
Carbonized Wood Environmental Technology - April 2003

Carbonized Wood Environmental Technology - April 2003

The Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE) is advancing carbonized wood technology, particularly using Moso bamboo as a biomass energy source. Moso bamboo grows widely across Japan, and its rapid growth ensures a stable supply year-round. This technology carbonizes Moso bamboo, transforming it into resources that are useful for agriculture and waste management. Approximately one million tons of Moso bamboo are carbonized annually, and the resulting charcoal is used as soil improver and deodorant.

This technology is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by about 30% compared to fossil fuels, making it a significant measure for global warming prevention. Additionally, the carbonized bamboo improves soil water retention, promoting crop growth in the agricultural sector. In the waste management sector, it reduces odors, and its use is expanding in urban waste treatment facilities.

Bamboo charcoal is also recognized as a sustainable resource that contributes to local energy production and consumption, stimulating regional economies. RITE continues to refine this technology, researching more efficient carbonization processes and expanding the uses of bamboo charcoal.

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