
Biodegradable Plastic "New Wood" - April 2003

Biodegradable Plastic "New Wood" - April 2003

Matsui Corporation in Ishikawa Prefecture has developed the biodegradable plastic "New Wood," made by mixing wood powder with biodegradable resin. By using waste wood powder, this material decomposes 30% faster than conventional plastics, reducing its environmental impact when disposed of in landfills or natural environments. This material is used in automotive interior parts and has been adopted by major manufacturers like Toyota and Honda, with an estimated annual production of 5,000 tons.

Additionally, it is being applied to household goods and gardening tools, particularly kitchen utensils and gardening equipment. "New Wood" is also recognized for its contribution to climate change mitigation, as its production process reduces CO2 emissions by 20%. It is both environmentally friendly and cost-competitive, with excellent recyclability.

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