
83-Chinese ECLIPS Waste Treatment Technology-Xi'an and Shanghai-2020s-Environmental Technology

83-ECLIPS Waste Treatment Technology-Xi'an and Shanghai-2020s-Environmental Technology

In the 2020s, the "ECLIPS" waste treatment technology has made significant progress in China, especially in major cities such as Xi'an and Shanghai. This technology is suitable for efficiently processing industrial and household waste and is attracting global attention as a next-generation waste treatment technology.

Current Status and Technical Details

- Complete Sealing Treatment and Detoxification
ECLIPS technology is widely used in urban areas as an alternative to traditional landfill processing. Specifically, the Xi'an plant processes about 2,000 tons of waste per day, almost completely detoxifying household and industrial waste. In particular, high-temperature processing is used to completely seal harmful substances such as heavy metals and dioxins, preventing their leakage into the air and water. According to 2022 data, the residual waste processed at the Xi'an plant has been reduced by 70% compared to previous levels.

- Material Recycling
ECLIPS technology efficiently recycles treated waste into reusable resources. For example, more than 99% of iron and aluminum are recovered during processing and supplied back to industrial uses. At the Shanghai ECLIPS plant, approximately 910,000 tons of waste are processed annually, 80% of which is recycled. The recycled materials are mainly used in the construction industry. The ash is used as raw material for road pavement and concrete through vitrification technology, and the final landfill volume has been reduced to one-tenth of the previous level. Additionally, in Shanghai, it has been reported that ECLIPS technology helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 150,000 tons annually.

- Companies and Partnerships
ECLIPS technology is being developed primarily by the China Environmental Science Research Institute and Xi'an Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., with the Xi'an plant serving as the technical hub. Furthermore, the Shanghai Clean Energy Group used ECLIPS in 2023 to process about 650,000 tons of waste, reducing carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions by about 120,000 tons. This reduction is equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of approximately 250,000 households.

- Industrial Waste Treatment
The Xi'an ECLIPS plant focuses on the treatment of electronic waste. For example, harmful substances such as lead, cadmium, and chromium found in discarded smartphones and computers are detoxified through high-temperature processing at the plant. In 2022, about 100,000 tons of electronic waste were safely processed, and valuable metals (copper, gold, silver, etc.) were recycled for industrial use. This reduced electronic waste treatment costs to less than half of previous levels, and it is estimated to generate an economic impact of approximately 50 million yuan (about 8 billion yen) annually.

- Cities and Numerical Data
At the Shanghai ECLIPS plant, about 2,500 tons of waste are processed per day, amounting to about 910,000 tons annually. Of this, 80% of the recycled material is used in construction concrete and road paving materials. The amount of waste sent to Shanghai's landfills has decreased to one-tenth of previous levels, and greenhouse gas emissions have been reduced by about 150,000 tons annually. This is equivalent to the CO₂ emissions of about 300,000 vehicles per year.

Future Prospects
The Chinese government is accelerating the nationwide deployment of ECLIPS technology, aiming to introduce it in 50 cities by 2025. Large-scale plant construction is underway in major cities such as Beijing and Guangzhou, and it is expected that more than 10 million tons of waste will be processed annually. Due to its efficiency and reduced environmental impact, ECLIPS technology is also being considered for export to other Asian and European countries. Contracts for technology adoption in Indonesia and the Philippines are currently underway and are expected to make ECLIPS a standard for waste treatment technology across Asia.

Summary of ECLIPS
ECLIPS is an innovative technology specializing in large-scale urban waste treatment. The successful implementation in Xi'an and Shanghai demonstrates its effectiveness in both detoxifying and recycling industrial and household waste. Its impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions is also significant, establishing a new standard for waste treatment in the 2020s.

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