全球环境业务 / 资源循环经济 / Eco Business / Circular Economy / 地球環境ビジネス / 循環経済
Friday, May 31, 2019
工业废料的处理 155万吨 1998.09.15
卫生和福利部的一项调查显示, 在东京都会区排放的 87 760 000 吨工业废物的 1 55万吨已在该地区以外运输和处置。 分析的依据是东京都市区92至94财政年度的数据, 该数据曾在37个都道府县和青森、秋田、宫城县、福岛县、长野县、静冈县、爱知县和福冈进行, 数量超过6万吨。 运输方最高的是 埼玉 630,000 吨、东京30万吨和神奈川县230,000 吨。
The key to success in environmental business 1998.11.15
The number of people gathering in environmental business seminars is increasing. Sometimes more than 200 people are not uncommon. I feel the heat like never before. The question that we often receive from people we meet at the venue is "what is the secret of the success of environmental business?" I always answer as follows:
(1) to start a business rooted in the region.
(2) Strong commitment to the environment of business operators.
(3) It is necessary to have soft ideas that are not hard.
(4) It is a proposal-based business.
The reason for (1) is to maintain and preserve the natural environment in a resource-recycling-oriented society, and to make appropriate efforts by local units. For example, if waste recycling is recycled, waste materials from the region will be separated, collected, and recycled, and utilized in the region. This is an ideal approach to a recycling-oriented society of the region. In a word, it is an environmental problem solving type business from the region. (2) Business operators are asked to have high awareness and beliefs about the environment. It serves as a radar to catch the global flow of the environment, the movement of the industry, the policy and measures of the administration, and becomes a clue of the business opportunity. (3) There are over 800 items of environmental business. The whole thing is not a field of the hard system, and there are many to count the soft system field. With a little eye, you can make a change in your ideas. In addition, the idea is to extend the work of remedying. (4) Since the environmental business is part of the business to improve the environment of the region, it arises from the active proposal activity to the prefecture and the municipality. While environmental measures in the region will be strengthened in the future, each countermeasure may be subject to environmental business. It is essential to obtain a machine and make a business proposal. As a feeling, the environmental business is the sign of the takeoff finally toward "high growth" next year.
(1) to start a business rooted in the region.
(2) Strong commitment to the environment of business operators.
(3) It is necessary to have soft ideas that are not hard.
(4) It is a proposal-based business.
The reason for (1) is to maintain and preserve the natural environment in a resource-recycling-oriented society, and to make appropriate efforts by local units. For example, if waste recycling is recycled, waste materials from the region will be separated, collected, and recycled, and utilized in the region. This is an ideal approach to a recycling-oriented society of the region. In a word, it is an environmental problem solving type business from the region. (2) Business operators are asked to have high awareness and beliefs about the environment. It serves as a radar to catch the global flow of the environment, the movement of the industry, the policy and measures of the administration, and becomes a clue of the business opportunity. (3) There are over 800 items of environmental business. The whole thing is not a field of the hard system, and there are many to count the soft system field. With a little eye, you can make a change in your ideas. In addition, the idea is to extend the work of remedying. (4) Since the environmental business is part of the business to improve the environment of the region, it arises from the active proposal activity to the prefecture and the municipality. While environmental measures in the region will be strengthened in the future, each countermeasure may be subject to environmental business. It is essential to obtain a machine and make a business proposal. As a feeling, the environmental business is the sign of the takeoff finally toward "high growth" next year.
What is the difference between recycling and reuse ①
Daily business activities, and waste that is discharged in large quantities from our lives. Recycling and reuse to make the most of the waste is a resource business. Waste, including used products, is the key to creating a new business by thinking of a respectable resource. How to regenerate waste that is treated as a troublesome unwanted product as a resource. There are a lot of different business opportunities buried there. It is also an important theme for the small country and Japan resources that depend on a lot of resources overseas.
Although two kinds of recycling and reuse are considered to recycle waste, we have approached the present situation and the problem of both businesses. The recycling business is an undeniable manufacturing industry. Recycling refers to "reusing" the waste of used products, etc. that are discharged in the production process or once. On the other hand, it is reuse to "reuse" the used product (used goods) which can still use it if it plays it by repairing, the repair, etc. It can be said that the recycling system seen in the town is Reuse Doshop accurately. Both are recycled businesses that utilize waste as a valid resource. First of all, the recycling business is a large scale because the equipment such as the device and the plant is naturally stamped because it undergoes the process of separating, decomposing (sorting) and recycling of the collected waste. The point here is that we need to realize that recycling is a manufacturing industry where waste is converted into resources. The manufacturing industry, in other words, the production line of the appropriate size is determined by the amount of the raw material, and the produced product goes out as a commodity to the market and is approved as a business. It does not become business if there is no tidy partition of the entrance, the production line, and the exit. The recycling business is the same thing. The amount of the production line is determined by the pre-processing cost of fractionation (if the waste pet Boto cap is taken, the label is peeled off, etc.) can be ensured as a quantity of wastes to be kept low. Commercialization of waste products while considering production efficiency. It is important that the recycled product is traded in the market (exit) as a commodity. If any of these mechanisms are inadequate, it would be a good idea not to enter. On the other hand, if this mechanism is perfect, we get the processing cost at the entrance, and sell the recycled product as a commodity at the exit. In other words, it is the delicious business that the profit is obtained from the entrance and the exit by the waste material.
Although two kinds of recycling and reuse are considered to recycle waste, we have approached the present situation and the problem of both businesses. The recycling business is an undeniable manufacturing industry. Recycling refers to "reusing" the waste of used products, etc. that are discharged in the production process or once. On the other hand, it is reuse to "reuse" the used product (used goods) which can still use it if it plays it by repairing, the repair, etc. It can be said that the recycling system seen in the town is Reuse Doshop accurately. Both are recycled businesses that utilize waste as a valid resource. First of all, the recycling business is a large scale because the equipment such as the device and the plant is naturally stamped because it undergoes the process of separating, decomposing (sorting) and recycling of the collected waste. The point here is that we need to realize that recycling is a manufacturing industry where waste is converted into resources. The manufacturing industry, in other words, the production line of the appropriate size is determined by the amount of the raw material, and the produced product goes out as a commodity to the market and is approved as a business. It does not become business if there is no tidy partition of the entrance, the production line, and the exit. The recycling business is the same thing. The amount of the production line is determined by the pre-processing cost of fractionation (if the waste pet Boto cap is taken, the label is peeled off, etc.) can be ensured as a quantity of wastes to be kept low. Commercialization of waste products while considering production efficiency. It is important that the recycled product is traded in the market (exit) as a commodity. If any of these mechanisms are inadequate, it would be a good idea not to enter. On the other hand, if this mechanism is perfect, we get the processing cost at the entrance, and sell the recycled product as a commodity at the exit. In other words, it is the delicious business that the profit is obtained from the entrance and the exit by the waste material.
自治体の環境政策 - 滋賀県の環境総合計画 1999.03.15
日本のほぼ中央に位置し、 日本一の面積を誇る琵琶湖を擁する滋賀県は、 周囲を1000メートル級の山々に囲まれ、日本海側と太平洋側の気候帯の接点にあることから 多様な自然生態系を形成している。 このような恵まれた 自然環境を守るため、県では早くから取り組みを開姶しており、 72年には「県自然環境保全条例」 を、 79年には滋賀県琵馴の富栄養化の防止に関する条例(富栄養化防止条例)を制定するなど、 琵琶湖の水質保全を中心に環境行政で全国自治体のトップランナー的な役割を果たしてきた。
同県の環境行政のマスターブランとして97年10月に策定された 「滋賀県環境総合計画」は、97年度から2010年度まで14年間の長期計画で21世紀半ば頃までに 「環境自治が築く共生・循環のふるさと滋賀」 の実現を目指している。環境自治とは、地域住民や事業者が主体と なって行政と協議し地城に根ざした環境のあり方を検討、 積極的に行動していくこと。同計画の基本理念であり、地域や地球環境を保全するための積極的な環境行動を県民性として定着させるようなシステムづくりが進められている。
計画の具体的な目標は、 琵琶湖を昭和40年代初期の水質に戻すこと及び、一般・産業廃棄物の排出をいずれも現在の2分の1に削減することの2点。その達成に向けた環境保全施策の基本方針として共生、循環、自治、国際協力の4点について、15に及ぶプロジェクトを進行中。
共生の分野では 「自然との共生をめざす」こととし、 琵琶湖周辺の生態系の保全のほか、河川や里山をビオトープとしてネットワーク化を図り生物の多様性を確保すうるとともに、 地域での健全な土づくりの推進を行なっている。なかでも土づくりに関しては、 家庭からの生ごみや食品工場で発生する有機汚泥などをコンポスト化し、 土壌還元するシステムを全県的に進めるべく、県民や農協が中心となって協議会を設置、98年度から草津市をモデル地域として具体化している。
同県の環境行政のマスターブランとして97年10月に策定された 「滋賀県環境総合計画」は、97年度から2010年度まで14年間の長期計画で21世紀半ば頃までに 「環境自治が築く共生・循環のふるさと滋賀」 の実現を目指している。環境自治とは、地域住民や事業者が主体と なって行政と協議し地城に根ざした環境のあり方を検討、 積極的に行動していくこと。同計画の基本理念であり、地域や地球環境を保全するための積極的な環境行動を県民性として定着させるようなシステムづくりが進められている。
計画の具体的な目標は、 琵琶湖を昭和40年代初期の水質に戻すこと及び、一般・産業廃棄物の排出をいずれも現在の2分の1に削減することの2点。その達成に向けた環境保全施策の基本方針として共生、循環、自治、国際協力の4点について、15に及ぶプロジェクトを進行中。
共生の分野では 「自然との共生をめざす」こととし、 琵琶湖周辺の生態系の保全のほか、河川や里山をビオトープとしてネットワーク化を図り生物の多様性を確保すうるとともに、 地域での健全な土づくりの推進を行なっている。なかでも土づくりに関しては、 家庭からの生ごみや食品工場で発生する有機汚泥などをコンポスト化し、 土壌還元するシステムを全県的に進めるべく、県民や農協が中心となって協議会を設置、98年度から草津市をモデル地域として具体化している。
Staub unterdrückt Erderwärmung 1999.12.15
Im Prognoseexperiment der Meteorologischen Agentur, atmosphärischem Aerosol (Luftstaub), das durch die Verbrennung fossiler Brennstoffe und dergleichen erzeugt wird, ist der kühlende Effekt zur Unterdrückung der globalen Erwärmung das Sonnenlicht bei 70 etwa 0. 3 Grad C, etwa 0 in 100 Jahren. Es stellt sich vier Grad C heraus. Da das Aerosol oft in der Nähe der Quelle verteilt wird, ist die Konzentration in den nördlichen und mittleren Breiten höher, und die Nähe zu Japan wurde in 100 Jahren ebenfalls als Kühleffekt von mehr als 1 Grad Celsius beobachtet.
在大田区举办的生态博览会 1998.09.15
在日本东京大田区工业广场 (PiO), "第二届新生活用品展。
"生态博览会" 将举行。 展品包括与生态相关的产品和系统, 如回收利用、节能、新能源和环境保护。 展位的数量是60个。 还举办了回收讲习班和园艺研讨会, 作为联合活动。 免费入场。
"生态博览会" 将举行。 展品包括与生态相关的产品和系统, 如回收利用、节能、新能源和环境保护。 展位的数量是60个。 还举办了回收讲习班和园艺研讨会, 作为联合活动。 免费入场。
Thursday, May 30, 2019
GPN Guide Book mit dem Auto 1999.12.15
Das Green Purchasing Network (GPN) hat das "Umweltdatenbuch für das Produkt Selection-Automotive Edition" herausgegeben. Das Unternehmen verbuchte 466 Modelle von neun großen heimischen Herstellern. Umweltinformationen umfassen Kraftstoffverbrauch, CO2-Emissionen, Abgaswerte, Geräuschpegel, Art und Menge des Kältemittels in Kfz-Klimaanlagen, reduzierte Bleiverbrauchswerte, Recyclingkonstruktionsaufwand, Recyclingmaterial, Normalpreis und Gewicht. Der Preis beträgt 1.000 Yen pro Einheit (inklusive Steuern, Porto separat).
水質総量規制を強化方針 1999.03.15
特殊肥料に成分表示義務 1999.03.15
Suitable technology-regional, distributed, life-size 1999.09.15
In the future, efforts in the local community will become more and more important to the resource cycle and the improvement of the natural environment. For example, waste. Waste discharged from the region is collected in the region, recycled, and the regional circulation that returns to the region is basic. It is the most efficient and can do the proper work.
In such a community, the important thing is the system and the technology which makes the best use of the characteristic of the region. Especially in the technology, suitable suitability technology of the region is necessary. If each effort is different depending on the region, the corresponding technology to be utilized there will differ. Such suitable suitability technology is developed in various places now, and it contributes to the region, and it is playing a part of the revitalization of the region as an environmental business in the region.
Various types of waste disposal and recycling technologies, natural environment purification and restoration, natural energy utilization, environmental symbiosis facilities, energy-saving related technologies, etc. The characteristics of suitable technology are regional, distributed and life-size. It is a small low-tech that is easy to manage and maintain in regional correspondence. There are many business opportunities in this area. The each province and municipal environmental action plans and ordinances are the clues. There are a few cases where it becomes a hint of business development to read them. The trend in the future is to transfer technology from a local university to technology development linked to business development. Toward the creation of regional environmental industry by industry-academia-government collaboration. As a result, it helps to circulate resources in the region and improve the environment.
In such a community, the important thing is the system and the technology which makes the best use of the characteristic of the region. Especially in the technology, suitable suitability technology of the region is necessary. If each effort is different depending on the region, the corresponding technology to be utilized there will differ. Such suitable suitability technology is developed in various places now, and it contributes to the region, and it is playing a part of the revitalization of the region as an environmental business in the region.
Various types of waste disposal and recycling technologies, natural environment purification and restoration, natural energy utilization, environmental symbiosis facilities, energy-saving related technologies, etc. The characteristics of suitable technology are regional, distributed and life-size. It is a small low-tech that is easy to manage and maintain in regional correspondence. There are many business opportunities in this area. The each province and municipal environmental action plans and ordinances are the clues. There are a few cases where it becomes a hint of business development to read them. The trend in the future is to transfer technology from a local university to technology development linked to business development. Toward the creation of regional environmental industry by industry-academia-government collaboration. As a result, it helps to circulate resources in the region and improve the environment.
【要点在这里】废纸的回收率与扩容制造商的责任 1999.11.15
那张没有地方可以闲着的纸开始动了起来。 有时, 出口到东南亚国家的废纸无法在国内加工, 该地区开始不足。 再生纸的利用率很高, 是作为再生纸的原料。 背景是, 通过改进脱墨技术作为资源使用的废纸数量大幅增加, 类似回收用纸以外的回收产品的使用范围也有所扩大。 老报纸的收藏商 "终于逃过一劫。 灯光出现在人们的视野中。 这是在外国协议中说的。 其他废物的回收利用正在加速。
究其原因, 是以资源回收为目的的系统和系统开始顺利运行。 原因是回收产品的项目数量增加, 用途多样化, 剩余废纸以及被批准为企业的废物数量只能作为数量 (回收) 获得。 扩大制造商责任的想法 (EPR = 扩大生产者责任) 每年都在传播。 这将进一步促进资源周期。 扩大生产者的责任是: (1) 基于回收的产品设计 (2) 发布关于产品的环境信息 (三) 负责收集旧产品 (4) 由回收和处置成本的负担构成。 由于上述 (3) 和 (4) 的相应系统, 有一种简单的包装回收方法, 即家电回收法。
此外, 生态城镇业务和区域零排放也是作为各地的资源回收工作开始的。 这种回收利用的浪潮使垃圾入口的资源收集顺利, 并促进了冲击出口的复制产品。 此外, 如果考虑到绿色消费者希望在城市购买回收商品的外观, 浪费这个词也会成为一种死的语言。 废物是资源这个词的替代品。 回收业务在那里扩张和定居。
究其原因, 是以资源回收为目的的系统和系统开始顺利运行。 原因是回收产品的项目数量增加, 用途多样化, 剩余废纸以及被批准为企业的废物数量只能作为数量 (回收) 获得。 扩大制造商责任的想法 (EPR = 扩大生产者责任) 每年都在传播。 这将进一步促进资源周期。 扩大生产者的责任是: (1) 基于回收的产品设计 (2) 发布关于产品的环境信息 (三) 负责收集旧产品 (4) 由回收和处置成本的负担构成。 由于上述 (3) 和 (4) 的相应系统, 有一种简单的包装回收方法, 即家电回收法。
此外, 生态城镇业务和区域零排放也是作为各地的资源回收工作开始的。 这种回收利用的浪潮使垃圾入口的资源收集顺利, 并促进了冲击出口的复制产品。 此外, 如果考虑到绿色消费者希望在城市购买回收商品的外观, 浪费这个词也会成为一种死的语言。 废物是资源这个词的替代品。 回收业务在那里扩张和定居。
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
生物知識を問う検定誕生 1999.03.15
废纸库存连续三个月减少 1998.09.15
国内老纸库存呈下降趋势。 根据关东纸业原材料和商业联盟的数据, 7月底关东区库存为61409吨, 比上月下降3.1%。 1996年6月底以来的低水平, 连续三个月下降。 虽然废纸批发商是韩国和台湾出口的一个因素, 但库存比率 (库存与批发商装运的比例) 为 24.8%, 仍超过适当水平的15%。
具体氟氯化碳回收的进展情况 1998.09.15
该部总结了具体氟氯化碳回收进展的内容。 汽车空调从1997年1月开始在東京・千葉・埼玉・神奈川县运行收集和销毁系统, 1月至6月的销毁记录约为12吨。 迄今为止, 商用制冷和空调设备已获得约1005个地点和约 2 900家注册收集公司的认证。 家用冰箱中的家庭数量为 1, 180, 000个单位, 1997年回收的氟氯化碳数量为 95, 000 台。
特殊肥料に成分表示義務 1999.03.15
21世纪是氢文明的时代3 移动设备
增加了对移动设备的使用。 与手机、个人电脑和其他移动设备中使用的传统电池相比, 可使用更长时间的燃料电池已由电气产品和电信设备制造商开发。 我听说随着移动设备市场的不断扩大, 需求激增。 然而, 空气与甲醇反应的方法是常见的, 现在通过恐怖主义措施很难将收集氢的甲醇盒带到飞机等方面是一个瓶颈。 日本是一个资源小国, 从非化石燃料中依赖外国的大部分氢收集能源资源, 如果我们能够从 "水资源" 和 "生物量" 中收集氢, 可以在国内采购, 我们就能确保资源安全。 在日本, "氢社会" 的传播似乎首先符合国家利益。 该国的能源政策正处于转折点。
上質古紙、需給引き締まり 1999.03.15
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
【要点在这里】回收厂- 牧场每天制造四吨堆肥 2002.10.20
食物废物是通过对排放植物进行彻底的分类来进行的。 分离的废物用于饲料和堆肥。 在堆肥方面, 它在大约三个月的时间里保持了70°c 的温度, 并在牛粪等混合开关机器的过程中进行发酵。 当月的规划费用约为5万日元。 而且在剩下的三个月里, 它就变老了。 清酒的酿造是完全一样的。 成品堆肥没有异味, 即使在任何地方使用, 也特别安全、有保障。 有些堆肥是给附近的农民准备的。 因为堆肥是好的, 美味的作物可以收获。 温泉旅馆和出院的餐馆都买了。 排气的植物-农场-农民排放的植物和废物在植物周围循环, 并返回到作物改变他们的外观。
回收业务是在每个业务场所的合作下建立的。 它不只在一个营业场所获得批准。 它不会仅通过引入设备来循环。 只有在废物流通的情况下, 才会被批准为企业。 纵观许多回收企业, 设备的引进已经开始, 但事实并非如此。 作为回收业务的一部分, 只有通过处理适当的设备, 才能振兴和引进设备。 主要的优先事项是建立一个商业模式。 我们以3000万日元的价格出售自己的设备。 总统的梦想是用堆肥的钱来支付化肥账单, 只要聪明就可以了。
回收业务是在每个业务场所的合作下建立的。 它不只在一个营业场所获得批准。 它不会仅通过引入设备来循环。 只有在废物流通的情况下, 才会被批准为企业。 纵观许多回收企业, 设备的引进已经开始, 但事实并非如此。 作为回收业务的一部分, 只有通过处理适当的设备, 才能振兴和引进设备。 主要的优先事项是建立一个商业模式。 我们以3000万日元的价格出售自己的设备。 总统的梦想是用堆肥的钱来支付化肥账单, 只要聪明就可以了。
年の瀬の風物詩を環境影響評価 1999.03.15
Six laws concerning circular economy 2000.10.15
Since the establishment of the "Basic Environmental law," which is said to be the constitution of the Environment in 1993, the Law for environmental laws has been steadily underway, and the following six laws have been enacted in the normal diet.
①The Basic Act on promotion of recycling-oriented society (enforced in June 2006).
②The Amended Waste Treatment Act (Ministry of Health and Welfare in April 2001).
③Effective use of resources (environmental agency, Ministry and Ministry of Health and Welfare in January 2001).
④Building Materials Recycling Act (Ministry of Construction in November 2000).
⑤Act on the recycling and promotion of food resources (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in April 2001)
⑥Green Purchasing Act (Enforcement of the environmental Agency in April 2001).
The ordinance of the municipality is newly institutionalized, and it is revised. Both trends are closely related to the business opportunity of the environmental business or the construction of an environmental management system, and the factors that make major changes.
Therefore, it is important for each business operator to understand the contents of the necessary laws and to constantly check their movements. Then, there is the use of the internet first of all how to obtain it. We examine public information such as the Council of Environment-related councils, examination sessions, and research meetings of ministries. Other information by newspapers and magazines, national and local libraries, etc. The Official Gazette, the guidance through economic organizations (industrial associations, the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce, etc.), and briefings by government agencies (prefectures and municipalities) are effective as sources of information.
On the other hand, we want to use the latest version of laws and regulations related to environment. It is convenient because it is replaced when the statute collection of the addition type is revised. In addition to domestic regulations, we also want to watch the laws of developed countries. Since the legal system of this country is followed by a lot of developed countries, it is possible to advance ahead and advance the dominant approach by catching information from developed countries at an early stage.
①The Basic Act on promotion of recycling-oriented society (enforced in June 2006).
②The Amended Waste Treatment Act (Ministry of Health and Welfare in April 2001).
③Effective use of resources (environmental agency, Ministry and Ministry of Health and Welfare in January 2001).
④Building Materials Recycling Act (Ministry of Construction in November 2000).
⑤Act on the recycling and promotion of food resources (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in April 2001)
⑥Green Purchasing Act (Enforcement of the environmental Agency in April 2001).
The ordinance of the municipality is newly institutionalized, and it is revised. Both trends are closely related to the business opportunity of the environmental business or the construction of an environmental management system, and the factors that make major changes.
Therefore, it is important for each business operator to understand the contents of the necessary laws and to constantly check their movements. Then, there is the use of the internet first of all how to obtain it. We examine public information such as the Council of Environment-related councils, examination sessions, and research meetings of ministries. Other information by newspapers and magazines, national and local libraries, etc. The Official Gazette, the guidance through economic organizations (industrial associations, the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce, etc.), and briefings by government agencies (prefectures and municipalities) are effective as sources of information.
On the other hand, we want to use the latest version of laws and regulations related to environment. It is convenient because it is replaced when the statute collection of the addition type is revised. In addition to domestic regulations, we also want to watch the laws of developed countries. Since the legal system of this country is followed by a lot of developed countries, it is possible to advance ahead and advance the dominant approach by catching information from developed countries at an early stage.
動物園でふんリサイクル 1999.03.15
Monday, May 27, 2019
産廃最終処分場、年々減少 1999.03.15
Plant-derived bioplastic②
The use of forest resources is growing as an industry, and the demand for forest-related resources is increasing from the securing of new energy resources to the world. In the Japan, energy-related thermal use and power generation utilization of forest and woody biomass (lumber residue, felling, pruning wood, etc.) widely distributed nationwide are carried out in various places. Overseas, the amount of the production of the bioethanol (cellulose as a raw material) of the oil alternative of the plant origin has increased comparatively. In the Japan, the production of BA-ethanol, which uses forests and woody-based cellulose as raw materials, has begun in the demonstration phase.
On the other hand, the bio-plastic as the eco-materiel use of the forest resource has already begun production as part of the member of the electric machine and the precision equipment. The research of the new material and eco-material "cellulose nanofibers" (CNF) of the use of Bioprestik is rapidly expanding plant, it became a concrete product is Bioprestik. In eco-material development, the world's top Japan has already begun to be used in electronic equipment and automotive related materials as a reinforcing plestik, in addition to disposable diapers and ballpoint pens. The main ingredient of this plant fiber is a robust structure, such as reinforced concrete, and the strength of one-fifth of the steel is five times higher than that. Moreover, because it is carbon neutral (not emitted CO2 into the atmosphere) from a renewable plant, it also leads to suppression of global warming. The source of the raw material is the forest and the primary industry. It will become an opportunity of new industry creation, and it is a barrel material in the world of pure domestic for the forest country and the Japan. The commercialization and commercialization of Bioplestik is steadily expanding.
On the other hand, the bio-plastic as the eco-materiel use of the forest resource has already begun production as part of the member of the electric machine and the precision equipment. The research of the new material and eco-material "cellulose nanofibers" (CNF) of the use of Bioprestik is rapidly expanding plant, it became a concrete product is Bioprestik. In eco-material development, the world's top Japan has already begun to be used in electronic equipment and automotive related materials as a reinforcing plestik, in addition to disposable diapers and ballpoint pens. The main ingredient of this plant fiber is a robust structure, such as reinforced concrete, and the strength of one-fifth of the steel is five times higher than that. Moreover, because it is carbon neutral (not emitted CO2 into the atmosphere) from a renewable plant, it also leads to suppression of global warming. The source of the raw material is the forest and the primary industry. It will become an opportunity of new industry creation, and it is a barrel material in the world of pure domestic for the forest country and the Japan. The commercialization and commercialization of Bioplestik is steadily expanding.
8割以上が不安感じる 1999.03.15
Sunday, May 26, 2019
长江的洪水是由森林砍伐引起的 1998.9.15
由于长江流域长期洪灾, 中国专家表示, 原因是森林砍伐造成的环境破坏。 认为盆地的保水能力随着森林的减少而降低, 表土的泥沙流入推动了河床的变化。 长江流域的森林面积比从上世纪 5 0 年代的 2 2% 下降到上世纪 8 0 年代的 1 0%。 入云总是被泥沙的流入所笼罩, 浪漫的 "长越成为第二条黄河" 的声音。
建立环境激素数据库 1998.9.15
卫生和福利部建立了一个数据库, 收集关于环境激素的信息, 如实际使用条件和研究显示的效果。 不仅约有 7 0 种被怀疑含有环境激素的物质, 还有约 1. 5万种化学物质, 包括尚未透露的物质, 收集母乳和器官积累量、玩具、餐具等实际使用条件等数据。 该数据库将通过因特网公布。
長距離可能、LNG車 1999.01.15
Saturday, May 25, 2019
青梅市小学生間でぜんそく急増 1999.01.15
SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)①
The media said, "How will the government incorporate the SDGs into measures, and how companies can capitalize on their management," is likely to be the key to the future growth of Japan. The United Nations has shown the importance of integrating economic, social and environmental issues in an integrated way, and is calling on the world as a target year for 2030 to "eliminate poverty" and "zero Hunger" SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), but was adopted at the UN summit in September 2015. This is the goal of 193 un-member countries to achieve in the 15 years between 2016 and 2030.
Each business office (local Government, public agency, private company, etc.) which sympathized with this effort spreads rapidly.
What is the SDGs? The SDGs were adopted at the UN summit in September 2015, and the entire international community was adopted to work together to solve the problems associated with human activities such as the deterioration of the global environment. It is the core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
A total of 17 targets, including 17 poverty, education, environment and disaster prevention, and 169 specific objectives (detailed on the Internet) are shown to be achieved in 15 years between 2016 and 2030. The SDGs in the major companies, "especially the SDGs that companies tackle, because the goal is clear compared to the efforts of the corporate social responsibility, such as the reduction of the conventional environmental impact, compliance, etc., because it is easy to incorporate business
There is a rapid increase in the number of companies that challenge the SDGs now. " In addition, when the SDGs approach progresses, it is said that it will be an opportunity to not only develop a useful way to solve problems that the world's poorest companies should tackle, but also bring change to management and business fields. In the Business field, it is said that the price, quality, and delivery time will change and ultimately lead to changes in society and institutions.
Each business office (local Government, public agency, private company, etc.) which sympathized with this effort spreads rapidly.
What is the SDGs? The SDGs were adopted at the UN summit in September 2015, and the entire international community was adopted to work together to solve the problems associated with human activities such as the deterioration of the global environment. It is the core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
A total of 17 targets, including 17 poverty, education, environment and disaster prevention, and 169 specific objectives (detailed on the Internet) are shown to be achieved in 15 years between 2016 and 2030. The SDGs in the major companies, "especially the SDGs that companies tackle, because the goal is clear compared to the efforts of the corporate social responsibility, such as the reduction of the conventional environmental impact, compliance, etc., because it is easy to incorporate business
There is a rapid increase in the number of companies that challenge the SDGs now. " In addition, when the SDGs approach progresses, it is said that it will be an opportunity to not only develop a useful way to solve problems that the world's poorest companies should tackle, but also bring change to management and business fields. In the Business field, it is said that the price, quality, and delivery time will change and ultimately lead to changes in society and institutions.
ずさんな中国の環境対策 1999.01.15
天然ガス自動車 1年間で急増 1999.01.15
Friday, May 24, 2019
Consideration of the requirement to carry in a low-emission vehicle 1999.08.15
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government began considering the introduction of a "green delivery system" that requires the use of low-emission vehicles when traders carry luggage to the government office. Currently, there are about 10,000 traders. We want to regulate large-scale diesel vehicles such as trucks that are the cause of air pollution in particular among the cars used by these companies. We will establish a grace period of several years before the introduction, and also consider measures to support the development of replacement and exhaust gas reduction equipment.
装置装着でアイドリングストップ 1999.01.15
【要点在这里】 熊本県営荒瀬大坝 2003.01.20
该公司进入了从导致环境恶化的公共工程向自然重建型公共工程过渡的时期。 去年 12月, 熊本县知事瀬屋義子宣布 荒瀬大坝乡村水权 (50年) 将于2003年3月31日到期, 此前水权被延长至 10月31日, 宣布将立即进行拆除工作。 在全国首次大坝拆除政策的背景下, 库马河环境恶化、大坝路堤和发电机修复费用造成的财政压力, 以及县内总用电量不到1% 等原因。 在这座大坝中, "由于自然环境恶化对渔业养殖业造成的破坏性影响" 是一种敏锐的窥视。 目前, 该阿拉塞大坝的拆除是不可避免的, 对现有大坝运行的影响和全国 2 7 0 0 组规模的新大坝建设相结合。 美国的大坝王国被认为是进步和繁荣的象征, 自20世纪90年代以来, 7500多年过去了, 当时大坝已经从上世纪90年代被拆除, 500多座大坝被拆除。 大坝对水质、环境恶化、防洪和经济效益的质疑。 此外, 在美国的一些州, 如果大坝造成事故, 州法律颁布, 将责任强加给大坝所有者, 他们正在指示拆除大坝。 在美国拆除大坝后, 很多学校的鱼都被确认了一年后, 回归自然的速度也很推进。 然后, 一个新的产业诞生了。 除了在海外拆除大坝外, 填海、湿地等自然环境再生也是公共工程的主要项目。 再生性质有助于在该区域建立关键产业, 包括渔业和亲水旅游以及水净化。 事实证明, 重建环境不仅仅是 "自然再生", 而是对经济和区域活动有效。 更明智的做法是, 在新的公共工程流程中, 如大坝拆除、河流的多性质和复垦土地, 有可能出现大的商机。
Thursday, May 23, 2019
スローフード 2002.12.15
Expansion of the small oxygen water mass in Tokyo Bay 1999.08.15
According to the results of the 95-year water quality survey of Tokyo Bay, which is summarized by the environmental agency, the proportion of oxygen in the water in the summer months between July and September is less than 3 milligrams per liter, whereas the percentage of hypoxia is almost flat in coastal areas. The total of 24 points, such as the central bay, increased to six points. It is only one point in the 89-year survey, and it shows the pollution expansion to the water water which was comparatively good up to now.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
气温上升2度至2.5度固定 1998.09.15
预计联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会将在2100之前大幅增加全球变暖的预计气温上升, 从2100提高到2.5摄氏度。 未来大气中反射太阳射线的微粒量可能会减少。 这种细颗粒是由 SOX 和其他国家造成的, 但预计随着中国和其他发展中国家努力防止空气污染, 疫情的数量将大大低于最初的预测。
污水处理维修率64% 1998.09.15
建筑、福利、三农林业部总结了污水处理设施的维护情况, 如污水处理设施、合并处理室、农业村排水设施等。 全国平均渗透率为 6 4% (上升 2个百分点2分)。 就人口而言, 有 80 55万人 (3, 13万人)。 由县、东京都96%、神奈川县90%、大阪、兵库县81% 和大都会区, 以及在和歌山19%、德岛22%、岛根县等30% 被延迟。
Biomas based energy co-generation in Denmark 1999.06
For heat and emission biomass, dissected in the global energy consumption accounted for 14%, but this is because the direct combustion use of firewood is still being conducted in the developing region. On the other hand, the EU-wide creation is still less than 2.5%, but since the 1970s, it has been positioned as an important issue in the EC research plan, with the provision of renewable energy that is less environmentally Development is being promoted for the purpose of development of technology.
Among them, it is Denmark to be active in the introduction of the biomass based co-generation (CHP). As in the former Japan, the policy of energy self-sufficiency has been promoted since the oil shock of two degrees in the 1970s in the Demark which depended on the import of 90% of energy. In 1985, "The introduction of public Energy that does not use nuclear power generation" was passed by the diet, and it was raised as a national policy to use renewable energies centering on wind and biomass. The Denmark boasts an agricultural self-sufficiency rate of 300%.
Among them, it is Denmark to be active in the introduction of the biomass based co-generation (CHP). As in the former Japan, the policy of energy self-sufficiency has been promoted since the oil shock of two degrees in the 1970s in the Demark which depended on the import of 90% of energy. In 1985, "The introduction of public Energy that does not use nuclear power generation" was passed by the diet, and it was raised as a national policy to use renewable energies centering on wind and biomass. The Denmark boasts an agricultural self-sufficiency rate of 300%.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
ビオトープ事業② 1999.01.15
96年4月から 「グリーンUP10」を展開し工場の緑化を進めている富士通の熊谷工場 (埼玉県熊谷市) では、そのー環として敷地内の調整池でビオトープを整備。 設計・施工を担当したフジタ (東京都渋谷区) では、生物の生息環境の創出というビオトープ本来の目的に加え、これまでに蓄積してきた水質浄化やランドスケープデザイン(景観設計)といった環墳関連技術を総合的に活用し、 多機能・多目的型のビオトープづくりを展關している。 同工場で98年3月に完成したビォ トーブでは、現在の工場周辺の環境だけではなく、 工場立地以前の土岬] 用状況などに基づいて環境復元の可能性を把握したうえで、 調整池内に小川や湿地帯、植物推移帯 (水中から陸上に向かい植物種が変化するエリア) などの多様な空聞をつくるとともに、 自社技術の「生態系活用水浄化システム
(EWP:Ecological Water Purification system)」を活用し、工場敷地内の調整池に流入する処理済み工場排水の浄化及び汚濁の防止機能を付加させている。具体的には調整池に滞留層や急流部を設けて水と空気を撹拌することで、処理済み工場排水に含まれる殺菌用の遊離塩素を減少させ、さらに湿地の土壌自体が持っている浮遊物質、窒素、リンの除去や有機物の分解といった性質を利用して水質の浄化維持を図っている。
(EWP:Ecological Water Purification system)」を活用し、工場敷地内の調整池に流入する処理済み工場排水の浄化及び汚濁の防止機能を付加させている。具体的には調整池に滞留層や急流部を設けて水と空気を撹拌することで、処理済み工場排水に含まれる殺菌用の遊離塩素を減少させ、さらに湿地の土壌自体が持っている浮遊物質、窒素、リンの除去や有機物の分解といった性質を利用して水質の浄化維持を図っている。
冷却水から重金属類検出 1999.01.15
The key to success in environmental business 1998.11.15
The number of people who gather at the seminar of the environmental business is increasing to skyrocketing. It is not uncommon to have more than 200 people at times. I feel the heat like never before. From the people I met at the meeting, the question I often received was "what is the secret to the success of the environmental business?" I always answer this. Four points are necessary to cause the business rooted in the ① region, strong sticking to the environment of the ② business person, a soft idea not ③ hard, and the business of ④ proposal type. The reason for the ① is to be able to do the maintenance and the maintenance of the natural environment in the resource recycling society, and to do the appropriate approach by the regional unit. For example, if waste is recycled, waste from the region will be separated, collected, and utilized in the community. It is an ideal approach to such a community-type recycling-oriented society. In a word, it is an environmental problem solution type business from the region. ② has a high level of awareness and beliefs about the environment. This is because it serves as a clue to the business opportunities that will play the role of radar to catch the global flow of the environment, the movement of industry, and government policies and measures. ③ 's an environmental business item 800 too. The whole thing is not a hard field, and there are a lot of soft-related fields to count. With a little eye, you can make a chance by changing the idea. To put it further, the idea is to extend the work of the business. As for the ④, environmental business is part of the business to improve the environment in the region, and it arises from the active proposal activity to the prefecture and the municipality. While environmental measures in the region will be strengthened, each measure may be subject to environmental business. It is important to obtain a machine and make a business proposal. The environmental business is a sign of the takeoff for "high growth" in the next year as feeling.
【要点在这里】合适的技术 - 地区・分布式・起重 1999.09.15
今后, 当地社区的努力对资源周期和自然环境的改善将变得越来越重要。 例如, 浪费。 从该区域排放的废物在该区域收集、回收, 返回该区域的区域流通是基本的。 它是最有效的, 可以做适当的工作。 在这样一个社区里, 重要的是充分利用该地区特点的制度和技术。
特别是在技术方面, 该地区适当的适宜性技术是必要的。 如果每项努力因区域而异, 则在那里使用的相应技术将有所不同。 这种合适的适宜性技术现在在各地得到开发, 对该区域做出了贡献, 作为该区域的环境业务, 它正在为该区域的振兴发挥作用。 各类废物处理和回收技术、自然环境净化和恢复、自然能源利用、环境共生设施、节能相关技术等。
适宜技术的特点是区域性的、分布性的和真人大小的。 它是一个小型的低技术, 易于管理和维护的区域通信。 这方面有很多商机。 每个省和市环境行动计划和法令都是线索。 在少数情况下, 阅读它们就会成为业务发展的暗示。 未来的趋势是将技术从当地大学转移到与商业发展有关的技术开发。 通过产学研合作, 实现区域环境产业的创建。 因此, 这有助于在该区域分配资源和改善环境。
特别是在技术方面, 该地区适当的适宜性技术是必要的。 如果每项努力因区域而异, 则在那里使用的相应技术将有所不同。 这种合适的适宜性技术现在在各地得到开发, 对该区域做出了贡献, 作为该区域的环境业务, 它正在为该区域的振兴发挥作用。 各类废物处理和回收技术、自然环境净化和恢复、自然能源利用、环境共生设施、节能相关技术等。
适宜技术的特点是区域性的、分布性的和真人大小的。 它是一个小型的低技术, 易于管理和维护的区域通信。 这方面有很多商机。 每个省和市环境行动计划和法令都是线索。 在少数情况下, 阅读它们就会成为业务发展的暗示。 未来的趋势是将技术从当地大学转移到与商业发展有关的技术开发。 通过产学研合作, 实现区域环境产业的创建。 因此, 这有助于在该区域分配资源和改善环境。
Monday, May 20, 2019
ビオトープ事業① 1999.01.15
野生の生物を呼び戻そうと都市部の河川敷や公園、学校などで盛んにビオトーブが造成されており、最近では個人宅のべランダや庭に水槽や鉢植えなどを置いた簡易的なものも「ビオトープ・ガーデン」 としてブームとなりつつある。 厳密にいえば本来のビオトープの概念からは外れるものだが、 緑の少ない都心部では、野鳥やトンボの集まる空間となり得る。 また、73年に制定された工場立地法で地内の緑化が義務づけられた工場の中には、単なる緑化から一歩進んでビオトープを整備し地域とのコミュニケーションツールとして活用するケースも生まれており、サッポロビールでは環境憲章を作成した91年以来、環境保全活動の一環として静岡工場(静岡県焼津市) にビオトープ園の建設を進めてきた。
同工場に勤務する社員の手で工場敷地面積の4分の1に相当する約5万平方メートルに7年がかりで整備。立地的にも田園地帯という恵まれた条件にあったことから雨水調整池や河川整備からス夕ート。ビールかすや建設廃材を燃焼して土壌改良材にしたり、ビールをろ過するセラミック材を小川の護岸に利用するなどリサイクルにも積極的に取り組んだ結果、80種類に及ぶ野烏やメダカ、ザリガニなどが生息する空間となった。 「サッポロビオトープ園」は98年8月に開設され、 約1万5000平方メートルについては一般にも開放されている。
同工場に勤務する社員の手で工場敷地面積の4分の1に相当する約5万平方メートルに7年がかりで整備。立地的にも田園地帯という恵まれた条件にあったことから雨水調整池や河川整備からス夕ート。ビールかすや建設廃材を燃焼して土壌改良材にしたり、ビールをろ過するセラミック材を小川の護岸に利用するなどリサイクルにも積極的に取り組んだ結果、80種類に及ぶ野烏やメダカ、ザリガニなどが生息する空間となった。 「サッポロビオトープ園」は98年8月に開設され、 約1万5000平方メートルについては一般にも開放されている。
【要点在这里】环境业务成功的六个共同方面 1999.10.15
在各大公司中, 该公司从早期就将积累的技术转移到环境业务中, 扩大了在环境商业市场的份额。 可以说, 通过管理层高层的远见卓识和环境考虑的理念, 企业的变化享受了先锋利润。 然而, 即使在后期的环境业务中, 现在整个行业都有商机, 在进入案例中取得的成功是相当多的。 一些不变的企业成功地通过环境企业重建了环境业务。
当我们看环境业务的成功案例时, 有一些相似之处可以捕捉到。
1) 进入环境企业的动机和目的得到了强烈的环境考虑的支持, 如改善环境影响。
2) 创意环保业务上的延伸补救。 例如, 在创办回收企业时, 其想法不是将回收商业化, 而是将修复业务商业化。 利用冶炼技术向消费电子回收领域推进的案例。
3) 进行市场调查, 了解市场需求。
4) 在进行技术开发的同时进行业务发展。 我们需要建立一个利用技术的系统。 即使是回收路线和回收系统, 如果不建立回收技术, 技术也不会移动。 包括系统建设在内的综合管理能力受到质疑。
5) 引进合适的技术和业务, 以满足当地社区。
6) 能够阅读政策和措施。 通过合作研究在公共工程进入中的匹配。
(1) 公司和公司联盟, 2) 公司和行政-私人融资倡议, 3) 公司和大学技术赠款或联盟与行业-学术界的合作, 4) 公司和公共研究机构等。
当我们看环境业务的成功案例时, 有一些相似之处可以捕捉到。
1) 进入环境企业的动机和目的得到了强烈的环境考虑的支持, 如改善环境影响。
2) 创意环保业务上的延伸补救。 例如, 在创办回收企业时, 其想法不是将回收商业化, 而是将修复业务商业化。 利用冶炼技术向消费电子回收领域推进的案例。
3) 进行市场调查, 了解市场需求。
4) 在进行技术开发的同时进行业务发展。 我们需要建立一个利用技术的系统。 即使是回收路线和回收系统, 如果不建立回收技术, 技术也不会移动。 包括系统建设在内的综合管理能力受到质疑。
5) 引进合适的技术和业务, 以满足当地社区。
6) 能够阅读政策和措施。 通过合作研究在公共工程进入中的匹配。
(1) 公司和公司联盟, 2) 公司和行政-私人融资倡议, 3) 公司和大学技术赠款或联盟与行业-学术界的合作, 4) 公司和公共研究机构等。
【要点在这里】从海外进口和销售环保设备 1998.8.15
环境商业市场正在稳步扩大。 超过 4 0% 的上市公司和约 2 0% 的非上市公司已经在发展或规划环保业务。 整体销售趋势呈上升趋势。 政府的政策、政策、法律和条例、公司方面的环境活动以及提高公民对环境的意识是扩张的风。 因为环保的业务项目可以计数 800, 所以人们认为在扩展生产工作方面总是有商机的。 如果加深对环境问题的兴趣和认识, 使其成为一种雷达, 新来者就不应该那么困难。 即使新进入者没有足够的环境资源, 也有许多新的进入方式进入市场。 其中之一是从海外进口和销售环保设备。 有很多优秀的环保设备和产品的真人大小在日本国家中找不到, 在欧美国家被称为环境先进国家。 数量也很丰富, 质量容易操作高, 价格也积极便宜。 例如, 没有列举这样的事情, 如澳大利亚省电装置、丹麦风力发电机、英国水质分析设备、美国环境商品等日用品。 有这样一个成功的例子。 他说, 四年前成功进口和销售一艘方便运输和储存瑞典制造的垃圾的压缩还原容器的中小型公司总裁 "洞察选择产品, 先见之明地解读法律的目的地, 如果有营销力量," 他说。 在彻底审查了欧洲和美国与回收有关的法律并预计在日本制定类似的法律 (集装箱和包装回收法) 之后, 这是一个成功的成功。 作为进口信息的来源, 将首先在日本举办环境设备展览。 在互联网上搜索也是有效的。 信息可以从海外环保杂志上捕捉到。 日本贸易促进协会 (jetro) 审查了每个国家的环境商品趋势。 通过从海外进口和销售在小企业中进入环境业务, 成功的概率很高。 还可以创建一个专门处理环境问题的贸易公司。
关西的第一个环保通行证 1998.09.15
近畿運輸批准了一项票价修订, 规定在共用巴士上引入 "环境通勤者通行证制度", 该系统是从京阪宇治交通申请的。 该系统只适用于周六、周日和节假日的通勤通行证持有人及其家属, 即使在上班族通行证区以外, 票价也大幅打折。 它促进了当地居民在节假日的使用, 抑制了汽车的消费, 旨在缓解交通拥堵, 减少二氧化碳排放。 它已经在神奈川县中央交通中推出。
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Environmental standard achievement rate, 87% by river 1999.08.15
The Ministry of Construction announced the results of the 1998 national first-class river water quality survey. We met the environmental standard of the highest 87% (up 7 points yoy) of all 1094 points. The most beautiful river in the Kurobe River (Toyama Prefecture) and Ababe (Shizuoka Prefecture) is a BOD average of 0.3 milligrams per liter because there is a lot of rain nationwide and the flow rate was abundant. On the other hand, the worst one is 5.8 milligrams in the Yamato River which flows through Nara Prefecture.
Search not only for rare organisms 1999.08.15
The environmental agency has compiled a guideline for the implementation of environmental impact assessments. The environmental assessment method of enforcement in June required the investigation of the entire ecosystem, but the guideline specifically exemplified the organisms to be investigated. It was asked to select plural kinds from the living thing which represented the ecosystem in the region such as the Raccoon dog, the Dragonfly kind, and butterflies. We also ask that local residents be familiar with places such as Coppice, paddy fields, and riverbed.
Two currents of environmental thought
What is said to be the modern environment and concept is divided into two flows of "superficial environmental principle" (Shallow Environmetalizm) and "Deep Ecology" (deep Ecology) greatly.
This idea was advocated by Norway philosopher Arne Ness in the 1970s.
● Apparent environmental principles are interested in controlling and managing the natural environment more effectively for humans.
● Deep ecology recognizes the role of man to maintain the balance of the entire Earth ecosystem, stand in a position to emphasize it.
So to speak, it is a position to question human-centered environmental principles. In the case of environmental destruction and the correspondence to the marine garbage problem of the waste plastic recently, it is a superficial environment principle to run to the switch to the coping therapy substitute and the collection and combustion. On the other hand, it is deep ecology to think about an essential factor of the environmental destruction and the marine garbage of the waste plastic.
Consider the use of plastics, mass production, mass consumption, mass disposal, and other questions. Since entering the 1990s, it has become an opportunity for the birth of "environmental audits" and "Environmental management systems" rooted in deep ecology, but the path is still far away in the modern society where "symbiosis with nature" is just a topic. The current approach to the environment is to form two currents: the idea from deep ecology and the concept of Living environment (salanding) for the comfort of life.
The desire to "develop the desire of a man without endless" is devoted to the development-type salanding. It is a time to ask that the earth is made up of living creatures and living things other than human beings. The 21st century is the century of the environment.
This idea was advocated by Norway philosopher Arne Ness in the 1970s.
● Apparent environmental principles are interested in controlling and managing the natural environment more effectively for humans.
● Deep ecology recognizes the role of man to maintain the balance of the entire Earth ecosystem, stand in a position to emphasize it.
So to speak, it is a position to question human-centered environmental principles. In the case of environmental destruction and the correspondence to the marine garbage problem of the waste plastic recently, it is a superficial environment principle to run to the switch to the coping therapy substitute and the collection and combustion. On the other hand, it is deep ecology to think about an essential factor of the environmental destruction and the marine garbage of the waste plastic.
Consider the use of plastics, mass production, mass consumption, mass disposal, and other questions. Since entering the 1990s, it has become an opportunity for the birth of "environmental audits" and "Environmental management systems" rooted in deep ecology, but the path is still far away in the modern society where "symbiosis with nature" is just a topic. The current approach to the environment is to form two currents: the idea from deep ecology and the concept of Living environment (salanding) for the comfort of life.
The desire to "develop the desire of a man without endless" is devoted to the development-type salanding. It is a time to ask that the earth is made up of living creatures and living things other than human beings. The 21st century is the century of the environment.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
回収・再生業者と協力契約 1999.01.15


Plant Factory Business is limited ②
I took a peek at "Agri Business Japan" which was held at the International Exhibition Center in Tokyo. Approximately 160 offices in Japan and overseas are exhibited. The exhibits of agricultural workers were surprisingly small, and many of them were exhibited in home appliances, materials, plant manufacturers and facility horticulture. Most of the plants produced there are leafy vegetables such as lettuce, tomatoes and strawberries. Cultivation technology is seen as a trace of constantly evolving, but the biggest challenge is still profitability of the producer side. It is very limited to be established as a business.
● Plant factories that do not spread. This plant plant is a policy that has a subsidy of 15 billion yen in 2009, which is an extension of the plant plant by the reform of farmland law and the spread and expansion of plants by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. At the start of the plant there are about 50 plants (almost wiped out). After that, the interest in plant factories has been reignited as a means of recovery for farmers affected by the damage caused by the tsunami of farmland caused by the 2011 great East Japan earthquake. In 2013, 177 houses (most of them fully artificial light type), especially new entrants from different industries such as manufacturing industries, have increased. In this context, the development of "technology cultivation, equipment)", "establishment of production management method", "cost (initial cost of cultivation facilities, equipment, etc., utility costs, labor costs, running cost such as logistics costs) reduction" It is said that it is because the soil that the business person other than agriculture is entering enters. However, it is said that the success stories of plant factories are less than 10%.
● Plant factories that do not spread. This plant plant is a policy that has a subsidy of 15 billion yen in 2009, which is an extension of the plant plant by the reform of farmland law and the spread and expansion of plants by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. At the start of the plant there are about 50 plants (almost wiped out). After that, the interest in plant factories has been reignited as a means of recovery for farmers affected by the damage caused by the tsunami of farmland caused by the 2011 great East Japan earthquake. In 2013, 177 houses (most of them fully artificial light type), especially new entrants from different industries such as manufacturing industries, have increased. In this context, the development of "technology cultivation, equipment)", "establishment of production management method", "cost (initial cost of cultivation facilities, equipment, etc., utility costs, labor costs, running cost such as logistics costs) reduction" It is said that it is because the soil that the business person other than agriculture is entering enters. However, it is said that the success stories of plant factories are less than 10%.
じわり浸透、緑の消費者 1999.01.15
Friday, May 17, 2019
海洋汚染、原因は人為的なもの 1999.01.15
800 Environmental business Items 2002.04.15
In line with the expansion of global incentives such as the Kyoto mechanism for reducing greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, environmental policy and institutional incentives in Japan, and social incentives for each company's environmental management system. The items of the environmental business have increased rapidly recently. That number roughly 800. The environmental business is an economic incentive for the continuous improvement of environmental impacts in various fields, and promotes the improvement activities by the economic effect. In other words, it is a business that provides products and services that contribute to improvement activities, and is a business that promotes new industries and new jobs.
As a factor in the commercialization of the environmental business of each company, the method of developing the product (equipment and goods) and the service by taking advantage of the company's specialty first, and another is a method of changing the existing product and the service of the company to the environment consideration type. For example appliances. Environmental Conscious products = based on the concept of environmentally conscious product, we have adopted the method of LCA, quantitative evaluation of environmental impact such as energy saving and resource saving, and evaluation of demolition and recyclability, etc. We are trying to improve the environmental efficiency and environmental performance of our products.
The idea of eco-design and the advancement of environmental consideration in such a design stage can expect the market share of the domestic maker to be greatly expected when the prospect of green of the world market in the future. Business items will continue to grow in the environment. Incentives for businesses based on the new values of the environment, such as the creation of new public works related to the legislation of the Nature Regeneration Promotion Act and the development of the infrastructure of a recycling-oriented society, are occurring one after another. The big wave in the age of environmental business is coming.
As a factor in the commercialization of the environmental business of each company, the method of developing the product (equipment and goods) and the service by taking advantage of the company's specialty first, and another is a method of changing the existing product and the service of the company to the environment consideration type. For example appliances. Environmental Conscious products = based on the concept of environmentally conscious product, we have adopted the method of LCA, quantitative evaluation of environmental impact such as energy saving and resource saving, and evaluation of demolition and recyclability, etc. We are trying to improve the environmental efficiency and environmental performance of our products.
The idea of eco-design and the advancement of environmental consideration in such a design stage can expect the market share of the domestic maker to be greatly expected when the prospect of green of the world market in the future. Business items will continue to grow in the environment. Incentives for businesses based on the new values of the environment, such as the creation of new public works related to the legislation of the Nature Regeneration Promotion Act and the development of the infrastructure of a recycling-oriented society, are occurring one after another. The big wave in the age of environmental business is coming.
“Light on the mountain again” - recycling and mine Park (RMP) initiative 2001.02.20
Utilizing the site, facilities and technology of the mines and smelting sites of various areas of decline as "modern ore", new business and waste home appliances with new values as the environment. The recycling and mine Park (RMP) initiative, which aims to maintain a stable supply of resources and harmonize the environment, is likely to move as a business with economic incentives.
"The mountains are lighted again. We must not put out this light, "said the city of northern Akita, which tackles the regeneration of the mining town. There was a strong wind in the mining town, which has continued to recycle non-ferrous metals (lead, copper, zinc, etc.) contained in automobile waste batteries, shredder dust, and wire scraps. It is a wind-up of the recycling method of four appliances and the recycling method of the electric and electronic equipment other than the car and four household appliances to which it is enacted. Various merits such as the suitability treatment of used products, recycling of resources, effective use of incineration energy, and pollution prevention by heavy metals are derived there.
Economic merit was a big challenge. In the construction and operation of the recycling plant, the existing facilities and mining technology can be used as it is, so it is OK at low cost. It is said that it is equivalent to 500 million yen of one-eighth of the new plant. And, unlike the recycling plant of the arterial system manufacturer, it is an advantage to be able to develop business after familiarity with the vein. This ground will be reproduced as the nucleus of the venous industry in the future, and only the creation of employment is paid attention as the potential improvement of the region and the pilot business which supports the industrial structure of the Recycling society.
"The mountains are lighted again. We must not put out this light, "said the city of northern Akita, which tackles the regeneration of the mining town. There was a strong wind in the mining town, which has continued to recycle non-ferrous metals (lead, copper, zinc, etc.) contained in automobile waste batteries, shredder dust, and wire scraps. It is a wind-up of the recycling method of four appliances and the recycling method of the electric and electronic equipment other than the car and four household appliances to which it is enacted. Various merits such as the suitability treatment of used products, recycling of resources, effective use of incineration energy, and pollution prevention by heavy metals are derived there.
Economic merit was a big challenge. In the construction and operation of the recycling plant, the existing facilities and mining technology can be used as it is, so it is OK at low cost. It is said that it is equivalent to 500 million yen of one-eighth of the new plant. And, unlike the recycling plant of the arterial system manufacturer, it is an advantage to be able to develop business after familiarity with the vein. This ground will be reproduced as the nucleus of the venous industry in the future, and only the creation of employment is paid attention as the potential improvement of the region and the pilot business which supports the industrial structure of the Recycling society.
業界挙げての回収制度策定へ 1999.01.15
大幅削減案を答申 1999.01.15
Thursday, May 16, 2019
中国 自然回復計画を50年で 1999.01.15
中国政府が発表した同国での自然破壊の状況報告によると、表土の流出面積は367平方メートルにも達しており、これは中国全国土面積の38%にも及ぶ。また262万平方キロ(全国土の27%) もの地城が砂漠と化し、135万平方キロ (同14%) もの草原はすぺて荒廃してしまった。森林伐採と無理な開墾が原因とされており、 毎年1万平方キロメー卜ル分の表土が流出する中で、 98年夏には長江の大洪水が発生。 1660億元(約2兆8000億円) もの経済揖失を生じた。
同国中央政府はこれらの現状を踏まえ、同国の自然環境回復と今後の持続可能な発展を目 的とした「全国生態環境建設計画」 を、50年のスケジュールで3段階に分けて行なうことを決めた。 第ー段階では2001年までに長江及び黄河の上 ・中流域での表土流出をストップさせ、 60万平方キロの表土流出地域と22万平方キロの砂漠化地域を回復。新たに森林を39万平方キロ造成する。第2段階では、2030年までに土壌流出地域60%以上及ぴ40万平方キロの砂漠化地域を回復させ、 46万平方キロの地城で造林する。計画が完了する第3段階では、 2050年までに植林可能な地域の緑化、 荒廃した草原の全面的な回復を行なう予定となっている。
同国中央政府はこれらの現状を踏まえ、同国の自然環境回復と今後の持続可能な発展を目 的とした「全国生態環境建設計画」 を、50年のスケジュールで3段階に分けて行なうことを決めた。 第ー段階では2001年までに長江及び黄河の上 ・中流域での表土流出をストップさせ、 60万平方キロの表土流出地域と22万平方キロの砂漠化地域を回復。新たに森林を39万平方キロ造成する。第2段階では、2030年までに土壌流出地域60%以上及ぴ40万平方キロの砂漠化地域を回復させ、 46万平方キロの地城で造林する。計画が完了する第3段階では、 2050年までに植林可能な地域の緑化、 荒廃した草原の全面的な回復を行なう予定となっている。
California Renewable Energy full transition 2018.12
<California is a unique renewable energy policy.>
In response to the Trump regime, which proved to be withdrawn from the "Paris Agreement", the international Framework for global warming countermeasures, California will promote its own state-level global warming strategy. As a medium-term target, we will raise the power generation ratio by renewable energy such as wind, solar, hydro, etc. to electricity companies in the state to 60% by the end of 30%.
Government buildings and other state-related facilities switch to renewable energy in the year of target achievement It is said that it is It will be implemented from January next year. In the United States, the difference between the central government and the local government is clear about environmental policy.
In response to the Trump regime, which proved to be withdrawn from the "Paris Agreement", the international Framework for global warming countermeasures, California will promote its own state-level global warming strategy. As a medium-term target, we will raise the power generation ratio by renewable energy such as wind, solar, hydro, etc. to electricity companies in the state to 60% by the end of 30%.
Government buildings and other state-related facilities switch to renewable energy in the year of target achievement It is said that it is It will be implemented from January next year. In the United States, the difference between the central government and the local government is clear about environmental policy.
Food crisis in the water shortage 1999.08.15
The Worldwatch Institute announced a report that a rapidly advancing water shortage could significantly reduce food production and could lead to frequent conflicts of famine and water disputes in developing countries. About two-thirds of the world's water demand is used for irrigation, and 40% of the food is produced, but to produce food that will cover the growing world population, irrigation water will be needed to meet the new flow of 24 Nile rivers by 2025.
新型ごみ箱大成功 1999.01.15
【要点在这里】食品垃圾排放量为 1, 900万吨 2000.09.15
这个国家每年的食品垃圾排放量为 1, 900万吨。 3 0万吨食品加工者从餐饮业、便利店、超市和酒店出院。 剩下的一千万吨是垃圾, 比如从家里厨房出来的剩菜和烹饪残片。 尽管泡沫经济能够发挥作用, 但桌子的满足并不知道结局。 《食物循环再造法》将于2001年4月实施为经营者制定的 "减少剩菜和垃圾"。 它需要堆肥和饲料约20% 的食物, 大多数人被焚烧。 这一目标最终将得到实现。 然而, 即使是这样的事情, 他们也永远不会自己。 蒙迪的排放总量为 1, 900万吨。 该国的自给自足总量为 1 500万吨。 它不仅仅是丢弃食物。
如果有人从国外大量采购粮食, 不加考虑地丢弃, 另一方面, 就有 1 000多万人在没有食物的情况下挨饿。 1 9 0 0万吨的食物是一个可能的量, 可以滋润在奥运会上沸腾的澳大利亚人的餐桌。 为了实现可持续的未来, 应优先考虑全球范围的环境问题。 不反映对方的环境不会过去。
如果有人从国外大量采购粮食, 不加考虑地丢弃, 另一方面, 就有 1 000多万人在没有食物的情况下挨饿。 1 9 0 0万吨的食物是一个可能的量, 可以滋润在奥运会上沸腾的澳大利亚人的餐桌。 为了实现可持续的未来, 应优先考虑全球范围的环境问题。 不反映对方的环境不会过去。
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
省エネ目標基準値が決定 1999.01.15
パソコン廃棄ソフト、7割超容認 1999.01.15
Environmental Conscious Products 2002.04.20
With the expansion of global incentives such as the Kyoto mechanism for reducing greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide, including domestic environmental policy and institutional incentives, and social incentives such as the environmental management system of each company. The items of the environmental business are increasing rapidly recently. That number roughly 800. The environmental business is the one that gives economical incentives to the continuous improvement activity of the environmental load in various fields, and promotes the improvement activity by the economic effect. In other words, it is a business that provides goods and services that contribute to improvement activities, and is a business that promotes new industries and new jobs. As a factor in the commercialization of the environmental business of each company, the method of developing the product (equipment and goods) and services by taking advantage of the company's forte first, and the other one is a method of changing the existing product and service of the company to the environmentally conscious type. For example appliances. Environmental Conscious products = based on the concept of environmentally conscious product, we adopt LCA methods, quantitatively evaluate environmental impact such as energy saving and resource-saving resources, and conduct evaluation of demolition and recycling properties. We are trying to improve the environmental efficiency and environmental performance of our products.
In the future, the market share of the domestic manufacturer can be expected greatly when the idea of the eco-design and the advancement of the environment consideration in such a design stage are looking at the green of the world market. Environmental business will continue to increase business items. Incentives for businesses based on the new values of the environment, such as the creation of new public works with the legislation of the Natural Revitalization Act and the development of infrastructure in a recycling-oriented society, have emerged one after another. There is no test for the big wave in the age of the environmental business.
In the future, the market share of the domestic manufacturer can be expected greatly when the idea of the eco-design and the advancement of the environment consideration in such a design stage are looking at the green of the world market. Environmental business will continue to increase business items. Incentives for businesses based on the new values of the environment, such as the creation of new public works with the legislation of the Natural Revitalization Act and the development of infrastructure in a recycling-oriented society, have emerged one after another. There is no test for the big wave in the age of the environmental business.
Environmental crime market, hundreds of billions of yen annually 1999.08.15
At a conference on environmental crimes with the United Nations Environmental Program in Geneva the other day, he pointed out that international crimes such as illegal trading of fluorocarbon, illegal dumping of hazardous wastes, and smuggling of rare wild animals are expanding. According to the Royal Institute for International Studies, the size of the transaction by environmental crime is seen to reach $200 to $400 billion annually. The United Nations will move to strengthen cooperation with the International Criminal Police Organization, and encourage countries to comply with international arrangements.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
【語録】食品廃棄物・フスマを使った資材を販売 1999.01.15
Nagoya's basic plan for environmental cities 1999.08.15
Nagoya City has compiled an environmental basic plan that will guide the overall and long-term measures for environmental conservation in the future. In fiscal 2010, we set up five individual targets, such as "Nagoya-less environmentally-friendly circulating city," to promote the dissemination of low-emission vehicles, regulate dioxin emissions, and acquire ISO14001 certification. Plans will be established in late August to establish a conference within the fiscal year.
Monday, May 13, 2019
43% increase in environmental investment in China 1998.09.15
According to the latest "China Environmental status Report," published by the Directorate General of Environmental Protection in China, the environmental investment in China in 1998 was 72,100,008,000 million yuan (approximately 1.8 trillion yen), up 43. 7 percent increase. Of these, urban environmental protection is 45.6 billion yuan and 77. 7 percent increase and showed high growth. The National Development Planning Committee of China has clarified the policy to cultivate the environmental protection industry as an emerging industry, and the environmental response is gradually becoming active in China.
廃家電は「現代の鉱石」- リサイクル・マイン・パーク(RMP)構想 2001.02.20
ESCO and the resource company business 1999.05.15
In the Environmental business field, energy conservation and resource-related business are likely to stand up. In the energy saving business, various technologies, products, and services related to energy saving and power saving are born to promote the rationalization of the use of energies. In Europe and the United States, it is called the Energy Service Company (ESCO) business, and it is in full swing as a business to provide the facilities, technology, manpower, and funds to enable energy saving and power saving for existing construction and factories.
In the Japan, it is commercialized for the enterprise, and energy saving and the power saving equipment are becoming popular gradually in the general process. The resource Service company business related to the resource saving if you want there is a business that such a ESCO business leads to energy saving, and it is not amusing to be commercialized in earnest. It is a support business that re-emphasizes production-oriented social structures and is a "resource saving" type. For each company and local government, we have developed a small amount of high-value-added products, the development of recycled resource-based product, the resource procurement of products, and the consulting of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for all production, distribution, consumption and disposal. It can be said that this is a comprehensive project to promote resource saving such as introduction of recycling technology and clustering of wastes.
This business is in full swing to promote resource saving and recycling technology. Japan imports vast amounts of natural resources from overseas and exports them to foreign countries as processed goods. Therefore, it is discharged to a large amount of waste and domestic. 2.2 billion tonnes of resources flowed in 1996. Of these, 1.29 billion tons are discharged after becoming new stock, such as civil engineering buildings, but only 230 million tons of recycled materials are used. Less than 900 million tonnes of waste are required, and the industrial wastes, 50 million tons, are general waste. The resource company business inevitably comes into view in the drastic improvement of the resource problem.
In the Japan, it is commercialized for the enterprise, and energy saving and the power saving equipment are becoming popular gradually in the general process. The resource Service company business related to the resource saving if you want there is a business that such a ESCO business leads to energy saving, and it is not amusing to be commercialized in earnest. It is a support business that re-emphasizes production-oriented social structures and is a "resource saving" type. For each company and local government, we have developed a small amount of high-value-added products, the development of recycled resource-based product, the resource procurement of products, and the consulting of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for all production, distribution, consumption and disposal. It can be said that this is a comprehensive project to promote resource saving such as introduction of recycling technology and clustering of wastes.
This business is in full swing to promote resource saving and recycling technology. Japan imports vast amounts of natural resources from overseas and exports them to foreign countries as processed goods. Therefore, it is discharged to a large amount of waste and domestic. 2.2 billion tonnes of resources flowed in 1996. Of these, 1.29 billion tons are discharged after becoming new stock, such as civil engineering buildings, but only 230 million tons of recycled materials are used. Less than 900 million tonnes of waste are required, and the industrial wastes, 50 million tons, are general waste. The resource company business inevitably comes into view in the drastic improvement of the resource problem.
95年度比2%減の目標値 1999.01.15
Sunday, May 12, 2019
【要点在这里】什么是LCA(生命周期评)估? 1999.04.15
什么是生命周期评估? 生命周期评估是分析、评估和量化我们所享受的产品和服务在整个生命周期 (产品的采购、生产、消费和处置) 中对环境的影响的一种方式。 生命周期评价的目的是使其成为减少人类活动各个方面的环境负荷的判断材料, 但生命周期评价的使用目的是多种多样的。
(1) 自愿改善支助。 我们可以计算产品和工艺过程等对环境的影响, 选择可回收材料, 并定量评估支持工具, 以开发对环境影响较小的环保产品 (ECP), 并通过节能加工和组装来改进工艺。 企业环境管理体系和环保产品改善效果的定量评价工具可用于营销。
(2) 营销支持。 公司不仅将公布产品开发, 而且将评价结果作为公司的正面比较, 并将其作为自我主张公关等支持工具, 以改善产品和企业的形象。 今后, 它可以作为与其他公司产品的比较, 在目录中公布。
(3) 支持消费活动。 利用环境信息 (如生态标签 Bel) 审查生活方式, 以减少对环境的影响, 并选择传播环境教育和购买环境影响较小的产品的工具。 我们还可以为促进绿色采购做出贡献, 积极购买环保产品和服务。
(4) 对经济和社会制度的反思。 实现低环境影响和周期性经济和社会制度的基本信息。
它还可以作为基本的环境信息, 了解实际环境, 为未来建立环境管理。 此外, 它还可以反映在环境管理体系的对应中, 从而导致自愿改善。 在从生命周期评价的实现或用户方面进行分类时, 大致可分为自我改进类型通用的两个产品选择支持类型和 (1) 的其他 (2) 到 (4)。
(1) 自愿改善支助。 我们可以计算产品和工艺过程等对环境的影响, 选择可回收材料, 并定量评估支持工具, 以开发对环境影响较小的环保产品 (ECP), 并通过节能加工和组装来改进工艺。 企业环境管理体系和环保产品改善效果的定量评价工具可用于营销。
(2) 营销支持。 公司不仅将公布产品开发, 而且将评价结果作为公司的正面比较, 并将其作为自我主张公关等支持工具, 以改善产品和企业的形象。 今后, 它可以作为与其他公司产品的比较, 在目录中公布。
(3) 支持消费活动。 利用环境信息 (如生态标签 Bel) 审查生活方式, 以减少对环境的影响, 并选择传播环境教育和购买环境影响较小的产品的工具。 我们还可以为促进绿色采购做出贡献, 积极购买环保产品和服务。
(4) 对经济和社会制度的反思。 实现低环境影响和周期性经济和社会制度的基本信息。
它还可以作为基本的环境信息, 了解实际环境, 为未来建立环境管理。 此外, 它还可以反映在环境管理体系的对应中, 从而导致自愿改善。 在从生命周期评价的实现或用户方面进行分类时, 大致可分为自我改进类型通用的两个产品选择支持类型和 (1) 的其他 (2) 到 (4)。
Eco-friendly hotels are on the increase 2
●A variety of environmentally friendly services.
It is said that the environmental and health efforts of the Japan service industry are far behind compared to the West. There are only seven hotels that have been certified as Eco Mark. However, unrelated accommodations that are not livery the official ECO Mark certification are rapidly attracting attention. The accommodation has been born in various places to take the eco-trend and to put the foot on a sustainable management. In the hotel opened in the center, you can set a lot of greening area on the site, the use of old wood beds, recycled bicycles, and food loss to reduce the amount of ingenuity (devised to put out without peeling the organic carrot) and various. At a hotel in Kawasaki City, a disposable toothbrush and other waste plastic is made into solid fuel, and the electricity is taken out from there, and the story served about 30% of the power consumption of the hotel. Among the guests, "I would like to support such management, whether it is an effort to devise environmentally friendly in the place where there are a lot of inn which tries to attract customers by price competition on TV. It is not to be overlooked that the voice of "green living person" who says "it wants to contribute to the society to the extent that I can do is increasing".
●Creation of a new business on the axis of the environment.
The US-Trump Republican regime's decline in environmental policy has continued to recede. In a CBS News interview on December 14, Trump said, "I don't know if climate change is due to human activity. I don't want to rob millions of jobs, like the coal industry. The LDP Abe administration is also akin to keeping pace with playing cards. The main theme of environmental issues is to use the phrase "realizing a sustainable society" as a word that inflame the traditional GDP (gross national product). However, it is the beginning of the development of the eco current and the new work for smart people and the industry as the action of this eco-hotel no longer. Environmental business is nothing more than a new business development on the axis of the environment.
It is said that the environmental and health efforts of the Japan service industry are far behind compared to the West. There are only seven hotels that have been certified as Eco Mark. However, unrelated accommodations that are not livery the official ECO Mark certification are rapidly attracting attention. The accommodation has been born in various places to take the eco-trend and to put the foot on a sustainable management. In the hotel opened in the center, you can set a lot of greening area on the site, the use of old wood beds, recycled bicycles, and food loss to reduce the amount of ingenuity (devised to put out without peeling the organic carrot) and various. At a hotel in Kawasaki City, a disposable toothbrush and other waste plastic is made into solid fuel, and the electricity is taken out from there, and the story served about 30% of the power consumption of the hotel. Among the guests, "I would like to support such management, whether it is an effort to devise environmentally friendly in the place where there are a lot of inn which tries to attract customers by price competition on TV. It is not to be overlooked that the voice of "green living person" who says "it wants to contribute to the society to the extent that I can do is increasing".
●Creation of a new business on the axis of the environment.
The US-Trump Republican regime's decline in environmental policy has continued to recede. In a CBS News interview on December 14, Trump said, "I don't know if climate change is due to human activity. I don't want to rob millions of jobs, like the coal industry. The LDP Abe administration is also akin to keeping pace with playing cards. The main theme of environmental issues is to use the phrase "realizing a sustainable society" as a word that inflame the traditional GDP (gross national product). However, it is the beginning of the development of the eco current and the new work for smart people and the industry as the action of this eco-hotel no longer. Environmental business is nothing more than a new business development on the axis of the environment.
ミャンマーに板橋区民の森 1999.01.15
Saturday, May 11, 2019
森林保全ビジネス 2002.01.20
从 摇篮期 到 成长期 中小企业环保产品 1998.03.15
"抵制运动" 一直是消费群体运动的根源。 然而, 最近这一运动发生了很大变化。 通过撤回传统的抵制运动, 故意购买环保产品 (环保产品) 的方向反而出现了。 它是一个成熟的绿色消费者的诞生。 这个运动的转换的意思是大的, 虽然它是一个做同样潮流从 "指责类型" 在环境保护运动到 "提议类型"。
消费行为标准由当地消费者组织实施。 例如,
(1) 回收的可能性。
(2) 环境影响的可能性。
(3) 安全。
(4) 使用它可以持续更长的时间。
如购买的基础。 这些运动反映在环境产品制造商的制造中, 是生产环境效率高的产品的导火索。
另一方面, 它是一家专门从事环境业务的中小型公司, 目前在市场上提供许多 "销售" 的环保产品。 大多数公司都有有改善环境的经理。 命中产品的交付只有在对环境有承诺的情况下才能诞生, 但这里有不少需要反思的地方。 管理层表示: "我们已经忘记了业务发展, 考虑到了市场的需求, 有这么多的事情, 只有一个痛苦的产品开发之前。 它开始能够做双方最终都能匹配的产品规划 "
这些产品的环保消费行为以及符合销售方面环境的制造和市场研究, 使环境商品市场发生了质的变化, 并扩大了市场。 环境商业市场摆脱了 "摇篮期", 进入了 "增长时期"。 前几天, 由 7 5家中小型企业在东京举办的环保商业博览会, 进一步增加了反映市场需求的环保产品项目。 因此, 源公司的良好业绩仍在继续。
消费行为标准由当地消费者组织实施。 例如,
(1) 回收的可能性。
(2) 环境影响的可能性。
(3) 安全。
(4) 使用它可以持续更长的时间。
如购买的基础。 这些运动反映在环境产品制造商的制造中, 是生产环境效率高的产品的导火索。
另一方面, 它是一家专门从事环境业务的中小型公司, 目前在市场上提供许多 "销售" 的环保产品。 大多数公司都有有改善环境的经理。 命中产品的交付只有在对环境有承诺的情况下才能诞生, 但这里有不少需要反思的地方。 管理层表示: "我们已经忘记了业务发展, 考虑到了市场的需求, 有这么多的事情, 只有一个痛苦的产品开发之前。 它开始能够做双方最终都能匹配的产品规划 "
这些产品的环保消费行为以及符合销售方面环境的制造和市场研究, 使环境商品市场发生了质的变化, 并扩大了市场。 环境商业市场摆脱了 "摇篮期", 进入了 "增长时期"。 前几天, 由 7 5家中小型企业在东京举办的环保商业博览会, 进一步增加了反映市场需求的环保产品项目。 因此, 源公司的良好业绩仍在继续。
开始展示光伏发电的工业应用 1998.09.15
部进行大规模光伏发电示范试验。 该公司将购买一个功率在20千瓦以上的大型光伏系统, 开设一个工厂, 并推广一半的引进量。 工厂和办公室安装的光伏发电系统用于收集有关发电的信息, 并考虑在一般家庭中传播的太阳能发电信息是否可用于工业用途。 通过实证实验, 对系统进行优化和标准化工作。
了解全球范围内的 CO2 循环 1998.09.15
地质调查部和其他政府和学术界的30个组织开始联合研究, 以澄清全球范围内的二氧化碳环流机制。 我们调查了主要分布在西太平洋水温、叶绿体、日本和中国的植物的生长和植被分布, 并对4KM 广场的全球碳的初级产量进行了估算。 此外, 我们还观察光合作用以外的碳平衡, 如土壤产生的甲烷气体和浮游生物沉积到海底。 计划在第五个财政年度绘制地球碳循环图。
Friday, May 10, 2019
Residual organic chlorine compound 17000 tons 1998.09.15
According to a report compiled by the National Institute of Environmental Research, the Japan Soda Industry association calculated that 43 species of major organic chlorine compounds are released in total about 325,000 tons per year based on the data of the amount of chemical production containing chlorine, respectively, moved, Chemical reaction, residue in the environment after causing decomposition, etc. was a total of 17000 tons. 65% of the atmosphere, 29% water, and 4% are said to be contained in the soil.
【要点在这里】地方退出的环保业务 - 地方、分布、真人大小 1998.09.15
在环境企业的市场分布上, 是新进入的地方退出的中小企业。 经营者的数量大约超过3000家。 而成功的准确性也比过去高得多。 成功有几个可能的关键。
关键字是局部的、分布的和真人大小的。 对环境的努力将最终成为一个区域单位。 看来, 最好是维护和维护自然环境, 回收当地单位的资源。 在这种情况下, 中小型企业在地方部门的作用很大。 那里衍生出各种各样的企业。 例如, 以废塑料处理为例, 在回收技术领域回收材料 (回收成材料), 如减少石油和将 rdf (固体燃料) 作为热回收。 这个领域是一家大公司的领域, 关键词接近广域和高科技。 它是一个不进入中、小尺寸的字段。 然而, 在中小型的废塑料加工业务中, 有很多线索。 它是该地区的一家工厂, 也是废塑料排放的商业场所。 在前期的压榨面积和减少体积的情况下, 正是当地中小企业对废塑料的回收利用。 这样, 大中型企业的立场之一就不同了。
成功还有其他关键。 这一点是, 环保业务是在补救的延伸上构想的。 作为一个实际的例子, 我们从当地社区收集废物, 并将其作为砖块进行回收, 家具制造商开始制造回收家具, 作为从业务中产生的木屑和纸板箱的材料。 此外, 还有一个案例, 旅行袋制造商正在计划一个可回收的旅行袋, 并继续长期卖方。 这两个想法都是通过补救来实现的, 我们成功地回收了企业, 而不是回收了业务。
关键字是局部的、分布的和真人大小的。 对环境的努力将最终成为一个区域单位。 看来, 最好是维护和维护自然环境, 回收当地单位的资源。 在这种情况下, 中小型企业在地方部门的作用很大。 那里衍生出各种各样的企业。 例如, 以废塑料处理为例, 在回收技术领域回收材料 (回收成材料), 如减少石油和将 rdf (固体燃料) 作为热回收。 这个领域是一家大公司的领域, 关键词接近广域和高科技。 它是一个不进入中、小尺寸的字段。 然而, 在中小型的废塑料加工业务中, 有很多线索。 它是该地区的一家工厂, 也是废塑料排放的商业场所。 在前期的压榨面积和减少体积的情况下, 正是当地中小企业对废塑料的回收利用。 这样, 大中型企业的立场之一就不同了。
成功还有其他关键。 这一点是, 环保业务是在补救的延伸上构想的。 作为一个实际的例子, 我们从当地社区收集废物, 并将其作为砖块进行回收, 家具制造商开始制造回收家具, 作为从业务中产生的木屑和纸板箱的材料。 此外, 还有一个案例, 旅行袋制造商正在计划一个可回收的旅行袋, 并继续长期卖方。 这两个想法都是通过补救来实现的, 我们成功地回收了企业, 而不是回收了业务。
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Aluminum cans recovery rate past highest 1998.09.15
According to the aluminum Cans Recycling association, the aluminum can recovery rate in FY 1998 increased by 74.4%, up 1.8 points compared to the previous year. The amount recovered is about 202,000 tons. The ratio of the recovered cans to the cans was increased by 5.7% from the previous year in 79.0% because the aluminum rolling maker actively the reuse to the can material. Other uses are mainly used for automotive parts such as deoxidizing materials used in the production process of aluminum secondary metal and steel.
Handling Environmental conservation support funds 1998.09.15
The Bank of Shizuoka began handling eco-support business loans for the Environmental Conservation Support Fund for general offices. The cost of maintenance of the pollution control facility and the financing cheap the preparation for the ISO14000 series acquisition. Handled at all stores in Japan. The amount of the loan is within 100 million yen and the operating capital is within 50 million yen. The loan interest rate is calculated as the lower limit of 0.2 points minus the long-term prime rate.
有機スズ系船底塗料、全廃へ 1999.01.15
大気からPCB検出 1999.01.15
オオカミで森林生態系の再生構想 1999.01.15
Plant Factory Business is limited ②
I took a peek at "Agri Business Japan" which was held at the International Exhibition Center in Tokyo. Approximately 160 offices in Japan and overseas are exhibited. The exhibits of agricultural workers were surprisingly small, and many of them were exhibited in home appliances, materials, plant manufacturers and facility horticulture. Most of the plants produced there are leafy vegetables such as lettuce, tomatoes and strawberries. Cultivation technology is seen as a trace of constantly evolving, but the biggest challenge is still profitability of the producer side. It is very limited to be established as a business.
● Plant factories that do not spread. This plant plant is a policy that has a subsidy of 15 billion yen in 2009, which is an extension of the plant plant by the reform of farmland law and the spread and expansion of plants by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. At the start of the plant there are about 50 plants (almost wiped out). After that, the interest in plant factories has been reignited as a means of recovery for farmers affected by the damage caused by the tsunami of farmland caused by the 2011 great East Japan earthquake. In 2013, 177 houses (most of them fully artificial light type), especially new entrants from different industries such as manufacturing industries, have increased. In this context, the development of "technology cultivation, equipment)", "establishment of production management method", "cost (initial cost of cultivation facilities, equipment, etc., utility costs, labor costs, running cost such as logistics costs) reduction" It is said that it is because the soil that the business person other than agriculture is entering enters. However, it is said that the success stories of plant factories are less than 10%.
● Plant factories that do not spread. This plant plant is a policy that has a subsidy of 15 billion yen in 2009, which is an extension of the plant plant by the reform of farmland law and the spread and expansion of plants by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. At the start of the plant there are about 50 plants (almost wiped out). After that, the interest in plant factories has been reignited as a means of recovery for farmers affected by the damage caused by the tsunami of farmland caused by the 2011 great East Japan earthquake. In 2013, 177 houses (most of them fully artificial light type), especially new entrants from different industries such as manufacturing industries, have increased. In this context, the development of "technology cultivation, equipment)", "establishment of production management method", "cost (initial cost of cultivation facilities, equipment, etc., utility costs, labor costs, running cost such as logistics costs) reduction" It is said that it is because the soil that the business person other than agriculture is entering enters. However, it is said that the success stories of plant factories are less than 10%.
回収証も売買 1999.01.15
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Construction of information exchange network for the soil generated in the building 1998.09.15
The Ministry of Construction will establish and operate an information exchange system for soil construction in collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Transportation in fiscal 1999 in order to promote reuse of the stagnant construction soil with a recycling rate of 32% (FY 1995). The system is a real-time exchange of information connected to the construction site and public works and related organizations with a personal computer. To understand the situation of generation and reuse of construction soil based on registered information.
The safety of PVC toys is emphasized 1998.09.15
The Japan Toy Association has compiled a unified view that emphasizes safety with PVC toys, which are also a movement to refrain from selling. It is pointed out that PVC is used as a material for medical devices such as water pipes and syringes, and there was no danger that the Ministry of Health and Welfare should respond in the opinion shown in March with regard to tableware and tableware containers urgently. The EU Commission also stressed that it would not be a problem if it passed the safety standards of the Japan, including a partial ban on the sale of PVC toys in June.
To feed more than fertilizer②
Promotion of feed-in by Loop recycling the company has been increasing its efforts to establish a loop recycling program that promotes recycling by selling pork that has been nurtured by the feed that has been recycled by itself. A relatively large example is the Japan Food Ecology Center in Sagamihara, Kanagawa. Food waste produced in food factories, department stores, supermarkets, and lunch centers along the Odakyu line are made into fodder, and the pig meat fed by the feed is sold in a wide variety of industries, including supermarkets, department stores, and hotels. This attempt has been carried out at a major supermarket in Chiba, Kita Kanto and Tama area, and has been successful. Also, under the Ibaraki prefecture, we are developing a dual-wielding method to sell rice and vegetables through the recycling of "fertilizer" loops.
Both of them received a lot of repeaters and heard that the business was strong. Food waste that comes out of the diet home of Japan forgot the waste is said to be 10 million tons close, 11 trillion yen in terms of food costs. This is almost the same amount as the production of Japan agricultural and fishery industries. In addition, the processing cost (incineration) is used for 2,000 trillion yen. There is also a reality of 2 million tons of expired food that can be discarded by using electricity in a home refrigerator. The brakes on the mass disposal of mass consumption are not effective.
Both of them received a lot of repeaters and heard that the business was strong. Food waste that comes out of the diet home of Japan forgot the waste is said to be 10 million tons close, 11 trillion yen in terms of food costs. This is almost the same amount as the production of Japan agricultural and fishery industries. In addition, the processing cost (incineration) is used for 2,000 trillion yen. There is also a reality of 2 million tons of expired food that can be discarded by using electricity in a home refrigerator. The brakes on the mass disposal of mass consumption are not effective.
【語録】北九州市のエコタウンプラン 1999.01.15
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Countermeasures against Freon gas are delayed ③
Expand business opportunities related to CFC countermeasures Prof. Hideaki Nakane of Kochi University of Technology (environmental science) is important not only to strengthen the application of penalties, but also to develop CFC-less greenhouse effect and use of alternative substances. Although it is not a frontal penalty, the development of substitutes for each company is progressing. The development of refrigerant, foaming agents, and detergents using a completely different type of material is also underway. For example, a large commercial refrigerator for ammonia and refrigerant is considered the use of old-fashioned ammonia, there is toxicity and flammable ammonia, there is a problem in the use of household refrigerators, Instead, hydrocarbons such as propane and butane have been researched and developed. Hydrocarbon. It seems that there is no problem because the amount of filling is small in the refrigerator for the home though it is flammable. In Europe, household refrigerators that use hydrocarbons are quite popular. Japan manufacturers have started production and sales since 2002. The introduction of hydrocarbons into air conditioners is also under research and development. Sales have been started in the Germany. Although non-flammable carbon dioxide is an ideal refrigerant, there is a drawback that there is no refrigerant effect in the environment with high outside temperature. However, the research and development to use it for the car air conditioner advances. On the other hand, the MH refrigeration system which uses the property "The heat is discharged when the hydrogen is absorbed and the hydrogen is emitted, and absorbs the heat" of the hydrogen adsorption alloy of the refrigeration system which does not use the refrigerant is one of the attempts. In addition, the electronic device is systemized. A system that utilizes the Peltier effect of "heat transfer from one metal to the other metal when electricity is passed to the junction of two metals", the cooling of the processor of the computer and the small refrigerator of the hotel and the hospital because it is quiet It is already used for the refrigerator of the wine only. Hydrocarbon and carbon dioxide for the foaming agent, the conversion to water has been partially practical, for the propellant is converted to hydrocarbons (liquefied natural gas: LPG) except for special applications. Water or the like is used for the cleaning agent. Environmental business is a mission to improve the environmental impact of "century in the Environment" in the 21st century, the needs are just growing.
暑かった98年の地球 1999.01.15
Food waste, thinned wood and branch materials as biomass energy 2001.05.20
Biomass energy has been attracting attention as a new energy source as a waste treatment. Biomass is the idea of an organic organism as an energy resource, in addition to plant resources, such as human waste urine, garbage from plants and animals, etc. are also included. The use of biomass energy, which is currently considered, is based on incineration heat utilization, gasification by pyrolysis, methane fermentation, and alcohol fermentation. As for the use technology, the use of heat by direct incineration and the methane fermentation of organic wastes has been put into practical use, but in the food factory, the case of adopting methane fermentation technology is increasing in response to the food waste recycling law.
Approximately 2.7 billion yen has been organized for the development and dissemination of biomass energy in the environment-related budget of the country in fiscal 2001. On the other hand, the Ministry of Health, Labour and welfare has processed human waste and raw garbage, and launched the "Sludge Regeneration treatment center Concept" to recycle methane gas and compost, and issued a subsidy only for the recycling type of new human waste treatment facilities from fiscal 1998. Therefore, the municipality is looking for a mechanism that can recycle from both sides of the garbage disposal and human waste processing.
In addition, the "Renewable Energy Promotion Law" under consideration for legislation is also touted to promote the dissemination of solar and wind power and biomass energy. 19 million tons of food waste per year, and waste material discarded from construction sites is 17 million tons annually. Only biomass resources that are currently being treated as waste rise to this amount. In addition, the forest area of the current Japan is about 25 million hectares. The forest resources that grow over the years are about 100 million cubic meters Sweden. According to assets such as ministry, the Japan has been left in mountainous areas for about 6 million cubic meters of thinned wood and branch materials. We consider these to be energy resources, and if we plan to proceed deforestation and reforestation, we can diversify energy sources and preserve forests. It also leads to the promotion of forestry, which is declining steadily.
Approximately 2.7 billion yen has been organized for the development and dissemination of biomass energy in the environment-related budget of the country in fiscal 2001. On the other hand, the Ministry of Health, Labour and welfare has processed human waste and raw garbage, and launched the "Sludge Regeneration treatment center Concept" to recycle methane gas and compost, and issued a subsidy only for the recycling type of new human waste treatment facilities from fiscal 1998. Therefore, the municipality is looking for a mechanism that can recycle from both sides of the garbage disposal and human waste processing.
In addition, the "Renewable Energy Promotion Law" under consideration for legislation is also touted to promote the dissemination of solar and wind power and biomass energy. 19 million tons of food waste per year, and waste material discarded from construction sites is 17 million tons annually. Only biomass resources that are currently being treated as waste rise to this amount. In addition, the forest area of the current Japan is about 25 million hectares. The forest resources that grow over the years are about 100 million cubic meters Sweden. According to assets such as ministry, the Japan has been left in mountainous areas for about 6 million cubic meters of thinned wood and branch materials. We consider these to be energy resources, and if we plan to proceed deforestation and reforestation, we can diversify energy sources and preserve forests. It also leads to the promotion of forestry, which is declining steadily.
Countermeasures against Freon gas are delayed ②
Domestic and international initiatives for freon gas Freon gases have a significant impact on the human body, while contributing to the natural destruction caused by global warming. It does not go though it is the one which appeared as a product of an endless desire either way though the Freon is left. After the possibility of ozone depletion by CFC was pointed out in 1974, developed countries, including the Japan, took steps to prevent the freeze of production capacity and the gradual prohibition of use. In the late 1980s, international conventions and protocols were established, and many countries were contracting. In 1953, the "Vienna Treaty for the Protection of the Ozone layer" (172 countries and EU) concluded the "Montreal Protocol on substances that destroy the ozone layer" in 1987. After that, amendments were made to the addition of regulated substances and the examination of regulatory schedules, etc. In Japan, in the latter half of the 1990s, manuals and programs were created for the recovery and destruction of CFC. In May 1988, the Act on the Protection of the ozone layer by the regulation of specific substances was enacted as a law to promote the protection of the ozone layer. The law has reduced the amount of CFC production and consumption in the Japan, but the collection and destruction of CFCs in the case where the equipment used to dispose of chlorofluorocarbons has been discarded has been carried out by local governments and industry voluntary efforts, There was no legal system about processing. Therefore, most of the CFC was released into the atmosphere. To solve this, it is this law that has been enacted.
In 1998, the "Household Equipment Recycling Act (Home Appliance recycle Law)" was obligated to recover refrigerant freon from household refrigerators and air conditioners. In 2001, "The Act on the recovery and destruction of CFC in particular products (CFC recovery and fracture law)" prohibits the discharge of refrigerant CFC used in commercial refrigeration air conditioners and car air conditioners into the air vain, It was obligated to recover and destroy the refrigerant freon at the time of disposal of the equipment. After that time, the "CFC emission suppression method" will be enforced in April 2015, but the slow is not progressing. As for global warming, as other greenhouse gas emissions decreased, only chlorofluorocarbon was increasing every year, and the measures were a challenge.
In 1998, the "Household Equipment Recycling Act (Home Appliance recycle Law)" was obligated to recover refrigerant freon from household refrigerators and air conditioners. In 2001, "The Act on the recovery and destruction of CFC in particular products (CFC recovery and fracture law)" prohibits the discharge of refrigerant CFC used in commercial refrigeration air conditioners and car air conditioners into the air vain, It was obligated to recover and destroy the refrigerant freon at the time of disposal of the equipment. After that time, the "CFC emission suppression method" will be enforced in April 2015, but the slow is not progressing. As for global warming, as other greenhouse gas emissions decreased, only chlorofluorocarbon was increasing every year, and the measures were a challenge.
Monday, May 6, 2019
Significantly reduced landfill volume 1998.09.15
The amount of garbage in the ward section of Tokyo was summarized in 1997. The total incidence was 3.1% down from the previous year to 4 million tonnes. Due to the establishment of a system that can incinerate all combustible garbage by the operation of the Edogawa cleaning plant, landfill disposal volume decreased by 465,000 tons, down 34.4%. The amount of recovered waste of resources was 29000 tons, and the amount of recycled paper was increased by 94% to 15000 tons. In addition, over-the-counter recovery of PET bottles started 1400 tons was recovered.
Countermeasures against Freon gas are delayed ①
<The ozone layer measures, not proceed as slow....>
In addition to the commercial refrigerators of food companies, supermarkets, and restaurants, CFC (chlorofluorocarbons), which is used as a cooling catalyst for air conditioning facilities in buildings, does not advance recovery. It is said that CFC has a number of hundred to 100,000 times more greenhouse gases than carbon dioxide. At the 24th annual Meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP24), the International framework of global warming, the "Paris agreement" guideline, has been closed again in the Japan.
What is Freon gas? In the mid-1970s, it was investigated that the artificially produced material freon gases destroyed the ozone layer. The ozone layer is present in the stratosphere of 20 ~ 30km above ground. The sun plays a role like a curtain to cut ultraviolet rays contained in sunlight. The ultraviolet rays are harmful, and when it is hit directly, skin cancer and cataracts, blindness, it has been found that it tends to be susceptible to viral diseases such as AIDS due to immunodegradation. Furthermore, it also affects the gene (DNA) of the biological cells. At present, the number of people who take skin cancer and cataracts in the world has increased, and Japan has increased by seven times. Twenty years later, the ozone layer decreased 2/3. It is said to be the worst. On the other hand, it has been pointed out that the ozone layer destruction is one of the big environmental problems in global warming. CFC gas, which is the ringleader of the ozone layer destruction, was used in air conditioners, refrigerators, sprays, etc., and was released into the atmosphere in large quantities. Since Freon gases have a property that is difficult to decompose in the vicinity of the ground, when transported to the stratosphere by atmospheric flow, Freon is decomposed by the strong sun ultraviolet rays, and chlorine is generated. This chlorine acts as a catalyst and destroys ozone one after another. By the way, there are some other substances that destroy the ozone layer besides CFC. The ozone layer has also been destroyed by bromine released by substances such as furlongs used in extinguishing agents.
In addition to the commercial refrigerators of food companies, supermarkets, and restaurants, CFC (chlorofluorocarbons), which is used as a cooling catalyst for air conditioning facilities in buildings, does not advance recovery. It is said that CFC has a number of hundred to 100,000 times more greenhouse gases than carbon dioxide. At the 24th annual Meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP24), the International framework of global warming, the "Paris agreement" guideline, has been closed again in the Japan.
What is Freon gas? In the mid-1970s, it was investigated that the artificially produced material freon gases destroyed the ozone layer. The ozone layer is present in the stratosphere of 20 ~ 30km above ground. The sun plays a role like a curtain to cut ultraviolet rays contained in sunlight. The ultraviolet rays are harmful, and when it is hit directly, skin cancer and cataracts, blindness, it has been found that it tends to be susceptible to viral diseases such as AIDS due to immunodegradation. Furthermore, it also affects the gene (DNA) of the biological cells. At present, the number of people who take skin cancer and cataracts in the world has increased, and Japan has increased by seven times. Twenty years later, the ozone layer decreased 2/3. It is said to be the worst. On the other hand, it has been pointed out that the ozone layer destruction is one of the big environmental problems in global warming. CFC gas, which is the ringleader of the ozone layer destruction, was used in air conditioners, refrigerators, sprays, etc., and was released into the atmosphere in large quantities. Since Freon gases have a property that is difficult to decompose in the vicinity of the ground, when transported to the stratosphere by atmospheric flow, Freon is decomposed by the strong sun ultraviolet rays, and chlorine is generated. This chlorine acts as a catalyst and destroys ozone one after another. By the way, there are some other substances that destroy the ozone layer besides CFC. The ozone layer has also been destroyed by bromine released by substances such as furlongs used in extinguishing agents.
Public support system related to technology and business development 2001.03.20
In the creation of an environmental business, I think that it is one method to use a public support system related to technology and business development. Many business operators and engineers engaged in environmental business development are busy every day, and do not know that there are unexpectedly various systems such as subsidies, subsidies, debt guarantees, and cheap loans implemented by government, local governments, and other public institutions.
The use of such a public support system has various merits for technology and business development.
The advantages of the use are as follows.
1) Grants and subsidies (no obligation to repay), etc. The system is able to receive a maximum of one-half or two-thirds of the eligible projects.
2) The development proceeds quickly without fear of development risks after reducing the burden of development funds.
3) Government-based and foundation-based loan system with various debt guarantees is easy to use. 4) The subsidy is linked to the adopted project.
The use of the system such as the interest-cheap loan of commercialization support is acceptable.
5) Since the same recruitment is highly evaluated by private financial institutions, business partners, and the mass media, it is possible to obtain a double-order merit at the development stage.
6) There is a system that can receive a significant tax reduction award such as corporate tax and business tax.
In addition, it is important to apply for this project, because it will examine the social importance such as market needs and new regulations, the technical results of this project and the differentiation and economic effect of other companies ' products. Even if it is not adopted (the probability is one tenth of the government system, the local autonomy system is said to be one-third), it is possible to obtain an objective evaluation of the case. We would like you to look at our public support system. In the case of a government system as a procedure, the authority related to the company's technology and business development → The foundation belonging to it, the research institution → person in charge. If you are a local government, contact the relevant office.
The use of such a public support system has various merits for technology and business development.
The advantages of the use are as follows.
1) Grants and subsidies (no obligation to repay), etc. The system is able to receive a maximum of one-half or two-thirds of the eligible projects.
2) The development proceeds quickly without fear of development risks after reducing the burden of development funds.
3) Government-based and foundation-based loan system with various debt guarantees is easy to use. 4) The subsidy is linked to the adopted project.
The use of the system such as the interest-cheap loan of commercialization support is acceptable.
5) Since the same recruitment is highly evaluated by private financial institutions, business partners, and the mass media, it is possible to obtain a double-order merit at the development stage.
6) There is a system that can receive a significant tax reduction award such as corporate tax and business tax.
In addition, it is important to apply for this project, because it will examine the social importance such as market needs and new regulations, the technical results of this project and the differentiation and economic effect of other companies ' products. Even if it is not adopted (the probability is one tenth of the government system, the local autonomy system is said to be one-third), it is possible to obtain an objective evaluation of the case. We would like you to look at our public support system. In the case of a government system as a procedure, the authority related to the company's technology and business development → The foundation belonging to it, the research institution → person in charge. If you are a local government, contact the relevant office.
A new paradigm of public works in 21st century- Tokushima-Yoshino and Shimane-Nakaumi 2000.9.20
The idea of public works are facing a paradigm shift. In order to revive the scorched earth Japan after the war, and to put it to high economic growth, public works of various infrastructure maintenance were indispensable. In the future, public works will be achieved as a business to boost the economy or to develop various infrastructures. However, from now on, it is time to re-question the public works or the targeted business. Conventional public works are afforestation and flood control, it has been distributed to infrastructure development in the country, such as road maintenance, Gulf fishing port, airport maintenance, housing countermeasures, sewage and environment maintenance, and agricultural infrastructure development, but these public works have also played a role in the forefront that generally destroys the natural environment.
In the 21st century, the proportion of public works with conventional ideas that lead to the deterioration of the natural environment in the recycling society is decreasing. The dole of the Tokushima-Yoshino River and the Shimane-Nakaumi reclamation business were the targets of public works. The re-evaluation system, which will re-evaluate such long-term businesses in the future, and review operations, including the discontinuation of business, would be introduced to other public works projects. Therefore, environmental consideration is being added as one of the evaluation criteria of the evaluation system that should be regarded. Even without seeking an example overseas, Aichi has been repeatedly examined from various perspectives over environmental conservation at the Expo venue.
It is a business content according to the idea of a new conception of public goods (environmental goods) to be asked in the future though it is a business to do the maintenance of the public goods that the public service is literally in the past. Conservation of the natural environment is an important platform for the construction of a recycling-oriented society. When we look at the change of the idea from scrap & build to rebuild, partial revision of the River law, enforcement of the environmental assessment Law, and some amendments of the Ordinance concerning the Conservation of the natural environment of each municipality, conventional public works are no longer accepted. The foundation of Social capital development for the next generation is conservation of the natural environment.
Speaking of traditional public works, such as the development of infrastructure such as road, Bridge, Bay Harbor, fishing port, airport, sewage, housing, park, waste disposal facilities, afforestation, flood control, etc., but the change of the Times In recent years, priority shifts have been given to those contributing to the efficiency of logistics and the development of urban development, community development, and the infrastructure of advanced information and telecommunication societies in response to declining and aging societies.
In 2003, so far, Japan spent $208 billion a year on public works projects such as highways, tunnels, dams and bridges. Construction consumes 40 percent of the government budget.
In the 21st century, the proportion of public works with conventional ideas that lead to the deterioration of the natural environment in the recycling society is decreasing. The dole of the Tokushima-Yoshino River and the Shimane-Nakaumi reclamation business were the targets of public works. The re-evaluation system, which will re-evaluate such long-term businesses in the future, and review operations, including the discontinuation of business, would be introduced to other public works projects. Therefore, environmental consideration is being added as one of the evaluation criteria of the evaluation system that should be regarded. Even without seeking an example overseas, Aichi has been repeatedly examined from various perspectives over environmental conservation at the Expo venue.
It is a business content according to the idea of a new conception of public goods (environmental goods) to be asked in the future though it is a business to do the maintenance of the public goods that the public service is literally in the past. Conservation of the natural environment is an important platform for the construction of a recycling-oriented society. When we look at the change of the idea from scrap & build to rebuild, partial revision of the River law, enforcement of the environmental assessment Law, and some amendments of the Ordinance concerning the Conservation of the natural environment of each municipality, conventional public works are no longer accepted. The foundation of Social capital development for the next generation is conservation of the natural environment.
Speaking of traditional public works, such as the development of infrastructure such as road, Bridge, Bay Harbor, fishing port, airport, sewage, housing, park, waste disposal facilities, afforestation, flood control, etc., but the change of the Times In recent years, priority shifts have been given to those contributing to the efficiency of logistics and the development of urban development, community development, and the infrastructure of advanced information and telecommunication societies in response to declining and aging societies.
In 2003, so far, Japan spent $208 billion a year on public works projects such as highways, tunnels, dams and bridges. Construction consumes 40 percent of the government budget.
Sunday, May 5, 2019
PRTR, 40% of companies are positive 1998.09.15
According to a questionnaire survey conducted by the environmental Agency for companies and citizens, "chemical substance withdrawal and transfer registration system (PRTR)", the company that is positive for the release of emission information accounted for 41% and exceeded a negative 27%. Nine percent of companies responded that accuracy would not lead to the leakage of trade secrets. Many of the negative business offices also acknowledged the effectiveness of the system, and the "reduction in emissions" amounted to 55%.
有机蛋白免疫降解的怀疑 1998.10.15
愛媛大学农业系教授公布了研究结果, 即船用涂料中使用的三丁锡 (TBT) 等有机锡化合物可能会降低海豚和海豹等海洋哺乳动物的免疫功能。 它通过在从7个头 (如宽吻海豚) 中摄入的参与免疫功能的淋巴细胞中加入三丁基锡化合物 (如超过 100ppp) 来强烈抑制增殖。 认为它正在影响上世纪 7 0年代连续的海洋哺乳动物病毒感染的大规模死亡的观点。
Social sciences oriented eco-business 1999.01.15
Social sciences oriented eco-business is beginning to rise. The efforts of the environment in various fields began to move in earnest. The current market is said to be around 1.5 trillion yen, and in 2010, it is expected to grow to about four times the market.The range of eco business that need conculting to is huge. Green practices are becoming integral to industrial company. if you have a background of estate, you could produce find eco-friendly products that would suit new construction. Particularly four categories are promising: ① Consulting, ② environmental impact Research, analysis and restoration, ③ IT, and ④finance.
What business can you expect in each field in the future? As for the
①, we continue to show the bustle of ISO certification support consultants, and also surged energy conservation measures and environmental business support consultants.
②The environmental assessment business and environmental ISO are investigated and analyzed in the environmental improvement of Twines site. Recently, plants and biological experts have entered this field. I want to pay attention to environmental education for
③. It is a human resource development business that can respond especially to the environment in the company. It is becoming more and more important for companies to consider environmental management and environmentally friendly products. We also have a business opportunity to create environmental education programs and tools. In the three areas, there are other eco-friendly tours that present new travel styles, and environmental ads that are becoming one of the essential factors for CE (Corporate environmentalism).
For ④, the financial environment liability insurance for the avoidance of environmental risks is bright. In the past, only foreign financial instruments have been developed, but domestic insurance companies have begun to develop related products.
There are other eco-banks and venture capitalists supporting environmental companies. In the humanities environment business, there are a lot of business opportunities because of the developing areas of unprecedented. In accordance with the spread of environmental initiatives in each direction, the creation of a new concept of humanities environment business is very possible. By the way, our office is based on social sciences oriented eco business.
What business can you expect in each field in the future? As for the
①, we continue to show the bustle of ISO certification support consultants, and also surged energy conservation measures and environmental business support consultants.
②The environmental assessment business and environmental ISO are investigated and analyzed in the environmental improvement of Twines site. Recently, plants and biological experts have entered this field. I want to pay attention to environmental education for
③. It is a human resource development business that can respond especially to the environment in the company. It is becoming more and more important for companies to consider environmental management and environmentally friendly products. We also have a business opportunity to create environmental education programs and tools. In the three areas, there are other eco-friendly tours that present new travel styles, and environmental ads that are becoming one of the essential factors for CE (Corporate environmentalism).
For ④, the financial environment liability insurance for the avoidance of environmental risks is bright. In the past, only foreign financial instruments have been developed, but domestic insurance companies have begun to develop related products.
There are other eco-banks and venture capitalists supporting environmental companies. In the humanities environment business, there are a lot of business opportunities because of the developing areas of unprecedented. In accordance with the spread of environmental initiatives in each direction, the creation of a new concept of humanities environment business is very possible. By the way, our office is based on social sciences oriented eco business.
広域化・コスト削減で組合加入へ 1999.01.15
Saturday, May 4, 2019
Hybrid Taxis in Kyoto 1998.09.15
A taxi company in Kyoto City, Yasaka (easy) car, introduced a hybrid car "Prius" from May as a sales car. It is also considered the first time in the country to introduce a well-known, early and second generation. We want to promote the reliability of the new technology and to increase sales, as well as the car dealers ' strong enough to use for taxis. In fact, some of the taxi customers say that some people look into the hood and want to reference the time of purchase.
Construction, general contractors, ideas and business change are necessary now 1
Construction industry of Japan, the transition period from the newly built market to the reproduction market at the western countries level.... The condo is more than a pre-built attention! It can be said that the stock maintenance of the building of Japan (especially the renovation and repair of the building) entered in earnest in the age. It is said that there are about 8 million buildings in the country where the stock of the building which needs repairs including the commercial facility of a reinforced steel building and a detached house in addition to the house is now about. The construction industry is not scrap and build to break and rebuild these buildings, the business opportunity to achieve a longer life by renovation and repair is expanding. -Condominium, according to the study of the pre-new market flow East real Estate distribution Agency (Chiyoda-ku) and the Real Estate Economics Research Institute (Shinjuku Ward), in the metropolitan area (Tokyo, Saitama, Kanagawa, part of Chiba), the contract units of the newly-built condominium was 35952 units , the 37829 units of used condominium were close. In 2016, the second-hand was more than new construction. The reason for this is that the rise in land prices and building materials, the shortage of manpower, etc. is high and the price of new houses is rising due to the decrease in Therefore, the sales price of the condominium in the metropolitan area spreads the difference between new construction and secondhand. For example, as of 2017, new construction was about 60 million yen. If it is the same size as the purchaser, it will naturally choose secondhand. In addition, the policy and the system which promotes the circulation of the used condominium in the country is a wind. In the Ministry of Land and infrastructure to increase the stock of the condominium "is a lot of affordable and good-quality used condominiums than new construction, I want to give a chance to those who want to get home," said the ministry.
Friday, May 3, 2019
リサイクルでJIS化 1999.01.15
Forest conservation Business 2002.01.15
The forest conservation business is likely to broaden its horizons. The domestic forest is rundown if it says. The devastation of forests, such as non-disruptive reforestation, no-consideration felling and which remains management, is a great sight. There was a great miscalculation of the forest business in the background. Timber and valves are supplied from overseas at cheap prices, and the forest business has been destroyed. However, the faint light that the forest business seemed to be approved as a business with economic incentives began to see. There are several reasons. First, green GDP has begun to embrace environmental demands within the coefficient of GDP (gross domestic product), an international economic indicator. For example, if you cut the forest and export it overseas, GDP will rise. The cost of the destruction of the ecosystem due to the soil outflow and the deforestation and the increase of CO2 does not appear in GCP by it. Considering the negative impact on the environment, we will try to look at the traditional GDP. In addition, forest conservation and ISO14000-based forest certification system for the suppression of CO2 close relation the emissions trading system. It is impossible to ask the hey, that and the cheap forest resource to foreign countries as far as this international flow is read.
Therefore, the efforts of effective use of the domestic forest cannot be avoided. How do you give vitality to the forest business which is scarce in economy and human resources? It is the construction and the engineering-related business that the management ability is going to appear as this supporter. Forest management trial with new economic incentives such as forest conservation and accompanying management, energy recovery from wood-based wastes such as thinned timber, promotion of building materials use, and emissions trading. There was nothing. The word of the kelp fisherman of the collar woman sprays cape that changed the Cape woman sprays the rich forest and regained the great Sea. "It is not that it only has to think about the sea because we are fishermen, and the sea is rough when the mountain is rough. I think so from the core of the head. " I want it to be the starting point of our business.
Therefore, the efforts of effective use of the domestic forest cannot be avoided. How do you give vitality to the forest business which is scarce in economy and human resources? It is the construction and the engineering-related business that the management ability is going to appear as this supporter. Forest management trial with new economic incentives such as forest conservation and accompanying management, energy recovery from wood-based wastes such as thinned timber, promotion of building materials use, and emissions trading. There was nothing. The word of the kelp fisherman of the collar woman sprays cape that changed the Cape woman sprays the rich forest and regained the great Sea. "It is not that it only has to think about the sea because we are fishermen, and the sea is rough when the mountain is rough. I think so from the core of the head. " I want it to be the starting point of our business.
What is the strongest volunteer group 2018.12.14
For me, I think that the strongest volunteer group that does not blur the axis with the foot on the ground is a group that the housewife in the 50s who finished raising a child participates.
There are not a few housewives who "are doing by the desire to raise my child" the volunteer group which participates.
On the other hand, the volunteer group of father was a warning and an accusation type of the lip, and it was not a little to have decomposed in the air immediately of "It is cool" if it said either. Such an impression remains strongly.
There are not a few housewives who "are doing by the desire to raise my child" the volunteer group which participates.
On the other hand, the volunteer group of father was a warning and an accusation type of the lip, and it was not a little to have decomposed in the air immediately of "It is cool" if it said either. Such an impression remains strongly.
The 21st century is the era of hydrogen civilization 2 - the ene farm
As an "ene farm", "Energy farm" refers to the spread of fuel cells for domestic use as a means of fuel cell for households, and the coinage is coined by "energies" and "farm = farms". To make electricity and heat from hydrogen and oxygen. In a word, it can be said that the farm products are made by water and the Earth. "Ene Farm" is like introducing a power plant to each home in a manner of speaking. Make your own energy. Power generation and its accompanying exhaust heat can be used for heat source such as hot water and heating and cooling. Gas and oil companies are focusing on the spread of fuel cell power generation businesses since the East Japan earthquake in Tepco. Currently, there is a background that hydrogen is not the most cost of gas and oil harvesting. Since 2009, the market is being formed in earnest. As of July, 2018, a quarter of the home fuel cells were introduced, and the demonstration test was cause overturn. At that time, three companies of ENEOS, Toshiba and Panasonic were competing, but now Panasonic has one company left. The price is cut by two million yen. If one million yen is cut, the penetration rate might accelerate at a dash. The subsidy for the introduction is organized every year. By the way, the fuel cost is reduced by five to six million yen per year.
【要点在这里】「环境导向」与国外理念 1999.06.15
三年前, 当日本企业对环境 ISO 的兴趣不断增长时, 我们的海外网络客户英国环境顾问就说了这种话。 "当我们想到工厂和办公室环境的改善时, 我们防止空气污染的努力是非常先进的日本, 没有我们出来的行为。 就日本而言, 在严格的污染控制措施中, 与其他国家相比, 获得了优越的预防技术力量。 他说: "亚洲的空气污染预防业务从一开始就不局限于日本。 总之, "空中优势" 从一开始就在日本占有一席之地。 可以说, 这很奇怪。 随后, 他将与水处理有关的咨询意见植入日本市政府和工厂。 然而, 日本的结果现在似乎是一个结果。 其原因是 , 非竞争易是有阻碍的。 另一方面, 我听说它在亚洲取得了相当大的成果。 有一天, 我了解到, 在经合组织 (经济发展合作署) 的研究材料中, 解决发展中国家污染和环境问题的机会将是该国国内生产总值的指导方针。 当 GDP2000 美元实现时, 就顶部、底部、排水和废物的顺序进行了努力, 供水、排水、污水处理、废物和大气的顺序将为 GDP15000 美元。 明白了。
目前, 他一直在日本积极提出 "环境会计", 同时咨询工厂的土地评估。 通过对土壤污染程度的调查分析, 优化包括厂址在内的厂址土地属性评价中的环境标准。 这让人看到了该公司愿意成为一家与外国有关联的环保企业。
顺便说一句, 环境 iso、ESCO 商业和生态酒店等环境咨询已经相继登陆日本。 所有这些公司在日本公司的环境考虑中都有弱点。 这种趋势今后将继续下去。 与日本环保商业领域的技术相比, 人文市场约为1.5万亿日元的16倍。 要想成为一个 "环境国家", 就必须有这样一个与外国有联系的想法。
目前, 他一直在日本积极提出 "环境会计", 同时咨询工厂的土地评估。 通过对土壤污染程度的调查分析, 优化包括厂址在内的厂址土地属性评价中的环境标准。 这让人看到了该公司愿意成为一家与外国有关联的环保企业。
顺便说一句, 环境 iso、ESCO 商业和生态酒店等环境咨询已经相继登陆日本。 所有这些公司在日本公司的环境考虑中都有弱点。 这种趋势今后将继续下去。 与日本环保商业领域的技术相比, 人文市场约为1.5万亿日元的16倍。 要想成为一个 "环境国家", 就必须有这样一个与外国有联系的想法。
Thursday, May 2, 2019
【要点在这里】环境业务成功的关键 1998.11.15
参加环境商业研讨会的人数正在增加。 有时超过200人并不少见。 我感受到了前所未有的热度。 我们经常从在会场见面的人那里得到的问题是 "环保业务成功的秘诀是什么" 我总是回答这个问题。
(1) 在该地区开展扎根的企业。
(2) 对经营者环境的坚定承诺。
(3) 有不难的软思想是必要的。
(4) 是以提议为基础的业务。
还有4分。 (1) 的原因是在资源回收的社会中维护和维护自然环境, 并由地方单位作出适当努力。 例如, 如果废物回收再循环, 该区域的废物将被分离、收集和回收, 并在该区域得到利用。 这是该区域建立一个以回收利用为导向的社会的理想方法。 总之, 它是一个来自该地区的解决环境问题的类型企业。 (2) 要求经营者对环境有很高的认识和信念。 它作为一个雷达, 捕捉环境的全球流动、行业的运动、政府的政策和措施, 成为商机的线索。 (3) 环保业务有800多项。 整个事情不是硬系统的领域, 软系统领域有很多值得计算的领域。 只要有一点眼睛, 你就能改变你的想法。 此外, 我们的想法是扩大补救工作。 (4) 由于环境业务是改善该地区环境业务的一部分, 因此源于对省、市的积极建议活动。 虽然该区域的环境措施今后将得到加强, 但每项对策都可能涉及环境业务。 获得一台机器并提出商业建议是很重要的。 作为一种感觉, 环保业务是明年终于走向 "高增长" 的标志。
(1) 在该地区开展扎根的企业。
(2) 对经营者环境的坚定承诺。
(3) 有不难的软思想是必要的。
(4) 是以提议为基础的业务。
还有4分。 (1) 的原因是在资源回收的社会中维护和维护自然环境, 并由地方单位作出适当努力。 例如, 如果废物回收再循环, 该区域的废物将被分离、收集和回收, 并在该区域得到利用。 这是该区域建立一个以回收利用为导向的社会的理想方法。 总之, 它是一个来自该地区的解决环境问题的类型企业。 (2) 要求经营者对环境有很高的认识和信念。 它作为一个雷达, 捕捉环境的全球流动、行业的运动、政府的政策和措施, 成为商机的线索。 (3) 环保业务有800多项。 整个事情不是硬系统的领域, 软系统领域有很多值得计算的领域。 只要有一点眼睛, 你就能改变你的想法。 此外, 我们的想法是扩大补救工作。 (4) 由于环境业务是改善该地区环境业务的一部分, 因此源于对省、市的积极建议活动。 虽然该区域的环境措施今后将得到加强, 但每项对策都可能涉及环境业务。 获得一台机器并提出商业建议是很重要的。 作为一种感觉, 环保业务是明年终于走向 "高增长" 的标志。
赤い資源と緑の資源③ 1998.10.15
産業革命以降、 人聞は 「赤い資源」 を利用したエネルギーで、 高い生産効率を獲得した。そして、「緑の資源」はそれにより大量に採取されてきたのである。 しかし、資源は 無限で廃棄物もいくらだしてもかまわないとでもいうように、大量生産-大量消費活動を続けて行き、地球の生態系が損なわれると、「緑の資源」が私たちに提供してきた貴重な「無償」サービスまでもが失われてしまうのである。
「全人類にとって」 という立場で見れば、 この「緑の資源」の循環能力を生かしながら、人聞の生産性の向上を図ることが最も生産効率の高い方法といえるであろう。 しかし、 現状は 「緑の資源」の循環機能を浸食しながら、人間が「有償」なサービスで、 かつ「赤い資源」のエネルギーを使って、その低下した機能を補うといった悪循環が進行しているのが実態である。
産業革命以降、 人聞は 「赤い資源」 を利用したエネルギーで、 高い生産効率を獲得した。そして、「緑の資源」はそれにより大量に採取されてきたのである。 しかし、資源は 無限で廃棄物もいくらだしてもかまわないとでもいうように、大量生産-大量消費活動を続けて行き、地球の生態系が損なわれると、「緑の資源」が私たちに提供してきた貴重な「無償」サービスまでもが失われてしまうのである。
「全人類にとって」 という立場で見れば、 この「緑の資源」の循環能力を生かしながら、人聞の生産性の向上を図ることが最も生産効率の高い方法といえるであろう。 しかし、 現状は 「緑の資源」の循環機能を浸食しながら、人間が「有償」なサービスで、 かつ「赤い資源」のエネルギーを使って、その低下した機能を補うといった悪循環が進行しているのが実態である。
【要点在这里】废物是 「第二资源」 或 「流通资源」 - 资源服务公司业务 2000.07.15
在废物回收中, 作为废物协调 (中介和中介) 工作的新业务被认为是一个很有希望的业务。 它是一种将从每个营业场所排出的废物作为有价值的材料提供给每个必要的商业场所作为资源的服务。 此外, 还要求它确保必要的废物以及收集这些材料的情况。 当我们考虑到一个有限的资源问题时, 将这些废物作为资源联系起来的企业正在为每个行业建立。 海上的互联网网站可以看到以前的废物交易的例子。 认为废物是 "第二资源" 或 "流通资源" 是常识。
在以往的饮食中, 颁布了五场循环法, 从回收社会的基本立法入手。 预计它将成为有效利用废物的经济激励措施。
随着利用各种经营活动中排放的废料作为资源的理念的推进, 科学的回收利用方法, 以及供需的精确匹配, 作为一个新的业务的扩张, 并不是一个传统的废物处理行业。 这种商业模式的出现, 开始在发展区域循环社会和振兴各地地方工业方面发挥作用。
跨公司的废物回收集群可以降低个别公司的废物处置成本, 也可以通过利用废物降低生产成本或利润。 由于维珍资源未来的价格上涨是预测的, 废物回收不仅是资源和环境的考虑因素, 也是管理战略的一个重要问题。 因此, 废物协调员获得了一个重要的位置。 在能源领域有一个 ESCO 业务, 但最好有一个广义的Resource Service Company(资源服务公司)业务, 包括废物协调。
在以往的饮食中, 颁布了五场循环法, 从回收社会的基本立法入手。 预计它将成为有效利用废物的经济激励措施。
随着利用各种经营活动中排放的废料作为资源的理念的推进, 科学的回收利用方法, 以及供需的精确匹配, 作为一个新的业务的扩张, 并不是一个传统的废物处理行业。 这种商业模式的出现, 开始在发展区域循环社会和振兴各地地方工业方面发挥作用。
跨公司的废物回收集群可以降低个别公司的废物处置成本, 也可以通过利用废物降低生产成本或利润。 由于维珍资源未来的价格上涨是预测的, 废物回收不仅是资源和环境的考虑因素, 也是管理战略的一个重要问题。 因此, 废物协调员获得了一个重要的位置。 在能源领域有一个 ESCO 业务, 但最好有一个广义的Resource Service Company(资源服务公司)业务, 包括废物协调。
有机蛋白免疫降解的怀疑 1998.10.15
愛媛大学农业系教授公布了研究结果, 即船用涂料中使用的三丁锡 (TBT) 等有机锡化合物可能会降低海豚和海豹等海洋哺乳动物的免疫功能。 它通过在从7个头 (如宽吻海豚) 中摄入的参与免疫功能的淋巴细胞中加入三丁基锡化合物 (如超过 100ppp) 来强烈抑制增殖。 认为它正在影响上世纪 7 0年代连续的海洋哺乳动物病毒感染的大规模死亡的观点。
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Eco Town Business 2002.06.15
"By supporting the development of a leading recycling facility centered on private business operators, the eco-town business will continue to be actively developed as a national policy for the purpose of supporting the creation of zero waste cities and fostering environmental industries as a new industry." The Eco-town business represents the largest rate of growth in the distribution of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and industry in this year. 8 billion yen for the previous fiscal year to 1.3 billion yen.
In the name of the "subsidy for resource recycling area promotion facility maintenance fee", the main business contents of this year are "subsidies for recycling facilities such as recycling facilities such as PET bottles, waste plastics, waste wood, etc." The eco-town business has been certified by 15 locations nationwide. I hear that we are currently preparing to apply for eco-town projects in 50 locations and regions. Among them, the first "Toyama City Eco-town plan" in Hokuriku, which was recognized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of the Environment, cut the top of this year. The contents of the business are recycled into raw materials such as container packaging plastics, plastic processing and waste plastics generated in agriculture. The left is about oil processing. We promote "hybrid waste plastic recycling," which is used within the region without waste.
In addition, we recycle construction waste into high value-added building materials, and businesses that are used by local house manufacturers. If you look at the eco-town business outline of the application plan, we will promote modal shift to rail & Ship (rail & Shipping) to build a network of venous logistics, as well as waste materials and service recycling, medical waste and PCB detoxification, The introduction of natural energy. In the future, the eco-town business will accelerate to the realization of a regional recycling-oriented society. It is certain that the first environmental business will be created in the region, but the challenge will be to continue as a profitable business.
In the name of the "subsidy for resource recycling area promotion facility maintenance fee", the main business contents of this year are "subsidies for recycling facilities such as recycling facilities such as PET bottles, waste plastics, waste wood, etc." The eco-town business has been certified by 15 locations nationwide. I hear that we are currently preparing to apply for eco-town projects in 50 locations and regions. Among them, the first "Toyama City Eco-town plan" in Hokuriku, which was recognized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of the Environment, cut the top of this year. The contents of the business are recycled into raw materials such as container packaging plastics, plastic processing and waste plastics generated in agriculture. The left is about oil processing. We promote "hybrid waste plastic recycling," which is used within the region without waste.
In addition, we recycle construction waste into high value-added building materials, and businesses that are used by local house manufacturers. If you look at the eco-town business outline of the application plan, we will promote modal shift to rail & Ship (rail & Shipping) to build a network of venous logistics, as well as waste materials and service recycling, medical waste and PCB detoxification, The introduction of natural energy. In the future, the eco-town business will accelerate to the realization of a regional recycling-oriented society. It is certain that the first environmental business will be created in the region, but the challenge will be to continue as a profitable business.
【要点在这里】中小企业环境业务的建立 1998.09.15
让我们介绍一下建立中小企业环境业务的方法的成功案例。 首先, 对环保业务表现出兴趣的人被广泛招募。 因此, 可以说, 这就像一次不同的行业交流会议。 当成员们聚集在一起时, 他们每个人都介绍了补救工作的内容, 并假定使人脸的关系相互看到。 然后, 我们提出了我们希望为补救的延伸创造什么样的业务。 如果要看到在企业创作中可以相互补充的关系, 它一起尝试, 那么这个故事就很早就早了。 它不仅是一个公司, 而且如果每一个好的领域都得到有效的发挥, 时间和精力也可以分散。 如果您有很多成员, 并且有多个主题, 请创建一个分组讨论。 制定业务可能性和业务计划。 这里重要的是市场研究。 共同探索市场需求, 设计思路。 环境商品如果你制定了产品计划, 决定了材料和设计的价格, 但我做了这一系列的工作却出乎意料, 因此没有市场的条款和条件, 就不会有几个失败的案例。 好吧, 一旦你决定, "让我们进去吧", 是一个商业合作社, 作为一个具体的组织, 是有效的推进业务。
联合业务合作的目的是生产、加工业务、销售业务、订单业务、市场开发、销售促进业务、研发业务、金融和债务担保业务、中小企业技术能力低下, 补充和加强市场发展和融资的弱点。 如果工会成员聚集了四个以上的人, 就可以了。 因此, 企业合作建立, 业务开始终于开始。
通过对成功的环境业务的例子进行分类, 我们将从海外进口和销售产品和服务, 开发技术作为传统业务的延伸, 并利用我们的专业开发产品和服务, 并继续研究环境技术。 该公司已将业务从一个主要的分包商转变为一个新的领域。 无论如何, 对环境有坚定的承诺, 可以说, 积极主动的改善环境的建议
联合业务合作的目的是生产、加工业务、销售业务、订单业务、市场开发、销售促进业务、研发业务、金融和债务担保业务、中小企业技术能力低下, 补充和加强市场发展和融资的弱点。 如果工会成员聚集了四个以上的人, 就可以了。 因此, 企业合作建立, 业务开始终于开始。
通过对成功的环境业务的例子进行分类, 我们将从海外进口和销售产品和服务, 开发技术作为传统业务的延伸, 并利用我们的专业开发产品和服务, 并继续研究环境技术。 该公司已将业务从一个主要的分包商转变为一个新的领域。 无论如何, 对环境有坚定的承诺, 可以说, 积极主动的改善环境的建议
Eco-tour 1998.07.15
Compared to the recession, the travel agency seems to have fared still more. The total sales of 65 domestic companies were 6. 5 trillion yen and listen. However, "environmental preservation" is becoming a useful factor in the planning and management of attracting customers even in the travel agency. Recently, the Eco-tour as a fashion style of a new travel which harmonizes tourism and the environment is established, and popularity is increasing. The Eco-tour began in the 1960s Nordic. At the end of the 1980s, the new coinage of "eco-tourism" is in vogue in the United States and Canada. Tourism has grown significantly as an industry that brings economic benefits, but the traditional ways of travel are not only for travelers, but also for the receiving side. Therefore, the environmental destruction by the tourism development of the profit priority increased. The purpose of eco-tours is to foster an environmental mind that observes, understands, and leaves a legacy to the future through travel, on the assumption that the environmental impact of the traditional environment is minimized. This includes the unique culture of the region and enhances the interest in nature conservation after travelers acquire knowledge and recognition. As a result, the natural environment as a tourist resource is protected. In recent years, various eco-tours have been planned in the Japan. In 1994, at the hands of the Japan Nature Conservation Association Japan Committee on Eco-Tour guidelines (① of nature and culture, small journeys ② nature conservation, respect for local culture, A guide with ③ environmental ethics ④ The facility ⑤ protected areas and the return of benefits to the inhabitants, which avoided adverse effects on nature, were clearly shown how the Eco tour should be. One of the most popular styles of eco-Tours is working tours and steady tours. It is a tour incorporating nature conservation and volunteer activities into the schedule. There are more and more participants each year. The Eco tour is likely to break though it leaves the problem of the visitor, the experience of the profit side, and the staff training of the guide post.
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