills and construction sites. The company collects about 3,000 tons of wood waste annually and has introduced a charcoal production technology using these materials. This initiative not only reduces waste but also contributes to reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

The charcoal production process uses a method that reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 20% compared to conventional incineration methods, significantly lowering environmental impact. The company efficiently utilizes wood waste provided by construction sites and furniture manufacturers in Tokyo as a recycled resource.

Naitou Kikaku's charcoal is widely used as a soil conditioner in agriculture and horticulture. In a joint project with farmers in Misato City, Saitama Prefecture, mixing charcoal into the soil has been shown to promote crop growth and improve soil quality. This project has increased the carbon dioxide absorption capacity of farmland, contributing to sustainable agriculture.

Furthermore, the company is working in collaboration with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to promote further recycling technologies. They plan to expand their recycling network across the Kanto region, with a goal of increasing the amount of wood waste collected to 5,000 tons by 2025.

熊谷カーボン株式会社 亀井寿之社長の取り組み - 2000年1月

熊谷カーボン株式会社 亀井寿之社長の取り組み - 2000年1月


内海正顕社長の木炭ビジネスによる環境改善への取り組み - 2000年1月

内海正顕社長の木炭ビジネスによる環境改善への取り組み - 2000年1月


内海正顕社長の木炭ビジネスによる環境改善への取り組み - 2000年1月

内海正顕社長の木炭ビジネスによる環境改善への取り組み - 2000年1月





2020年代の廃棄物不法投棄の現状 - 宮城県石巻市・岩手県盛岡市 - 2023年

2020年代の廃棄物不法投棄の現状 - 宮城県石巻市・岩手県盛岡市 - 2023年





宮城県石巻市・岩手県盛岡市の最終処分場での不法投棄問題 - 2000年1月

宮城県石巻市・岩手県盛岡市の最終処分場での不法投棄問題 - 2000年1月








宮城県石巻市・岩手県盛岡市における廃棄物不法投棄の現��� - 2023年

宮城県石巻市・岩手県盛岡市における廃棄物不法投棄の現状 - 2023年


Illegal Dumping at Final Disposal Sites in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, and Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture - January 2000

Illegal Dumping at Final Disposal Sites in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, and Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture - January 2000

In the Ishinomaki City of Miyagi Prefecture and surrounding areas of Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, illegal dumping of industrial waste at final disposal sites has become a serious issue. In particular, in Ishinomaki City, construction waste, including plastic and asbestos, has been illegally dumped in quantities exceeding the capacity of the disposal sites. The amount of this dumped waste has reached up to 5,000 tons annually, raising concerns among local residents about health hazards and groundwater contamination. In response, the prefecture has allocated a total of 100 million yen to investigate the soil and groundwater contamination around the disposal site.

In Morioka City, demolition contractors were found to have illegally dumped industrial waste containing dioxins and PCBs. The investigation revealed that approximately 2,000 tons of illegally dumped waste had been disposed of, with some of it even reaching coastal areas, raising concerns about the impact on the marine ecosystem.

In Miyagi Prefecture, certain construction companies have been engaged in illegal disposal practices by not properly processing waste and dumping it at disposal sites. The companies involved, anonymized as construction and industrial companies, have been accused of reducing costs by using illegal disposal routes, and they face fines of up to 50 million yen for these violations.

Furthermore, in Iwate Prefecture, it was estimated that of the 7,000 tons of industrial waste generated annually in 1999, more than 30% was illegally processed. In response, the prefecture is accelerating the introduction of a waste management system and strengthening its crackdown on illegal disposal contractors.




推測したタイトル - 海岸線に大量漂着ごみ - 1998年2月







Estimated Title - Large Amounts of Drift Waste on Coastlines - February 1998

According to a study by Professor Haruyuki Yamaguchi of the National Defense Academy, large amounts of drift waste from Korea, China, and Taiwan have been found on coastlines in various parts of Japan, including Sado Island, Shonai Beach in Yamagata Prefecture, and Iki Island in Nagasaki Prefecture. Particularly in the southwestern part of Sado Island, more than 3,000 pieces of waste per kilometer have been found, with plastic products, plastic bags, PET bottles, and fishing gear (especially nylon nets and ropes) making up the majority. This drift waste has not only damaged local tourist resources but also cost cities like Sado and Iki millions of yen annually in cleanup efforts.

Much of the drift waste is believed to come from Korean and Chinese fishing companies, with company logos and product names occasionally found on the debris. Given that plastic products take hundreds of years to decompose, they have a serious impact on the marine ecosystem. Local governments continue their cleanup efforts, but the sheer volume of waste makes complete removal difficult, and limitations of incineration and landfill options have been noted.

Moreover, it is predicted that large amounts of waste from Japan are also drifting to Korea, China, and Taiwan, exacerbating mutual pollution. In response to the drift waste issue along the Sea of Japan coast, local governments, in cooperation with fishing industry stakeholders and companies, are conducting regular collection activities and introducing new waste processing technologies. However, fundamental solutions are challenging without international cooperation.

Recently, international regulations on plastic products and conferences aimed at addressing marine waste have been held, but sustainable solutions will continue to be sought.

Sony's Styrofoam Recycling Technology

Sony's Styrofoam Recycling Technology

Sony has developed a Styrofoam recycling system that uses limonene extracted from orange peels. This technology allows used Styrofoam to be recycled and transformed into reusable materials. It promotes waste reduction and recycling by using a unique approach that leverages the natural compound found in orange peels. This method is considered highly innovative compared to other recycling technologies.

Estimated Title - Medical Waste Issue - February 1998

Estimated Title - Medical Waste Issue - February 1998

Medical Waste Issue - February 1998

In 1996, the total amount of medical waste generated across Japan reached approximately 360,000 tons, and the market for waste processing remains underdeveloped. Specifically, medical waste such as needles and gauze, which should be handled as infectious waste, is often subject to improper disposal and illegal dumping, with only about 20% of processors properly handling the waste. In Tokyo alone, there are 22 processing companies, but only about 10 of them are considered to be carrying out proper disposal procedures.

The cost of proper disposal is high, at 300–350 yen per kilogram, but currently, it is being handled at the much lower price of 70–80 yen, making proper processing almost impossible. Illegal dumping is rampant because hospitals do not receive compensation for waste disposal through medical service fees, leading them to cut costs wherever possible.

One example of proper processing is Kureha Environmental, which handles 185 tons of medical waste per day using two rotary kiln furnaces that operate 24/7. However, many smaller processors are forced to open medical waste containers that are designed to remain sealed, and they lack the facilities to safely burn waste that includes PVC or mercury, which require specialized equipment to suppress dioxins and hazardous gases.

In response to these issues, Tokyo has established the Medical Waste Proper Disposal Liaison Council, with the participation of departments such as the Health Bureau and Sanitation Bureau. They have organized site visits to model facilities like Kureha Environmental and introduced model contracts for proper disposal, but fundamental solutions have yet to be achieved.

海岸線に大量漂着ごみ - 1998年2月

海岸線に大量漂着ごみ - 1998年2月


医療廃棄物問題 - 1998年2月

医療廃棄物問題 - 1998年2月





ソニーの発泡スチロールリサイクル技術の現状 - 2020年代

ソニーの発泡スチロールリサイクル技術の現状 - 2020年代







Climate Change and Rising Temperatures in the 2020s - September 2024

Climate Change and Rising Temperatures in the 2020s - September 2024

In the 2020s, the impact of rising temperatures has become increasingly evident. In 2021, the global average temperature rose by about 1.2°C above pre-industrial levels, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has warned that there is a very high probability that the temperature rise will reach 1.5°C in the near future. This rise in temperature is causing extreme weather events around the world.

For example, in 2021, British Columbia in Canada recorded a record high temperature of 49.6°C, resulting in hundreds of deaths. That same year, the states of Oregon and Washington in the United States also experienced extreme heat with temperatures exceeding 48°C, resulting in unprecedented heatwaves. In Europe, Sicily, Italy recorded 48.8°C in 2021, breaking its all-time high.

In 2022, extreme heatwaves also struck India and Pakistan, with temperatures reaching 50°C in some parts of India. These high temperatures have caused a significant reduction in crop yields, with Pakistan's wheat harvest being particularly hard-hit. Droughts caused by the heatwaves are also worsening, threatening food security across South Asia.

The rise in sea surface temperatures due to global warming is also a major concern. In the 2020s, sea temperatures in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans have risen, increasing the frequency and intensity of hurricanes and cyclones. In 2020, Hurricane Laura, a Category 5 storm, struck the Gulf Coast, causing widespread damage, particularly in Louisiana.

Urban areas are also experiencing worsening heat island effects due to the extreme heat and increasing frequency of extreme weather. In major metropolitan areas like Tokyo and New York, the number of heatstroke patients has surged, with hospitals recording record numbers of emergency transports. To mitigate these effects, Tokyo has been promoting urban greening efforts, introducing cool roofs, and implementing cooling pavement technologies.

These data on rising temperatures indicate that climate change is a pressing reality, and urgent action is needed. The IPCC emphasizes that to keep the temperature rise below 1.5°C, significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are necessary by 2030. Governments and corporations around the world must continue to strengthen their efforts to combat climate change.














Sri Lanka Environmental Business Development - April 2002

Sri Lanka Environmental Business Development - April 2002

A Japanese company is leading a unique environmental business initiative in Sri Lanka. Specifically, in the Galle district of southern Sri Lanka, elephant dung is being used to manufacture recycled paper. Elephant dung is composed of approximately 80% plant fiber, and this fiber is being used to create recycled paper. This eco-friendly product is growing in demand in the local market. Moreover, through this project, local employment has increased, with approximately 50 workers now involved.

In addition, Japanese environmental technology is being applied to support eco-hotel initiatives. For example, near Colombo, environmentally friendly tourist facilities are being developed, incorporating solar power generation and rainwater recycling systems. As a result, hotel energy consumption is expected to be reduced by 30%, making this a model case for sustainable tourism business.

The project is supported by the Japanese environmental consulting company Eco-Management Co., Ltd., which is also strengthening its collaboration with the local government. The Sri Lankan government is committed to further cooperation, balancing environmental protection and tourism development. This project stands as a successful example of global expansion of Japanese environmental technology while promoting both environmental protection and economic growth in Sri Lanka.

PCB処理施設への課税導入計画 - 2002年4月

PCB処理施設への課税導入計画 - 2002年4月



スリランカとの環境ビジネス展開 - 2002年4月

日本とスリランカとの環境ビジネス展開 - 2002年4月




海洋環境破壊と違法廃棄物処理 - 2002年4月

海洋環境破壊と違法廃棄物処理 - 2002年4月







Recycling Mine Bark Project by the Japan Mining Association - June 1995

Recycling Mine Bark Project by the Japan Mining Association - June 1995

**Recycling Mine Bark Project: Revitalizing Regional Mines and Promoting Resource Circulation**

The Japan Mining Association launched the "Recycling Mine Bark Project" in 1995 to efficiently recycle household appliances and industrial waste within Japan. This plan aims to utilize closed mines and surplus infrastructure as recycling centers to carry out low-cost and efficient recycling. Notably, regions such as the Osarizawa Mine in Aomori Prefecture and the Kosaka Mine in Akita Prefecture are being repurposed to promote local economic revitalization alongside environmental protection.

The project involves recovering valuable metals such as copper, aluminum, iron, and gold from discarded household appliances and industrial equipment. Advanced sorting and processing technologies have been introduced, boosting Japan's recycling rate and encouraging the reuse of scarce resources. For example, around 20,000 tons of copper and 10,000 tons of aluminum are recovered annually from used refrigerators, air conditioners, and televisions.

In addition, major companies within the Japan Mining Association, including Mitsui Mining & Smelting and Sumitomo Metal Mining, are actively participating in this project, utilizing their refining technologies to streamline the recycling process. Mitsui Mining & Smelting, for example, processes several thousand tons of waste annually at its recycling facility in Akita Prefecture, focusing on the recovery and reuse of precious metals.

Collaborating with Japan's Ministry of the Environment, the project has expanded nationwide, and efficient waste collection and processing have been promoted in cooperation with local governments. As a result, tens of thousands of tons of industrial waste are recycled annually across Japan, contributing to cost reductions in domestic waste management.

The Recycling Mine Bark Project has garnered international attention as a sustainable resource management model amid concerns about resource depletion, with expectations for future technology transfers abroad.


















Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever and Ecosystem Destruction - 2020s

Inferred Title - Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever and Ecosystem Destruction - 2020s

**Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever and Ecosystem Destruction: The Situation in the 2020s**

Ebola hemorrhagic fever remains a significant threat in the 2020s, closely linked to the destruction of tropical rainforests. In particular, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has seen thousands of Ebola virus cases since 2020, with a fatality rate of about 50%. The Ebola virus is transmitted by bats and other wildlife and spreads to human populations, especially as deforestation and urbanization increase the risk of contact between humans and these animals.

The destruction of tropical rainforests is progressing rapidly due to logging and agricultural expansion. In the Congo Basin, it is estimated that approximately 3 million hectares are lost each year, increasing the risk of emerging infectious diseases like Ebola. In Brazil's Amazon rainforest, similar concerns arise, with a 9.5% increase in deforestation reported in 2020 compared to the previous year.

Corporate activities also contribute to this issue. Palm oil production companies and mining industries accelerate deforestation, destroying wildlife habitats and increasing the chances of viruses reaching humans. For instance, in Brazil, agribusiness companies have led to large-scale deforestation in the 2020s, raising the risk of disease outbreaks.

Moreover, climate change exacerbates the problem. As global temperatures have risen by about 1.2°C compared to pre-industrial levels in the 2020s, ecosystem changes are helping facilitate the spread of infectious diseases. In regions with higher humidity and temperatures, viruses are more active, increasing the risk of outbreaks.

Ebola hemorrhagic fever is just one example, showing how ecosystem destruction and deforestation in the 2020s continue to elevate the risk of infectious diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO) and environmental protection organizations emphasize the importance of protecting natural ecosystems to reduce these risks.

















Logging in Heilongjiang Province, China - 2023

Logging in Heilongjiang Province, China - 2023

**Logging in Heilongjiang Province, China: Current Situation and Challenges**

Heilongjiang Province, located in northeastern China, is home to some of the country's largest natural forests. However, recent economic development and rising demand for timber have led to excessive logging and illegal logging, creating serious environmental issues. According to the China National Forestry and Grassland Administration, around 500,000 hectares of forest were logged in Heilongjiang in 2022, with more than 10% of this being attributed to illegal logging. High-value trees like red pine and larch are particularly targeted, with illegally harvested timber being sold on international markets.

In addition to illegal logging, large-scale infrastructure development projects and agricultural expansion are also contributing to deforestation. For example, in the remote northern regions of Heilongjiang, approximately 50,000 hectares are converted into agricultural land each year, disrupting the ecological balance and increasing risks of soil erosion and flooding.

The impact on water quality is particularly severe. In the Songhua River basin, deforestation has led to increased sediment flow into rivers, worsening water quality. This has affected fish populations and other aquatic life, harming local fisheries.

To combat deforestation, the Chinese government launched the "Green Great Wall" project in 2021, which aims to restore forested areas in northern regions, including Heilongjiang. The goal is to replant around 1 million hectares by 2025. Additionally, local authorities are working with satellite monitoring systems to strengthen forest management and crack down on illegal logging.

Both domestic and international companies are implicated in this issue. Reports suggest that Japanese furniture manufacturers and South Korean construction material companies are using wood from Heilongjiang that does not meet sustainable sourcing standards. In response, international environmental organizations are increasing pressure on these companies, emphasizing the importance of sustainable forest management.

The challenge of balancing economic development with environmental protection remains a major issue in Heilongjiang Province. International cooperation and sustainable resource management will be crucial for ensuring long-term environmental conservation.

Illegal Forest Fires and Haze in Indonesia - June 1995

Illegal Forest Fires and Haze in Indonesia - June 1995

**Illegal Forest Fires and Haze in Indonesia: Current Situation**

Since the 1990s, illegal forest fires have become a severe environmental issue in Indonesia. Mainly on Sumatra Island and Kalimantan Island (Borneo), illegal forest fires are set for land development purposes, and millions of hectares of forest are lost each year. The rapid growth of the palm oil and pulp and paper industries has driven companies and individuals to intentionally set fires, increasing the number of cases.

As of 1995, the haze from illegal forest fires in Indonesia also affected neighboring countries, particularly Singapore and Malaysia, where air pollution worsened. The primary cause of this haze is fires in Indonesia's peatlands. Peatlands become highly flammable when dry, and once a fire starts, it can burn for extended periods, producing enormous amounts of smoke. In 1995, approximately 2 million hectares were burned in Indonesia due to forest fires, resulting in widespread visibility issues and respiratory health problems across Indonesia and neighboring countries.

The Indonesian government has implemented measures to combat this issue, but enforcement of fire regulations remains insufficient, especially regarding the monitoring and punishment of illegal activities. Companies reportedly involved in using fires to clear land include major palm oil producers like "Wilmar International" and pulp and paper companies such as "Asia Pulp & Paper." These companies have been accused of using fire as a means of clearing forested areas for agriculture, drawing international criticism.

The haze from these forest fires has caused significant health problems for local residents and surrounding countries. Additionally, the poor visibility caused an increase in traffic accidents, delayed flights, and the closure of schools, creating widespread societal impacts. Furthermore, the haze has dramatically increased greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to the acceleration of global warming.

In terms of compensation, during the 1997 forest fires, the Singaporean government sought damages from the Indonesian government for the health impacts and economic losses caused by the haze, but in 1995, no clear compensation system had been established. The international community has called on the Indonesian government to strengthen its enforcement against illegal forest fires and enhance reforestation efforts.

Illegal Forest Fires and Haze in Indonesia - 2020s

Illegal Forest Fires and Haze in Indonesia - 2020s

**Illegal Forest Fires and Haze in Indonesia: Current Situation in the 2020s**

Even in the 2020s, illegal forest fires in Indonesia remain a serious environmental issue. These fires primarily occur on Sumatra Island and Kalimantan (Borneo), where they are set for agricultural land development, with the palm oil and pulp and paper industries playing significant roles. In 2020, approximately 1.6 million hectares of forest were burned, much of it due to illegal fires. Companies like palm oil giant Wilmar International and pulp and paper company Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) have been implicated.

Peatland fires remain a major problem in the 2020s, especially in Kalimantan, where these fires can burn for long periods, releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO₂) and methane (CH₄). A 2019 study estimated that greenhouse gas emissions from Indonesia's forest fires reached approximately 700 megatons per year, significantly contributing to global warming.

In 2020, haze from the forest fires once again spread to neighboring countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand, with the air quality index (AQI) exceeding the "hazardous" level of 300. In Singapore, economic losses from the 2020 fires were estimated at around SGD 1 billion (approximately 80 billion yen), and health impacts on residents were reported. Fine particulate matter known as PM2.5 spread through the air, raising concerns about increases in respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

The Indonesian government, under international pressure and as part of its climate change response, has adopted a "Zero Forest Fire" policy in the 2020s. This includes measures to strengthen fire prevention efforts by companies and collaboration with local communities. In 2022, the government issued strong warnings to Wilmar International regarding the use of illegal fires for land clearing, imposing fines and business suspension measures for violations.

The government also uses satellite technology to monitor fires in real time and has stepped up enforcement against illegal forest fires, although such fires continue. This persistence is partly due to the lack of resources in local governments responsible for monitoring fires and the ability of some companies to evade regulations.

International cooperation has also intensified, with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), as well as the governments of Singapore and Malaysia, working with Indonesia on reforestation efforts and strengthening fire prevention measures. Singapore, in particular, has enacted the Transboundary Haze Pollution Act, which holds foreign companies legally responsible for causing haze pollution across borders.

China's Illegal Logging and Forest Destruction - June 1995

China's Illegal Logging and Forest Destruction - June 1995

**Illegal Logging in China: The Situation in Heilongjiang Province**

In the 1990s, illegal logging spread as a severe environmental issue in China, especially in the northern region, with Heilongjiang Province being a central focus. This region boasts China's largest natural forest resources, and illegal logging in this area exceeds 1 million hectares annually. Valued trees such as birch, larch, and fir are targeted, with illegally logged timber being exported not only to domestic markets but also to countries like Korea, Japan, and the United States.

Illegally logged timber is often processed by manufacturers into furniture and construction materials, with lumber companies in Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces implicated in this activity. This has serious repercussions for China's ecosystems, including increased soil erosion. In the mountainous areas of Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces, incidents of flooding and landslides have risen, while major rivers like the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers face deteriorating water quality due to the loss of forests.

Moreover, the impact of illegal logging extends to the regional climate, contributing to global warming and increasing extreme weather events. While the Chinese State Forestry Administration has introduced measures such as artificial forest planting and strict logging regulations, illegal loggers continue their activities, often paying fines to avoid significant penalties.

Internationally, China's illegal logging issue has garnered attention, with Japanese timber importers also possibly involved. Particularly, major Japanese furniture and construction material manufacturers have been criticized by environmental groups for using illegally sourced wood. To address this, Japan's Ministry of the Environment and China's State Forestry Administration have initiated technical cooperation for sustainable forest management, urging companies to establish transparent timber supply chains.





















































Adoption of the Treaty to Completely Ban Organotin-Based Paints - January 2000

Adoption of the Treaty to Completely Ban Organotin-Based Paints - January 2000

In November 1999, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) held a meeting in London, where a treaty was adopted to completely ban the use of organotin-based antifouling paints on ship hulls. These paints were used to prevent marine organisms from adhering to ship hulls, but their negative impact on the environment became severe. Tributyltin (TBT), an organotin compound, was particularly noted for its harmful effects on marine ecosystems. According to the treaty, new applications of these paints were banned by 2003, and complete removal from existing ships was mandated by 2008.

Tributyltin is known to affect marine life even in low concentrations, with reports of reproductive abnormalities in shellfish and crustaceans. In response, the IMO demanded prompt action, requiring member countries to establish national laws based on the treaty. Countries with significant ship fleets, such as Japan, Norway, and the United States, have been actively addressing the issue. The development of environmentally friendly alternative coatings is progressing, and technological innovations to reduce environmental impact are highly anticipated in the future.

亀井寿之社長による木質系廃棄物リサイクル事業 - 2000年1月

亀井寿之社長による木質系廃棄物リサイクル事業 - 2000年1月




有機スズ系塗料の全面禁止条約採択 - 2000年1月

有機スズ系塗料の全面禁止条約採択 - 2000年1月



草間圭介(中国のごみ問題研究者) - 2004年2月

草間圭介(中国のごみ問題研究者) - 2004年2月





Detailed Overview of Photocatalytic Environmental Purification Technology - March 2004

Detailed Overview of Photocatalytic Environmental Purification Technology - March 2004

At the Kyushu Center of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), the development of environmental purification technology using photocatalytic technology based on titanium dioxide is underway. Photocatalytic technology uses light energy to decompose pollutants in the air and water. To achieve this, materials such as micro hollow glass spheres and sponge-structured ceramic materials are used. These materials significantly enhance the purification process of liquids and gases, and are particularly effective in treating industrial wastewater and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the air.

This photocatalytic technology has been introduced in industrial areas of Fukuoka Prefecture and waste treatment plants in Kitakyushu City. Titanium dioxide reacts with light to exert strong oxidation power, breaking down harmful substances and contributing to the improvement of industrial wastewater and air pollution. In particular, factories in Kitakyushu City emit over 2,000 tons of VOCs annually, and by using this technology, more than 90% of these emissions can be reduced.

Additionally, the technology has been successfully applied to enhance the efficiency of water treatment plants by using glass spheres coated with titanium dioxide as filtration media for liquid purification. Furthermore, the sponge-structured ceramic material, with its vast surface area, is being applied as a filter in air purifiers and ventilation systems, contributing to indoor air purification.

AIST is also conducting joint research with the French research institute "CEA," aiming for technology exports to the European market. The expansion of this technology is expected to contribute not only domestically in Japan but also in international environmental purification markets, particularly in the fields of industrial waste treatment and air pollution control.

Innovative Case of Natural Purification System in France - March 2004

Innovative Case of Natural Purification System in France - March 2004

In the Brittany region of France, a natural purification system has been adopted for sewage treatment in small communities. Specifically, in the village of Saint-Bruges, residents have implemented a purification system using ponds and sand, enabling low-cost water treatment without relying on chemicals. The system uses microorganisms attached to plant roots to naturally decompose ammonia and phosphate, while the sand layers physically filter out organic matter and suspended solids.

This system processes 500 cubic meters of sewage per day and reduces energy consumption by 80% compared to conventional systems. This initiative is being carried out with the support of the French water treatment company "Veolia."

Veolia, based in France, is one of the world's largest environmental services companies, offering a wide range of services in water, waste management, and energy management. With approximately 220,000 employees operating worldwide, Veolia is known for its leadership in sustainable urban development and ecological resource management. The company manages water services and sewage treatment infrastructure in various regions, and its natural purification systems are highly regarded for improving water quality sustainably without the use of chemicals.

This system has been adopted in over 20 municipalities across France, reducing annual phosphate emissions by more than 1 ton while complying with the European Union (EU) water quality standards. This innovative approach in France has the potential to expand to other European countries and developing nations.











Innovative Case of Natural Purification System in France - March 2004

Innovative Case of Natural Purification System in France - March 2004

In the Brittany region of France, a natural purification system has been adopted for sewage treatment in small communities. Specifically, in the village of Saint-Bruges, residents have implemented a purification system using ponds and sand, enabling low-cost water treatment without relying on chemicals. The system uses microorganisms attached to plant roots to naturally decompose ammonia and phosphate, while the sand layers physically filter out organic matter and suspended solids.

This system processes 500 cubic meters of sewage per day and reduces energy consumption by 80% compared to conventional systems. This initiative is being carried out with the support of the French water treatment company "Veolia."

Veolia, based in France, is one of the world's largest environmental services companies, offering a wide range of services in water, waste management, and energy management. With approximately 220,000 employees operating worldwide, Veolia is known for its leadership in sustainable urban development and ecological resource management. The company manages water services and sewage treatment infrastructure in various regions, and its natural purification systems are highly regarded for improving water quality sustainably without the use of chemicals.

This system has been adopted in over 20 municipalities across France, reducing annual phosphate emissions by more than 1 ton while complying with the European Union (EU) water quality standards. This innovative approach in France has the potential to expand to other European countries and developing nations.

Detailed Overview of Photocatalytic Environmental Purification Technology - March 2004

Detailed Overview of Photocatalytic Environmental Purification Technology - March 2004

At the Kyushu Center of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), the development of environmental purification technology using photocatalytic technology based on titanium dioxide is underway. Photocatalytic technology uses light energy to decompose pollutants in the air and water. To achieve this, materials such as micro hollow glass spheres and sponge-structured ceramic materials are used. These materials significantly enhance the purification process of liquids and gases, and are particularly effective in treating industrial wastewater and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the air.

This photocatalytic technology has been introduced in industrial areas of Fukuoka Prefecture and waste treatment plants in Kitakyushu City. Titanium dioxide reacts with light to exert strong oxidation power, breaking down harmful substances and contributing to the improvement of industrial wastewater and air pollution. In particular, factories in Kitakyushu City emit over 2,000 tons of VOCs annually, and by using this technology, more than 90% of these emissions can be reduced.

Additionally, the technology has been successfully applied to enhance the efficiency of water treatment plants by using glass spheres coated with titanium dioxide as filtration media for liquid purification. Furthermore, the sponge-structured ceramic material, with its vast surface area, is being applied as a filter in air purifiers and ventilation systems, contributing to indoor air purification.

AIST is also conducting joint research with the French research institute "CEA," aiming for technology exports to the European market. The expansion of this technology is expected to contribute not only domestically in Japan but also in international environmental purification markets, particularly in the fields of industrial waste treatment and air pollution control.





