
"Zorbalite for Dioxin Removal Technology" - April 1997

"Zorbalite for Dioxin Removal Technology" - April 1997

Mitsubishi Materials' subsidiary, Hishiko Lime Industry, developed an absorbent called "Zorbalite" in collaboration with Germany's Merck Umwelttechnik GmbH. This groundbreaking technology is noted for its ability to remove 99% of highly toxic dioxins.

Dioxins are primarily generated during the incineration of waste and can persist in the environment, posing long-term risks. Historically, dioxin removal technologies faced challenges such as low efficiency and high costs, but "Zorbalite" offers a solution to these issues.

The absorbent effectively captures dioxins from flue gas emissions released from incinerators and industrial facilities, significantly reducing the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere. The technology is expected to be particularly valuable in waste treatment facilities and incinerators in urban and industrial areas, representing a significant advancement in environmental protection.

With its 99% removal rate, "Zorbalite" surpasses conventional methods in terms of purification efficiency, achieving results that were previously difficult to attain. As this technology becomes more widely adopted, it is expected to contribute significantly to the regulation of flue gas emissions and the advancement of environmental conservation in waste treatment facilities.

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