
Solar Thermal Power Generation and Desalination Technology - April 2003

Solar Thermal Power Generation and Desalination Technology - April 2003

Duke Solar Energy in the U.S. has developed a system that combines solar thermal power generation with desalination technology, aimed at use in arid regions and developing islands. This technology uses solar heat energy to generate power, and the excess heat is utilized to desalinate seawater. This system can produce 100,000 liters of fresh water per day, providing essential water for drinking and agriculture in these regions.

The technology is particularly intended for use in desert areas, remote islands, and resort locations where water resources are scarce. It supports the sustainable development of these areas by supplying essential water resources. The system has been introduced in projects in the U.S. and Middle Eastern countries, and there are plans for introduction in Japan with support from the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry.

In addition, a high-efficiency light-concentration system is integrated into the technology to maximize energy efficiency. Duke Solar Energy aims to promote this system globally, addressing both water scarcity and energy supply issues around the world.

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