
Detailed Overview of Photocatalytic Environmental Purification Technology - March 2004

Detailed Overview of Photocatalytic Environmental Purification Technology - March 2004

At the Kyushu Center of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), the development of environmental purification technology using photocatalytic technology based on titanium dioxide is underway. Photocatalytic technology uses light energy to decompose pollutants in the air and water. To achieve this, materials such as micro hollow glass spheres and sponge-structured ceramic materials are used. These materials significantly enhance the purification process of liquids and gases, and are particularly effective in treating industrial wastewater and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the air.

This photocatalytic technology has been introduced in industrial areas of Fukuoka Prefecture and waste treatment plants in Kitakyushu City. Titanium dioxide reacts with light to exert strong oxidation power, breaking down harmful substances and contributing to the improvement of industrial wastewater and air pollution. In particular, factories in Kitakyushu City emit over 2,000 tons of VOCs annually, and by using this technology, more than 90% of these emissions can be reduced.

Additionally, the technology has been successfully applied to enhance the efficiency of water treatment plants by using glass spheres coated with titanium dioxide as filtration media for liquid purification. Furthermore, the sponge-structured ceramic material, with its vast surface area, is being applied as a filter in air purifiers and ventilation systems, contributing to indoor air purification.

AIST is also conducting joint research with the French research institute "CEA," aiming for technology exports to the European market. The expansion of this technology is expected to contribute not only domestically in Japan but also in international environmental purification markets, particularly in the fields of industrial waste treatment and air pollution control.

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